CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Pagaf Bills Paid By Crook County Court Continued from Vagc 1. Arthur Temph-ton, 20; John Cum till, 2; J. F. Pope, 2; R.S.Dixon, 2; 0. I. I)uviH,n,2; C. P. lVrrln, 2 ; ' Uvmy S,rhHle, 2; W. II. Kinder, 2; F. K. I-afler, 3; Horace Uelknup Jr., 3; John Elliott, 3.00; Clmc. Howls by, 3; E. E. LauKhlin, 10; Auutin Klzer, 21 ; J. II, WIgle, 15; I. W. Ward, 2; Wult McFarlwul, 2; A. T. 1!oku 15.40; A. T, Yuneey.2; Goo. H-ba, 27; W. H. liirdHontf. 28.20; Al bert Wuy, 4.40; J. fT I). Eviuis, 17; Wallure Ii.t, 20.40; M. Maylleld, 3. 10; II. E. Civ, ir.f.0;S. ('.. Duthit, 27; J. I'. I'iekelt, 28; M.I). Powell, 15; J.h' Lister, 3; (!. W. Noble, 15; S. C. Price, 17; L. D. Wiest, 22; (1. II. Rimney. 3; C. II. Graves, 3.00; E. (1. Fauitbt. 22: C Fauitht, 22; C, J. Sutnlspii.-t, 1; Albert Kay, 4.40; C. A. Adams fl ,,.,, B!WWor 6; C. II. Robin..!, 115.00; Alfred iUtWm w Klkina Mdse. poor etc. ,05 Libby, 0; A. F. Fuller, 11.20; I. lVnifton & Con,Ht Mi1m.. ,.h. 0.70 Vedder. II; A.S. Holm.,!!; II. A. Il.minfton Typewriter Co. Mdse- ie!oii, o'.i.iio uoiite ftwinirie, ai i o m li t i a Ivan Kilrfore, 10; Henry P,,"''.'o. c. Cray Auto hire it; i. i'.. riUKcraKi, o.; i.w v.ruier, iv, jonn nam, i.uu; v,. i Ream, 11; Tolbert Smith, 7; Aaron tl'...l.f.... . T . 1 tt.., 1. 1 , O. f "UIHIIIB, O, JiW IV. illMNK, O, (J. I .S. Walkins. 2.30; L. Nichols, 2; Uren 1 Jones, 2.00 Glass & Prudhomme Mdse. Glass & I'rudhomme treas. Glass & Prudlninime Mdse cl Class & IVudhomme supt. Teo. Aune Iep. Sheriff II. R. I-akin Mlse. supt. 33.25 21 -01 rk 9.07 3.83 97. HO 0.25 The California Exposi iitions are two vast wonderlands the Greatest shows of the age You cannot afford to miss them. The opportunity will soon pass. Go Now! Choice of several routes nt low furi'S fur the round trip OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGAT'N CO. A. C. K'lAN, T. F. & P. A. l!KNl, OKK. "1 You've Long I I 4 In the direction of economical buying when you select our groceries. This we have proven to patron after pat ron until now it seems strange that anyone should doubt our statements. However, the country is large and if you're among those who've missed us thus far, stride in today or soon and become convinced. J. E. STEWART & CO. Get the I I Gc&H.Pop CANT Dol I "OU CAtrr.j I T Tms ExAMfi pii ' Yen? r J. E. Stewart Mdse Mr. Queen 50.85 J. E. Stewart Mdse. paupers 6.80 Statlra ItiKgH Sec. co. court 38.40 Pioneer T. & T. Co. 119.11 Prlncvllle Drug co. Mdse, poor, 57.75 II. A. Kelly surveyor's few 190.05 W. F. King Co. Mdse roads, 40.15 ;E. 15. Knox Office expences 47.70 Pattmon Druir Rx Gttry 0.Donm. Brofl. Mdse Milter 2.55 15.20 Pioneer Llvy. & feed Rd work 49.50 Skunc Ildwe. Co. Mdse, Road 5.85 E. A. Suther Mdse. paupers 18. 83 M. J. Main sharp tools, etc. 33.C5 liond Hdwe. co. Mdse. romls 139.70 II. II. Clow Janitor Salary 138.00 Elliott-Fisher Co. ribbons clerk 7.00 Kendall & Chapman Nails 8.91 Albert Noble Dept. Assessor 50.50 James Wood Depty. aswssor 44.00 L. M. Miller retf. electors 1.50 John Milliorn Justice fees G.95 Alfred I.ibby Special constable 4.50 JumesOam. " " 2.50 i,,,.,,!,,,,,. i11.;f.