CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Pace 6 Half the fun is takiny your own tent and living out in the open. Buy a Tent that you know is guaranteed. I I yvn tlie product of 31 years experience in WBWUaiklllg. XV U J iouv u.uov cw.i.v .. service in all kinds of weather. "Why not get & QUALITY Tent one that will be ready for use next year and the year after. Sajr "Willamette" at pour store-ask CTizJv e our trade mark on the Tent It ia J? !Sp your guarantee we tand behind it. ji3 v Hirach-Weia Manufacturing Z---Jp, tOmiKUlT, S1UU9 v Formerly WUlunatt Tent Amine Co. PORTLAND, OREGON m THEJDITY G. W. Russell was in Prineville today. P. B, Gray and family are in the city from Post, Marion Taylor was a business visi tor fropi Post yesterday. I. B. Meyer was in Prineville from Post the first of the week. G. W. Noble and family left today ior the Plaulina country. , E. A. Abbott and A. C. Wall of Post are in Prineville today. John G. Malech is chief of police in the absence of W. R. Pollard. F. W. McCaffery of Redmond was in the city on business Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Street and Mrs. Hamil ton left Sunday for Belknap Springs. J. F. Shown of Richmond was in the city the first of the week on busi ness. Miss Lucile Redmond spent sever al days in this city last week visiting friends here. Mrs. S. M. Bailey and the boys left Sunday for a two weeks' visit fit The Dalles. C. C. Dunham of Roberts is in the city today. The Prineville Public school opens on Monday, September 13. Mrs, John Newsom returned from a trip to Walla Walla the last of the week. Mr. Fred Vogel of Hood River is visiting at the home of J. 0. Wall in this city, Prineville is the home of the best high school in Oregon, the Crook County High. Earl McLaughlin and family re turned yesterday from a camping trip on Wolf Creek. Prineville has more acres of irri gated land tributary than any other Central Oregon town. There will be services at the Catho lic Church in this city Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. A party of twelve, traveling in three cars, stayed in Prineville Fri day night, enroute to Burns. Marshal Pollard left Sunday for a vacation of about two weeks. Mr Pollard intends to spend most of his time in the mountains. Throw Away That Cheap Watch Have some respect for yourself and get a time piece you can depend upon. A watch that you will not be ashamed to produce in a crowd and made to keep tim. PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler A GERMAN SUBMARINE cannot destroy the many OPPORTUNITIES IN BUSINESS that are available through a DALLES BUSINESS COLLEGE EDUCATION Good times are coming soon and therefore more splendid oppor tunities than ever will be afforded those who are prepared to take advantage of them. WILL YOU BE PREPARED? The Dalles Business College is running day and night to meet the demands of the Business World. If you cannot attend the day school, you can get just the same training in our Evening school. Write or call for full information. Fall Term Opens August 30, 1915 The Dalles Business College Masonic Building The Dalles Business College, The Dalles, Oregon, Gentlemen: Without any cost or obligation to me, please send me your new catalogue, and explain fully about the cost, time required, books and supplies, etc., for the course I have marked X. COMMERCIAL COMBINNED, BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING, SHORTHNAND AND TYPEWRITING Name and address If you have a friend who would like to have one of our new catalogues and information concerning a Business Education please fill in their name and address. Name .' Address August Bingold of Summit Prairie is in Prineville for a short time. Mrs. Anna Mating returned Sun day from a six weeks visit with friends in Portland. Mrs M. R. Elliott and daughter Agnes returned from an extended trip to California, Sunday. R. E. Simpson, Granville Clifton aid W. J. Crooks went to Crater Lake, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Old field who have been visiting relatives in this city left Wednesday for their home in Los Angles. See the Columbia Grafonola at Lafler's confectionery. It is the sec ond grand prize in tie Journal's cir culation campaign. There will be the usual servicas at tlie Christian church, August 22. Preaching at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Geo. H. Ramsey, Pastor. The women of the Christian church will hold an ice cream social Friday afternoon and evening on the Bel knap lawn. Good music. All invited Miss Stella Hodges returned from a three weeks trip to San Francisco Sunday. Albert Noble acted as assistant postmaster in her absence. John Weaver was arrested at Bend and brought to the county jail here the first of the week, ' charge with displaying a gun too freely in a saloon there. R. W. Zevely and family return ed the last of the week from a trip by auto to the coast, and points in the southwestern part of the state Prineville is the only town in Cen tral Oregon that has flowing artesian wells. The flow is located here at various depths, none deeper than 300 feet. The second half of taxes are now being paid into the Sheriff's office at the court house. They become delinquent if not paid on or before Septembr 1. 0. F. Hodges of Grass Valley was in Prineville the first of the week Orange says that the crops in Sher man County are good, and that the times are improving there. John and Chester Montgomery left the first of the week for Will amette Valley points. They expect to be away for six weeks or two months. County Clerk Brown returned the first of the week from a trip to Hood River, and the coast. He climbed Mt. Hood while away, and reports a good vacation. George Barrett, wanted at North Yakima, is in the county jail here, awaiting the arrival of the sheriff from the Washington town. Barrett was arrested at Bend a few days ago. He will be taken away tomorrow. L. A. Booth, receiver of the land office at The Dalles, arrived in Prine ville the last of the week with his family.'TheyJwill spend a two weeks vacation in this part of the state visiting relatives and camping. Clara Horney Tiffany, reader, announces a recitial in the Methodist church in this city on Tuesday even ing, August 24. She will be assist ed by Thomas J. Hill, pianist. An admission of 25 cents will be charg ed. Mrs. J. E. Calavan and daughter of Oregon City are visiting at the home of Mrs. Calavan's father, I. W. Spear. The party left yesterday morning for an outing on theMetol ius. A party of four, consisting of Trafton Dye, C. H. Dye, Everett Dye and Albert Roake, of Oregon City were in Prineville yesterday enroute to Crater Lake and Northern Califor nia. They will return by the William ette Valley. State Tax Commissioner, J. B. Eaton has been in the city for the past two days looking up tax mat ters with Assessor Foster. Mr. Eaton is on his annual trip of inspection, and left this afternoon for other points in the state. Miss Jane Allen returned the last of the week from a trip to Califor nia points where she spent the sum mer. She reports an excellent vaca tion, and says that the return trip was made from San Francisco on the steamer, Great Northern, to Port land in 25 hours, and that the voy age was so easy that no one was seasick. MAJESTIC STEEL RANGES! Cooking three big meals a day is hard work at best; you should have a Range that makes cooking easier! THE MAJESTIC Is built right; from pipe to base malleable and char coal iron metals that outwear ordinary range materi als three to one. Joints are cold-riveted airtight, without puttythey stay tight. Lining of extra heavy pure asbestos further helps to hold in the heat. These fea tures, together with special type of firebox, oven and circulation system, mean uniform baking heat with minimum fuel. Aw Mr A MAJESTIC costs a little more than ordinary ranges, but it lessens the work of cooking, requires the least fuel and repairs wears years longer. The 15-gallon all-copper reservoir heats water as quickly as a kettle on a stove top. Oven door lowers onto heavy braces, oven rack stays level, under load, when pulled out. Reservoirs flush with stove top have aluminum lids. When you know what a Majestic will mean to you, you'll get one. Call at our store and examine this per feet range. O. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY Announcement We have purchased the Foster & Hyde stock and will continue to carry the same high grade merchandise as sold by that firm. We are having the building remod- ' eled and within a very short time will have on hand A New and Up-to-Date Stock of Men's Furnishings Your mail orders are solicited with a guar antee of prompt service and satis factory merchandise PRINEVILLE MERCANTILE COMPANY i