Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 26, 1915, Page Page 11, Image 11

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Pace It
J Kelly, Nathan J Kelly, W M Ken
nedy, Chtw. VV Klrkbrhlgo, Martin
Knutson, Kllsnlioth L Luiik. Aniiii
M I.iuik. I'atrlck Luugon, llollle M
Holler, Lytlo TnwiiHlw Co, Juino
Miwkcy, l A Manteii, J K My ft;
Willi" A Miller, I Mr ol Ditvlil Miller,
1) Mile, U H Mlnker, J W More
IiiihI, Ivlwurd Morelttntl, Julin J
Mount, J 14 -Mid A O Myers, 1'
Miuitcnlirook, Jume A McCoy, Me
lissa Ni-Imoii, Walter H NIchol, M
MnmiiiiKiT, N W Trust ft Utile Dep.
Co, Wilbur M l'liMtuI, Albert I'aullMt,
U L iVreon, Frank W I'ulltt, Tim
1'iirtluinl Oo.. I'lillliun and Mc
Farluuo. J 8 PiirmlnUT, 1 II Han
ner, F T Itcdmoml, H i Uelneiitlorfl.
I- H Reynold & l F Hurrl. J It,
S!,.u. 1,111 .1 K SIloLwnll. LIIIlM Slllltftl.
J K. Minllh. Harriet Smith, Carrie
Swuflonl, 8 F Taylor, Mabel K
Thomas, Frank C Thornton, M V
'I'nrii.v Win l Vnudevert. Clifford
Viutdovert. John VUtilt, Ciuo,
Wetherliy, F Wens, W W Wllnon
nun vvii.Ll.i v W Wmidwaril. A I
Young, )'. Ziukery, Kdytli
., 1 W llorlisuli Mill, ill KlIlllLt.
Umn. MeNoely, IMIit HoimUin, Mat-
tlU MlllllIIHTH, J fH WlllllllUHOti, 17
i',,1 tin . Mar H Collin. A 111' I W
Morford, Laura Hlgg. J Nwoiu
K A IMummer, Duiiul & MeCnftwry
II K Allen, Alt' A Kobt. Smith
MiW'urfiirv I I1 IllH l Ml'
Cun.-rv, Cllne Falls Power Co., B K
Chime, Cllno Kail rower v;o., J
Wright, (loo. Holm, rl A I,ytl, Caro-
Hi... I.' Itiillnril. t'liiia. M. Mudd. Lnlil-
l,iw TowiiHlW Co.. W A lllce, M E
Rice. K K I'liiKlmm, Kiwi Hherwood
1 1 n..i., .i ii dhvIiUoii. t iiiiii. i
:in)lH)ll, Horm-o Hium awl wife, W
I) llitrmn, Win. unman, mo. i
k'lrk Mnrv (Wklllir. Kereilll Hell
ti.un I 11I1II11W TnwlmlLU Co.. T M
Kl)iiuniill. Hberwood llro., Ada K
Johnson J antes Ben, Helen O'KiiiiB
MI..I....I .1 M.Crulli Millard Trlolelt
Kllstt J Herring, Martin V Turley, A
C Uncus, lit, MUllier iienuj -.
H tSchttlckidwr, W II KtttaU, Haljih
Six'iiwr, W II ntaam, iwm u wj;
....i.i iiciiii.kiH i' Duruiiu. It
AlltTtoo, W K McNnitKht, Lolla
Krlcknou, W J Mcdlllvrav,
n...,..,i a I. Vr-iwli II K Turuln.
UiirlH, JniUM K IWd, Mluule C
i n i l. ImvU. W J McUllory.
