Read This, Please! We are now located in our new quarters and as -snug as a bug in a rug, and if you do not believe it just drop in and tie that thirst to our new fountain. Then con sider having a photo made by our new electric light Laflers' Confectionery v And the Art Shop Special At Michel Fancy Peaches for canning 75c box Fancy Tomatoes - 75c box All kinds of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Careful attention given all mail orders Nothing but Fresh Goods will be sent Mrs. I. D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Prescriptions a specialty. Maher 6c Grosh Cutlery. Books and Magazines Cigars and Sundries. Lowney's Candies in sealed packages. D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon Millinery The New Corduroy Tarn is all the rage just now All colors Mrs. Estes' Millinery Parlors PRINEVILLE, OREGON s Michel Summer is here with Warm Days Have you a good WELL? A drink of nice, cool water i is what you want. Better see or write Wagoner & Co. Prineville, Oregon Well Drillers Artesian wells a specialty FREDERICK fUNSTON SMI, 1 , General Fun$ton, who It In com mind of the American troope along the Mexican border. BRIEF WAR NEWS Tba former German crulaer Goeben, now owned by Turkey, hue been tor pedoed near the IJoiiporua, It la re ported. Fierce German attacka In the Ar fonue In the drive on Verdun and fc-reut activity on the Tser front, where the Germane for 48 houra have kept up a violent bombardment, are re ported. Official dlapatthea from Berlin con tained the admlaalon that the Rus sians have escaped the Waraaw trap ty which von Hlndenburg hoped to surround whole armlea. The Urltlah war office announced that four men and two women had beeu killed and three men, 11 women and nine children, all civilians, had been Injured aa the result of a raid by two Stappelina on the eaat coast Fourteen houses were seriously dam aged. Renewal of violent fighting In the Dardanelles In which the British have captured several Turkish trenchea and made one new landing, was reporU-d In an official statement. Steady progress for the forces of Prince Leopold of Bavaria eastwmrd from Warsaw la taken. to indicate that the Germans are now massing their main movements ou a drive through the Ruaalun center. Artula, the forcttt of the Argonne and the Voage mountains continue to be the scenes of activity on the west ern front, but no serious battles are In progress In any of these regions. SHORT NEWS NUGGETS It hits been definite)? settled Ut the I'aiunua Pacific exposition will close on schedule time, December 4. The Chicago Union tockyarda baa Issued a statement that the foot and mouth disease epidemic la practically stamped out The war department has authorized a biiHtness men's military camp, simi lar te that established at PlattRburg, N. Y, at American Lake, Wash., from AtiRust 24 to September 12. Afl government money and securi ties after August IS will be transport ed by registered mall instead of by express. The express companies, whlifli have been bundling the traffic more than 25 years, will lose nearly $500,000 a year. The names of 380,000 tippler in Oregon and Waaliington are cata logued and arranged In an alphabeti cal index by a mail order liquor house that la preparing to open for business in Hornbrook, the California town nearest to the Oregon-California line. Oregon and Washington statea will go dry January 1 next. General Carranza summarily dis missed the mayor of Vera Crua from offloe for permitting the recent anti foreign demonstrations which aroused apprehension of the American govern ment. Eaatland Raised; No Bodies Found. Chicago The steamer Eastland has beeu floated, three weeks after she carried over 800 to death in the Chica go river. Search of her hull and along the bottom of the river was made, but no bodies were found. Galveston Under Five Feet of Water. Galveston, Tex. Galveston passed through one of the worst storms with in the past 15 years. Five feet of water stands in the city. The transport McClellau broke from its moorings and drifted half mile out to seaward. Thousands Flee From Storm. Dallas, Tex. About 6000 person are estimated to have left Galveston for Houston and other interior points during the 36 hours ending with 8 o'olock Monday night, fleeing from the storm. Nancy Hanka la Dead. Lexington, Ky. Nancy Hanka, 2:04, champion