Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, May 20, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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1915 MAY 1915
The City
E. A. Farker of Roberts is in
city today.
Walter Knox was inPrineville the
first of the week.
Jack Pitzer of Grizzly was in
Prineville Saturday.
Stanley Morris is visitng his
parents in Prineville.
Born, to the wife of Sam Gulli
ford on May 19, a boy.
J. E. Fuller was in the citv from Services,
Mill Creek the last of the week.
Mrs. L. M. Miller, U. S. Commis
' sioner at Paulina is in the city today.
E. C. Faught was in Prineville
this morning from his ranch on
Bear Creek.
.. Mrs. A. C. Knighten of The
Dalles was in the city the first of
the week.
Mrs. Fisher of Bear Creek was in j
Prineville today attending to land i
matters. . j
Mrs. Dinwiddie and sister left
Mrs. Ralph Mainwarring wife of
Police Sergeant Mainwarring of
Portland, is in the city for a two
weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs.
B. F. Annis.
Sunday, May 23, Right Rev. C. J.
O'Reilly will dedicate the Catholic
Church recently built in this city.
Theceremony will take place at 11
A. M. All are very cordially
A. T.'Coleman of Suplee died at
that place on May 14 after a short
illness. Mr. Coleman had been a
resident of that vicinity for a
number of years. He was 4G years
of age.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Shattuek,
James Allen and G. VV. Noble left j
the last of the week for Newport J
where they will attend the Odd Fel- j
lows Grand Lodge which is in ses
sion there this week.
Services at the Presbyterian
Church next Sunday as follows:
Sunday School, 10 A. M. Preaching
11 A. M.; C. E. 7 P. M.
and f rices Instead
of Premiums!
We do not give Trading Stamps or any kind of Premiums. We do not
believe that it is a benefit to the customer. Did you ever stop to consider
who is paying for them? We can give our customers Better Merchandise
and a better price when we do not have the cost of Trading Stamps con
tinually staring us in the face
No services in the een:ng because ( jj
of the special services at the M. E. , tS
Church. I (I)
The Baccalaureate sermon for the
Madras High School will
preached next Sunday morning at 5;
1 1 o'clock in the Methodist Church
at Madras by Rev E. C. Newham. j
A special program for the occasion ,
is being prepared. '
Postmaster Johnson of Powell JJ
Butte wishes the Journal to an
nounce that all who will be patrons
of rural route number one out of
Fishing Tackle I
Our now line of Tai-k-Iti
has just come in.
We know the kinds
needed for this sec
tion ami have what
you want.
JL E 1
W carry, probably,
the iiiomI ruitiiilfttt
line of mmnunlllon to
lie hail In the city.
nhi'llx; aim) gunii In
Htuiuliinl aire and
rnaay lor irourarue wnere tney hig office must have their order for V!
will spend the summer. . ! boxes into that office Mon May 29 ' 2
Ihe rresbytenan Ladies aid wilier the route will fail,
meet at the home of Mrs. S. G. S. A. Prose has the record to date
Hinkle next Thursday afternoon. .... i .
r ,arge calcnes 0I coyotes ma ca
Earl Saunders, who has been ( singie fay. He killed ten oneday'TK
doing field work for the assesor's ; recently, near his place on McKay. !c&
office in the Powell Butte country, Njne 0f them were pups and the
was in Prineville Friday. J other an old one. T. J. and Orval
T. E. J. Duffy left today forMoffitt have killed twelve during
Salem where he will take the oath 1 the spring, but on two different
1 Barbed and Smooth Wire!
We-buy in carload lots and are in a position to name
attractive priccsl
Garden Seeds!
Both Lilly and D. M. Ferry Seeds carried in packages
and also a line of bulk seeds for both garden and field.
These are two well-known reliable lines.
Rubber Hose for Irrigation
Our price on hose runs from 8c per foot up. It pays
to buy good hose. We have no carry-over slock. It's
all new.
Everyone wants good, fresh groceries. Our sales are
heavy in this line and we are enabled in this way to
keep onr stock fresh and clean.
Try our "Red Goose Shoes" for Children! A "Red Goose" Kite or Bank
of office as Circuit Judge for this,
the Eighteenth judicial district.
occasions. Next!
George Brewster suffered a brok-
James and Willard Culver made en arm, dislocated
final proof on their homesteads in ; various bruises
H5iS8SJ33S83SS83j89i!39j8SjSJ!:SB383!!te8S34&34 '.! DSC S3 !! 531 !) !3 JSC S3
John Hunsaker now has a trailer
on tne head anil . for his light truck whic.n ne is using
the Powell Butte country before ' shoulders when the motor he was 'on the run from Prineville to Mead
Commissioner Duffy Saturday, j riding collided with a car yesterday, low. All the stage lines out of
C. W. Wilson of the Ford Garace The auto which was driven by Prineville now are operating motor i
received a car load of Fords the Clyde McKay of Bend, was damaged trucks instead of horse drawn
first of the week. Most of them Dut little, the motor cycle emerged j vehicles which offers quite a enn
were sold and will be delivered at ' from tne wreck with a few scratches : trast to the condition that prevailed
once to the buyers.
! but Casey suffered the most damage.
