COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY Crook CoMtrty Journ&k CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE VOL. XIX PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1915. NO. 25 BUSY WEEK IN THE SCHOOLS Crook and Jelferon Will Compete Saturday Hub City to Be Host Annual Field Day Expected to Draw Record Crowd. C. C. H. S. After Cup Tln annual field meet for the schools of Crook uml Jefferson counties will bo held In Redmond on Saturday May, IB. Superintendent Nash of the Redmond schools who hn charge of the arrangement for the event ha extended every effort to make the meet a successful one In every pnrlieular. The Bend band will supply the music for the day and there is no n.ui-tion a to the quality of the inucic that will be furnished. Hie Oregn Trunk will hold its north bound train at Redmond until after the evening program so that all those coming from that direction may be enabled to return home if they desire to do so. The medal for the winners of the various event are now In ixissession of Superintendent Myers who will present them after the evening exercises. These will be held at Khrefs hall. Each of the high schools will have a tent on the grounds where the event are being held for the accommodation of the contestant. At the noon hour there will be a basket dinner on the high school campus where all who take lunches will eat. Redmond will furnish hot wuter and coffee to those that wish It without charge. Thn nrotrram for the day will be: ' .ii it);",U lennis; hoy s singles, gin s singles, boy's doubles, girl's doubles; 10:110, Public school declamatory contest; 12, Dinner; 2, Field and track events; 8, High school de clamatory contest. Prineville should send a strong delegation to me hud viy nai Friday to support the local schools. See Northern Lights . Tomorrow Night Tomorrow night the Commercial club will present the copyright play, Northern Lights, which is a thrill ing drama of tho Indian uprising in the Big Horn Basin which occured in June, 1876. The play is being presented by the dramatic club of the Commercial body, and the proceeds are to be used in paying for the new costumes and new scenery which will bo used fur the first time tomorrow night. The selection of characters for tho various part has been made with considerable care, and the re sult are exceptionally good. If you fail to see this play you will have a grouch at yourslef all, summer. It is a dandy. and well worth the money. Prices, 35, 50 and 75. Pump Water for Irrigation A largo pumping plant has been installed recently by Dixon & Mc Dowell on the old Davenport place below town. The pump is operat cd by an , electric motor. It has a 12 inch intake and a 18 inch dis charge pipe. The water is pumped from Crooked river irrigation, and is used for The pupils of tho public school were given a free show of the film, "The Origin of the Flag," at the Lyric Friday afternoon. MISS JANE ADAMS ft S i L- e Mitt Jans Adtmt, who presided ovsr the International Womtn't Peact Congrctt held tt Tht Htgut. Claims Allowed by Crook County Court Bills allowed by the county court: HItill SCHOOL KI ND H C netighmaii, eapenu debating lm ..1124 00 J K Ulll to, hooka... . . 45 l Miltun Bradley co, mde....... 5 88 W r Klni mi, mdee 11 W Mini Bulletin, printing... . 310 00 II C Maiighinan, eipreaa oi poetag t I Katee Hhorl, aewlng wool.,... 5 00 IjoUt Hlmltu, photo, lo M 85 llorlgan A llelnke, m,lw. . Hi'iuinion Typewriter co, paper..,, Wehb I'liulUhlng CO, booki,. McKlnley Pub cs, map full co, mrtie., ...,.,.. I i M j 4i 41 1 ' I'mhylerlan church, rani lor art-beam Onodywr Mar.heii co, mdae i o j croon Co Journal. priming ami pub oa Dew-hutc. Power co. walar end light MattlOUHU oriilge OVer U I Atlatnaon co, lml , .. A 1 a inm,u( Siciilicr co, hook t Wralrjr Siiillli,. cerieutr work Practical Teal llinik co, imlat ..... Mrt I Michel, indue OKSKItAL KI NU 4 4 'J at oo to IK 10 1'J 00 13 00 10 UO 1(1 00 00 M 00 R 00 l 40 1 00 X KGIIIenwater, grand Juror clr court... I ehaaito) ,i Walinr Hnble llarley M Saiindcri" " " John w UilchrUl " " J R Coat " i W Btatilou " SI u f'oe, Juror circuit court... 1, 0 W1 " So iMuthlt " " J V I'lctelt " " Koy K lirajr " U C I'rlca " " J II Wlgln ". " O W Noble " " K C Fauiiht " " " O W Koba ' ' " Walcy Slrcot ' " Wallace Pout Austin Klicr" " " . A T Bog ue ' Jeff 0 Kvana -Arlhur Toniplcloii ' ' M D I'owell " M w II Blr.Uoim " II K croa. ' ..... w oo Ii no U 01) 11 oo t 00 00 Id 00 31 00 ii m M 40 15 00 40 11 OO 17 00 t 00 10 00 10 B0 C K Mycra, wllneu grand Jury 1100 B Fcrroll J U Mi'Kajr " I. D rox " Frank Klklni oo 00 " 9 00 " oo 9 00 ' 11 00 " 11 00 ' ... n oo (leo R Barclay " liay Lamliaraon MJ Mctlratb 1 T R Mccllnty " Henry Twoet " " - 11 00 W U Mnalard ' " " . U 00 Millard Klklni" " " 8 00 ItldwoUCram " " " V 0 II I. ITlilar " - " 15 oo C M Elklna " " " 80 Mlllor Lumber co. lumber and cement... 