CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 3 The Central Garage New Stock of Tires All Sizes! Alio a complete line of Auto Supylies Gasoline, Oils, Grease Etc. BU1CK SERVICE STATION We repair all makes of cars Huff-Noble Auto Co. PR1NEVILLE OREGON awtrnrar Paint Your Home Now While Linseed Oil is Only 90c per Gallon 15c below the Portland market! We bought when the price was down and that is the reason we can under sell all others A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season STOP That cough by using our White Pine and Tar (mentol ated) Cough Syrup "Our Name Your Assurance of Best Quality" PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTIONS Exclusive NYAL Store BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON Free Balmacaan Coat for Ladies or Gents! With each Suit ordered in the next ten days. Hand tailored to your individual, taste of the season's latest fabrics. Our prices $16.50, $18.50, $20.00, $25.00 GORMLEY, THE TAILOR MIk JukiU'O Carter was electw quoi'ii of tho strawberry carnival at UoHcburg, Coos and Curry counties will hold tlii'lr dairy uliow and annual fair ai Myrtle I'olnt. ' The I'olk county chautauqua will lie ! hold in Dallas tills year from July 4 to 10, IncluHlvn. One thouiiund former otudenti of Al bany CijIIcko are expected to attend a UIk reunion In Albany on June 15. Tlie Seventh Annuat Live Stock Show will be held at Union Wednea-' day, Tliurmlay and Friday, June 2, 3' and 4. ! The twenly-aeventh annual convem ; tlon of the Kplncoial dloceae of Ore. ' gon opened Wednesday In Trinity church at Portland. i Uovemor Withycotnbe has Untied a proclumatlun di-clarlnie June 11, the: luBt day of the Rose Keitival at Tort laud, OreKon's holiday of roaes. Mrs. W. II. Dancy of Salem, has been appointed a member of the ad-1 vlitory board of the industrial school I For the pnrpoxe of perfecting; an organization and mapping out plans fur the future, the new flan and game commlitKlon will hold a meeting at Sulcm May 20. 0teopoth, as well as other j"r:u lurly llceiiBfd phyIclana, can slcn death certificate, according to an opinion of Attorney General Brown, fur the atate board of health. The cecond largest prune orchard In Oregon, which la located near Glide, Douglas county, bus been purchased by J. If. Ilond of Linn county, from Mrs. Grace W. ttakor of Roseburg. John C' C'ady, the flax expert em ployed by the slate board of control to liiMtall a flax plant at the penltenti-; ary, has been authorized to go taut and purchase tho needed machinery. Stveuty flve of Oregon's 107 post mature of presidential offices have , accepted Postmaster Myers' invitation to attend a convention in Portland June 9, 10 and 11, during the Roue Festival. Construction upon the $230,000 Sins law Jetty project should be under way be July 1, giving employment for "5 men more than two years, according to I. II. Cushman, chairman of the Sluslaw Port Commission. Salmon by the thousands are clog ging tho Umatilla river Just below the diversion dam for tho WeBt Umatilla j project, unable to get above the dam, owing to the fact that the f 1Kb "ladder ; is too short for the large-eize fish. ! The first fatal accident of the fish ing season occurred at Astoria, when 1 Harry Kamyalla, a boatpuller, was washed ovcrboad as a landing was being made alongside the fish recelv i Ing scow at Sand island, lie sank be j fore aid could reach him. Secretary of State Olcott announced j that the price of the session laws of ! the 28th legislative assembly, which I are ready for distribution earlier than j usual, Is $1.35, delivered. Each mem j her of the legislature will bo sunptied j with a copy free of charge. Klfty-threo accidents, nono of them fatal, were reported during the week to Labor Commissioner Iloff. Hail road workers were the most unfor tunate, 16 of them being hurt, while many engaged in logging and employ ed In sawmlllB were also injured. Oregon piling wilt be utilized in reconstruction work being carried on at the big navy drydock at Pearl har-; bor, Hawaiian islands, the Charles R. McCormick company of Portland hav ing obtained a contract for the deliv ery of 4050 pieces of piling