Pace 4 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL 1915 JULY 1915 tTwTt"! r M 11121314151617 1 8 910 18192021222324 25262728293031 The City Norman Weigand of Lamonta was in town last week. Mrs. James Street who has been quite siek, is improving. Miss Ronea Campbell spent Sunday visiting her sister in Redmond. Miss Eva Street returned from a trip to Burns the last of the week. H. G. Webb brought in a stalk of rye Saturday that measured seven feet nine inches. Mrs. Kate Liggett is in Pvinoville from Nortli Yakima, visiting rela tives and friends. Mrs. Frankie Olmstead and Mrs. "Independence Day " will boobserv White spent several days recently H !lt tl, Methodist Church on Sun- Drama Tonight at Opera Houie "Is Marriage a Failure" tomight at the Opera House. This play is be ing put on by local talent, and is a comedy that will do any one good to see. Resides the merit of the play, the proceeds are to be applied to lo cal causes, which should insure a large audience. There will be specialties between acts by Smelzer, Names, lloleseher and like artists. visiting with their sister Mrs. Geo rge Taylor near Roberts, R. W. Zevely and M. D. Powell C.C.O'Ncil from Riverside was in ! with their respective famlies. left the first of the week for Klamath Falls where they will celebrate. Frineville a few days last week. I. M. Mills left Friday morning, returning to his ranch near that city. H. A. Kelly and George Brewster left for Suplee Monday on business. G. V. Noble and R. L. Jordon re turned the first of the week from a business trip to Condon. Mrs. Grant and Glen Ridgeway of Culver were in Prineville the first of the week on business. Sam Newsom and wife returned to Post Wednesday. Mr. Newsorr is a prominent rancher there. Services will be held in the Cath olic Church Sunday July 11, at 11 A. M. Every one is welcome. Attorney Lake M. Beehtell left yesterday for Portland. He will return to Prineville tomorrow7. J. E. Whistler has moved his car penter shop to Ed Harbin's where he is prepared to do all kinds of wood work. Harry Robertson from Sisters was in town one day last week, and took back the stallion Comet which he purchased from Joe Lister. There is to be a celebration at Howard on July 5. Racing, various contests and dancing will be the or der of the day. A large crowd will be present. J. H. Keeneand R. V.Randall ar rived the first of the week from Eu gene,- and have taken charge of the repair and service department of the rorct Oarage. Rev. B. F. Harper, field worker for the Presbyterian church, passed through the city Tuesday evening, on hisway from Paulina to the rail road. Mrs. Custer, who has been visit ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. J. Hughes, left for Sheri dan, Wyoming last Tuesday. Mrs. Custer's home is in that city. C. W. Ijfnp and sistpr IVfrs F! T. Richard Crooks, brother of J. 11. Crooks of this city was buried Sun- ihiv at. Jefferson. Orecon. Mr. Crooks wu 7ti years of age at the time of mwt,u'r "f thl l -irroom and Mrs, his death. lay, July 1. The pastor's subject for the morning will le "The lay of lndopendatieo." In the evening, "America and the Peace Problem" Loran Barber and Lena Telfer both of Jefferson County were mar ried at the Methodist Parsonage on Monday June i!8. 1 "resent as wit nesses were Mis. VV. F, Barber II. Faulk sister of the bridi Mr. Randall l had year of ex- tieorirp Rav and wife returned to heir ranch near Post the first of the F rk',KV in tho k rtl 'rviw !iml i;ia .veek, after spending the winter in !0k1 n,!ln in lh;i ,inu- Mr" Kww Yineville. Mr. Ray who has been has bt'on forcm4l ut' lh" VorA Gat' age in fcugene tor the p;ist tour years, anil is an expert in the repair CELEBRATE i OJ J I LI I J Lri ) ( Lip rH I AT REDMOND ! I f ' " - n. ,mmvmmymjfmrrrumtm 1 i i uite sick, is rapidly improving. For the accommodation, of pass engers, The Oregon Trunk will hold their North Bound train at Bend un til 10 P. M. on July 5 and 7, 1915. Account of Chautaqua. Next Sunday there will be bible tee their work to be satisfactory, which will no doubt get them much business. Prineville's ball team will leave tomorrow for Klamath Falls where school at the Christian church at 10, j tht,y wi!1 play thm, gnm- mui fronl SA' Uf WAI JULY 3 preaching at 11, young people's' meeting at 7, and preaching at 8 The evening subject is, "Some Ob jections Consderied." there proceed to Fort Klamath where two more games will be played. The team will be gone from home just a week, and will play five days. There Max Hirst is at the Home Hospi-jare fifteen men in the party, and the tal suffering from an attack of lock jaw. He was injured some ten days ago, and symptoms developed about a week ago. This is a very unusual case, and very dangerous. The patient is in a critical conditon. The annual county summer school closed yesterday. While the attend ance was small, much interest was! Journal confidently expects to re ceive some such telegram as this one week from today, "Our conquest of the south has been successsful." Same carrying the signature of Manager Dobry. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly issued out of the shown on the part of the teachers j Circuit Court uf the state of Oregon, takimr the course. Many of them ! for Crook County, by the Clerk of are taking the teachers examinations this week. T. N. Balfour left Friday for The the said Court, on the 29th day of June, A. I). 19."), in a certain suit wherein the Western Loan and Build ing Company, a corporation wen- Foot Races, Horse Races Automobile Races, Motorcycle Races Speeches, Music, Parades Big Dance in the Evening! One Grand, Big, Busy Day! Baseball Game the Following Day! Dalles where he will make his home j plaintiff, and Norma Gail Taylor, in the future and perhaps engage in Thomas W. Taylor, Ix'in L. Brown , . r, ,, . . and Bess M. Brown were defendants, business. Mrs. Balfour .left the t . t .i. ..i :.,.:r .... i. . . Ml iUHH Wi. llli' jJHUIlUU, MU ilrtlO.