Page 4 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL GERMANS MAKE DASH FOR BREST LITOVSK Would Leave the Czar's Men Without Future Base of Operations in Poland. w-don. The AustroGermana are making a determined attempt te en velop Brest Litovsk by swift marches from the west and south before the retreating Russians can regroup them selves to defend their important fort ress base. Official dispatches from both retro trad and Vienna agreed on this point, Vienna reported the arrival of a Ger man army within 85 miles of Brest Litovsk. The Russian war office an Bounced that "obstinate struggles are Increasing" in the region west of the fortress, through which the Bavarians are advancing from Warsaw. The Germans, it was believed here, are attempting to rush the Slavs off their feet, capture Brest Litovsk by cyclonic assault and leave the Rus sian field armies without a base for future operations in Toland, compel ling their immediate retirement far behind the Kovno-Brest Litovsk line. The new positions occupied by the Germans and Austrians were outlined with approximate accuracy on good authority for the first time since the fall of Warsaw. The line starting from the vicinity of OssoweU, near the Prussian border and opposite the Msiurlan lakes region, curves to the south and east, running through So kolow, Sledlce, Lukow, Ostrow and Vladova. NORTH BEACH "Pride of the Pacific" is the place to forget Summer's heat and dust; also the Cares and Worries of the day to enjoy life at its best, down by the sea where ocean breezes blow. Reached only via the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navig. Co Tickets on sale daily at low fares for the round trip A. C EGAN, T. F. & P. A. Bend, Ore. AMERICA DECLINES TO ALTER WAR LAWS Washington. The reply of the Unit ed States to the protest of Austria- Hungary against the sale of munitions of war to the allies is a refusal to ac cept the Austro-Hungarian view. In justification of its position, the United States recited among other things, that International law, the practices of nations, the security of the United States and other nations without large military or naval estab lishments and neutrality itself were opposed to prohibiting the export of war munitions by a neutral to a belli gerent in time of war. The United States contends that it could not deny to others the right which it claims for itself to purchase war munitions from a neutral In event of a foreign attack. In this connec tion, the United States hints that it might have to buy from neutrals if attacked. FRANK TAKEN FROM PRISON AND LYNCHED ,, I, -i. ,1. Is Hanged to Tree 100 Miles From Prison Farm, Near Home of Mary Phagan. Germans Displeased With Latest Note Berlin, via London. The comment of the principal provincial newspapers together with that of the Berlin press is that the American note is entirely unsatisfactory and leaves Germany no alternative except to continue her sub marine warfare against hostile com merce, regardless of consequences, un less "Great Britain, as a result of the forthcoming cote from Washington, sees fit to change her illegal blockade policy." Governor Walsh to Run Again. Boston. Governor Walsh has an nounced he would be a democratic candidate for renomination for a third term. Marietta, Ga. Leo M. Frauk, serv ing a life term for the murder or Mary Phagan, the Atlanta factory girl, ami who was taken from the prison farm at Mlllodgeville Monday night, was lynched 100 miles east of here by the armed party which took him. lie was hanged to a tree. Frank was brought 100 mites from the prison farm to a point almost with in sight of the former home of Mary Fhagan. Frank's body, barefooted, and clad only In prison trousers and shirt, was found at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morn ing. Milledgeville, Ga. A well organised party of armed men who came in five "Goodbye to the Morning After" n automobiles attacked the Georgia state penitentiary here, took Leo M, Frank, serving a life term for the mur der of Mary t'hagan at Atlanta, from a dormitory and escaped with him, The armed men arrived at the pris on farm practically unnoticed. Five men went to the house