' ir.h, J itwil. II G Krtcknoii. Tht
i'., Mra Chiui. liliallilT. L 1
Ford, Maud L Nouliaum-n, lim luiti
Vallt-y Cu , N wmwoiiK", u u """
Wit V..u,l..i. (pU A KlIMIIll. I
Bowdl, I.ytl Towudltw Co., Johu t
Yuunir. W U Ni'wlon. Mr. J Sllvrr
tooth, lhrn II I'tjUTMon, A J uomii
.. it Mi..vM Mi.rli'k. John V IWan
It,,... I Inv I'll . M H I.nttlit &
',. iv it i.-..,t..riw h. M K Wllklim
J.KJ Murrill. UoMt I amon. AiIiiIIuh
Kwiioy, Matt Kulrwh, K M Whlut, J
II Hthakfl, W A Klnu, Rwhiioiid
n..w .Hl l.irw I.SIllllh. ( W
Wi.n, llwlmoiia and FliinoU, lho
..i ....I Whim K M Alible. J M
Itrlnkli'V. C W KwmiM-r, t) C Col
grove, K Floyd, Klwood RolKrU
i' t. Itmiitfin. I-'.ImIh Kati'lnail. C I
Vrr. Mn. A fc Uat4H. Bell Gottwr
u. Or'gon IrrCo., Adallnit Kwtny
t u A 11 Mi-I-'hII. W T DllVfll
h . ' V " " - 7-
(tort, 15 U Kuajip, Howard Contract
;u., My lltirnify. v-iarriite Aun.ii.j
l l.r I nvlTl. (I M Blix'um, W C
l'll,... Tt...,i It H..rkniT. t; W Yau
lyke, C F Andfmoii, B A Uat, J K
vi. wt.iv .1 .1 tiiifkii'V. i a mii'mcY. v
j BurkU-y, BiHliuon l llt-alty Inv. Co.
l.l.U.u t'nal W II HllllllN. J
. n......n i! k Lnrv WihmI
u.ur.1 W W t:ouuhi-v. Mr. Alii
...L W Ai H I lirlatiMltM'Il. Ii
U...UI. I ...i llpiuikii. K 1. Ilnllli. C 11
Irvlni-, J A ranni'iiiT, u uiiini-,
liC Ni-IIhoii, C H Irvltie. MarKiiret
Oolditn, Jowphlne Yoitiig. Mc
4'affiTT ft III. Boy Covert, U H Kllig,
W C 'Walker, Crook Co. luv. Co.,
Tlllle. Adaum, Win J Jackaun, Malail
Anderson, C B Colby. L, J Cyr.
Oulirlel Jenny, W C I'je, Mary I
Kttlley, Chun, .lottaa. Harry J Millet,
Carl l.alne, Iua K Yerken, F A
Fn-ltn, Luther Hlndiuau, John
. I'lttew, Mary V 1'ratt. Mra. V J
Jm'kHoii. A B Kowht. F Turner,
W AiiHtln 1'orter. 1anlel Murphy,
iut Hallo, John Zorhaap, Margaret
Kent, Kllen LewlH. Joaeph Boakonkl,
V U Gay. t)n-ti B Clearwater, C II
" 4 low, l'C Uovlary, Mm. I'C Havlnl,
'Minnie P Vamlerpool, Dora 1 Van-1i-rpool,
W J Snarr, lr. Amelia
- yelgler, Fred Metuitl". B U Davlil
on, John t'ettla, II W Herring, ICva
Swank, B K Speiicer, Frank 1 Rand-
' all, Chan. Ninelaer, L B Blevlna, Mra.
It J Moody, II F llouae, Jon I'lunaky,
PWUelaer, Mr. J M I'dlaley, Jacob
t . Wcherpak, Mvrtle Clearwater, Martin
- yrrmcr, B W Kent, J M tirovea, I'.
Martlnaoti. Hurry Turner, Lola Bart
on, Joaeph L (lollld, Joaeph Swlilell,
' H (iiiiiilull, Chrlat. Taalkla, K (irover
W ttiit-uikj til hum K Mvera. L J H'-rah-
' licrgi-r, B A drier, Kva Cliaae, AHen
lVteraon, F II Hiinue. uracu uur
, iintt, tilyaa, F, lfiimliililaott, Adam
Out both, John L Tucker, F M
"JAiantou, 1) A M.vera. J C BImIiop,
Frtnk U Qnlmby, Jamea H Smith,
liavld I. Hownrth, Mala-I AkIii,
' MUton W Welralikul. (ieo. II Miller,
f 'aiharlne 11 Rowland, C I Reevea,
' liertrgn T'avlor, (Tirlatlan Bilnb, W II
' , .rt1UUl, W I) Robertaon, M J Ivemp,
.' Wm. liuliliell, J I Weal, K A CnKt,
1) V Wai'tl, O'Xell mid llaaey, En
" -K'Zt Baaey, B S .oi)k. I 1' Kemmer.
