Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 20, 1915, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Page 5
On I lie Job!
As a Digger I Shine!
1 can dltf up mora opportunities
for yon tit tho gardon of 11 fo than
limy bo you think. You dig into my
want mL ooluinn and oo.
VA IMrn is in the city from I'ort
land. ('. W. Witrton is in Kuaviw on a
btmiwsa trip.
Don't fitrjri-t the base bull tliinre
tomorrow ntfht.
A. 0. Kibbie of Hay Crwk wan in
the city Saturday,
V. F. Hummer of Culver was in
tin city Monday.
John Knx of I'ont was in I'rinr
vi!U Saturday.
Will Wurzwriler wius in I'rinevile
thi' first o the wcok.
Ira Jiiaek and R. C. Hi II man-were
In tho etiy yeritenlay.
Al Ciileman of Baker was in thV
city the first of the week.
Born, to the wife of FlHWorth
Curtis on Sunday, a boy.
Hev. Kamsoy is holding meetings
tit Mill Crwk this week,
C. I. Builey of Sisters was in
rrineville the last of the week.
George Irnicr made a trip to
Madras the first of the week.
I. M. Mills of Paulina was a busi
ness visitor the first of the week.
A. A. Anderson was a visitor
from Redmond the fust of the week.
II. C. Oliver of the O.-W. railway
is in Crook county in the interests of
his line.
J. L. Gibson and Allen Willeoxen
were in Prineviile from Powell
Butte Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKay and
son and Mr und Mrs. P. C. Garri
son of Bend were in Prineviile
R. L. Schee has been in Prineviile
several days this week working on
the copy for tho premium list for
the County fair.
Rev. C. P. Bailey, Mr nnd Mrs.
M. I). Powell and Mr, and Mrs. J.
O. Powell are holding a series of
meetings at Paulinu,
Douirlas I-awson left the first of
the week for Boston. He was
accompanied by his brother who has
been visiting here.
Eli Cox killed a rabid dog at his
place on Dry Creek Sunday. The
animal is known to have had
a fight with a coyote some three
months ago.
Last Friday afternoon little
Dorris Milliron was hostess to eight
of her friends who responded to
invitations to assist her in celebrat
ing her fourth birthday, at the
homo ofjher aunt, Mrs. Wm. Pollard,
The guests were, Lois Stewart, Cora
Poindexter, Lela Doak, Esther
Foster, Nelda Newsom, Louise
Osborne, and Dessell Johnson.
Jehse Yancey left for Paulina
T. J. Mitigcr Is ' working at
Paulina this week. '
A. B. Roller Is puititing at Law
son's ranch near Post.
0. li. Gray and family of Post
are in Prineviile today.
T. 8. Barnes and wife returned
today from a trip East.
Joe Lister left for bis ranch near
Paulina the first of the week.
F. N. Wallace and wife, were in
the city yesterday from Laidlaw.
Mrs. H. Patton Hull has gone to
Los Angeles to attend ,the Baptist
J. N. Williamson has a new Pack
ard uuto, which is a beauty. It
developes 54 horse power, and is
built In porportion to its power.
265 New Lavvl WH1
Be in Effect Saturday
A total of 2i5 new laws which
were passed by the last legislature
will be in effect next Saturday.
Two of the most important lav?,
the state prohibition law and the
permanent registration law will not
become effective until the first of
next year.
The law abolishing the death
penalty and making the maximum
punishment in the state life imprison
ment is effective Saturday.
Among the list of othir laws
which are of direct intrest to our
citizens are the state brand law,
the fixing of the salary of the
prosecuting attorney of Jefferson
county at $000, the creation of the
Eighteenth Judicial District, remis
sion of (K'nultiea and intrest on the
last halflif taxes for the years 1914
and 1915, levying a lax on the users
of trading stamps, requiring of
county courts to have their records
audited annually, und a law chang
ing the number of judges at each
polling place on election day from
throe to two.
New Epworth League Officers.
The officers elected by the Central
Oregon subdistrict Epworth League
for the ensuing year are as follows:
President; Miss Frances U'Ren of
Madras; 1st Vice President, Miss
Ruth Culdoll of Bend; 2nd Vice
President, Mrs Clark Paul of Bend;
3d Vice President, Miss Estclla Rus
sell of Redmond; 4th Vice President
Miss Bernice Grant of Prineviile,
Secretary, Miss Aurcl Moore of
Madras; Treasurer, Mr. Albert
Farris of Redmond.
