' CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL ' DISARMING BOAR vCF HIS TUSKS , The tusks of a boar oupbt to be kept short. This not only makes liim less menace to the other animals, but many hog raisers believe hi in less Beree and self confident, writes O. n. Hill in the National Stockman. An Inch and a half In length is the limit to which the lower tusks should be al lowed to grow. This means taking them off once every six mouths. The quickest and one of the commonest ways of disposing of them Is to knock them off with a told chisel and ham mer. The trouble with this method Is that it Is likely to splinter the bone around the socket of the tusk, and I have even known the jawbone to be brokeu. A much better way Is to break the tusk on with long horse nippers, or with a blacksmith's Pinch ers. Or the tusk can be nicked deeply on both sides with a three cornered file, after which it can be knocked off with greater safety, though It is still Turrw-Jersey ho are ver pop ular with mny hog breeders and pork growers. They attain matur ity earlier than ' most breed, and for that reason alone tne rut hos is well liked. Pork from Duroca Is of the finest quality, and their skin is tlie thinnest of any breed. The aowa ars very prolific, are the gentlest of mothers and are easily handled In lot or pasture. The luruc sow shown waa a champion last year. better to use pinchers. The stub cau be smoothed down with a few strokes of a flat file. To hold him for this or any other operation on his head, the following method Is as good as tins': Make a f ROMTIER BAYS toant Trams iilttfri :3f rJc-V.. a rcim Stjp Caches rfcfc. V fvW - Traitas t ?$ i Showtej Jarlv LIfa 1 1 1 i if & & J c III i I 41 MCU Cow Boys Cow Girls tatirj, Rcpinf troncho Busting t w. hi small slip noose at the end of a half Inch wins and get It Into his mouth, around his upper Jaw-that being the hardest part of the whole performance. Oo uot noose Ivoth Jaws, and never the lower Jaw alone. Take a turn with lite Miw around a fence pot and haul the hog up so ho Is held short. Then push him around sideways against tho ftuce and have some one hold him braced there while you owrate. Some men take pride in handling a hog alone, but It seems a waste of energy when you enn got a helper, and you need both hands free to work with. Roots For Sheep Feed. No amount of grain fed to sheep will take the place of their dally feed of roots, says a correspondent of the American Agriculturist. 1 have come to believe that three pounds of ruta bagas will almost take the place of the dully allowance of a pound of oats for the ewes, and often when oats were not plentiful 1 have wintered my ewes on nothing but clover hay, a little corn fodder and rutabagas. They furnish suoculeuce and still help to build firm, substantial substance. As to the quau tlty of roots to feed, I should say feed all of your sheep as much as they want all winter, and by using clover hay and corn fodder you will need no grain. I figure that three pounds of swedes are about e,tial In feeding value to one pound of oats. MM This rather clever little thnunht Va captured on the wina; A pretty girl Is culled a hello Because she's made to rln. St. Louis Ulobe-Uemocrat. Walla Walla WASHINGTON SEPT. 16-17-18, 1915 Smn mi tmmt t Trm- I frmm WB B Sejl Vmm linSn li WESTERM SHOW mrs the REAL THSRG EXCURSION FARES The Breeding Sow. Select the breeding sows from early spring litters when they are sii months old. Ono can form an opinion which ones are most likely to prove long bodies, good formed, of quiet disposition, good feeders and with a tendency to grow fruine and site rath er than put on an excess of fat. Breed the gilt when about ten months old and If she proves herself a good breed er, raising uniform litters of strong, healthy pigs, keep her Tor several years, or ns long as she Is profitable. Selecting a Boar. , Select the Iioar for use liefore you are quite ready to use him. liet him acclimated to your surrounding and method of feeding and cure. Never use a young boar until he is past ten months of age If you want large, strong litters. Some breeders claim by u ing a young boar on mature sows one can produce hogs of greater llze when p year old. Idaho Values on Increase. Boise, Iduiio. Revised figures on the abstracts of the 37 counties in the state as complied by the state auditor and placed before the state board of equalization show the total assessed valuation on all classes of real prop erty for 1915 at 300,642,066. An In crease Is shown in this year's values over last year s of $3,937,041. i Probably. !' ;r?i l in k riaywrlght-Now, tho hero of this I n uv is a recaiess aviator. Manager Is It a "one net" Vpw York tilolte. Temptress. ... Jil LihUiilhiiii V, 'A P. ill iii mm 1 1 swi-u til I II I II M Ifflf II MEI 1111 I 9ftoney Soos farthest When You Buy Groceries Here! You get value received when you jxttronie ua. AH the season's delicacies in season. A wide assortment of guv ceries that includes the most desirable specialties, which add a finishing touch to any table. Prompt deliveries and courteous attention always! J. E. STEWART I CO. Shipp & Perry rif . ..... ifi 1 play 7 M Healeri in Lumber, NuDgles, .Moulding, noors, v inuows, rr cla l'.inu stul Oils. Iliiberoiil Koofinf . Ornatneiilttl remlitm mm THE "GREATER OREGON" WIlH new fcuttdtttffM, hvt ler eniitTtlHPltt, et. I lnreHl riHinla, miit ntnni addition lu M ! fnrulty, Ihe I mtrnto nl 1,-K"ti lit lrt ll ll fortieth r. Tilfiilitr, Htttitbet 1-4. ttllA. 1 tIMrttil (mlttlnv tn 'ntw,ert e, ,f ournnlUut, ArelilUM tura, I . Metllrle.e, TB. lilitK, J.lhra- i rr Work. Mu.lr. I l .trt.l minlut .t.l tlne f ArtN. Imvm Mint itranv itetMirtnietita ut t.lttrr ii Sho fltHrge, dear? He Yes, mine own? She Why don't you write me some love letters like they read in court? Is It that you don't trust me? Kansas City Star. -eft T-ft -r -. Johnson Mci. Mlw,mfi."iM l4, e.w. 0 O At Icim-Miton. ,tl,mrf r .tnre thnn AA.0OO itt.,tit-, tltlr .an t,ll,llt,tf fittlv Kiint i,i,nI. Inn t,lettitlt1 a t mtmatum. Tutilntt fr ree. II,trtitU.rtea for atett itt for tawmett KepetlM l.nwval. Write for trr rtli,inUtrrtit llr,l.rnr ; UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 3 WD IT EVER CCUR TO YOU That There is a Price Below Which a Good Motor Car Cannot be Sold? If You Are Figuring on Buying a Car, Don't Make the Mistake that Some Others Have Made This Year! Fireproof Garage Modem Machine Shop Expert Repair Men Free Air $1135 PRINEVILLE Complete Stock Tires and Tubes Oils, Gas Grease Etc. Of course the price is important, but not nearly so much as the Quality of the Car, the Service you get and the Reliabil ity of the Firm from which you buy it! Investigate these! Buick cars are sold as cheap as cars of this class and qual ity can be sold. Buick Service is the Best! We will have a carload of Buick Sixes About September 1! nlari Auto C nnevilie, O 1 rep:on J. I 1