Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 20, 1915, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Pge 8
Continued from page 1
complicated, they were well done.
Miss Emily Shreder of the sixth
grade instructs the boys of her room
and the seventh grade in manual
training. They had some excellent
work on display. In this room,
maps of the United States, South
America and Oregon, which were
drawn entirely from memory, were
shown. They were first class in de
sign and execution.
In the seventh grade, Miss May
Hewes teaching, the girts of that
room and the sixth are given sew
ing, and many useful and beautiful
articles that they had made were
tastily arranged for the display.
Handkerchiefs, slippers, handbags,
tea towels and other articles were
included in the lot. In this room
the pupils have been taught to take
the primary colors and blend them
for their tints in painting, and the
resits show real taste. The eighth
grade class had the smallest display
this grade and some of the others
working here together during that
period. While the designs were not
of the lot. because of the fact that
Professor Poole has been busy grad
uating a good class for high school
next year. Their best work was
shown in booklets displayed in man
uscript, including appropriate covers
prepared by the student, the topics
treated being historical and classic.
In conclusion it should be stated
that the spirit of the teachers in
assembling this kind of a disulay
for the inspection of the public is
one for which they should receive
the highest praise.
I Classified Ads
I ;
The Wants of the People. , Men and Women Seeking
Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything
from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm f
Parent-Teacher Last Meeting.
The last regular meeting of the
Parent Teachers Association for
the year was held at the Public
School on Friday afternoon.
Blanche Shipp and Eva Street
played a piano duet and Blanche
and Madge Rowell sang, both of
these numbers being much ap
preciated. Under regular business,
the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: President,
Mrs. Shattuck, vice president, Mrs.
Shipp, Secretary, Miss Hewes,
Treasurer, Mrs. Reams. The meet
ing adjourned to meet the second
Friday in September.
AiKi'rtln(mtn under this lii-tul
I are cturtsed for at a fltit rate of five
lumfii tnr llnu ftir mii'h InmtrHitii. V.
Olspiiiy other than rcKiiinr liciulliitfn
will he admitted to the CIiiMHimI
column. Copy kIioiiUI lie In HiIh
office not Inter tlinu Wtlnemln,v noon
to Insure Insert ion under thin homl.
FOR SALE-One sulky Plow, 1
2-section Harrow, 3 Saddles, I
Mowing Machine, 1 Seed Prill,
1 set Buggy Harness, 1 set Work
Harness, 1 3-inch Wagon. Otto
Sontag, Prineville, Oregon. 21
To exchange for gasoline engine.
23tf Enquire at this office.
typewriter, bargain, No. 7, two
color ribbon. Also one No. 2 L.
C. Smith latest visible billing
attachment, regular price $110,
a bargain at $75, cash or month
ly bayments.
Address Dry Lake
Itke, Oregon.
Store, Dry
Safety First!
There is a feeling of perfect safety when you drive on tire
vulcanized by The Tire Hospital. Guaranteed repairs at
reasonable prices. Punctures 25c. Blow-outs 35c up. Cas
ings vulcanized 50c up. Phone Black 361
:- Opposite Prineville Hotel
Main Street
for sale. Pedigreed stock. Also
turkey eggs from this breed,
$1.50 per setting. Mrs. P. A.
Kennard, Redmond, Oregon.
Box 121. 20tf.
FURNITURE Diningroom set con
sisting of table, six chairs, and
buffet; bed room set consisting of
handsome brass bed, high class
springs and mattress, chiffioncr
etc. kitchen range with hot water
connections; small heater sanitary
deavenport, rockiing chairs, rugs,
etc. These articles which are prac
tically as goodjis new will be sold
for much less than their actual
value if taken within the next
few days. For further informa
tion address
Victor Shawe, Prineville, Oregon.
A Dollar in the Bank
Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer.
It soon grows and begins to work for you.
Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or.
AT A SACRIFICE-$45 Sewing Ma
chine $15, all latest attachments,
used very little; all sizes Fruit
Jars at your own price. Come
arunning. See Mrs. Robert E.
Gray, Prineville, P.O. box 334. 20
with tandem attachment. In good
running order. Price $90.
24-26 Robert pouglas.
. own price. $50 worth of records
go with the instrument. Also
guitar, good as new. Will be
sold cheap. See Mrs. R. E. Gray,
Prineville, Oregon. 22-tf. -
EARLY W1LBER- Seed wheat, 2J
cents per pound.
I). P. Adamson, Prineville, Ore, 25
When you consult Drs. Lowe
& Turner you receive the
combined skill of the trained
specialist and optician. They de
vote their entire time energy and
effort exclusively to the eye.
They have had years of hard,
practical experience and know
their business in all branches.
They give your eyes a most thor
ough searching and scientific ex
amination and when they pre
scribe glasses it is with positive
and absolute assurance that they
are the best and only kind to suit
your eye. Glasses guaranteed to
give satisfaction whether they
cost $2 or more. One c harge cost
for examination, frames and
lenses. Consult them at Prineville
Hotel Saturday and Sunday, May
29 and 30, and every 60 days in
the future. Headaches relieved
and cross eyes straightened. 2ttf
HOMESTEADS I can locate a few
choice homesteads of 320 acres
each in a country where there is
water for domestic use on every
claim and not less than 40 acres
of plow land, all black rich loam.
Neighbors near by. Limited
selections. Come early for a
good choice.
