Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 19, 1915, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Read This, Please!
We are now located in our new quarters and as
snug as a bug in a rug, and if you do not believe it just
drop in and tie that thirst to our new fountain. Then con
sider having a photo made by our new electric light
Laflers Confectionery
And the Art Shop
At MicheF
Fancy Peaches for canning 75c box
Fancy Tomatoes - 75c box
All kinds of Fresh Fruits and
Careful attention given all mail orders
Nothing but Fresh Goods will be sent
Mrs. I. Michel
) O '
r , "
x dtp' ri I
Events Occurring Throughout
tlie State During the Past
I Cla
ssified. Ads !
The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking
Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything
from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm
Admiral ' Cspsrton, th American
naval officer who h been placed In
charge of affaire In Haiti.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Pure Drugs and Chemicals.
Prescriptions a specialty.
Maher & Grosh Cutlery.
Books and Magazines Cigars
and Sundries. Lowney's
Candies in sealed packages.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Grants Pane, Or John Auiitln Hoop
er, college graduate and king of nlgn-
wayitivn, aided by a fellow prisoner.
who aaye that Hooper forced ble as
sistance, made a daring escape from
the Josephine county Jail.
The highwayman, who was In Jail
here awaiting trial since hla capture
at The Dalles July 19, for the robbery
of the Southern Pacific station here
three months ago, overpowered Sher
iff Smith, disarmed him, locked him In
a cell and, fled with Joe Collnge, the
fellow prisoner who aided him. Co
lingo has been recaptured, but nothing
has been seen of Hooper since he left
the outskirts of Grants Pass.
As Sheriff Smith entered the cell
with the two prisoners' breakfast,
Collnge seized him, pinioning his arms
to his' side. At the same time Hooper
graiiped the sheriff by the throat, pre
venting an oulrry, and then tied a rag
around the officer's mouth. Colinge,
at Hooper's order, then took the slier
Iff's automatic pistol. They then
forced Sheriff Smith into an opvn cell
ttttd slammed the door, locking It
Hooper then took the automatic
pistol and cartridge belt from eollntte
and. picking up a small raltse, left the
Jul), accompanied by Colinge.
The two prisoners separated as soon
as they left the jail. Hooker starting
for the hills north of Grants Pass and
Coliiiiie going toward the railroad
Lumbermen Tell of Business Ilia.
Portland Untoward conditions con
tributing to present stagnation In the
lumber Industry absorbed much atten
tion at a hearing of the federal trade
commission held here. Mill men, lum
ber exporters and bankers gave their
views as to causes of the troubles of
the lumber trade, and unanimity of
view was noticeably lacking. Over
production, overiipeculatlon In stutnp
apre, shortage of available tonnage for
export and general financial stringen
cy were variously assigned by those
who spoke as being, In their respec
tive opinions, the chief cause of the
d ulness.
Evidence also was taken regarding i
conditions In the grain business, ana
other speakers explained to the com
mission the difficulties that Oregon
fruit growers and shippers have re
cently encountered in finding profit
able markets.
TEAM OF MAKES- Weight about
1450 both with foal. Age 4 and 7
years. Call at this office. Mc 38tf.
JERSEY CATTLE-High grade, in-
eluding 13 cows, 4 yearlings, 6
heifer calves, 4 yearling steers, 6
steer calves, 1 yearling bull, 1 reg
istered two-year-old bull, 2 hogs,
1 separator, and 6 cream cans, all
for $1200. Frank Vannina, Prine
ville, Oregon. 39tl.
WANTED Agents to H home
grown nursery stock. Call at this
office or write Theodore Hubbard,
Crandview, Oregon. 34.
S. H. Friendly Dies.
Kugene. 8. H. Kriendly, pioneer
business man, and for 22 years a mem
ber of the University of Oregon board
of regents, died here.
No other death In the history of
Eugene has produced a shock so gen
eral as that of the man who 50 years
ago came to Eugene a poor boy, with
out acquaintance, and left a fortune
of more than $200,000 and hundreds
cf friends.
Mr. Frlendly's death came unexpect
edly. Apparently recovering from an
illness, be had engaged a drawing
room on the train to go to the exposi
tion at San Francisco.
GOOD -Work team and harness, for
sale. H. K. Allen, Powell Butte,
Oregon. 38tf.
WILL SELL Or trade, for hay, one
jersey bull, two and a half years
old, also one three year old jersey
cow has been fresh two months.
