CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 5 N f nd II. Stung, Acre Wheat Rancli (fl 60 I i "Ih your wife ilii'nn riuli'dyj" "Oil, no; hIiii kci'im right un tulkliig.' I'lllnl'tireh t'rvwt, ! , Quemlng. ,,' "nip anal," imlil h In heliimett trua, "Till till iltnutnilK jour tare." Ha Icmkfil nd then, Ilka nnui'lK 1o, lt Wftit "up In tli lr," -HI. Louia (.ilube-liBiriucmt Dtep. MIm fUmprrly Ait awfully hand m inn n k licit at my ftwt fur mora 1 huii un hour today. Mr. Ilimlfox yw, aome of tl tin clerka ar pretty gixxl looking IloBtou (Jlolio. Coniwllun I are tUvj arc building a theater where you ran are, lit-ar, taate, feel anil mnrll. Buuhrette Another 0 aeima houaa, Exchange. RES1 Are You Getting JLTS If your car isn't pulling as it used to, or you are using too much gas, or it is too noisy There's a Reason Let Us Find It! Our Work is Guaranteed! KEENE & RANDALL Ford Garage I will sell at Public Auction the following described land, on the premises, N 1 -2, NE 1-4; E I -2, N W 1 -4, Sec. 8, T. 1 4, Range 1 4, located in the Lone Pine Gap country about 2 miles North of O'Neil, on TUESDAY, AUGUST 31 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon Every acre of this ranch is tillable and about 30 acres have been cultivated; balance easy to clear; small frame house; all fenced; a good well that furnishes an abundance of pure water; schoolhouse within 1 00 yards. This place will bear closest investigation either for a home or an investment. Terms Cash. Please remember that the sale will be held on the ranch not later than 2 o'clock in the afternoon on the above date and YOUR PRICE IS MINE J. C FARNHAM, Auctioneer' , ALBERT BODDA, Owner TERREBONNE, OREGON I Gone Far Enaagh. "Oh, John, dear, I've Just been to the milliner's, and my new but Is go lug to be a di-etuu." "You lHt, aud that's all it's golnff to be thin time too!" Wisconsin Stale Journal. I WILL GIVE SI 000 If I FAIL to CURE m CANCER nTUMQR i tint befora It POISONS n Iliads ir attacais U BONE WittiMt Knife or PaiDe,, FcmK1v No PAT Until CURED fTV" A rvi X k.v i,r i,:hr swindle. Au Island pluntmkttilliooure Any TUMOR, tUMP or SORE on Uiu lii. fare or body long ia CANCER.1 it never i-.innmult lHt stage 120-PH6E BOOK u-nt FKKK, lO.oiio Uwti mouial. (iiit ti Mai Any LUMPin WOMAN'S BREAST it P AUOCD and ahvayspoisons deep arm UAnUCilpit clttiuis aikI KIL1S QUtCKLY One woman inevfrv7lU'ofi'iuHr U.S. r puit Wo refuse many who wait too long must die Poor cured at nt prir '.i neer is yet srnull Dr. & Mrs. Dr. C HAMLET i U BMrnla "Strictly RllMt. Greatest Cancer specialist llvtnt." 4340 a 436E Valencia St, San Francisco, Cat. KINDLY MAIL THIS U soduni Hi CANCER 0 Out Door Lif ..MM I .., ... II hm il ' r nil .i ill la Hati, LIFE in the open goes a long way toward insuring sound health, which is the real foundation of beauty TINT PUR0U GUARANTEE Should any PUROLA Product fail to give ENTIRE satisfaction the price paid will be cheerfully refunded by your local dealer. Applied just before an ontins nf BTivfcirnI will positively prevent all ill effects of the exposure to sun ana wma. juaae in flesh and white. Its use creates the soft, velvety appearance which is so much sought after. Price SO cents par buttle. D. P. Adarruon & Co. L. -" - - -i !J ' . 1 , . j DODGE BROTHERS' MOTOR CARS We Can Now Make Delivery of Dodge Brothers' Motor Cars $875.00 F. O.B. The Dalles $875. 00 WRITE OR TELEPHONE WALTHER-WILLIAMS HARDWARE COMPANY, The Dalles, (Won INLAND AUTO COMPANY, Distributors for PrineviHe Territory