CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Gvv Lafullkttk, Editor-Proprietor Entered at the postoffic nt Triueville, Oregon, at second-class mutter. TheJournal stands for the best inter nets ol Piineville and Crook County, la independent in politic. Published every Thursday afternoon. Price $1.50 per year, payable" in advance. In case of change of address please notify na at once, giving both old and new addreea. will dfstrov your cron the same as the weeds would do. The practical solution of the prob lem is to pasture the summer fallow. Sheep Are the best animals for this, and cattle, calves preferably, are second. Sheep will eat practically all weeds, and if they are put into the field early, and in sufficient num bers, they will do well on the tender young weeds, and keep the fields bare. True, some moisture will probably escape through capilary attraction, but the sheep will return a small amount of the very best fertilizer to the soil, and instead of an ex pence of $2 per acre for harrowing the summer fallow, it will pay you about that much in revenue. The number of sheep that can be handled on any given piece of land depends entirely upon the particular piece of land, how weedy it has be come and how much waste land there is within the inclosure, along ditches and in fence corners. Prineville is the only town in Cen tral Oregon that can boast of artesian water. DESTROY THE ROBBERS. In no vocation is an individual sub ject to the mercy of the elements, pests, and so many varied robbers as is the farmer. In Central Oregon, besides the elements, the farmer must consider the animal pests, rabbits, rats, and even the striped chipmunk and the blue "Juniper" bird will each pack off wheat at this time of the year and in some instances make a ma terial reduction in the total yield of a field of wheat. These things are very hard to control, and about all that the farmer can do is to get his crop into the granary as quickly as possible. j The moisture control is another matter however, and one that has not been met by the greater number of our farmers. For this reason the crops are dependent upon spring rains that sometimes do not come. As a result many of the wheat crops hardly pay to harvest a great many seasons. But in every community there are a few men that understand and sret a (rood croD every year. Con- sider Joe Wiegand, of Lamonta, Inexpensive Hotel, Camp and Cottage George Rodman of Culver and Accommodations, Manifold Amuse others we could name. j ments. Surf and Natatori- To meet the moisture problem, the' urn Bathing. Round trip farmer summer fallows parts of his From Redmond $13.25 farm each year, with the plan to Direct or Circuit Routes to Any Point OREGON TRUNK RY. Central Oregon list Special Fares For SUMMER TRIPS From Central Oregon Points to the Seashore Resorts, Clatsop Beach, Eastern Cities and the California Expositions Cool, Gay Gearhart and Seaside Gatsop Beach store up from one year to the follow- j ing the supply of moisture that falls, j and take the field into the second! season with about double the amount j of moisture that falls in one year, j That is a good theory, but in most J cases it fails, for the reason that j just at this season of the year, a j crop of weeds spring up on the: East Daily until Sept. 30 Chicago, direct, $72.50; Minneapolis, St. Paul, Duluth or Winnipeg, $60.00; St. Louis $7l'.20. New York, $110.00. One way via California with stopover to see Ex positions, at slightly higher rates. ground, and take the moistue that ( Oregon Trunk, North Bank and the you are trying to save. These weeds Floating Palaces, S. S. "GreatNorth- are robbers, and should be treated ; just as any other robber; put them out of business before they get the moisture, for this moisture is money to you. You have been told that the sum--mer fallow should be worked. This is a good theory also, but the theory of farming, and its practical par .alell are quite two different things. The sandy nature of Central Ore gon soils will not permit their con tinuous harrowing. By these opera tions the surface' of the soil will be ern" and "Northern Pacific" Sail ing every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from Portland, and San Francisco. $40.53 round trip from Redmond, includ ing meals and berths on 'ships. Rail rates same without meals or berths. Ask for Exposition Folder. D. Keller, Agent, Redmond. ' Prineville has the best and fastest ball team to be found between Port- left too loose and will blow, which land and Klamath Falls. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The total cost of Pendleton's public swimming pool at Roundup park la $10,699.93. About 100 convicts wore aettt to Gaston, Washington couuty, to pull 100 acres of flax. Baker Is planning for the Baker county fair, which wJH be held Sep tember 8, 9. 10 and 11. " Several families were made desti tute by the fire which destroyed a large part of the town of Scappooae. William Keyes, a young,' unmarried man, was killed Instantly. at one of the Kerry logging camps In the N halcm valley. A movement has been atarted at Heppner for the erection of a modern creamery and cold storage plant at a cost of $9000. The directors of the Cottage drove cannery predict that the output this year will be four times as great as thut of last year. According to county records, $177, 8119.65 haa been spent on Clackamas county roads up to August 1 and most of it on repairing old roads. The state land board haa decided to advertise for sale 241 acres of tide land located in Tillamook bay In the vicinity of the Wilson and Kalchla rivers. Permission has been granted by State Superintendent of Banks Sar gent to the Katacada State bank to reduce Us capital stock from $25,000 to $15,000. The number of school children In Washington county Increased 1T( dur ing the past year, according to the annual report of County Superintend ent Barnes. Although surveying will be done this autumn It is now deemed unlikely that ' work will begin on the actual construction of the Kendall railroad, east of Roseburg, until next spring. Just able to reach home after btng lost in the mountains of Grant county four days, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Word have returned to John Day, and are recovering from their experiences. Charles A. Warner, a prominent resident of Sclo, passed away In a Portland hospital, where he waa taken some time ago for an operation for cancer, lie was about 60 year of age. Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Stover sawmill, 11 miles from Union, with a loss of $3000, unin sured. The blase was controlled with difficulty and threatened the dense forest for a time. J. K. Starr, district attorney of Wheeler county, won his fight to re tain his office In the recent recall election by a big majority, according to the official vote filed with Seere tary of State Olcott. The body of Lee Graham, a train man who was killed near Huntington, was brought to La Grande for Inter ment Graham was knocked from a box car by a bridge while apparently looking for something under the car. The state fish and game commis sion his Just finished planting In Cra ter lake 5000 crawfish from Odell lake, with a view to propagating food for the trout. This step was found nec essary because of the manner in which trout have been multiplying in Crater lake In recent years. More than 15,000 letters have been sent by City Treasurer Adams of Port land to owners of property who are delinquent in the payment of street and sewer assessment, and unless the A Talk on "Tum-a-Lumber" V - ' - 1 ' " - ' 3 I VC t - " -- " ' r ' - i - t r " - ,, v vc "rjj. t"-. .. .... "ii---vv. .H.t ; 1 Did you ever see a more beautiful wood than this? It is Douglas FIR "trim" for; all interior woodwork, sash, doors, chair rails, baseboards, cornice, mouldings, stair rails, newel posts, panelling, etc. For all such purposes, "no wood is quite its equal" For Every Building Puspose from Modest Home to Modern Warehouse Douglas Fir Lumber gives superior service. The United States Government, in Forest. Service Bulletin No. 88, issued June 17, 191 1, says: "Douglas FIR Woods, may, perhaps, be considered as the most important of American Woods. As a structural timber it is not surpassed, and probably it is more widely used in this capacity." Why does -the ultra-conservative government thus describe Douglas Fir? The reason for the superiority of Douglas FIR for building purposes is that in pro portion to weight, it is the STRONGEST AMERICAN WOOD. See Anderson About It at the home of TUM-A-LUMBER, Redmond, Oregon Do You Know You can buy a new 16-size ELGIN WATCH FORI $5.50 At My Place! y Send me $5.50 by mail and I will send you one of my New $5.50 Elgin Watches L. KAMSTRA Prineville, Oregon It Always Pays to Read My Ads interest, at least, is paid this month the property Is to be sold at public sale in September. Accused of threatening to kill J. L. Shad, an Klkton druggiMt, Misses Dol lie l-evlns and Lillian Maltpress and the former's father, James levins, were held by the Elkton magistrate to appear before the grand Jury dur ing the next term of the circuit court. Bonds of $1000 each were furnished. The new lungmotor, purchased by public subscription, arrived at Sea aid and la on exhibit. The two drownings that have taken place thla season on the Clatsop beaches caused several of Seaside's prominent citi zens to have circulated among the business men a petition, and in less than a couple of hours the $150 neces sary for the purchase of the lung motor was subscribed. A gigantic demonstration of what a dollar will do in purchasing merchan dise will be given In Portland next month. Plans have been formulated at the chamber of commerce, where u larse number of retailers gathered at a luncheon and not only decided to make the demonstration, hut appoint ed committees, fixed the date a'wl started out to make "dollar day" t red-letter day in the shopping dlntrlct. Threshing of wheat, which has Just started, proves that predictions of a bumper crop are true, is shown by reports from all part of Haker, Grant and Malheur counties. Not only I there a much larger acreage than tha recorded amount lnwt year, iut the yield per acre Is much better. In the Lower Powder section of Baker coun ty the yield Is averaging nearly 40 bushels to the acre. Medical Springs, near the Union county line, also re ports a big yield. SELL YOUR CREAM TO THE Ochoco Creamery Prineville. Oregon If you like Square Dealing and Prompt Payments L. B. LAFOLLETT, Proprietor Ninety Take Military Course. Tanoma, Wash. Ninety liusliioss and professional men, including one minister and a half down capitalists, reported for the cump of Instruction for busIiifiHB men In command of Col onel It. II. Wilson, Kourtocnth Infun, try, United Stales army, at CoKgrovo, American Ial;c. They will spend three weeks receiving military In struction from regular axmy officers. Atlanta is Boycotted. Atlanta, Ga. A Boston firm which for the past two years has furnished the city of Atlanta with parts of Its municipal supplies, has refused to have further dealings with the author ities until action Is taken In connec tion with the lynching of . Leo M. Frank, according to W. E. Chambers, city purchasing agent. Fresh Fruits AND Vegetables always clean and a good selection Dry Goods and Second Hand Goods J. M. CULVER CO. Successor to Maddux & Co, Give Us a Call! J