trotter from 1892 to 1894, died at Hamburg Place, the estate of J. E. Madden. POULTRY NOTES. J Wood axhea hnve their place. inn ii win ui me lieulioilKe. They wt wet mid make lye and sore rcet. Keep cold ulr drafts, but not fresh ulr, out of the chicken CKip. Those who hnve learned the poultry lniKliifK through a lonit iippreiitlcewlilp never breed from liens undersized or from very litte hutched pullets. More farmer should get lu the f hiiblt of keeping a few geese. There's money In them, taking t Into nccoiiut the value of the! fen tilers. The Very life of chicks and f hl'IIK llf illl IIKC depend IIUOU their IihvIiik n chance to scratch urn! illt: lit Hoinetliliuj. !!-H-iM-!-!-MH-HHH"!M-H IN COLD WEATHER The most successful poultrymen we have today differ point blank on almost nny subject with the exception of that of housing, says the Iowa Homestead. Oh this point do they all asree. Any kind of chicken bouse will serve the purpose so long as It provide adequate room, sunshine and an abundance of fresh ulr so admitted that no draft strikes the Inmnte. A cold, dry house and your fowls are comfortable und safe. A warm, damp house and you have a roup producer. Ui-peated experlmcnta have proved that fowls ure more nearly in their natural environment when housed In dry, cold, frwh ulr bouxea than when lu an ertl fli lnlly heated house, The egg produc tion Is much lietter. In the matter of Imti-hitipr aud brood tug it was noticed that the ckk from ihe fresh air houses batched better and the chicks were strouger. It will not be bme until another batching sea son, and this fact la too important to lie overlooked. One Hiiltrymnii with whom we are acquainted has tried out all the dif ferent methods of housing, beginning w ith the glass front bouse, whicb had sikIi a rage u few years since, then re- t.9- . " "1 If 5?ftSV k . , - On of tha advantages of the glass ewered scratching shed here Illustrated la that the g-lass does not grow frost and drip ice water on tne fowls, thus Inducing' roup and other diseases caused by damp neas. One of the windows should be left open for ventilation and the fowls at their sun as they die Ki d In cut of the litter. The glass part is 14 by lu feet, four feet high in frunt and seven in the rear. The reur building; is divided Into two parts one for roosts and nests and the other fur feed. placing half of the glass with burlap curtains, on down to the open front, with no glnss whatever. As a compromise this breeder used all the desirable features of the dif ferent methods, and so far as possible eliminated the undesirable ones. One large glass window is placed in each department, or unit, and one opening covered with burlap, to be let dowu lu very cold or stormy weather. In this manner he bus the advantages of the window, and the added advantage of perfect veutllutlon. - Under the large windows are small cellar windows to admit the sunshine directly into the dust, boxes. There are dropping boards uuder the perches, thus giving the whole Boor apace for a work? shop for the fowls In winter. Thou xnBilsif fowls ure kept in this manner, uud rarely does one get sick. Ventilate the Henhouse. It requires a perfect system of venti lation aud persounl attention to keep the air lu the poultry house as fresh as It is on the outside. It will there fore ofteu be found advisable to have quite a few 'windows covered with muslin to regulate the ulr in different kinds of weather. Kxtremes in tem perature can be considerably modified by careful ventilation"; It is Impor tant that the poultry house be kept cool lu summer and dry and comfort able lu winter. There is no question but that diffused ventilation through muslin curtains 1ms been found to overcome the ilitllculty of dampness resulting from the condensation of moisture of breath of fowls. Decayed Food Bad For Hens. Chickens are not dithity eaters. They will plunge into nudvW nt nny dead or sick animal they coilfc across. They often get ptomaine poisoning and die of It. it behooves the master to see to it that his birds Had no disease breed ing matter to eat. Burn or bury deep nil dead animals of birds. Classified Ads ! The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking I Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything from' a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm FOR SALE TEAM OF MARES- Weight about 1450 both with foal. Age 4 and 7 years. Call at thits office. Mc 38tf. GOOD Work team awl harness, for wile. H. K. Allen, Powell Butte, Oregon. ' ?Stt. WILL SELL- Or trade, for hay, one jersey bull, two and a half years old, also one three year old jersey cow has been fresh two months. Address postoffice box 158, Prine ville, Oregon. 