Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 26, 1915, Page Page 12, Image 12

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    "Jage 12
umbia Grafoeola
and Many Valuable Prizes for Journal Workers!
Commencing Friday, August 20
and continuing for a few short weeks, The Journal will Give Absolutely Free a Number of
Valuable Prizes! You are allowed just 15 clays in which to win a 15-Jewel Elgin Watch!
First Grand Prize
.'it , - ?
, is i? . 'f
' -."Li
1 --If r :
$430.00 Ludwig Piano
Crook County Journal's Voting Contest
Date 191 .
1 nominate M...
s i candidate in the Crook County Journal's Popular Voting Contest
Signed .
This nomination blank will count for 1000 votes if sent to The Journal
office-. ut out this blank and send it to The Journal with your name or the
name f your favorite candidate. The name of the person making the
nomination will not be divulged. Only the first blank will count fot votes
Crook County Journal's Voting Contest
This Coupon Will Count for 10 Votes
Postoflice .
Good for 10 votes when filM out and sent to The Journal office by mail
or otherwise, on or before the above date. No coupon will be altered in any
way or transferred after being received by The Journal.
! The first grand prize, which will HOW TO (IKT VOTKS. I less than a one year subscription. 1 KULK.S.
be given away absoltely free to the ; The; prizes will be given only on j The swoml graixl prize is a Graf- Thin contt in open to any one
person having the greatest number , votes received by the various cadi-' onola Lender, ad the latest creation who cares to enter, excepting the
of votes at the close of the contest, ' dates, and brought or mailed to the 'of the Columbia Graphophone com- 'employees of the Journal or rela-
is a style B Lu.lwig piano. It is finish- .Journal. You will be credited with 5 pat.y. tjve. of the editor, or member of the
eciin m,hogony,andhasastW to 1000 votes on tl, Journal book, by- Ai . family of any Journal employee.
malcn- tilling out the nominating coupon ... .. - , , . v.
THii in rmt ; ... t i.- i .1 , 1 1 1 . eh me i:-h cabnii t t ru- oved grupho- No one w ill he allowed to solicit
t.iia instrument is the first one of i w hich is in this isue of the Journal, , , ;.,.!
!,! ci,.i t t : - .. ! r, '".e, :.i f v.', i "i :, .(,?.;. e.r f. r,.-fi-: vote; f.
v iu tunic iiau uua;!i:j t'Bcll lu-vou.' coiiptn ttiitl '
driven by a powerful multiple upring , who is nubsei liuug fur the Journal
while sin-h party is in the ofll ;e.
-No litniiaUiins will he placi-d up-
part of the counfrv. anil is t'n la,t elln fill in un,l nwiil ttlj ,.ir,,.,.
wf.rrl in m.,b;,-u , 1 i ' .1 ..V ,. ., , motor, and is i len t and i f ficient .
wora in piano making in the Ludwig so that they reaen u.i belni e the date ,
factory. You are invited to call at printed thereon will count. All new As may be seen in the picture,
Adam m 's drug store and inspect : subscribers will entitle you to .oi.O which i,- .hi; way n ,m . sa.; r : tlu' :' , f l'ei-o'is tl:it' may
this beautiful instrument, play it j votes each, and renewals to lOuu ! duet ion of the indi um. 'ill, there ia "''' f,,r "i,e cundi-
yourself, or have your ft iend try it. j votes each. Should you collect for a cabinet for the records, a, el (he J ,iltU'- Wl' wi" M'n' receipt hook- to
You will agree with us that it is a ' s.,meone that is two years in arn ars sound is controlled by opeiiiiu' r , any one the candidaUs wihli us to,
wonderful iastrument. j for example, and get $1.0 for a year ' closing the waind control shuttern.''
the picture of the instrument ! in advance besides, you will be credit-, The most pleasing elfi cts imagintib
wnicn is published herewith is an I ed with UHKl votes for each year , are thus produc.- !, and by the rig i-
exact reproduction of it.
This contest is going to start with
a rush and continue lively until the
finish, so that if you wish to get in
to the race, do not hesitate, but make
up your mind to go in hard and
start early. Start now. Your friends
will help you if you start early and
help yourself and besides the votes
will be easier to get if you get out
before many other candidates get
into the field.
We will giveaway a beautiful lit
tle Elgin ladies' gold watch at this
office on the evening of September
4, at 8 o'clock, and the votes you get
in winning this watch will all count
in the final race for the grand prizes.
I This watch is a 15-jewel, Elgin
movement, in a 25-year gold filled
case, and will be given to the one
having the greatest number of votes
in this office on the day and hour
( named above. Do you want it?
collected for, or .'WOO votes.
This contest is open tv everyone
who wi-hes ti i.ntir it cyi'mi) inir i
- v ,
employes of the Journal, or rela
tives of the employees or rnanag
ment. All contestants will be given an
equal opportunity, and no favors
will be shown any one that will not
be extended to the others as well.
We will do evreything possible to
assist candidates in the way of ad
vancing ideas for candidates to work
out, but in all these all candidates
will be treated alike.
The price of the Journal is $1.50
per year, whether the subscription
is new or renewal. For each $1.50
collected on a subscrption that is
now running you will be credited
with 1000 votes, for each subscriber
who pays $1.50 or more in advance
1000 votes will be given for each
$1.50. No votes will be given on
j lation of this instrument, the widest
possible variations of good music are
The cabm t is furnished in ma
hogany and will ornament some
home at the close of the Journal's
subscription campaign, absolutely
without cost to the winner.
The third grand prize is a three
month's course in The Dalles Busi
ness College, tuition paid by the Jour
nal. This tuition will cost any one
$40, and will admit the one receiv
ing this prize to instruction in any
of the cou.'jca taught in the school.
The fourth gTand prize is a Seth
Thomas eight day parlor clock, finish
ed in imitation marble, and is one of
the most beautiful of these clocks.
It is on display atL. Kamstra's
jewelry store. ,
The fifth grand prize is an elabor
ate cut glass piece, which may bo
seen at the Prineville Drug Comp
any's store.
who will in turn work for the inter
est of said candidate.
All prizes will be awarded on Up
dates and in the manner advertised
in the Journal, and any statement
to the contrary shall be disregarded.
If the successful candidate i.i not in
the office at the time, the prize will
be sent to them at once.
No one will be authorized to make
statements to the awarding of prizes
or the standing of contestants but
the editor, or in his absence, the
All contestants will be given equal
opportunities, and the standing of
the different candidates, their names
and the number of votes held by each
will be published every Thursday
afternoon in the Journal.
get in
The first special prize will be given at this office on Saturday, September 4.
This campaign will be livelv from thn Start, sn if vein win) anu -.( ik. r.inn
, .- " --J " J Klljr VI lUtDC pil.i,
, ome to this office, if possible and we will assist you in gf tting a start.
! There is no question about what you will receive; the matter rests entirely with you. To
the hard worker goe3 the best prize, la that you?
per cent
All who do not win a prize and work until the close of ths contest will be paid 10
of all money turned in by them. You can't lose.
Nominate your friend or yourself Today! Come and get a
Receipt book and go to work.
Get away from the start early and you can stay ahead until
the close of the contest
Second Grand Prize
$75 Columbia Graf