Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 19, 1915, Image 1

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    Nominate Your Candidate Today in The Journal's Popular Voting Contest. See Page 12 for lFulF Particulars.
NO. 40
Ludwig Piano, First Grand Prize,
Be Given Free to Some Crook
County Young Lady
This Contest Will Be Open to All Crook
County Young Ladies But None
Outside May Compete
All Who With to Enter This Contest Are Requested to
Come to The Journal Office at Soon a Possible
and Get Receipt Books, Sample Copies
of The Journal and Instructions
A Ladies' Gold Watch, Elgin
Away Absolutely Free as the First Special Prize
One Week From Next Saturday. There
is No Time to Lose if You Want
This Beautiful Watch
Starting Friday, August 20, The Journal will inaugurate th
most extensive subscription campaign that has ever been at
I ... I " K! Ml l
tempted in venirai wregon. numerous prizes win be given
to those who secure subscribers for The Journal, besides which
cash payments will be made to
continue until its close, who do
plans have been carefully laid; all parts of the county will stand
an equal chance for prizes, and every part of the campaign will
be absolutely bona fide, and all prizes will be awarded without
other consideration than for votes which can be secured in no
other way than by obtaining subscribers to The Journal.
The first grand prize, which will
be given absolutely free to the person
receiving the greatest number of
votes during this campaign, is a new
Ludwig piano, which is on display
at D. P. Adamson & Company's drug
store, one door south of the Journal
This Instrument, which was pur
chaw?d last week from the Wiley B.
Allen Company of Portland, Is a $430
piano, and cannot be laid in this city
for any less money. The salesman,
Mr. C. E. Marvin, who has been
with the above company for, years,
makes a standing offer of one of these
painos free, if same style and make
can be purchased from ' any of the
company stores on this coast for less
than $415. The cost of shipping the
instrument to Prineville is about $15.
It is one of the very latest models
of the famous Ludwig instruments,
and the first one of this model to be
shipped to this territory.
The second prize is a beautiful
cabinet Columbia Grafonola, made
in the design of a French table, and
will do duty in some home for both
first quality music and 'an ornamen
tal table. It will arrive in a few days
and will bo on display. It will bo
given without charge to the party
receiving the second highest number
of votes in this campaign.
The third prize is a scholarship
which will entitle the party winnng
the third greatest number of votes
to three months free tuition in The
Dalles Business College which is a
standard school.
The fourth grant! prize is an eight
day Seth Thomas Clock which is of
the most elaborate marble finished
design and will be an. ornament to
any homo. This clock is on display
at L,
Kamstra's jewelry store in this
Movement Will Be Given
all who enter the campaign and
not receive other prizes. Th
The fifth grand prize is an elabor
ate cut glass piece which may be
seen at the Prineville Drug Com
pany's store.
Besides the prizes enumerated
above there will be special prizes
given for special work from time
to time. The campaign will be full of
action from start to finish and there
will not be a dull moment from this
date until the grand prizes are
awarded. The date for the close of
the camaign has not yet been decid
ed upon but will not be later than
December 20 and may be sooner as
the management sees fit.
To add interest at the start of the
campaign and starting our program
of a swift and active campaign we
will give to the party having the
largest number of votes in this office
on Saturday September 4 at 8 o'clock
P. M. a ladies' Elgin watch, 15 jew
el movement, Keystone case, war
ranted for 25 years.
This is s beautiful little watch, open
face and the case has a plain satin
finsh free fom engraving.
To secure the votes that will en
title a candidate to one or more
prizes the process is simple. All you
have to do is to clip the nominating
coupon from another page of the
Journal and mail or bring it proper-
ly filled out using your own name or most of the streams of Eastern and
the name of any of your friends that ; Southern Oregon is lower this sea
you wish to have enter the contest son than at. any time in the past 20
and receipt books, sample copies of ( or 30 years. Many people are de
the paper and other material will bo pending either directly or indirect
furnished by this office for the secur- ly upon the flow of streams for a
ing of votes. J livelihood. Those having a prior
The nominating coupon entitles right to the use of water may le
you to 1000 votes and for each new gaily demand their full supply as
subscriber you get for the Journal longas it is available. This will depri
2000 votes will be issued for your ve subsequent users of their accus-
credit. For every renewal you re-
;ceive 1000 votes will be issued and
placed to your credit on the Journal
Four-horse Team
Dash Down Grade
Tuesday afternoon about 4:30
there occured on the grade west of
Prineville, what might have been a
very serious runaway.