38t2p. ONE TEAM -Weight about 1250 each, dark bay saddle mare, broke gentle; sorrel colt, halter broke, one buggy, fcr sale cheap. Write Mrs. L, Jones, Prineville, Oregon, or phone. 38tf. REGISTERED-Short horn bulls, one registered Poland China boar, for sale, also have small team geldings for sale or trade for cat tle or sheep. Address, Farmer, care the Journal. 37tf FOR SALE Cheap, 'one Milwauee binder. . Inqure, Prineville ' Feed and Livery Stables. FOR SALE Gray Gilding 4 years old, weight 1100 pounds broke to ride, gentle to hadle. Ray Const able. 31tf FOR RENT FOR RENT 2 partly furnished housekeeping rooms and 2 furnish ed rooms Mrs. L. C. Hill. Mc Laughlin house. Phone Red 153 39tf BOARDING HOUSE For lease; good garden, garage in connec tion, location on Main street. Ad dress Box 355, Prineville, Or. 38tf FOR RENT Modern bungalow. Inrjuire at this office. 36tf FIVE ROOM HOUSE For rent, on , First Street. Inquire of Mrs. M. H. Bell, residence on Third. 32tf. TO EXCHANGE BINDER To exchange for cow and calf. Binder practically new. Address B. care of The Journal, Prineville, Ore., 34tf. WANTED Men and women to muke use of the Journal's classified columns. Throw Away That Cheap Watch Have some respect for yourself and get a time piece you can depend upon. A watch that you will not be ashamed to produce in a crowd and made to keep time. PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler A GERMAN SUBMARINE cannot destroy the many OPPORTUNITIES IN BUSINESS that are available through a DALLES BUSINESS COLLEGE EDUCATION Good times are coming soon and therefore more splendid oppor tunities than ever will be afforded those who are prepared to take advantage of them. WILL YOU BE PREPARED? Th Dalles Business College is running day and night to meet the demands of the Business World. If you cannot attend the day school, you can get just the same training in our Evening school. Write or call for full information. Fall Term Opens August 30, 1915 The Dalles Business College Masonic Building The Dalles Business College, The Dalles, Oregon, ' Gentlemen: Without any cost or obligation to me, please send me your new catalogue, and explain fully about the cost, time required, books and supplies, etc., for the course I have marked X. COMMERCIAL COMBINNED, BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING, SHORTHNAND AND TYPEWRITING Name and address t If you have a friend who would like to have one of our new catalogues and information concerning a Business Education please fill in their name and address. Name, , , . , , , Address ' HELP WANTED WANTED Agents to sell home grown nursery stock. Call at this office or write Theodore Hubbard, Grandview, Oregon. 34. WANTED WANT LISTINGS-Of stock and grain ranches for Portland or Willamete Valley property and cash, commission from one to five per cent. John Ferguson, 501 Gerlnger Eldg. Portland, Oregon. DOUBLE SEATED HACK Want ed. Will trade wheat or rye for same. Write C. J. S. Care The Journal. 39tf. LOST AND FOUND LOST Two memo account books on Monday in Prineville, sizes 12 by 4 and 13 by 5, No value except to owner. Leave at this office. 39tf. ESTRAYED STRAYED Yearling bull came to my place v. months ago. Uwner can have same by ptying fo pas ture and this ad. Mrs. L. Dillon. Prineville, Oregon. 28tf MUSIC TEACHERS MR. THOMAS J. HILL Of Port land Oregon will open a music studio in piano and voice in Prine ville September 6th. 1915 for beginners and advanced pupils. Harmony, counterpoint, compo sition, and music history will be given as an advantage to the student. I will be pleased to re fer you to Miss Blanche Williams in regard to my work and ability. For further information you may address me at Madras Oregon until May 28, 1915 after which please address me at my Portland home, 309 Jackson Street. 23tf PLOWING WANTED PLOWING Party is prepared to do plowing and harrowing with a tractor, and would like contracts in the Prineville country. Notify this office or write George Whitis. Prineville, Oregon. 3Stf '