43 80 Statlra I11kk. aocy to county court U 10 W V King, mdaoM.Sa diaalloweil R 8 Price, hauling gravel lor bridge, ft dlaalld Wm Black, labor on bridge H a.i Karl Mclaughlin, labor on bridge SO 00 Robert B Oould, deputy aurveyor .......... 00 8 C Oaldwoll, mdae lor paupcri 38 ao Remington Typewriter co. bal Monarch S2 75 Atiatln Klier, wit Juvenile court, W, S2 dlaalld Mri Austin Klrnir, wit Juvenile court 6, fidlaalld Chaa L Roaa, wit Juvenile court, 4, HI dlaall'd MraoLRoaa " " " H, ti dlaall'd WKClaypool, tout lor road camp, t dlaall'd Central Oregon Oarage, repalra on car Klklna, fii.M dlaallowod J M Wlgton, work on lawn 8 00 Rod mond Lumber A l'roduve oo, gan for county oar, Klklna 51 05 II R I.akln, mdao for iupt, 4oc dtaallowed I. M Miller A co, road work 164 55 II A Carion, road work .i.. 118 35 Hilff-Nnble Autoco, ropaira oar, Klklin... 0 65 ltobort Moore, bolt for plllara.. i 00 Prlnovlllo, Paint Shop, froattng wlndowi a 00 The Bond co, luinbor lor Wttrohoue.. 18 45 J A Raman. Juatlue feea , 8 55 pilot Butte Tel co, services Aug, 1911, to date W 61 O C tJray, deputy ahorllf , 8:1 N F Smith, rucordlng UK) 00 W J Smith, work in clork'a olllee 130 00 ClcMior B Whltmoro, work In treasurer Continued on page 5 County Court Has Important Session In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Crook; Be it remembered; a regular term of the G)unty Court of Oregon for tho County of Crook was begun and held at the court house in Prine vi lie, Oregon on Wednesday the 5th day of May, 1915, the same being the first Wednesday in said month and the time fixed by law for hold ing a regular term of said court; when were present at the hour of ten A. M. the following officers: G. Springer, Judge, presiding, J. F. Blanchard and II. J. Overturf, Commissioners, Warren Brown, Clerk, and E. B. Knox, sheriff. Whereupon the following proceed ings were had towit: Clerk instruct ed to draw a warrant in favor of , indigent in the sum of $10 for transportation to Portland. County roads: O. II. Talbot et al presented a petition together with other necessary papers, and a suffi cient bond, for the establishment of a county road. Opinion of District Attorney filed. II. J. Overturf and O. H. Talbot appointed special viewers of said road. Viewers ordered out on day of , 1915. C. B. Swalley road: J. W. Decker et al presented a petition asking the county to furnish lumber and - i:..- t. .i,.:.:.. t . l ouppiiua iur me ciiiiiuiemiuii tu me C. B. Swalley road. Court agrees to furnish said lumber and supplies for the competition of the C. B. , . . awaiicy roau. voun, agrees 10 furnish said lumber and supplies to Deschutes River : hs soon ux funds are available for that purpose. Matter continued until November term, 1915. 0. F.Wallenberg road: resolution adopted that the proposed 0. F. Wallenberg road be established as a public necessity. County Surveyor instructed to make peliminary re port and survey forthwith. Request of the city of Redmond to puurchase culverts from the county refered to Commissioner Overturf with power to act for the county. Clerk instructed to draw a war rant in the sum of $300 payable to C. L. Hawley, treasurer of the Board of Ik-gents, Oregon Agricul tural College, as the first quarterly installment of the appropriation by EOTH HARMING UNCLE SAM. Crook county for farm demonstra tion work in 1915. Petition presented by John E. Ryan of Bend praying that a certain portion of the Deschutes River be declared a public highway for the transportation of logs and that the court direct the improvement of said portions of said river. Order made granting said petition and direct ing said improvement to be made by contract of leasing. See order.) Pursuant to said order a contract of leading was made with John E. Ryan, Trustee, for a period of 40 years providing for sajd improve ment and regulating tolls. (See contract.) Order made directing the renew al of the insurance on the Crook County Courthouse and contents in the sum of $50,000 for three years in approved Standard companies. Policies to be submitted and ap proved by District Attorney. Court convened this sixth day of May, 1915 at the hour of 9 A. M Same officers present a yesterday. The county Court of Jefferson county also being present, the two courts met in joint session. The fol lowing proceedings were then had in joint session: J. F. Blanchard of Crook County and J. M. King of Jefferson county presented a joint report on the amount and value ation of the road material and machinery belonging to Crook County which is now in Jefferson County. Report showing total present valuation of said machinery and material to be $2374.67. Re port accepted by both counties. I Order; that the services of Max( Crandall of