Vot 0 Utfcne Or COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY Crook County Joanna CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOL. XIX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915. NO. 34 CROOK AND JEF FERSON SETTLE Jefferson County if Paid $25,600 by Crook All Accounts Are Paid The Many Sides of The Que, tton Agreed upon by All the Member! of Both Court In the County Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Crook; in tho matter of joint settlement be tween the county courts of Crook and Jefferson counties. Resolution: whereas the county courts of tho counties of Crook and Jefferson hav ing assembled in joint session the 21st day of June, 1915. at J'rincville, Ore gon, in tho county of Crook, State of Oregon pursuant to Section 13, Chap ter 10, General Laws of 1913, and having continued their deliberations until this date; and whereas, it is . of Crook County with funds which found by I he said county courts insightfully belong to Crook County, joint assembly that the value of all : 0r some road or school district with public buildings owned by Crook j i Crook County, the County Court County and remaining within the j 0f Jefferson hereby agrees to pay limits of said county Is approximate- and assume such indebtedness in fa Jy $S8, 000.00 and that the total out vorof Crook County or the school or standing indebtedness of said Crook j road district within Crook County County on the 1st day of January, j to which it rightfully belongs, or vice 1915, was the sum of approximate- versa. lV $81,000.00 and that the reason able value of said public buildings exceeds the total indebtedness on January 1st, 1915 by approximately, $1,000.00 Whereas, the tax collectors of;(V,Unty, J. F. Blanchard County Crook County have collected since January 1st, 1915 the sum of $41, 649.40 from within the limit3 of Jeff erson County on the tax roll of 1914, and have paid to the school districts of said county the sum of $ 6,258.00, havo paid the first half of the state tax to the State Treasurer at Salem, for said Jefferson County amounting to $7,610.14 and have collected from Jefferson for the Crook County high school fund the sum of $ 2,790. 59, which is a part of the $ 44,649. 40 above mentioned, and whereas the value of all road machinery with in the boundaries of Jefferson County has been appraised at a value of $2,-! 374.07 and has been sold to Jefferson County for that sum and it is here by agreed in consideration of the payment hereinafter mentioned to be made to Jefferson County by Crook County that each of said count ies do hereby waive any further claims against each other, except as to those which are specifically named herein, under and by virtue of said Chapter 10, Session I.aws of 1913: Wherefore, be it resolved, con- Weather Forecast VbW N'KNOVl Wa LOT'S O" 5CM- fcUT I NEME. NV4 ONE vmcH . sidered and ordered, by the joint court of Crook and Jefferson Counties acting together and In behalf of their respective counties, on this 8th day of July, 1915, that Jefferson County does hereby accept the general fund warrant of Crook County for the sum of $25016.0(1 in lieu of all other claim against the .said Crook County by virtue of Chapter 10, Session Iaws of 1913, except such as are herein after'spccifically named, and that Crook County waive all claim against I Jefferson County in like manner and to like extent only; and be it further reiolvcd, conidered and ordered, that each of the counties interested here in collect and hold all delinquent taxes now or hereafter to become due and owing within the boundaries of each of the counties rcsjectlvely and the Sheriff of Crook County is hereby directed and ordered to as sign and transfer to Jefferson County all delinquent tax certificates now owned by Crook County on property within the boundaries of Jefferson County; and bo it also resolved, con sidered and ordered, that any errors hereafter detected on the tax rolls which may show that tax money have been erroneously credited to Crook, or vice versa, or that any school dis trict, in Jefferson County, has been credited by error of the tax collector Given under our hand this 8th day of July, A. IX, 1915. (Signed), G. Springer, County Judge of Crook County, II. J. Over- turf, County Commissioner of Crook Commissioner of Crook County, Will iam ISoegli, County Judge of Jeffer son County, Roseo Card, County Commissioner of Jefferson County, J. M. King, County Commissioner of Jefferson County, Bills Paid by Crook County Court The following amounts were pnid to circuit court witnesses: W. II. Brunner $15.40; P. A.John son 15; C. L. Ream 15; Maude Ream, 15; J. R. Post, 14; W.O. Elliott, 17; Joe Lister, 8 ; VV. C. Smead 13.20; C. II. Olson, 12.80; Henry Barnard, 8; B. Wagner 10; Alice Ki.er 2; Al bert Way, 4.80; T. II. Connors, 13.40 J. E. Cambell, 4;Chas. Bowlsby,24; Tolbert Smith, 13; Hans Jacobsen, 10.80; Koren Jacobsen, 10.80; C. II. Robinson, 8; Alfred Libby 8; E. A. McDonald, 13.40;Arthur Hining, 12. 80; Dave Elliott, 7.40; Otto Sontag, 4; M. R. Biggs. 