' '? Kuoor, F Coy im, John C
' ' . inb, F 1' Hlper, K Blckcbastgh,
J,)liO Hickebaugh, M W Robluaoti,
Addle B Wood, H F Wllaott, Roy
,: Kolilnarm, J Rice, Leroy M Burt, K f
I'lt.ttiuin. F. M I'ltltiian. David Hill.
. i ..i.. ii,.t.,ru Jnlin W Caller. H a l. Kreneli. L P Hallev. H
' i H Tolatrop, F W Stofford, J B
Moiltngue, Mike Rokrlcb. Mlaa
Mabel Da via, F.lbt Horateudhall, C V
Cartnlchael, Mlnjile . & John B
' Hogtic, I'elu Mnrnach, Cliarlott Me
(Jlllery. Wm. 0 1'arrlah, J S Innea,
m,...i.I Iiiiiph. mikI nil neraona un
known owulng or claiming to own,
or having or claiming to have, any
right, title, equity, or Interent. what
ever In the real properly herein
ubove deacrlbi'd; aa the owners ol
tho legal title of the above deHcrlbed
property na the aamn t ppeara of
record and encll of the other peraona
above named are hereby further
notified that Crook County, Ore
gon, a public corporation, will up
.,lv to the Circuit Court of the
County and State aforeaald for a tie
iree forecloalng the lien ngalnat the
iiropertv above cleacrlbed and men.
tinned In aalil certllicnte. And you
are hereby summoned to appear
within alxty days after the drat
publication of thla summotia ex
iiualve of the day ot said 11 rut publi
cation, and defend thin action or
pay tnti amount nue an auuvw
ahown together with coat and ac
crued InliTeMt mill in caae oi your
(allurM to do no, a decrett will lie
rendered fareelowliig the Hen of aald
tiixea and coata ngaliiat me laun aim
premlaea above named.
'I'IiIm HllllllllllllM tu iiulillMlied bv or
der of the Ilonoralde U. Hprlnger,
Judge of the County Court til the
Htate of Uregon, lor inu uouiny m
Crook, and aalil oroer waa inane "
dated thla 2nd day ol Augnat, 1M18,
and the date of the flrat publication
ol thla lumtnntm la the 12th day ot
Auguat, 101G. All proceaa and
papera In thla proceeding may la-
M..rv..n iitinn fill, ii, iiii.raiu iii-ii r, m'i-
Ing wit hill t he Htate ol Oregon, at
, I... ...l.lnaiy Iti.i-i.limftiip mellt lOIiell.
Date ol laat publication, uc toner
wiiiiipii ,1. niriz.
iiiii..i nii,iri,.v Hint attorney for
rialntm. Adureaa, irinevnie, vc
Crook County Fair, October
6, 7, 8 and 9.
Low Round-Trip Fares
Union Pacific
"Where Cool &a Rrcczet Blow.'
26 miles of Bmooth, white beach;
a score of interesting beach towns;
manv excellent hotels and resorts;
everything necessary for ceashore
outings. For real rest and recreation-go
to North Beach Round trip
Furc, $13.25
our Cruisers, Seven Torpedo
beats Sunk In Sea Fight
in Gulf of Riga.
London. A dlanatch to the Central
Newt from I'etrograd says:
"Tho prealdent of the duma has an
nounced lhat the Germans hod loat
the battlo cruiser Moltke, throe cruis
er and Sfcven torpedo boat In the
RIks buttlo."
The announcement of the president
of the duma as aunt was a follows:
"In the Riga battle the Oermans loat
one battle cruiaer, the Moltke, three
crulncra and aeven torpedo-boats.
"The German fleet ha withdrawn
from Klsa bay.