(.I1rt 1.70 !,m. r. 5.40 40.. 00 M. T. Ry. Rentllend warehouse 5.00 ;s M aj)y d(p I,, n i.()intt.xU.r rrum.r 180.00 12.40 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 JJ J, Jj,((.J. juror Alfred G. Allen " " I). I). lirown A. L. French Krnk N. Gillwrt " II Ml CI,...,., " IVrt Vaniri liner coroner wit. A. L. Clark VV. F. Smith J. Ryan (Veil Fisch Theo. Aune K Rea Norris J. 11. Connarn " L. V. Winir Test, in Cole case 3.00 Firl Saunders deputy assessor 40.00 Cent'l Or. Garage Repair car 58.20 J. A. Kstes Justice fees 6.90 T. Aune Deot. Sheriff 50.50 R. L. Heathnmn wit. jusice court 3.S0 S. J. Roebecker ' 1.50 Mrs. McNVal 1.50 John 1). Stevens 1.50 Prineville much, shop repairs 273.25 U'ai ren Hrown clerk hire 212.50 Warren Hrown stamps etc. 48.13 Sam Green chainmun 2.00 Geo. Kohl " 2.00 Hill Buckley Flairman 2.00 Hunsacker stg. Co. Exp., supt. 4.7J5 The Journal Mdse., officers' 42.00 The Journal Pub. pro. 50.00 Rend Bulletin Blks., asesssors 7.50 G. Kennard Dep. water m. 244.00 1 pharmacy Rx , paupers 35.75 Ow Home hospital ("arc, poor 388.50 F. Rea N.rris Mrs. Huntington 18.00 H. F. French Ins.apparatus 300.00 V Taken a Stride 5 VJm, IM &0(?PtflSeO, YOON MAN. ITS A C 16M2 AS MUD. NOW INSTANCE MAB f D. P.AdamsonA Co. Mdse., 11.35 E. B. Knox Board, prisoners 320.00 0. C. Gray Dep. Sheriff 200.00 Roy Stuart Payment, wood 200.00 Mrs. AffOHtine, care Mrs. Prlsco 21.00 H. H. DeArmond Act. dist. atty. 5.00 Jay II. Upton Defending Stark 80.00 Mrs. Lottie Bowlin Care Fleetwood 60.00 F. F. Bowlin Hauling Grader 2.00 W. II. Wirtz envelope etc. 21.24 R. L. Jordan Extra clerk hire 38.25 Pioneer Planing Mills Ch. repr. 67.45 A. II Lippman & Co. Bural 59.00 A. H. Lippman & Co. jail Mdse. 22.75 A. II. Lippman & Co .fixtures 362.40 C. P. Becker Dep. assessor 68.00 C. J. Farnham " " 170.00 GoldieC. Wagner " " 140.00 H. A. FosU-r stamps, exp. 3.80 F. P. Phillips Dht. scaler 10.57 Gladys Bain Work, supt office 4. 00 Redmond Spokesman Pub., supt. 1,40 J. E. Meyers Stamps 39.51 Earle Benton Just, fees 12.40 C. A. Adams dep. Just, court 3.50 E. Gordon wit., just, court 5.50 I). M. Davis Dep. assessor 60.00 Mrs. C. W. Elkins exam, work 28.50 J. F. Morris care Mrs Moxley 4-1.00 P. D.Cunningham Mdse., supt. 1.50 Norris Bixby work for supt. 4.00 V. Schrcder road work 20.00 Mrs.L W. Spear Care Ollic De-.t-man.l 20.00 F. N.Wallace ,Mgr, U-n dump wag ons 750.00 J. R. Power Repairing culvert 2.00 J. E. Fuller dep.asscssor 124.00 Bushong & Co. Mdse., treas. 32.00 Bushong& Co. Mdse., assessor 19.00 Crandall & Robcts audt. aecU 250.00 J. F. Rlanchard road work, 144.00 M.Bragg " 88.50 j Geo. Fogg " 86.00 j H. J. Overturf " 387.00! J. F. Blunchard com. fees July 16.00 Mrs. Bates cr. Mrs. Robinson 100.00 Cornet t Stage co. fare, Brewster 5.00 Lin Nicholas dep. water master 4.00 Ray Bircham " 24.00 Montgomery & Mayfield "auto 8.00 Get.. Brewster June, July " 190.00 A. R. Bowman justcie fees 47.70 II. D. Dunham witness just. crt . 8.50 Jim Criss 3.30 3.30 2.00 Ray Allen Jertse Walk ns " Aaron Watkins " A. B. Chapman '" S. M. Campbell C. A. Payne I. D. Vedder A. S. Holmes " A. J. Fuller W. C. Jacobs road work Jim Grimes " James Street " C. P. Ix.yd J. O. Jewell Allen Willcoxen " J. D. Adams Co. road drags 2.00 7.10 J 7.50 : 7.50 ; 7.50 , 7.50 I 8.00 ! 