A large teurn, belonging to Otto
Sontag, started from the Condart
place a short distance west of the
top of the grade, to Frincville with
load of hay. The hay was rye and
had been bound, and suddenly the
load slipped off the wagon and cover
ed the two men who were in the
load, deep in the bundles. Before
they could extricate themselves the
team was well toward the top of
the grade, and running madly.
Enter, If. G. Kennard, deputy
watcrmaster. Kennard was coming
toward the top of the grade on his
motor on another road, and when
he saw what was taking place he put
on all possible speed with the idea
of arriving at the top of the grade;
first, and stopping the team. He
could not do that however, and at
tempted the next best thing by run
ning his machine over the sagebrush
and rocks, and came up to the side
of the wagon. Jumping from the
motor, he made an effort to get on
to the hayrack, and just as he felt
that he was safely aboard, the wagon
hit a rock or some other object, a.ul
Kennurd went high into the air, and
when he regained his senses he could
hear the din of the hayrack and
team as they dashed down the grade
at a mad pace.
There will be coupons in every is
sue of the Journal from this time
until the contest closes and by get
ting as many subscribers as possible
early in the campaign and having
them save the coupons which will be
worth 10 votes you will be able to
get a great many more votes during
the campaign and stand a better show
to win the Ludwig piano
We wish to impess and urge upon
every one that prompt action in the
early part of the campaign will give
these that act promptly a big advan
tage in the finish. "A good start is
half the race", is an old saying and
a true one. Besides we will give the
Elgin watch as specified above on the
first Saturday in September, so to be
in at the first part of this contest
you must start now. Phone us for
receipt books and we will mail them
promptly, then get busy at once.
If you are succcessf ul and win one
State Engineer Lewis
Advises Water Users
To the Water
Users of the State
of Oregon :
The water users f the State of
Oregon, especially those using water
for irrigation, are confronting a ser
ious conidtion The water supply of
tomed supply.
j In view of the unusual conditions
wheh prevail, it is suggested that
Chapter three, scene one. The De
maris brothers, Henry Carter and
Pearl Johnson, with their families,
decided a few days ago that as the
deer season opened on August 1,
it was their opportunity to go into
the Cascades, get a few deer, and
some berries. They loaded a wagon
with camp equipment, fruit jars and
the like, hitched four horses to the
rig, and started. Close behind came
the ladies in a two-seated hack.
. At the sharp turn on the grade
were to be found these people, at
4:32, Tuesday afternoon.
Sontag's team, having been taught
the rules of the road, tuned to the
right, and passed the four horse team
safely, but in some manner the hay
rack caught the wagon and threw
wagon, four horses and all over the-
grade into a heap. From the melee
emcrgedy hay rack and team and
came toward the hack and lady oc
cupants. The women decided that
it wduld be safer on the hill above
the grade on foot than in the buggy
for a time at least, nd they aban
doned the team and went for the hill.
These two teams became so entan
gkd that they were both caught with
out much damage to either. Aside
from som scratches on the horses,
and some of the men who participat
ed, no damage was done.
The wagon that went over the
grade escaped without so much as
breaking a fruit jar of its contents.
or more of the special prizes, your
votes will all be counted in the con
test for the grand prizes, so that to
those who go into the race hard, and
go in early, a double reward is wait
ing. Should you win this watch on
September 4, and for any reason
prefer some other article, the watch
will be taken in exchange for ary
other goods in stock at L. Kamstra's
jewelry store, allowing you a wide
To those living in the country dis
tricts, we wish to announce that spe
cial prizes will be given in the various
parts of the country and to those
candidates there are greater oppor
tunities, for there is a possibility of
securing more new subscribers, and
there will be less candidates than
there will be in the towns.