1 Proprietor
Our cold storage plant enables us to
keep a full line of fresh meats in
perfect condition. Fruits and vege
tables. Give us a trial.
ten years ago. j
The Baccalaureate Sermon for'
the Crook County High School will
be preached on Sunday evening next
l.v T?,.v P r Nmibnm Tho!
service will be held in the Methodist
Church at 8 o'clock and will be a
union meeting. The pastors of the !
other churches will, take part and a
suitable program of great irrtrest,
; will be followed. Come early to
I get a seat.
Miss Hewes, Miss Hawley,
' Jefferies, Miss Allen and Mrs.
Gray i
Same time and rates
to California af all
To California
The New Way
S. P. & S. and Oregon Trunk
In connection with the Triple Screw, Six Deck Palace of the Pacific
Length 524 ft., beam 63 feet, speed 24 knots
Sailings from Flavel April 17, 21, 25, 29, May 3, 7, 11, 15
Special Stmr Train leaves Portland 9:00 a. m.
Arrives Flavel 12:30 luncheon on ship
SS arrives San Francisco 3:30 p. m. next day
Round Trip Fares to San Francisco
From Redmond, 30 day limit, $40 35
Ninety day limit, 144.60. Plan your trip now.
Correspondingly low rates to San Diego and Los Angeles, with choice of
routes south of San Francisco.
Further pariiculars of Agents of Spokane, Portland & Seattle, Oregon
Trunk or Great Northern or Northern Pacific R'ya.
Summer Tourist Fares Daily to Eastern Points May 15
G. W. HAINES, Agent, Redmond, Ore.
R. H. CROZIER, A. G. P. A. J. T. HARDY, T. P. & F. A.
Portland, Ore. Redmond, Ore.
j will attend the Summer Session of
i the University of California which
convenes June 21 at Berkley.
j The opportunity offered for in-!
struction is an unusual one, due no '
doubt to the great exposition.
I Prominent educators from all
: mfta ff f Vir TTnifnrl Qtatna U7tll hnl1 !
J'b. VU V Vllb .11 UWIIL.J ..... 111.114
i classes in special subjects.
There will be a distinguished
party of officials of the Hill railway
system in Prineville the ' first of
June. The party, which is headed
by Professor Shaw who is well
known'here includes Professor G. T.
Wilson, F. W. Graham, C. E. Avery,
D. C. Freeman and other prominent
men. They will hold a meeting at
Grimes school house at 2 P. M. on
June 3, and at the Commercial Club
in Prineville in the evening at 8.
C. J. Spooner, who purchased the
R. E. Jones ranch on the Ochoco,
arrived in the city from Portland
Monday morning. Mr. Spooner has
had surveyors at work on his place
this week, and stated to The Journal
that he intends to convert the place
into a first class dairy and hog
ranch. If his plans do not fail, he
expects to ship in a carload of
heifers from Tillamook county
within a short time. Mr. Spooner
is enthusiastic over the prospects
for Crook County dairymen and hog
raisers, and has the means and
ambition to help in the further de
velopment of Crook County.
iwauqux (jo. will Duv vour
tables and piodiice. Ask the
Phone Pioneer lied 603.
Our Cash With Order
Price List on Painted and
Galvanized Fly Screen
We ask you to compare our quotations with those of Port
land Mail Order Houses, including quotations made by
Jones' Cash Store in Catalogue No. 274, page 64.
Our quotations are f. o. b. Portland, cash with order. Or
ders desired by mail should be accompanied by postage
Our Price F. 0. B. Portland
Painted Fly Screen
n 50 lineal ft., $1.70; 100 lineal ft $3.25
n 50 lineal ft. $1.75; 100 lineal ft. $3.35
n 50 lineal ft. $1.95; 100 lineal ft. $3.60
n 50 lineal ft. $2.15; 100 lineal ft. $3.90
n 50 lineal ft. $2.25; 100 lineal It. $4.00
n 50 lineal ft. $2.30: 100 lineal ft $4.50
n 50 lineal ft $2.40: 100 lineal ft. $4.65
24-in 50 lineal ft. $2.25; 100 lineal ft $4.35
26-in 50 lineal ft $2.45; 100 lineal ft. $4.50
28-in 50 lineal ft. $2.65; 100 lineal ft $4.75
30-in 50 lineal ft $2.85; 100 lineal ft $5 15
32-in 50 lineal ft $3.00; 100 lineal ft $5.35
34-in 50 lineal ft. $3.15; 100 lineal ft $5.35
36-in 50 lineal ft. $3.30; 100 lineal ft. $6.00
Portland Mail Order House F. 0. B
Painted Fly Screen
50 lineal ft. $1.85 100 lineal ft. $3 ! 40
50 lineal ft. $1.90 100 lineal ft. $3.50
50 lineal ft $2. 1 0 1 00 lineal ft. $3.75
50 lineal ft $2.25 100 lineal ft. $4.00
Not quoted
Not quoted
50 lineal ft $2.50
100 lineal ft $4.75
50 lineal ft $2.65 100 lineal ft- $5 00
50 lineal ft $2.85
100 lineal ft $5.40
50 lineal ft $3.00
100 lineal ft $5.70
50 lineal ft $3.1 5
1 00 lineal ft. $6.00
Not quoted
Not quoted
50 lineal ft 93.75
100 lineal ft $7.15
Mail ordert sent to ui will be forwarded to Portland and shipment made direct to pur
chaser. Unless postage is included with order, shipment will be made by freight
You can buy the same thing much cheaper in Prineville