Page 2 CROOK COUNTY JOUNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Fresh Fruits j(U V IiArol.l.KTTK, IMitor-I'rupriytor Kntered ftt -the rxwtntnee at PritieviHe, Oregon, t second-claim matter. AND 5 - 1 I Vegetables always clean and a good selection Dry Goods and Second Hand Goods J. M. CULVER CO. Successor to Maddux & Co. Give Us a Call! TliA.Iimru&l Simula tor the bout inter est ol PiinevilU Crook County, la imte pendent in pontics. Tulilislieil every Tliurnttay Rtternoon. Price f 1.50 wi year, payable in ilvne. In mm nt i.hAiiunnf Atitlrenn tlettne notifv u at once, giving both old and new address. Thursday July 1, 1915 'J SELL YOUR CREAM TO THE Ochoco Creamery Prineville, Oregon If you like Square Dealing and Prompt Payments L. B. LAFOLLETT, Proprietor You Watch for the Mail You watch for your meal; you watch the time as the day passes. You are like a person at the North Pole without a compass if you haven't a watch you can dedend upon PERCY;R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler JUDGE DUFFY MAKING GOOD Judge Duffy's first term of court is a matter of history. There were but three men before him for sen tence, the others who were accused having been eliminated before they reached that stage. The first man sentenced was Mil burn who had some trouble with his neighbors over an irrigation ditch. He was given a fine of $50 by the judge, which was remitted during his good conduct. He entered a plea of guilty to the crime charged. Garrett Stark, a 19 year old boy plead guilty to jail breaking and was given a sentence and paroled Weigh V elt was found guilty of assault and at the recommendation of the jury, was given a sentence which the judge saw fit to make light and upon which the prisoner was paroled. The last two men named are to re port at regular intervals to the court and to conduct themselves properly at all times. In all three eases the prisoners were given good lectures by the judge, and should benefit there by. This is a better kind of justice, a kind that will do more for the men themselves, and more for the state than to associate them with criminals of the blackest type. We feel that this is -a great im provement over the justice that was the rule twenty years ago when men were given informal necktie parties down on the Crooked River bridge ! and elsewhere and that Judge Duffy ! should be commended for his stand ! in these matters for which he will some day become justly famous. Shipp & Perry Dealers Jin Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, Glass, Paints and Oils, Ruberoid Roofing, Ornamental Fending. PRINEVILLE MEAT MARKET Wm. HALL Proprietor Our cold storage plant enables us to keep a full line of fresh meats in perfect condition. Fruits and vege tables. Give us a trial. How Much Ij $25.00? That depends. It might have taken a week to earn it or it might have taken but an hour. The only real answer to the question is to see what it will buy, and that brings us to the bargains. We hope it will bring you to them. Buying jewel ry is like making love to a lady; there is no danger of over do ing it We bought a large stock of jewelry last fall. Although some things have gone up since the European trouble, we can not eat jewelry. We need money, therefore we are giving 1 5 per cent off until July 10, on all except contract goods. The First One Who Brings a Copy of This Ad. to Me will be presented with one dollar's worth of goods free from my stock. It always pays to read my ads oC, Jfcamstra C ome to the h . -; s :"? till I j'jll TP ; CfasA - mm Hello ! Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and at cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. ? r ' f " I Wei COMING ISSUES At the banquet at Bend Friday night two announcements of political interest to Crook County were made. One was that Vernon A. Forbes is to be a candidate for the office of State Senator at the next election, from this district. Forbes is a man of resources, a fellow who "gets by" and his past record in the affairs at our state capitol is such that should and in fact does insure his election to the senate. In his speech at Bend, the Governor said that Crook County is to be congratulated on having a Forbes, and that his record was an enviable one. The other announcement, carrying the more weight as it came from C. S. Hudson of the First National Bank of Bend, to the effect that Bend would either move the county seat for Crook County, or divide the county, at the coming election. He stated also that should this matter remain unsettled after the coming election, that it would come up again at every election, just so long as Bend exists. While it has been conceded that this matter would come up again the formal declaration of war had not been made previously to this time. It seems that Bend is laying plans for this conflict and thePrine ville people should not be asleep, but should unite in this matter, either on one side or the ether, and care for its interests. The question is one of vital importance, and the intrests of practically all of the people in Prineville are the same, It is a case where united action is greatly need ed, and the action of all of Print ville's business men should be govr erned by the opinion of the major ity of them. I t ( C Ochoco No. 46. Meets 1. Jt J r every Tuesday night. Strangers welcome. KHteH Short, N. G.; S. G. Hinkle, V. ,; L. Kamstra, Secy.; G. P. Reams, Bend. Chautauqua July 2-7, 1915 SIX DAYS OF MUSIC AND GOOD SPEAKING! Season Tickets $2.50 W"1 r ree Camp roun Near Town Write for Programs Bend Chautauqua Association J ds Treasurer.