ot Warden J. T. Smith, awakened him and made him prisoner. At the same time a small squad of men went to the home of J. M. Burke, superintendent ot the farm. Burke was forced to go with them to the gate nearest the dormi tory. The party rushed In. got Frank and hurried him to one of the automo biles, lie was forced dowu Into the car. while a member of the party Is said to have flourished a rope In front of him. GRIP ON K0VN0 TIGHTENED Effervescent Headache Salt Truly has done away with that disagreeable condition known as "the morning after". It is an agreeable prepara tion for the relief of, head ache, neuralgia, sea or train sickness and depression fol lowing alcoholic and other excesses. Price 2$ cento per Bottle D. P. Adamson & Co. Russians Making Stubborn 8tand 1 Between Narew and Bug Rivers, j Berlin. The German official report j on operations In the east tells of a I sortie of Russians from Kovno, which, ' it Bays, was repulsed, and of stubborn j resistance confronting other German I armies. The grip on Kovno Is declar- j ed to have been tightened. The re port says: "Army group of Field Marshal von!" Itiudenburg: Troops under General von Buelow have driven the Russians ' near Kublsko In a northeasterly dlree- tion. Four officers, 2350 men and one J machine Eun were eantimwl A Rim. i V slan sortie from Kovno was repulsed. One thousand prisoners fell Into our hands. Our attacking troops worked nearer to the fort. "Between the Narew and the Bug the enemy made a stubborn stand. A Narew crossing was forced by our troops. "The army of General von Scholiya took more than 1000 prisoners, and that of General von Gallwiu took 3550 prisoners, Including 14 officers. Th"y also captured 10 machine guns. On all fronts we gained ground." TTfoney Soes farthest When You Buy Groceries Here! You get value received when you patronize us. All the season's delicacies in season. A wide assortment of gro ceries that includes the most desirable specialties, which add a finishing touch to any table. Prompt deliveries and courteous attention always! J. E. STEWART & CO. Shipp fe Perry i "Balers in Lumber, Shingle, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, jla, Paints and Oils, Kuboroid Roofing, Ornamental Fending British Transport Torpedoed, London, The British transport ' Royal Kilward has been torpedoed and j sunk by a German submarine, It was ' officially announced. Six hundred i men were saved out of 1350 troops and ! 2:0 other persons on board. ill A THE "GREAl?EREG0ir " " I ! VVIih nw httltitlnira. honor ii!iiiiiti. mi- I 1 mm mM Cabinet of Greece Quits, London. King Constantlne ot Greece has accepted the resignation of the Gounaris cabinet. Elutherlos Veniielos, leader of the opposition, was Invited to consult with the king. sr v-t.iv-j IW IM i JOHNao Hail it nost Kvil , Uw 01 WJemcr-:---! 1 1 hullttlnvw, ttttr ct fortieth fnrt TtimU, N.pii..ihrr 14, llMS. L Ir4f(l KnittlHlsu ft ml nrnsiv Mtttl rtMtly,tti I ntvrrsvitvnf rirn Mil brain lu I ttiiiutiti, Mt- n Itttmta In It J "1 " it mmtur I nra,M, MVs.rlti.Trhfii. I.lhi Wt, U'.tKL til.-!- St -J i . B.i. I - ' " reaming hihi w inr p n, !.rar and imttar iiiu-i mci.1. t t i . j r.iMifnf ion. if Mtintry of miirttlhnn ft A. Dim tilhn.ri ai.i... fei tflu btlififtM full riHtiitnl, Imi ltttHt Tuition j-rw, fnrmliorlnti fur mn mttl for women. ;iMMts l.uwtisi, VrU for 1W ratnt,iittilritt ll? Ul ror UNIVERSITY OF OREGON H l.l.XK, OIIKIIOK CLASSIFIED ADS ON PAGE 3 DID II OCCUi TO YOU That There is a Price Below Which a Good Motor Car Cannot be Sold? If You Are Figuring on Buying a Car, Don't Make the Mistake that Some Others Have Made This Year! j Fireproof Garage Modern Machine Shop Expert Repair Men Free Air Vk Y7 A W'tV ill jf- ad ft $1135 PRINEVILLE Complete Stock Tires and Tubes Oils, Gas Grease Etc. Of course the price is important, but not nearly so much as the Quality of the Car', the Service you get and the Reliabil ity of the Firm from which you buy it! Investigate these! Buick cars are sold as cheap as cars of this class and qual ity can be sold. Buick Service is the Best! We will have a carload of Buick Sixes About September V nland Auto Company, Prineville, Oregon i .