llm nppie Pairaclbi unite D ip op Spectacular FjijtWith Death in the Clouds Under the Direction of the Famous McQdlan-Aviation Compamy Foot Days at the CROOK COUNTY FA! FuB R Thomas W. Lawson's Fine Hogs will be a show in themselves. This is the largest collection of fine, high-priced hogs of the various breeds owned by one man in the world. It is an ex hibit that is worth coming across the continent to see. Mr. Lawson has spent a great many thousand dollars in getting these hogs together. He knows that the proper development of any country depends upon its stock, and is doing a wonderful service for Crook County. Did You Ever See a Buckaroo's Nightshirt Race or a Potato Race on Horseback Or an automobile slow race, or an automobile race where the driver has to stop and eat a piece of pumpkin pie and thread a needle and then light a cigar and do other such stunts each time he goes around the track? See these dungs and many others at the fair. This fair will be a fair that will put all former efforts in the shade. If you want to have some fun, or want to see good stock, or like to hear good speeches, or like good racing, or wish to hear the Governor speak, or like to be with the big crowds, and see the school children march, and hear all kinds of good music, see good shows, ride in the merry-go-round, or in other words, if you possess that streak of human interest that inspires a real fair, meet us on the fair grounds on October 6, 7, 8 and 9. A FERRIS WHEEL will be in operation on the grounds, a Merry-GolRound, and many other amusement features will be offered MORE THAN 500 SCHOOL CHILDREN WILL BE IN THE SCHOOL PARADE ON FRIDAY The Biggest and Best Stock Parade W has ever been held in the country will be made on Saturday, Gov. Withycombe, of Oregon, heading the parade OVER 4.000 IN Pi . r will be given to the farmers and stockmen of this country, at this fair. There are no entrance fees. Bring in your stuff and get your share of these liberal prizes. u M