CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PaieT - Forest Service Issues Annual Statement An aniiDiini't'iiii'iit just made ly the FurcHt Service, covering I he V raxing IniHinesM on (lie National l-'iirent fur the fiwul year ending June !!0, I'.Mfi, hIkiwh n deerciwe of over 1(10,000 in the number of hcep Kru.ed on the KoreHw of Oregon, and an im-rcaie of approximately 4-1,000 in the number grazed in the ForetttH of W'aKliington,, For m veral year pa-it the grazing on the Foreign of Oregon him been in exce:' of that in Wash ington, but. the influx of wttlert in tho.'.e purta of Oregon where good foiuje wan to lie found ban made it dillicult for (lie big htoek ownerp to lind Kutlicienl winter range improvement. He hiw been obtained for a ncricH of meeting beginning September 15th and, in order that meetingH may be held where the far mens and other are interented, com munil ies, commercial clubs and indi vidual (should write Mr, Lovet.t ut. once mo that he may arrange the meetings to this advantage for all who are intcreislcd. It in hoped that eight or ten well uttended meetings may be held while the expert ix with tw. Candidates in The Journal's Popular Voting Contest The following persons have been nominated up to this time for the for their sheep. Thm fact, combined Journal's popular voting contcht. with thi recent high prices of wool , Ah there will no doubt be many more and mutton, hauled many sheep men to nell out, In Washington there has not only been an increane in settlement, but hIho an increase in available National ForKt range, which hiut induced many to go into the hheep business. Hence, the Oregon hheep men found the Wash ington runclierf ready to buy their kheep. There baa lieen nn increase in the Cattle IiUKinetis in both SlateH, over 10,000 incrcatte in Oregon and nearly 3,000 bead in Wellington. Many of tlnno new cattle men were formerly hheep owners grazing block on the National Forest. Government Expert To Visit Oregon The U. S. Department of Agricul ture hiw placed a man in Oregon to hludy crops and market conditions and to assist the people of the state in imrovemeiit of their conditions and in marketing their products. Our county agriculturist, A. K. I.ovett, applied to the college early on the list by next Thursday, u list of the votcH held will not be pub lished until next week, and each week thereafter. The candidates are: I.ila Ilurtch, race Cyrus, KvuCar lin, Vera D nam, Tessie Houston, Ivy Harris, Alia Minton, Nell New Horn, Hirdie Norton, Audrey Noble, I'earl Oibome, Ulanche Unwell, Ada Sears, Evelyn Smith, and Abbie Wilson. 1915 AUGUST 1915 s T 8 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 91011il2'l314 15:i8;i7jl8192021 22:232425282728 293031; i Jurors Summoned for September Term Helow is given a list of the jurors summoned for duty In the Circuit Court which convenes in this city on September 13, at 10 o'clock A. M. (). M.Cornett, Frank 1-Hoffman, S. V. Hardin. Glen Hendrickson, Gardner Ferry, James A. Moftitt, C. J. Sundquist, Wm Marks, Dave Crimes, George II. Russell, Peter Magler. all of I'lineville, Oregon. (inivcrCt. diking, A.J. Harter, and U. H. l'.ayley, all of Tumalo. W, C. CongU t.m. I".. H. Laughlin. I M Mills. II. J. Lister, and Fred in the umm,-r for a few days of this , n) (f VliuVn,u iMvrewP man's time f ,r the holding of meet- J()Mlih oWar(1( Jr- of ings of farm,-,-., here to discuss tl.e1., .. j M ,lavej( VVill- market condition and nn-iU for ,, , (., all of l'o,t. I'aul Held, of 11-1,1, li. Jl. Hindinan, of Sisters, John Steidel, of I tend, Cha-s. 15. Swalley, and Wm. A. Nanney of Deschutes, R. H. Led bettcr of ('line Falls, and William Hollinshead, of LaPine. Confectionery Ice Cream Cool chinks and fresh fruits Boarders Wanted Special rtttcH to tuhonl Htudi-nirt MRS. J. N. WRICHT Krnest Kstes came in from the Lister ranch near Paulina yesterday where he has been spending his vaca tion. He was thrown from a horse and badly bruised a few days ago anil is about on crutches. 1 A Shining Example for any store to follow is that set buy us, in our value for value proposition v We Give Better Values than most places in our Shoes and we believe it will be distinctly to your advantage to see what we have to offer Tbefore buying of others. At any rate, an inspection of Our goods costs you nothing. J. E. STEWART & CO. Tin? City Stanley l!alfour is in Piineville today. Orval Yancey i;i home from the Hospital in Portland where he has been for about three months. Fred and Audrey Noble returned from a trip to Paulina Monday. ''heir aunt, Mrs. S. P. Glenn curnt to Pi ineville with them. i The Athen Delphian Club was or- j gani.ed in this city Saturday even-; ing, It starts with a membership j of fourteen members. It has as itj object literary study for its mem- hers. i Fire was discovered burning in ' the sawdust in the rear of Horrigan's j ice house on Tuesday, staarting evidently from a cigarette or cigar ( stub. It was discovered before much : damage was done. , J 0. C. Claypool, Marlon Mayfield j and Don H. Peoples returned from a ten days' trip into the mountains j last evening. They report lots of j hunting, but a great scarcity of game. Word from the State Board of. Health concerning the head of the tabid coyote which was killed at the Stearns ranch early in the week, says that the w was one of the most advanced cases of rabies they j hail ever examined. One of the dogs' that was infected by this animal lc- velopeo unusual sympiomsyesieruay and