Address postoffice box 158, Prine
ville, Oregon. 38t2p.
grain ranches for Portland or
Willamete Valley property ani
cash, commission from one to five
per cent. John Ferguson, 501
Gerlnger Bldg. Portland, Oregon.
Will trade wheat or rye fur
same. Write (J. J. a. tare in
Journal. 39tL
ONE TEAM -Weight about 1250
each, dark bay saddle mare, broke
gentle; sorrel colt, halter broke,
one buggy, for sale cheap. Write
Mrs. L. Jones, Prineville, Oregon,
or phone. 38tf . J
FINEST White Leghorn cockrels,
4 months old, sired by bird high
est laying strain, 0. A. C. Iftak-j
ennow at 50 cents each
37t4 A. D. Pratt. Post, Oregon.
The New
Corduroy Tam
is all the rage
just now
All colors
Mrs. Estes'
Millinery Parlors
Summer is here
with Warm Days
Have you a good
A drink of nice, cool water
is what you want.
Better see or write
Wagoner & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Well Drillers
Artesian wells a specialty
Cltlsens Who Train Four Weeks May
Be Recommended.
Sa.n Francisco. Any man In the Pa
clflr Northwest who is not under 21
years or over 45, who is well educated,
able to pass a careful physical exam
ination and has a desire to fit himself
for a commission lu volunteer forces
in time of war, can have an oppor
tunlty so to do thi year by attending
for four weeks a business and pro
fessional men's camp of Instruction
that will open at the Presidio of San
Francisco August 20. Major-General
Arthur Murray, commanding the west
ern department of the army, has, by
permission of the secretary of war,
Just Issued an order authorizing the
holding of such a camp the first one
of Its kind In the west, and the second
la the United States.
Refusal to Audit Cantine's Bills May
Result in Test Suit.
Salem. Pending a decision by Sec
retary of State Olcott as to the legal
ity of claims incurred by Deputy State
Highway Engineer ('amine, hostilities
between the majority members of the
state hixhwar commission and State
Highway Knglneer Lewis over the
question as to whether he or Cantiue
Is highway engineer are suspended.
Should the secretary refuse to audit
the claims on the ground that they
are net Indorsed by Lewis, the ma
jority members contemplate mandam
us proceedings to determine whether
Lewis or Cant In is highway engineer.
Should he audit the claims, Lewis will
have legally either to assert his title
to the office or cease to exercise Juris
diction over highway work.
Receatly Lewis 'BBked the commis
sion to rescind an order putting Can-
tine, his chief deputy, in charge of
the highway work, or Institute suit to
determine whether he or Cantlne was
entitled to the position. The commis
sion did not comply with either request
REGISTERED Short horn bulls,'
one registered Poland China boar, (
for sale, also have small team
geldings for sale or trade for cat-;
tie or sheep. Address, Fanner,
care the Journal. 37tf
FOR SALE- Cheap, one Milwauee
binder. Inqure, Prineville Feed
and Livery Stables.
FOR SALE-Gray Gilding 4 years
old, weight 1100 pounds broke to LOST
ride, gentle to hadle. Kay Const-;
able. 31tf
About September 1 ; room must
be heated or have stove. Leave
address and phone number at the
Journal office. Would consider
room separate from board. 4?7tf
LOST Two memo accoonf books o
Monday in Prineville, sizes'12 by
4 and 13 by 5. No value -except
1 to owner. Leave at this office.
j 39tf.
TIRE CHAIN Lost between the
1 ranch on Ochoeo and Prineville,
, Notify Jesse Jancey, Prineville.
LOST Gentle sorrel mare, -white
spots, star in forehead, scar m
nose branded J on left jaw. Weight
about 1000 pounds. Notify Alfred.
Libby, Roberts, Oregon. 37t2i
Pork Held Not Infected.
Portland. Portland's recent hog
cholera scare was without foundation.
Bacteriological tests of four hogs con
fiscated by the health bureau on sup
position that they were slaughtered
while Infected with cholera showed
under tests that the real trouble was
overfeeding and overheated condition
when slaughtering took place. The
outward appearances of hogs slaught
ered under these conditions and bogs
Buffering from cholera are similar.
The hogs were shipped to Portland
from Yamhill by a farmer.
FOR SALE Deering 6 foot Binder .
good as new. Call at Hamilton :
Stables for particulars. 33
1 dark bay filley with heavy
mane ana tan. car oi oarc
wire on right shoulder. Reward.