414.18; 80.31 j 11.25! 71.76 ; 67.00 ! 207.20! 45.00' J. H. Rosenberg Co. Health officer i 103.35 O. C. Claypookfe Co. Mdse. 2G.01 Belknap & Edwards Services 87. .50 Deschutes Power Co. Lights, 139.55 Prineville Merc. Co. Mdse. 23.95 R. N. Poindexter Auto hire 25 Jones dairy Milk 2 Hotel Prineville Meals jurors 27 Hotel Prineville " prisoners 36 00 10 10 75 35 45 00 75 Mrs. A. Agostini Laundry Miller Lumber Co. Mdse. Ind. Auto Line fare paupers J. E. Adamson. janitor High School Fund. Shipp & Perry mdse. 75. Hamilton Stables, fertilizer Hamond & Stephens diplomas 20, Jos. Mayer & Bros, medals 12 W. F. King co. clover Mrs. I. Michel Mdse., 10 Prineville com. club hall rent 22 J. K. Gill co. mdse 9 The Journal priming 39 Deschutes Power co. It., wtr. 120. Edna Estes Baccalaurate music 5 W. H. Lohis orchestra service 5 Horrigan & Reinke mdse. 2 H. Baughman post and express 7 A. H. Lippman co. rent chairs 8 J. B. Shouse debate expenses 3 J. Wesley Smith carp'ter wrk 49 Lafler Studio art paper 1 II. W. Howard sprinklers 6 Mother's Good at Figures IF TtoU HAO FW OollAI?S) AMP I GME Vl , fed Outfitters Clean-Up Sale on dimmer Dress About one dress pattern left Also remnants and short Brocaded Crepes 40-inch Crepe DeChine Beatrice Silks Figured Flaxons Silk Poplins Fancy Lace Cloth 40-inch Marquisette Peters' Shoes Wear Best Nap-a-Tan Work Shoes for Men! One of the best work shoes made on this coast We've tried them all. Trunks, Suit Cases Nice Assortment IN 20 Mule 20 Mule Gold Scat, Welch's Going Away? This Is My Happy Dream! Td Uko to shut up shop and go on vacation, but I'm too busy. I'm right here to work for you, no matter whether you go or stay. 20c can WSTE&ICS I WUAT irV ' A CHILD CAN TRADE SAFELY HERE You don't need to be a shrewd buyer to purchase from CLIFTON & CORNETT One price; one high nuality; one standard of ser vice animate the spirit of this store. Your friendship rather than your immediate money Can you wear a 35 or 36 Suit? If so we have some real bar gains in these sizes. We mention sizes so you will know what to look for. Don't forget that we have Bargain Shoes left Small sizes THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT Team Borax soap chips Team Borax aid soap powder Dust Washing powder Crystal White Chips Citrus Powders Bo Raxo Perfumed Bath Powders Pearline Dutch Cleanser Bon Ami, Pearline. Sarjolio Grape Juice, Oranges, Lemons Before Buying a New Car see the OAKLAND Light Six ELECTRIC LIGHTS AND STARTER PRICE $895.00 Portland; completely equipped Will have a demonstrator during the next ten days O. L. HUFF Exclusive Agent for Central Oregon Prineville, Oregon Goods! in most of them lengths 39c instead of 50c 45c instead of 60c 23c instead of 35c 14c instead of 17 l-2c 40c instead of 50c 22 l-2cinst'dof 35c 25c instead of 35c We are the sole agents for Warner's Rust Proof Corsets Front Lace $1.00 to $5.00 Women's fine Lisle Thread Hose 35c instead of 65c Ass't col. By Gross . Ufji J s8 &Ss2 II 10c " I I in.' 1 I