2.50; Mrs. Rose Bums, 12; Henry Kirkham 7.30; W. II. Kirkham, 7.30; D. F. Stewart, 4; Ben Puett 2; Aaron Watkins 11; Jesse R. Watkins, 11; J.S. Watkins, 10.30; Edna Queen, 12; W. A. Booth, 2; Minnie Ray, 8; George Ray, 8; Oren Jones, 4.60; S. B. Ellis, 11; 0. C.Gray, 2; Ed. C. White, 10.40; Frank Cox, 4.60; Elizabeth Cox, 4.60 W. F. King, 4; A. R. Bowman. 2; Marten White, 4 ; Bert Grater, 4 ; Geo Ward 5.60; John Ward, 5.60; A.J. Fuller, 11.20; I. D. Vedder, 11; A. S. Holmes, 11; Clyde Ward, 5.60; U. S. Rushnoll, 11; John Dobry, 6.60; Mrs. Lilly Parry, 4; Erma Parry, 4; Harvey Dunham 15; Dt Koopnmn, 14.20; H. C. Hill, 2f. The following amounts were paid to jurors: E. E. Gillenwater, 12; Walter Rub le, 10.20; J. R. Post, 12; Chas. Boyd, 13; Harley M. Saunders, 16; J. W. Gilchrist, 8.20; J. W. Stanton, 8.60; John Grimes, 4; Fred Grimes, 2; Geo. J. Brown, 2; U. S. Bushnell, 2; Timber Deals In volve a Million These are the big, busy days in the recording division at the county clerk's office. A deed was filed for record the first of the week which carries tim ber lands valued at a half million dollars, from the Fremont Land com pany of which T. L. Shelvin is presi dent, to the Deschutes Lumber com pany, another concern owning large quantities of timber in the Deschutes country. The deed, although men tioning but a nominal sum, carries $4499.50 worth of internal revenue stamps which fixed the amount of the consideration, and is for lands Spanish War Perfect An "Looking back across the gulf of ; seventeen years, each of us can re call Uie kindly face, the final hand clasp, the last farewell of a boyhood friend who gave his life to his coun try, and sweetly the chords of mem ory ting a solemn requiem to our martyred dead" thus did Jay H. Upton, toastmaster at the luncheon of the Spanish War Veterans at the Prineville Hotel Saturday evening, express the spirit actuating the vet eransof the Spanish War, the Philip pine Im-urreetion and the China Ex pedition in the Boxer uprising. In the absence of Mayor Edwards, Hon. J. N. Williamson on behalf of the city of Prineville extended a sin cere and cordial welcome to the new organization assuring them that the people of this section would aid them morally and practically in the pat rotic and humane purposes for which it was formed. Roy W. Kesal, 'chief clerk of the department of pubiic affairs of the City of Portland, and Department Commander of Oregon of the United Spanish War Veterans, who install ed the new camp spoke of the neces sity of patriotic organizations to in culcate a spirit of patriotism and love of country in the school children the future citizens of our country, in order to counteract the seditious and anarchistic propaganda of the "soap box orator" Others who spoke briefly of the services of the soldiers of the Span ish War were Circuit Judge T. E. J. ST. GEORGE ,7 T V .. ..VIM.. in township 17, 18 and 19, range 10 and 11. Smaller deeds, the total of which approximate about an equal amount of lands in the same country were at the same time from the Deschutes people to the Fremont company, in dicating that these big men are grouping their holdngs, preparatory to "doing things". A deed conveying the Central OrN gon Railway, which was a holding company, to the Oregon Trunk was filed, carrying more than $50 worth of stamps. The deeds for the timber lands were drawn on July 2 in St. Paul. Veterans Organization Duffy, Colloins W. Elkins, Postmas ter Boon and Thomas Sharp. i ne name oi tne new camo is Thomas M. Arde xn No. 17. It was named after Maj. General Anderson, retired, who was in command of the First Expeditionary Force to the Philippine Islands.in 1898. The officers of the new camp are: John B. Bell, Commander; Geo. Euston, Senior Vice Commander; F L . Weaver, Junior Vice Com mander; Thmas Sharp, Officer of the Day; L. Kamstra, Officer of the Guard; Jay H. Upton, Adjutant; W. J. Smelzer, Quartermaster; Chas. 0. Pollard, Chaplain; E. Wagoner, J. C. Stevens and II. J. Lover, Trustees Through the courtesy of circuit Judge Duffy, the installation cere monies were held in the circuit court room, but hereafter the camp expects to be provided with a suitable head quartersat the Court House, provi sion for which is made by law. Those who have joined the new organization are: John B. Bell, Geo. Euston, Thos. Sharp, Jay H. Upton, L. Kamstra, Chas. Pollard, E.Wagon er, John E. Whistler, John G. Malech, S. L. Reynolds, Omar Wilson, John D. Newsom, Allen, and E. F. Price of Prineville; W. M.Eaton andJ. C. Stevens of Culver; H. J. Love and F. L. Weaver of Redmond ; John W. Dennis of Sisters; E. Rea Norris, B. Farrell and B Heyburn of Bend; and E. L. Clark of La Pine and E. Crumm of Rivers. AND THE FLAGON. A County Court has A Busy Session Proceeding, County Court of Crook County, j Be it rememlered a regular term of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, was begun and held in the Courthouse, in prineville, Oregon on Wednesday, the seventh day of July, 1915 the same being the first Wednes day in said month and the time fix ed by law for holding a regular term of said Court, when were present at the hour of 10 A. M., the following officers: G. Springer, Judge, presiding, J. F. Blanchard, Commissioner H. J. Overturf Comissioner, Warren Brown Clerk and E. B. Knox