'The German tried to make a de
cent near Pernpvln (PernlKel), on
the east shore of the gulf ot Klfta.
mime 36 mile north of KlRt. Four
barge crammed with soldiers took
part In the dew.ent. They were re
pulsed by the Russian troop, without
the co-operation of artillery, the Ger
man being exterminated and the
barges captured.
i'1'etrograd Indulged In pardonable
rejoicing. The desperate effort of
the German to upset our military
plans by creating a diversion on the
Ksthoulan oast has signally failed.
According to the newe received they
sustained heavy losses during the op
erations connected with the forcing
of the gulf of Riga.
"Aided by British submarine we
were able from the shelter of the great
and little towns to harass and cripple
and finally to drive the enemy out of
the gulf."
tiaravin Miowia i
wjtt eT. MOf cuarmi
Including a vlalt
to the world
famous California
on going or remrn trip. The oppor
tunltr ol a lifetime. The iniait won
derful ahowa tho nation baa ever
aeen. Do not tolas them
Oat way tare Bts wayi
laal Trifle CUaU Dirtct
Omaha H4.40 0.n0
Chicago..- r.MI.W)
New York City f 136.10 , 1110.70
Cornapondlng lares to many other
Kaatern cltle
The wonderland of America. Open
until September 15. Visit the t'arK
this year in connection with your
summer trip east or to the exposi
tions. Direct line and thru sleeping-cars
service to Southern En
trance. Ask for fares, folders, etc.
London. Italy ha declared war
against Turkey, and the Italian am
bassailor baa left Constantinople.
Maraula di Garronl, Italian ambas
sador to Turkey, handed to the porte
a note declaring Italy considered her
self In a state of war with Turkey
and demanded his passports, accord
Ina to an official telegram.
The reaaon given In the note for
Italy's declaration of war were the
support given by Turkey to the revolt
In Libya and the prevention of the
departure of Italian residents from
Although Italy declared war on Aus
tria on May 24 there haa never been
a declaration of war between Italy and
Germany, the ally of Austria, while
until now Italy and Turkey, the ally
of the central power, nominally have
been at peace.
IH us help you plan your trip.
Expert travel service our hobby.
Tickets, reservations, information,
- upon application to .
A. C. ICG AN, T, K. & V. A.
DAVID K1XI.KR, AicentO-W. II. & N
Safety First Courteiy Alwayi
Investigator Agree on Inheritance
Tax; Differ on Other Points.
Chicago. Summaries of the reports
three In number, of the United States
commission on Industrial relations as
to findings and recommendation for
the information of congress, were
made public here.
The commission, which ceased to
exist Monday, waa composed of three
representatives each of the employers
the employed and the general public
The reports" agree on a federal In
heritance tax and on the general plan
lor its use. The Manly report dls
agrees In recommending practically
the single tax and other things.
The Manly summary finds thrt the
cnimea of Industrial unrest group
themselves almost without exception
under four main sources which In
clude all the others. They are: Un
just distribution of wealth and in
come; unemployment and denial of
opportunity to earn a living ; iloniiil
of Justieo In the creation, lii the ad
judication ami in. tho administration
of the law; denial ;of.fhe riU and
opportunity to form frrtoetive oriti-zatiiiis.
Applications Should B Mad After
Frosts Have Com.
Prapurad by fnlic-4 States department ot
To stimulate the growth of a lawn
tad to Improve Its appearance for the
following spring no. better treatment
can be recommended than the applica
tion of properly rolled manure In the
Inte full, according to the United States
department of Agriculture's specialist.
Thla application should not b made
until after the fruats have stopped the
growth of the' grass. Ten to twenty
two horse louds should be applied to
the acre, according a the soil Is more
or less rich.