there. Superintendent Stelner has been no tified that no more patients from the asylum for the insane would be ac cepted for deportation to belligerent countries. Stelner had Intended to deport three subjects of Great Britain and had engaged passage for them on the next scheduled sailing of the un fortunate Lusltania. At the annual meeting of the board of regents of the state normal schools at Monmouth, It was voted to turn the normal school properties at Weston and Ashland over to the school dis tricts in which they are located to use for school purposes, until such time as the state or legislature makes some disposition of the buildings or may decide to reopen them as training places for teachers. Grant county is Improving and shortening many of Its roads. The county court has approved the Canyon Clty-Dayville road through the gorgo of the John Day river, which has cut several miles of travel between the two places The road was considered a gigantic undertaking because it had to be cut through solid rock for nearly a mile. The cost was $4000, much less than the estimate. Governor W'lthycombe appointed Mrs. Clyde Apperson, of McMlnnville, as a member of the Oregon Child Wel fare commission, to succeed MrB. J. H. Smith, of Astoria. Mrs. Smith re signed, not being able to devote suf ficient time to the work. The other members of the commission are: Mrs. Robert H. Tate, chairman, Portland; Dr, Mae H. Card well, Portland; Geo. Rebec, Ph. D., Medford, and L. R. Al derman, Portland. NewNobby Sailors in the latest shapes Tipperary Hats "and Pattern Hats The latest creations in Millinery. The most com plete and up-to-date stock ever received in Prineville and hats arriving daily. Come in and look them over Mrs. Estes The Milliner PRINEVILLE. OREGON Well Drilling We are (qiiiptd to diill any kind of well under any and all condition''. Depth Guaranteed Only Experienced Men Employed. We have drilled fix Ar Ueisn wells in ar.d near 1'rineviile. All are now flow-in;. Wagoner & Co. Prineville, Oregon D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville. Oregon' 'iyg. Pure Drugs and Chemicals. Prescriptions a specialty. Maher & Grosh Cutlery. Books and Magazines Cigars and Sundries. Lowney's Candies in sealed packages. D. P. Adamson & Co. Prineville, Oregon Marquis Seed Wheat and Montana Banner Oats CS2 Notice! L. M. Bechtel is our only authorized collector and no money due the firm of A. II. Lippman & Co. should be paid to any other person A. H. LIPFMAN & CO. Prineville Flour Mills He Likes It Castor Oil Children do not mind taking castor oil in this form and it is just as efficient as the old way. TRY IT. D. P. Adamson & Co. R V & sr ; Ji u i mmn i-i'ii uri'i ... ''"'X '"p UNIVERSAL " ; ,h .eiror i flFJCER I WILL GIVE $1000 If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat before It POISONS deep glands tr itticiu ti bone NO KNIFE, NO PAIN, NO PAY UNTIL CURED WRITTEN GUARANTEE No X-Kay or other tuindlp. An Island Blunt mnkea th curea ANY TUMOR, LUMP OR SORE ou the lip, fiti'e or body 1oik la CANCER 120-PAQE BOOK Sent Free Toatliuonlnle ot 10.000 CURED. Wrlto to oolite ANY LUMP in WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER It always poison I detp flandt and KILLS QUICKLY Poor cu rod at half price if cancer is yet small urn Old Dr. & Mrs. Dr. Chamley & Co.' 434 436 Valencia St., San Francisco, Cal, KINDLY MAIL THIS to someons with CANCER The Journal office does modern printing on short notice. A Great Utility Because it serves all the people. The popular choice because it gives better service at a lower cost Popu lar again, because it is simple and easily understood by everybody. And with all the refinements, it is still the same dependable Ford, and sells for $60.00 less than last year besides the plan of sharing profits with the buyers. Buyers will share in profits if we sell at retail 300,000 new Ford cars between August, 1914, and August, 1915. Touring Car $490; Runabout $440; Town Car $690; Coupelet $750; Sedan $975, f. o. b. Detroit with all equipment. Firestone, Goodyear, United States and Michelin Tires, a complete stock on hand. - A full line of oils and gas C. W. WILSON THE FORD GARAGE