Sheriff. Whereupon the following proceed ings were had, to-wit: Petition of Fremont Land Com pany for refund of taxes paid on cer tain lands belonging to the United States for the years 1908 to 1913 in clusive granted. Order warrant in favor of said company in the sum of $25.16. Sheriff ordered to place a certain fence belonging to Goswick and Mc Cary in a proper condition so that it will no longer be a menace to live stock and human beings and provid ing for a lien on the wire so removed. (See order) Report of Mrs. H. P. Belknap ap proved for expenditure of the sum of $30.00 for certain indigents. Order warrant drawn in the sum of $180 in favor of Dr.J.H . Rosen berg to be used in defraying the ex pense of removing Mrs. Prisco Prisco from Crook County. Order appointing J. F. Blanehard and H.J. Overturf road viewers for Crook County for year 1915. County Roads. Hearing on S. J. Pierce Road continued until first day of Septem ber term, 1915. Hearing on S. V. Hardin No. 2 Road continued until first day of September term, 1915. Order the " O. C. Cardwell County Road opened as public high way whenever funds are available. Certain proceedings having- been corrected in accord with the opinion of the Dist. Atty. filed May 6th, 1915; Viewers ordered out on day of , 1915. Preliminary report of County Sur veyor filed on O. F. Wallenberg Road ; Order setting first day of Sep tember, 1915 at the hour of 10 A. M. as the time of hearing on said report and ordering proper notice to be given thereof. (See order) Petition, and other papers filed for the establishment of the John French Road. Favorable opinion filed by District Attorney. Viewers ordered out on the day of , 1915. On the Redmond Powell Butte Road, Allen Willcoxen ordered to i supervise the expenditure of a sum not to exceed Soul). Urder war rant drawn in favor of Allen Will coxen in the sum of $300 to be accou nted for by proper voch'ers; the re mainder to be paid on the presenta tion of proper bills and vochers. Order J. F. Blanchard and H. J. Overturf to inspect the W. H. Ed mondson Change in the Jerry Young Road and report at the September term of Court. Petition, bond, notice and proof of posting notices presented for the Bart Demaris Roads. Opinion filed by Dist. Atty. showing errors in preparation of papers. Ordered continued for correction. Court convened this 8th day of July, 1915 at the hour of 8 A. M. Same officers present as yesterday. Report of Warren Brown, County Clerk, of bounties paid during months of May and June, 1915; re ceived and approved. Hearing of claim of David A. Pat- CROOK COUNTY BRINGS ACTION Telephone Matters Slated for An Airing ConsolidationMay Result Action Brought to Relieve Peo ple of the Support of Two Different Systems Crook County completed the filing of complaints yesterday with the public service commission against the Pioneer Telephone company and the Pilot Butte Telephone company both of this city to compel these ri val companies to abolish one of the central stations in this city, and el iminating one of the two telephones from the business houses and resi dences. The action is brought because of the inconvenience and injustice caus ed by the existence of the two rival lines. At present the territory is perhaps about evenly divided between the two companies, both claiming an ad vantage in the matter, and the sub scribers on either of the lines are un able to talk to those on the rival lines because of the fact that the two com panies have been unable to arrive at an agreement for switching privi leges, and there are no trunk lines connecting the two services. This is the reason for the county asking the state authorities to assist in settle ing the difficulty. When interviewed, Manager Pope of the Pioneer company stated that if his company had the control of the town business, they would install a common battery system of the latest tpye, in this city, one that would call central without ringing, and posessing many other improvements. A date will be set for the hearing by the commission who will no doubt come here for that purpose. It will perhaps be some months in the fu ture before the matter is finally set tled. Prineville Wins From Portland Team Prineville won the ball game Sun day from the S. P. team of Portland by a score of 4 to 7. The visitors were sure of the game, in their own minds at least, and appeared to be much surprised at the work of the local nine. Prineville will play Ante lope Sunday next, in that city. E. L. Reynolds returned Saturday from Portland and is at work with the Inland Auto company. NYDIA'S LOVE SONG. The wind ami the beam loved ttie rose, Aud the rose loved one. For who recks the wind where It blows. Or loves not the sun? None knew where the humble wind stole. Foor sport of the skies. .None dreamt that the wind bad a soul In Its mournful sighs. Oh, happy beam! now canst thou prove Thut bright love of thine? In thy light is the proof of thy love, Tbou bast but-to ghiue. How Its love enn the wind re veal? Unwelcome Its sigh; Mute mute to Its rose let It proof Is to die. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Continued on Page 5. Starrott in Nw York Tribun Continued on Page 8.