It la moat ImiMirtsnt that the manor
should be thorouulily rotted before ap
plication, so that all weed seeds ar
killed; otherwise damage done by
weeds will more than offset the fer
tilizing value of the application. Ma
nure really needs careful handling be
fore It 1 suited for spreading over the
lawn. TTnlesa It I DroDerlr "compost
ed" It may have most of lta valuable
constituents destroyed by Improper
handling. To "compear manure prop
erly It should be treated a follow:
I'll all manure In Heap with alter
nate layer of sod or other litter. Keep
It wet enough so It will Dot bora. Let
It stand a whole year throngb sammer
and winter, forking It over two or
three time during the year. It wUl
then be ready for use on the lawns,
and danger from weed seeds will be
Many people object to the nse of
manure at all. not ooly because of the
danger from weed seeds, but because
of Its unsightly and Insanitary ap
pearance. These will undoubtedly pre
fer to use something else, and the
most economical substitute Is finely
ground bone or bone meat. Tins snouia
be applied at the rate of from BOO
pounds to one ton per acre, according
as the ground Is more or less rich. It
should cost between S25 and S30 a ton.
n'llh the bnnemeel It la desirable to
use double the quantity of wood ashes.
These ashes contain considerable lima
In a very desirable form, a well as
other valuable elements. However,
they are apt to be more or leas costly.
Ordinarily muriate of potash would
be fiijtid more economical than wood
sues, aiinougn me yuinau uun uu,
contain the lime which the other fer
tilizer Imparts to the solL On account
of the European war the potash may
prove more dlmcult to obtain man tne
arnnri flatten. Onlv one-tenth the Quan
tity of potash should be used aa of
Th nntaah mil be sown seDaratelr
or mixed with the bonemenC a de
sired. The same Is true of wood ashes
If these are nsed Instead of potaan.
All annllrationa should be made before
the ground freesea permanently for the
winter, as otherwise tne fertilizer may
be largely washed from the sol) before
It has cbaace to become incorporat
ed with It
In NMrlnna where cottonseed meal
inn ha obtained at a nrice not over
123 per ton It may be used satisfactor
ily in the place of the grouna Done.
Tankage and fish scrap are even rich
er In Important elements tbnn ground
bone, but are frequently In bad me
chanical condition for handling that
Is, they contain balr or otber foreign
coarse matter. Tbelr bad odor also
makes them objectionable.
Prepared sheep manure is an excel
inf rireiuins. Aa It baa been sterilized
by drying and rendered odorless, there
are not the objections to It tnat tnere
micbt be to ordinary manure. It s one
drawback is expenslveness.
To Trotect worn I'laces. ir tnere
are any parts of the luwn which will
be tramped over when they are not
frozen, and especially when snow is
melting there, these parts should be
protected to prevent persons from cut
ting across. Tramping on the turf
when It Is covered by slush or 8now la
as destructive to a lawn as almost any
thing else.
It Is hardly necessary to say that
nothing will be gained by scattering
grass seed on the lawn at this season.
The Bole Diffioufty,
Bhe But for one thing you'd be
good dancer.
He-And what1 that?
Bhe You. 1'lttsburgh Press.
In the New.
"What's the extra about, bov? An
other bla slaughter In the warr
"War nothln'! Why. you big boob,
don't you know the home team won a
gameT' Wisconsin State Journal.
Prof. A. W. Grater,
Magnetic and mental healer, I treat
all kinds of chronic nervous
trouble, heart trouble stomach,
liver, hay fever, rheumatism, goiter,
kidney and bladder trouble, tumors
and appendicitis, etc.. Room, board
and treatment, for $12.50 per week.
Office and residence first house north
of Hodson's Garage. 25tf
tfrotosst'tal Cards
Crook County Bank Building
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney '
Office in Crook County Bank Bid)?
Office on Court Street formerly occu-
pieu oy 1 . uuny
Prlnevllle, Ore.
Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway
Oeneral rractice
The Okk.
Prineville, Ore.
312 Ablngton Hid.
roniana. ure.
Court Hotue
Culrer, Ore
An Old Baying.
(Suooeaeor to W. A. Bell)
Rooms 3-4-5 Kametra Bld'g
Prineville, Ore
U. 8. Commleeloner. Office in Crook
County Bank Bldgr.. rnnevuie, ure.
Feed Box For Stock.