was killed night. It was reported that there was a ship wreck on Klamath Ijike the first of the week, but after exhaus-' live investigation by the Journal detective it was discovered that J. H. ' Shipp and family were stranded near Klamath Falls while repairs for their car are coming from San ; Francisco. They will be in Prine-1 ville soon. J. W. Horrigan's team ran away : with the delivery wagon last night! about six o'clock. They started from j the barn on West B Street and ran ! north across the Ochoco until they came to the fence around the little house belonging to Mrs. S. Price of: Paulina. There they went through j the barbed wire fence and the end j of tbv wagon tongue broke a hole in the side of the house. The tongue was broken out oft the wagon, and the horses were cratched up consid erably in the barbed wire, otherwise no damage was done. A. J. Noble's team ran away in the streets Monday, causing consid erable excitement. Oren Noble, who was driving the team suffered a sprained ankle, but is much better today. The team was going north across the Ochoco bridge when the coupling pole broke, letting down a 2700 pound load of hay, after the front wheels had been pulled from under the load. One of the horses was caught at Kester's barn, while the other ran to the C. Sam Smith ranch before it was caught. Spain has protested to Germany against the sinking of two Spanish steamers recently torpedoed by sub marines. The destruction of the nrttlsh sub marine, K-13 In Danish territory by German destroyers, under circum stances which pluced the shipwrecked craft under Danish protect'on, lias aroused widespread Indignation which finds expression In the Danish newspapers. ONCE MORE WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR A ugust mm Go ale of Summer Dress Goods Brocaded Silk Crepe, Crepe DeChines, Beatrice Printed Printed Silks, Costume Crepes, Silk Poplins, Lace Cloth and Dimities OVERALLS that are OVERALL OVERALLS are the BOSS OF THE ROAD Continuous fly and rivited throughout Trlpple stitched 7-oz Demins Union Made Blue Bib, Green 'Bib, Sage Green Bib Not $1.15 But $1 Waist overalls not $1 but 85c Carpenters' and painters' in white color, $1.25 pair By Far the BEST PATTERNS That is another ex pression that often reaches us and remem ber it is home needle women, inexperienced seamstresses, in even greater number than dressmakers, who Sin? the Praises of Standard Patterns The Next Dress You Make get your Standard Patterns Free! Any Standard Pattern you select will be given you free with one copy of the current issue of the Standard Fashion Book 20 cents a copy A Waist Occasion! Women's Waists 50c to $2.50 Women's Rust Proof Corsets $1.00 to $5.00 Lace Fronts We Fit the Feet Peters Shoes Wear Lop Best Look Best Cost Les Coming Soon! Our Fall Line of Men's Clothing! Every suit branded inside, "Brandegee, Kincaid I & Co.,"' i well known line. The verylatest models, all wool. Not $20.50 and $25.00 but $15.00 and $20.00. Sizes 34 to 44 Hams - 22c Shoulders ISc Pioneer Bacon 25c Lard. 3 lbs 55c Lard, 5 lbs 85c Lard, 10 lbs f 1.65 Normanna Goods Fat Herring, can 20c Sardines 12'ac 9-oz can..Mackerel.. .30c .Norwegian Sardines in Olive Oil 20c Good Roast Coffee 20c pound 25c pound 30c pound 35c pound Iowa Corn 10c the can Standard Tomatoes 10c the can Buy and try ,these goods Clifton & ormit PR1NEVILLE, GREGON We Sell For Cash -:- That's Why We Sell Cheaper Fly Swatters 10c back on the Hlonie Nadarzyn front, which they strongly occupy, together with the outlying defenses of Ivangor od. Herlin declares that the army of General von Woyrascu baa driven the Russians into the fortress of Ivan gorod, to the southeast of the capital, and Is now closely Investing the stronghold with 12 forts, nine on the right bank of the Vistula and three on the left bank of that river. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, by the undersigned, the Administrator of the Estate of Charles E. Jones De ceased, to all creditors of said deceas ed, and all persons having claims againt said estate to present the same with proper vouchers to the under signed, at the office of N. G. Wall ace, in Prineville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time on August 20, 1915. A. P. Jones, Administrator of the Estate of Charles E. Jones, Deceased. 41t5. Weather Prediction (6UN'L.U ON Tme H THE tCff4NMG TCAN'S HINT- A, FRENCH 1mmTJ NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS The ordinances of the city of Prine ville require that property owners destroy all weeds on their premises and on the streets and alleys ad jacent thereto. No attention having been paid to former warnings as to weeds by many of our property owners, prosecutions for violations of the Weed Ordinance will be start ed Wednesday, August 25th. Chas. S. Edwards, Mayor. 39U A 0!?D FOR MOTHERS II isa grave mistake for mot'fcrs tn neg lect Uu'ir aches and pains and sutler in silence this oulv lea'ls to chronic sick ness and often shortens life. If your work ft tiring; if your tvrvesanr excitable; if you feel languid, weary or depressed, you s'lould know that Scott' Emulsiou overcomes just such conditions. It possesses in concentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves aid build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of uothfrr uud will help you. No alcohol Scott ifc Bowne. Bloomfield. Ttf. J. Get the Getting Fitted With the New Lid tou3- "A ft" c0 I I vVi6H 76 bi A i r7 Shocks By Gross Ifwr y (SHcPT I VAT 95 H1SELF To