Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 19, 1915, Page Page 7, Image 7

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Pge 7
The City
II. C. Oliver, representing the 0
W. Kiiilwuy, in In 1'rl iievl lie toduy.
' J(i IMcr uiul fuinily lift for
Outer Lake Sunday where they will
camp fur a time,
"LeHMiitiM from the Wur", will be
the topic of the sermon on Sunday
niorniiiK at the MethoiliHt Church.
It. liooten ami Marion Taylor of
Pout, are ah Inning five cm s of cut tle
from Kerimnml , to 1'ortlund to
morrow. Henry MeCull had a loi d of fat
hoKit in the Portland market yester
day. The market in given from $7.20
to $7.i5 for the best stuff.
II. It. Ijikin of thin city has gone
to Fort Klamath for a vimt at the
C. I. Winnik home. He expect to,
iH'n mime of his time hunting. j
Monday evening, August 23, the
Indies aid and the C. E. Societies of
the Presbyterian church will give a
reception at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Foster in honor of Rev.
A. It. Porter. All adult members
and friendaof the church are invited
to attend.
Geo. Meyers has a letter from his
nister who lives at Erie, Pennsyl
vania, which states that that town
wuh vidited by a f 1mm1 lust week that
deHtroyed much pro)erty and cost
many lives. While the flimd reached
Into the second story in nearby
houses, the home of Mr. Meyer's
sister was spared, no water even en
tering the yard.
are two vast wonderlands
the Greatest shows of the age
You cannot afford to miss
them. The opportunity will
soon pass. Go Now!
Choice of Krvcrul routrs at low fares
fur the round trip
A. C. ROAN, T. R. & P. A.
IlKNli, ORE.
Manager R. L. Scheeof the Crook
County Fuir, made a flying trip to
Redmond yesterday. Ho says that
the mutters for this year's fulr are
rapidly assuming shape, and thut the
exibltion will sure be a hummer.
II. D. Peoples, 0. C. CI uy pool and
Marlon Mayfield left early Sunday
morning for Crescent Lake In the
Cascades. They were prepared to bag
everything that came their way, in
cluding beur and other big game.
Sheriff Knox left the first of the
week for I'ortlund, taking Mrs. Prls
co and children who have been in
charge of the county here for some
time. The Priseo family will return
to Italy by the Italian Consul at Port
land. Mrs. 0. C. Hyde was the successful
bidder for the procrty formerly
owned by the Smith Estate on First
street. She bought the property
from the State on Monday for $025,
that being the highest of a number
of bids. It is a bcauiful location,
and well worth the money puid.
At a meeting of the stockholders
and officers of the Fair Association
held Saturday afternoon, E. T. Slay
ton was elected as president for the
livestock sales association, and M.
R. Biggs secretary and treasurer.
There will be sales held during the
fair on the grounds, where stock of
various kinds will be auctioned.
County Clerk Burette of Colum
bia County was in Prineville yester
day enroute to Crater Iko. Mr.
Barrett thinks that the roads through
Central Oregon is excellent, and
that the fellow who started the re
port that they were impassable
should be a churter member of T.
R.'s most populur club.
Cecil Stearns and his sisters re
turned from Snow Creek on Thurs
day of last week, where they
went some three weeks ago for wild
blackberries. They succeeded in get
ting some 2!2 quarts, which is the
largest amount brought in yet this
year by any one party that we have
heard of.
In the congregational meeting at
the Presbyterian church last Sabbath
action was taken to extend a cull to
the Rev. VV, L. Van Nyss to become
the pastor of the church here. Mr.
Van Nyss has for the past five years
been pastor of the Mt. Howl Union
Church at Parkdale, Oregon. It is
hojx'd that Mr. Van Nyss will accept
and be here to take up the church
work by the middle of September.
Next Sabbath morning and evening
service conclude the summer work
of Mr. Porter. At the morning ser
vice the discourse will be "For This
Year Also," evening subject, "But"
1915 AUGUST 1915
All members and friends ure urged
to be present at Christian Endeavor
meeting at the Presbyterian church
next Sunday evening at 7:15 Sub
ject "A Basis of Sound Belief, and
Why and How to Get it" le ader,
Rev A. R. Porter. ' .
Four men have been lynched in
Georgia during the week, people
have been killed and millions wash
ed away in the floods in Pensylvania,
Texas and other states, and all Eu
rope it sruggling with the war
monster, while Oregon is having a
hard time to get its crops harvested, i
Truly there are worse places than
"the Wild West."
J. C. Farnham, auctioneer, is ad
vertising a IGO-acre wheat ranch that
will be sold at public auction on the !
ground, on August 31 . The land will
be sold for cash to the highest bid
der, and is all tillable, some thirty
acres being already in cultivation.
This is a new method of selling land
and one that wiil no doubt be the
means of someone getting a cheap
farm, especially as the sale is for
George T. Cochran of LaGrande,
water superintendent of this district,
passed through Prineville and stop
ped a few hours Friday. Mr. Coch
ran has been in Harney county dur
ing the past two weeks, and is mak
ing a trip over his district calling on
the various water mastersand look
ing into conditions generally. He
says thajt water is very shorty
all over the state, and that the crops !
are suffering in many districts for
the want of moisture.