-l. the defendants, and commending that I recover from the above named week before and they are already settled housekeeping. Before leaving last Friday, Mr. Balfour said in the Journal office that it was like pulling an eye tooth to leave Prineville. The governor has appointed stock inspectors in the state in accordance defendants, Norma Gail Taylor and Thomas W. Taylor, the full sum of one thousand fifty five and 3:1.100 ($1 055,3:!) dollars, with interest thereon from the 10th day of August, A. D. 1914, at the rate of ten per cent, per with the recommendation of the ,, """ur . lw an',' no .too ooiiars attorneys lee ani stockmen's association. L. N. Nieho- Walker, left Tuesday morning to f las of this city is inspector for Crook join Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Walker of ( county, Bidwell Cram of Gateway be Hood River Valley for a short out- ing inspector for Jefferson county, ing on the Lower Metolius. jw. H. Moody of Shaniko is inspeet- Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Johnson, Viola or for Wasco county, and Beatrice and Weaver Melton re- j Remember Saturday is the big day turned yesterday from a month's at Redmod and commencing Friday trip through California, Mexico and j there will be six big days at Bend. Southern Oregon. They traveled Prineville is having no celebration about. 2800 miles, making from 110 and the Prineville country will have to 250 miles per day in their car, ' a fair here in Octber, at which time and report some excellent roads, 'we will expect attendance from our and some very bad ones. They 'neighboring towns. Let's show them spent some time at each of the fairs, that our heart is in the right place visited Crater Lake and many other by attending these functions liber points of intrest. I ally. That 4 of July Picnic Will need all of the good things to eat that are shown in the picture, and many more besides They can all be found at our store, and we will pack them right into your basket, all ready for the frolic. Place your order early, for we'll be busy, for people know what good things they can purchase from us J. E. STEWART & CO. the further sum of twenty anil .75 dollars costs, and accruing costs. And that I sell the following de scribed real property, towit: Lots nmbered seventeen (17), eighteen (18) and nineteen (19) in block No. one hundred twenty nine (129) in the town of Hillman, (Post OUiee now Terrebonne), Crook County, State of. Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, which judgment was inrolled and docketed in the office of the County Clerk of Crook County, Oregon, on the 21st day of June, 1915, Notice is hereby given that I have levied upon and I will on Sat urday, the 31st day of July, 1915, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the north door of the court house in Prineville, Crook County, Oregon, sell to the higest bidder for cash all of the right, title and inter est the said defendants, Norma Gail (Taylor, Thomas W. Taylor, Lem L. ! Brown and Bess M. Brown have or i had in the above described premises on the date of said judgment, to I satisfy said judgment, interest, at torney's fees, costs and accruing I costs. Said sale subject to redemp tion as provided by law. First pub lished July 1st, 1915. E. B. Knox Sheriff of Crook County, Oregon. By Floyd A. Rowell Deputy. 32. AD1U ENt7 COLEAIAN ESTATE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Ad ministrator of the estate of Adrien T. Coleman, deceased, by the County Court of the state of Oregon for the County of Crook, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pre sent the same to the undersigned at the office of Biggs and Biggs, Prine ville, Oregon, with proper vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 1st day of July, 1915. James 0. Garner Administrator of the estate of Adrien T. Coleman, deceased. AY HARVEST SUPPLIES! T ! Hay season is at hand and we are prepared to supply you with all necessities for the occasion, at prices that will please. If unable to call, order by mail. Note the follow ing quotations, cash with order: 100 lbs Dalles Diamond flour $3.50 I 1(1 lbs seedless raisins - . $1.20 25 lb I'ink beans - - - $1.90 25 lb b.x dried figs . . $2.20 25 lbs Jap rice - - $1.05 10-oz bottle lemon or vanilla - $1.15 25 lbs Bayo beans - - - $2.15 10 lb tin Rex lard - . $1.05 25 lbs Speckled Bayo - . $1.75 2 J -gal keg pickles - . . $l.o 25 lbs small white - - - $2.10 4 gal keg pickles - . $1.25 5 lb tin Shilling's Best Baking Powder $2.00 25 lbs head rice . . $2.15 5 lb tin Cleveland's - $1.4!) 50 lbs best dairy salt . . $1.00 10 lb can. whole roast coffee - $3.00 50 lbs Standard salt . . . 70c 25 lb tinjwhole roast coffee - $7.00 30 lbs Jacket Tea Garden syrup - $2.45 1 case Standard tomatoes - - $2.45 30 lb Jaeketjl'oppy Drips $1,95 1 case solidlpaok tomatoes No. 2 - $2.35 1 gal heavy Castor machine oil . 55c 1 case solid pack tomatoes No. 2i - 2.75 5 galjheavy Castor machine oil 2 . $1.75 1 case Standard corn - - $2.35 1 heavy copper oil can . , 25e 1 case extra sugar corn - - $2 75 100 ft 3-8 hoisting cable ; f . . $1 r.o 1 case extra string beans - - 2.05 lOO.ft 1-4 guy cable . . $j,co 1 case extra sugar peas . - $3.00 1 No. 75 hay carrier for wood track only $4,95 25 lb box dried peaches - - $2.35 H ft Jackson Pattern fork . $0.75 25 lb box dried prunes . - $2.75 4 ft Jackson Pattern fork - . $7. 00 25 lb box dried apples - $2.75 8"tined ,hf 5 ,With bLest uality 4 1-2 ft handle, each - 85c 10 lbs 4-Crown raisins - - $1.10 Special prices in quantises. O. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY T I T I T I