Address A. C. care The Journal,
Prineville, Oregon. 19tf
TWO MEN WANTED -To grub 50
acres of sago bush and burn same,
$2.50 per acre and boad them
selves. I will furnish camp tent
and stove etc., must funlsh own
bedding. Work muHt commence
at once and be continuous.
2f.t2 W. E. Mend, Robets, Oegon.
AUTO CRANK Lost, between Prine
ville and Mj-Ktiy. Leave at Prine
ville Machine Shop, Reward. 2f!tl
GOOD MILK COWS - Ten or fifteen
head of good milkers wanted for
a customer. Call on or address
25ptl Ochoco Creamery.
TO BORROW - On first mortgage
on 40 acres good land 11 miles
from Princvillv, $100, Apply ot
this otljce. 2 45lp
FOUR LOTS -In Springfield Mo.
value $sr0, for livestock or other
property. What have you?
Box 281, Prineville 2ttf
LUMBER - To build a bungalo for
exchange for livestock, sheep or
calves preferred. Inquire at this
office. 20 f
A GOOD PIANO' -To exchange
for fresh milk cows.
Inquire at this ofliee. 25tf
MONEY The mint makes it and
under the terms of the Continent
al Mortgage Company you can se
cure it at 6 per cent for any legal
purpose on approved real estate.
Terms easy, tell us your wants
and we will co-operate with you.
Petty & Company, 513 Denham
Building. Denver, Colo. 25
land Oregon will open a music
studio in piano ami voice in Prine
ville September 1915 for
beginners and advanced pupils.
Harmony, counterpoint, comH
sition, and music history will be
given as an advantage to the
student. I will be pleased to re
fer you to Miss Blanche Williams
in regard to my work and ability.
For further information you may
address nie at Madras Oregon
until May 28, 1915 after which
please address me at my Portland
home, 1109 Jackson Street. 23tf
to my horses on uppaer Deschutes
, about June I 1914, one bay geld
ing, unbroke, branded 'C on left
jaw and 'C on left shoulder, ulso
'H E' on left stifle. Owner can
have the same by proving the
property and paying the costs.
19tf. ' - M. S. Mayfield.
Call for Warrants.
fnd.'r .Mm ol Miiy 6, 11)15, t will
lull tilt fnllowitiK wnrmnUt
All gmiiual ltml warrants up to tunl
Ini'liiiluig Iti'glatfr No. 2115,
K Al l-It L. JoHD.VN.
24 County TrrHiwT.
Eggs for Setting
White-Pace liUi'k HpiinlHlielili'itKim
iitviit liiyi't-M and mni-m'tUT. lrtt
t'i lor Hi'ttlnjf n( 15. Writ i' or 'pluiiin
Pioneer 4U. C. M. Stroml, Prineville,
Oregon. 8 1 lit
Seed Oats for Sale
Good clean seed Side Out st (lis
Dishtnsn ranch on Ochoco. 'rit
or 'phone C L. Robert?, Princvillt,'
Oregon. 1-28 if
lit Tlt
.if. ?
Can Uncle Sam
Preserve Neutrality?
M li exit's) i.tihL ) Hftf
i M .!.. M Hi t ! rr tritk (
r 1 ft far.
of th tin.., tit mut ttmtin with Ihrtr tM
litis tlrtul thiviaf ! ftUnn'a butorr,
(HtfiMrt h H Kwaa, 4 tm mm
blh In Amon. nail hi'-nw )i ) ntiitil
fMltlif ih war n Itnt lliH ht Wf Hi tb of
h btl.of U lnt tuttl hj t orl"n I It h st'
k inter tit ur ta til liitr rv lttmittt of
b f, rrt Ut.t' U. ib.t fa,
v'lvqting tvnllMril aturr if mrl4 vitt vof
wrtlt'H. T' tlirtl pain r MM lltitrJ
bf "HiM-ifM Hll'lll K'mnnrnl nl iti
ftli ltta, t(lttl't 11 t iiitntf, Utf Luaiov
mum. U bIihWhi uf eHirrvni vut
t--t l - mh1 C(m M4wsj M
On All Footwear Bought Here Friday and Saturday This
Week; Monday and
Tuesday, Next Week
We plan to make this an Excep
tionally Good Time for You to
Buy Your Footwear!
On Many Lines for This Occasion
New Styles Just Arrived make Our Stock
Very Complete. We promise you Extra
Good Values for your money during this
sale. You will be surprised at the low prices
in lines we are closing out!
Remember! Grading stamps1 Remember!
Extra Good Values for Friday and Saturday
Monday and Tuesday!
Grocery Specials!
Violet Oats, 1 5c size, 9 for $1
Northern Oats, 40c size 3 for $ 1
Leslie's Shaker Salt 1 5 c size
.9 for $1
Picnic Pickles, sweet or sour
in cans, special at - - 1 0c
Genuine Fruit Preserves
35c size - 25c
Our Home Grown Straw
berries Are Shipped to Us
direct from the grower; berries all good size and
absolutely fresh. Order for canning NOW as the
season will be very short
Hardware Specials!
Just Received!
New Line of Guaranteed
Scissors and Shears, all kinds!
New line of guaranteed pliers best made.
Genuine Aluminum Ware
Special, 1-4 off
Glass Measuring Cups, real
Kitchen Necessity, 1 0c each
Little Polly -Broom 75c
Special 65c
Fly Traps, 25c value
Special this time only 20c