For complete particulars of the
contest, and a picture of the Lud
wig piano, which will be given as the
first grand prize, see page 12.
irrigators be as economical as possi
ble in the use of water in order that
some water may be left to mature
the crops of subsequent appropria-
tors below.
From letters received at the State
Engineer's office it appears that
many water users have the mistaken
idea that to economize in the use of
water so that some will flow down
to their neighbor, will detrimentally
affect their water right. If the prior
appropriator demands his pound of
flesh this season, it will cause the
ruin of other crops. The State
Egincer desires to call attention to
these unusual conditions and solicit
the harmonious cooperation among
the water users to the end that in
jury to crops through shortage of
water supply be minimized.
Governor Withycombe
Will Speak at Crook
County Fair This Year
Hon. James Withycombe, Govern
or of Oregon, will be the guest of
Crook County at the county fair in
Prineville on October 9. The Gov
ernor's party will arrive at Redmond
on the morning train on Saturday
October 9, and will be met at the
train by a delegation of Prineville
men representatives of the fair board
Mayor Edwards and party, President
Kelly of the Commercial Club and
party ,and others who will have auto
mobiles waiting for the Governor's
party, and will escort them to this
city immediately.
The combined delegation will be
met just outside the city by the band,
and a parade will follow the guests
of honor to the fair grounds. The
party will be given an opportunity
to look over the grounds, and inspect
i the various exhibits, after which
there will be speaking, notably an
address by the Governor.
Just after the noon hour there
will be a parade of the prize winning
livestock, which will be brought out
in review for the inspection of the
Governor, who is an enthusiastic
stockman. One of the best saddle
horses in this part of the state will
be provided for the chief executive
on this occasion.
, George Palmer Putnam Pri
vate Secretary to the Governor has
promised the management that he
will accompany the Governor if pos
sible. Mr. Putnam is a Crook County
man and resided at Bend for a num
ber of years and now is editor of the
Bend Bulletin.
Every day will be a big day at the
fair this fall but Saturday will be
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This picture shows the Governor mounted on his favorite saddle
mare, one of the best bred animals of that type in the state
Wheeler County Holds Election
To Recall Their District Attorney
A recall election was held in Wheel
er county Monday. The election was
an attempt to recall the District At
torney, J. W. Starr, and was support
ed by the city marshal of Mitchell,
and others. This marshal, P. J.
Shaughnessy, shot and seriously
wounded Peter Hofer, at Mitchell
one of the banner days.
The letter from the Governor ac
cepting the invitation to be present
on this occasion is herewith repro
duced. Mr. R. L. Schee, Manager,
Crook County Fair,
Prineville, Ore.
My Dear Sir:
Unlets some unforeseen official
matter interferes, I shall be most
glad to accept your kind invitation
to be present at the Crook County
Fair in October. It will be most
cofivenient for me to be with you on
Saturday, October 9. I shall come
to Redmond on the train arriving
there Saturday morning, and it will
be necessary for me to return to Red
mond that night. I will ask there
fore, that you kindly arrange for
this schedule.
While I appreciate your courtesy
in suggesting it, I cannot serve in
the capacity of judge of stock. For
a number of years I have refused to
act as judge, and must decline in
this instance. However, it will give
me "great pleasure to inspect what
j Central Oregon has to offer in stock,
and you may call upon me for any
share in the day's program which
would seem most appropriate.
I might add that I am especially
glad to attend your Fair, because
the Crook County representative in
my office, Mr. Putnam, assures me
that he is advised the Fair is going
to be a most successful and import
ant event this year.
Very truly yours,
James Withycombe,
on Saturday of last week. Hofer is
said to have been supporting the1
Starr side of the issue and the mar
shal was opposed to Starr. The vote
showed that the people were with
the pesrent incumbent to the tune
of more than five to one. A very light
vote was polled.