Collins Returns a Well Man
A. S. Collins of Bend was in
Prineviile Monday on his way home
after an absence of about a year.
He has been under the care of doc
tors during that time. The Port
land M. D.'s told him he couldn't
live and he went to Dallas to die
among his relatives. At Dallas his
condition became so alarming that
another doctor was called and this
proved his salvation.
Events Occurring Throughout
tho State During the Past
Member! of Eugene Council May Quit
Eugene. Every member of the Eu
gene city council has threatened to
resign It the charter of the oity, which
has a provision that any one may sue
the Individual members of the council
for damages on account of Injuries
received In a fall through a broken
sidewalk or a defective street, Is not
Men's Work Shirts!
Tan, blue, gray, checks Cir
and stripes, 14 1-2 to 17 .J IO
New Spring
For Mm, Worn., Bar', Girls
Hffitpn &Qvmti
Prineviile, Oregon
Men's 25c Socks!
Lisle thread, black white and tan; look
good; wear fine
Women's Vests!
Colors pink, blue and cream 1 f
all sizes, each "C
Women's Combi'n Suits
Muslin or M TA (fcO d0 Cft
Crepe pl.dv yUj OK)
18 pair of those
$1.00 Shoes Left
Some Real Bargains if
you can be fitted. Sizes
3.1-2 to 4. '
Ladies' Collars!
Another nice line just QC CO
received and priced at 0JC, OUC
Bungalow Aprons!
75 cents each
Muslin Underskirts
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2
Li A m
30 pair of the
$1.50 Shoes Left
Sizes 3 to 5
Call us up over the phone as others
have done and we will send them to you
Misses' Dresses!
Of Gingham und Perc&lejM C A
Women's 1-piece Dress
34 to 42, $1.50
10c, 15c
Women's Suits!
6 of them only
Carried over from last fall. All have
wide skirts and medium length coats
$33.00 Suits $16.50
35.00 Suits 18.00
27.50 Suits 13.50
30.00 Suits 16.50
22.50 Suits 15.00
18.00 Suits 10.00
For one bar of White Borax
Naptha soap
Buys one can of Standard
corn or tomatoes
A good quality of peas or
One can of Diamond W
Dill pickles
U.S. ,
Breakfast Food
30 c
For 3-lb package of Curve
Cut Maccaroni
5-lb carton of Albers Rolled
For one can of Caravan
Screen Your Windows with These Wire Screens
24, 26, 28-inch, 15c per yard. 30-inch, 20c per yard
amended. A recent supreme court de
cision In a case wherein Mrs. Josle
Pullen sued the city for damages be
cause Bhe fell over a broken board In
a walk, stated that the city could not
be liable to the extent of more than
$100, but the Individual members of
the council could be sued for dam
ages for any amount.
Tree Bears Double Crop.
Cottage drove. It Is not unusual
for fruit trees In the Willamette val
ley to produce two crops during a
year, but It Is unusual for trees to
produce two crops at the same time,
which Is true of some trees owned by
J N MnilRav. of Creswell. The fruit
Jn question is Durbank prunes and
cherries. The crop of prunes is about
the sise of peanuts, lrroguiar in ior
matlon and appearing to have suffer
ed some blight.
The crop of cherries appears to be
perfect. Part will mature about ten
days ahead of the remainder.
Governor Names Fish Commission.
Salem. Governor Wlthycombe has
announced the appointment of I. N.
Flelschner, Portland merchant; Frank
M. Warren, prominent fish packer;
Marion Jack, farmer of Pendleton, and
C. H. Stone, of Klamath Falls, mem
bers of the state fish and game com
mission, created by an act passed at
the recent session of the legislature.
The Journal office does modern
printing on short notice.
When You
Feel that youa telephone is not working as it should or
your service is not good
Tell the Manager
We strive to please
The Pioneer Telegraph &
Telephone Company
Get the
Fine Investigator Is Kelly!
rKeatf cTe j- 1 A ffc W.wu.1. AMD A JW W t3ltr
i AMD &aa IFrVHEPe'S AHV J AL HAS.T&o l STpAifiNy gjsjj J ) fcgfo t Go lo.J W, J
By Gross
1 -mbTh loons OftM