Bend Gets Another
Large Sawmill
A Shining Example
for any store to follow is that set buy us, in our value for
value proposition
We Give Better Values
than most places in our Shoes and we believe it will be
distinctly to your advantage to see what we have to offer
before buying of others. At any rate, an inspection of
Our goods costs you nothing.
Annoucenient was made at Bend j
yesterday by the owners of the
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company,
that an immence mill will be built
by that company at Bend during the
next six months.
The Brooks-Scanlon mill is to be
iocated just across the river from
the Shevlin-Hixon plant which is be
ing rushed to competition, and is
to be in operation early in 1916.
The plans are for a mill that will
have a capacity of five million feet
of lumber per year, and will employ
500 men as a regular force. The
Brooks-Scanlon company now own
30,000 acres of timber lands
in the territory tributary to Bend,
and the Shevlin-Hixon company own
a total of 84,000 acres. While the
exact result of this development upr
on the future of Bend is as yet
problemetical, the increase in popu
lation is variously estimated at front
4000 to 6000 people.
With a total of 7639 votes cast
for governor in 1914, in Crook
County, about a third of which were
cut off at the same election in Jeff
erson, leaving probably some 5000
votes in old Crook County, it is but
natural that Prineville should specu
late upon the result of the election
which will be held in 1916, some
eight or ten months after these mills
are Uotn in operation, there is
one fact that has been demonstrated
in the past, and that cannot be over
looked at this time, and that is that
the Bend vote will go in a solid block
for the things that Bend wants.
August Let-Go - Sale
of Summer Dress Goods
Brocaded Silk Crepe, Crepe DeChines, Beatrice Printed
Printed Silks, Costume Crepes, Silk Poplins, Lace Cloth and Dimities
that are
are the
Continuous fly and rivited
Trlpple stitched 7-oz Demins
Union Made
Blue Bib, Green Bib, Sage
Green Bib
Not $1.15 But $1
Waist overalls not $1 but 85c
Carpenters' and painters' in
white color, $1.25 pair
By Far the
That U another ex
pression that often
reaches us and remem
ber it is home needle
women, inexperienced
seamstresses, in even
greater number than
dressmakers, who
Sing the Praises
The Next Dress
You Make
get your
Patterns Free!
Any Standard Pattern you
select will be given you free
with one copy of the current
issue of the
Standard Fashion
20 cents a copy
A Waist Occasion!
Women's Waists
50c to $2.50
Rust Proof Corsets
$1.00 to $5.00
Lace Fronts
We Fit the Feet
Peters Shoes
Wear Longest
Look Best
Cost Less
Coming Soon! Our Fall Line of Men's Clothing!
Every suit branded inside, "Brandegee. Kincaid & Co.," a well known line. The very latest
models, all wool. Not $20.50 and $25.00 but $15.00 and $20.00. Sizes 34 to 44
Shoulders .
Pioneer Bacon
Lard, 8 lbs
Lard, "5 lbs
Lard, 10 lbs
Buy and try
-, these goods
.. 25c
Nonnanna Goods
Fat Herring, can 20c
Sardines... 124c
9-oe can Mackerel. 30c
Norwegian Sardines in
Olive Oil 20c
Good Roast Coffee
20c pound
25c pound
30c pound
35c pound
Iowa Corn
10c the can
Standard Tomatoes
10c the can
Clifton & tomtit
We Sell For Cash -:- That's Why We Sell Cheaper
Fly Swatters
Congressman "Nick"
Sinnott in Prineville
Hon. N. J. Sinnott, congressman
from this district, was in Prineville
yesterday evening and today on a
tour of his district. He was taken
over the country lying north of Prine
ville, which the reclaimation service
have been considering as an irriga
tion poject.
The Congressman was impressed
with the small amount of waste land
in the district, and also commented
upon the crops that are growing on
the lands already irrigated.
He is making a tour over the dis
trict in his own car, and says that
his district is larger than any state
east of the Mississippi.
He left today for the Tumalo pro
ject, and will proceed from there
south to the state line.
Weather Prediction
"H5 CrQT. rAE,
ill m ii
W .
The ordinances of the city of Prine
ville require that property owners
destroy all weeds on their premises
and on the streets and alleys ad
jacent thereto. No attention having
been paid to former warnings as to
weeds by many of our property
owners, prosecutions for violations
of the Weed Ordinance will be start
ed Wednesday, August 25th.
Chas. S. Edwards,
Mayor. 39t3
It has been said that every third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
sften indicates a general weakness
of the body; and local treatments in
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good.
To correct catarrh you should treat its
amse by enriching your blood with the
ril-food in Scott's Emulsion which is a
medicinal food and a building-tonic, free
Erouialcoholoranyhannfuldrugs. Tryit.
Scott & Bowne, BloomCcld, N. ).
Get the
Boobus Buys a Skypiece
By Gross
lto KXj P0tr Wff H LOOT TWICE" AT TM.S MAT I I , f-HO,O.TAT MUST Bfij- I Cr-s ( 1 ,86 ) 1 I 8E60 P Tuette : ISA1 .CULL .IBB COOLPHT S2
P j