A good Is rge sized store box. fitted with
a lid and hiisp. Is very handy to have
In the barn for holding ground feed,
stoek feed, etc, "The box can be filled
up nt stated .'Intervals and will save
The Oregonian
Is handled exclusively in
Prineville by
Delivered at your door the
same day as published for
75c per month
Teutons Take Hill by Storm.
Perlin, via London. A hill at Kopy
tow, to the southwest of the P.ussian
fortress of Hreet-Litovak, has been
I ...........1 I... Tnntntiln ful'rMl ttf.
HM'Illlt.U UJ lUW
cording to an official statement given
out by the Gorman army headquarters.
Russians Lose Oesowetz.
Berlin, via London. German troops
have occupied the fortress of Osso-
wetz, which waa evacuated by the
Russians, German army headquarters
has announced.
For new and old stomach
trouble use Adamson's Digest-
eze. Price 50o or six boxes for
lf'2 50 postpaid to any address
in the United States of Arperica.
For sale by D. P. Adauison &
Co., Prineville, Oregon.
U. 8. Asked to Withhold Judgment.
Washington, Count von Bernstorff,
the German ambassador, asked the
United States to withhold judgment
on the sinking of the White Star liner
Arabic until It has heard from Berlin.
Texas Dead Number 256.
Galveston. A total of 256 known
dead, residents of southeast Texas
coast points and crews of wrecked
oraft of all kinds, 65 persons missing,
Postman A penny for your thoughts. I JRiai iatt
roet-What do you mean? p- Cornett Building, Room 6
m..,.H,.8i Tallin Globe- rrtnt0tU: - ' lrfm
Ho Know.
8. tllimtt.
I Prn mill: 0rym.
j ttrttt !PrintniU. 0rfm.
fPhimimtMm mm J &WTmmmm
Cmllt mtummrm JtrmmtUjr 4mjr mr mifkt
t mm mfmm
Print-ill; Oriftm.
Wife Do you think I have sufficient
imagination to write a novel?
Husband Yes, if I were the villain.
New York Globe-
Different Circumstances.
Ciam. S. CJmmr X. P. S3,lknmp
32 el knap d Cdwards
y'Ayttiams amJ Ourytrms.
(County Fhysician.)
tunny trips to the grumiry. If the box
set whore animals may get to it
should thev lumpen to get loose It
should be provided with Kod hinges
,iud a hasp that cannot he easily rub
lied open.
s Tip the Raspberry Plants.
The line fall Is the time for tipping
black raspberry plants If you want to
raise new plants. As the new growth
bends over the ground each tip suouiu
be buried In the soil a few inches, aud
held In place by piling up a little earth
upon It Next spring the tips will
have roots, when the plants can be cut
off from the parent bushes and plant
ed wherever they are wanted.
Storage of Foddsr.
The Ideal way to store fodder is to
shred: then It Is more easily Btored In
less snace and Is much more bandy for
feeding. Fodder sbould be very dry
when stored; otherwise lr large
amounts are packed In one room It
will sweat uud moid.
M -
" fay y
Hampton Last week a doctor told
me to go south.
Rhodes Last week n doctor torn me
t, mi 'north, south, east and west, he
didn't care which. I- was calling on
his daughter. Hoston Globe.
fAytca eritrf Suryn
CAU.i AsawiRfD Promptly Cat os Nighi
Omc Oni Doos South or Adamsoh's
psuiibTuRS. Boihol)Ueareiii-
deuoe Uilephouos.
SPrimtv,;,. - - ' Onto
Physician and Surgeon
Office (daily attendance) Third and
East B St. Telephone 13(5. Residence,
Sixth St., telephone Red 1'63. To phone
to Dr. Fox from Farmers' line, call
IndependentCentral, or one of the drug
stores; or, by night, a town subscriber
who would oblige in the emergency
A Budding Diplomat.
She Have you any speclnl reason foi
wanting to know my age?
He I merely wish to know at what
age a woman Is the most fascinating.
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Oregon Daily Journal
Daily 50c. Daily and
Sunday 65c t
Why be without the news when
we deliver it promptly to your
door anywhere In the city for two
ceuts a day.
Local Agent .
Crook County Fair Oct.
6, 7, 8 and 9. Come!