S. S. Kurtz, Howard, Ore. 36-t
RICH BLACK LAND 75 acres, 16 STRAYED Yearling
miles south of Albany, 300, yards my place ?. months
from depot, all seeded to clover.
Price, $100 per acre, part trade,
terms. Inquire of i
Francis E. Gray.'at C. W. Wilson
residence. 5t35
bull came t
ago. Owner
can have same by pyinp pas
ture and this ad. .Mrs. L. Dillon.
Prineville, Oregon. -8tf
FOR RENT 2 partly furnished
housekeeping rooms and 2 furnish
ed rooms Mrs. L. C. Hill. Mc
Laughlin house. Phone Red 153
good garden, garage in connec
tion, location on Main street. Ad
dress Box 355, Prineville, Or. 38tf
FOR RENT Modern bungalow.
Inquire at this office. S6tf
FIVE ROOM HOUSE For rent, on
First Street. Inquire of Mrs. M.
H. Bell, residence on Third. 32tf.
Rockefeller Institute Scientists Find
Immunity Guaranty.
New York. The Rockefeller Insti
tution announced through the Acad
emy of Science at Washington a dis
covery by two of its Investigators
whereby Immunity from cancer, It is
hoped, may be obtained. The investi
gation was conducted by Dr. J, B.
Murphy and Dr. John J. Morton, over
a period of two years.
TUey discovered that In the white
lymph cells of the blood there are the
necessary factors In making animals
immune from cancer. A decided In
crease ot the white lymph cells gives
absolute Immunity, the physicians de
clare they ascertained.
Big Gain In Licenses for Autos.
Salem. Secretary of State Olcott
has Issued 21,660 automobile licenses
so far this year, an increase of 6110
over the same period in 1914. Three
thousand motorcycle licenses have so
far been Issued, as compared with
1180 In the correspondlr? norlort n
year ago. Chauffeurs' licenses show a
remarkable Increase, there being 3350,
while last year at this time the total
was 1533.
MONEY The mint makes it and
under the terms of the Continent-'
al Mortgage Company you can se-
cure it at 6 per cent for any legal
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wants
and we will co-operate with you.
Petty & Company, 613 Denham
Building, Denver, Colo. 25
land Oregon will open a music
studio in piano and voice in Prine
ville September 6th. 191 S for
beginners and advanced pupils.
Harmony, counterpoint, ttornpo
sition, and music history will e
given as an advantage to the
student. I will be pleased t Te-
. fer you to Miss Blanche Williams,
in regard to my work and ability.
For further information you may
address me at Madras Oregon
until May 28, 1915 after whidi
please address me at my Portland
home, 309 Jackson Street. 23tf
PLOWING Party is prepared to d
plowing .and harrowing with a
tractor, and would like contracts
in the Prineville country. Nolifj
this office or write George Whitis,
Prineville has more cement side
walks than any other two Central
Oregon towns.
Laymen to Hold Military Camp.
Washington. Authority has been
granted Major General Murray, com
manding the western department of
the army, to hold a business men's
military camp at American Lake,
Wash., from August 23 to September
12, similar to one already authorized
In California and the one now at
Plattsburg, N. Y.
Hop Crop is Short.'
Springfield. The Oregon hop crop
for 1915, which has been variously es
timated at from 140,000 to 160,000
bales, will be loss than 100.000 bales,
according to J. L. Clark, vice-president
of the Oregon Hopgrowers' asso
ciation, who has completed an Inspec
tion of 600 hop. fields, representing the
greater part of hop acreage in Oregon.
State of Washington Wins Medal.
San Diego. A gold medal was
awarded by the Jury of awards of the
Panama-California exposition to the
State of Washington for geuera re
Copperfleld Hit by Blaze.
Baker. The business section of
Copperfleld, which came Into promin
ence when Miss Fern Hobhs closed
the saloons there under orders from
former governor Oswald West, was
practically wiped out by a fire be
lieved to have been of incendiary origin.
The three undertaking parlors of
Salem hnve ayreed to hold no funer
als on Sunday after August 15.
ANTKD Men and women to make
ne of the Journal's classified col-
Prineville, Oregon.
WOULD TRADE Good Smith Pre
mier typewriter for wagon. En
quire at Journal office. H. 27tf
BINDER To exchange for cow and
calf. Binder practically new.
Address B. care of The Journal.
- Prineville, Ore.. ' 34tL
October 6, 7, 8, 9, 1915
Premium Lists Now Ready
Write the Manager, R.'L. SCHEE, Prineville, Ore.
You can buy the same thing
much cheaper in Prineville