Portland be secured to audit the records of Crook County j from the date of his last report in 1912 to the first day of January 1915, showing the proper distribu tion of all funds as a basis for a settlement between the two counties in their final settlement. The ex pense of said audit to be borne joint ly by Crook and Jefferson counties on a basis of two thirds and one third respectively. In case Mr. Crandall is not available, Crook County is instructed to secure a substitute. (See order.) Court convened this 6th day of May 1915 at the hour of 1 P. M. Harding in Brooklyn Eagle. ORF Z31sjT Gen. Von Hoetzendorf, chief of the Austrian General Staff, who directs the Austrian forces opposing Russia. All officers of Crook County court present. Statements presented by the City of Madras and by School District No. 22 showing errors in distribution of funds and petition for correction. Matter continued, no action to be taken pending a general checking of all districts. Matter of making necessary re pairs and enlargement of the court house drainage system referred to Commissioner Blanchard with power to act. Order, warrant drawn in favor of Roy Stuart in the sum of $40 as partial payment on account of. wood contract for 1915. " In the matter of indigents. Order warrant drawn in favor of Dr. J. H. Rosenberg in the sum of $200 for the purpose of proper and necessary treatment of at The Dalles. Said agreeing to give his note to the county for said sum at 6 per cent interest. Order warrant drawn in favor of Mrs. Mary V. Charleton in the sum of $10 for the relief of . Order warrant to ; , indigent in sum of $20 for month of May. Order Sheriff E. B. Knox as Tax Collector to give his bond in the sum of $40,000 in the United States Fidelity & Surety Company. Order warrant in the sum of $140 for pre mium drawn in favor of Crook County Abstract Company when said bond goes into effect. Court convened this 7th day of May, 1915 at the hour of 8 A. M. Same officers present as yesterday. Commissioner Overturf instructed to prepare a statement of the in debtedness of the Central Oregon Irrigation Company to Crook County, and given power to tdke necessary steps to collect the same. Statement of Warren Brown, County Clerk of bounties paid by Crook County during months of April and March, 1915, received and approved. In the matter of the accounting of R. H.'Bayley; letter received from R. H. Bayley stating that his report will be filed. Petition presented py the Fre mont Land Company asking for a rebate of certain taxes claimed to have been paid on land belonging to the United States. Matter continued for investigation. In the matter of Widow's Pen sions; Order granting a pension in the sum of $10 per month to Mrs. Louie L. Ballard, said pension to begin May 1, 1915. Order widow's pension to Mrs. Lucy Powell be dis continued beginning May 1, 1915 Order widow's pension to Mary E. Jones discontinued. Order all warrants cacelled which have been drawn to Mary V. Charleton for Continued on page 5 GEN. VON HCETZENDORF k.' " 'J r ! w TRYS GUN PLAY TO COLLECT BILL J. S. Watkins Assaulted by a Ranch Employe Gus Weighelt is in Jail Got the Money; Now Held to Grand Jury for Assault With Dangerous Weapon Saturday morning as he was go ing to his field to work John S. Watkins met Gus Weighelt who had been in Watkin's employ up to a few days ago, and was told that he would be shot forthwith if he tried to go through the gate onto his own premises. Weighelt had worked himself into a frenzy over the fact that Watkins owed him $28 and had failed to pay the amount. Watkins testified that he never denied the bill but wanted to delay payment until he could come to town and get the money. Weighelt succeeded in convincing Watkins that he meant business, for although the gun was a 22 caliber rifle, he continued to point it at Watkins and John testified that he appeared to be nervous for he kept moving his fingers about on the hammer and trigger of the gun. Watkins came to Prineville and sent the check and a warrant out to the scene of the trouble by the sheriff who arrested Weighelt and placed him in Jail. At the prelim inary hearing which was held Mon day evening, Aaron Watkins testified that the accused man told him the night before the trouble that he would "put a bullet in John's head." Weighelt was held under a $500 bond to appear before the grand jury on the chagrge of assault by Judge Bowman, in default of which j he is boarding at the county jail. Tomorrow Will Be Public School Day The Prineville Public School will hold its annual exhibit day v to morrow, May 14. In addition to an excellent exhibit, which pupils and teachers have been preparing for several weeks, there will be an interesting program given in the assembly room by the first and third grades. The boys of the seventh and eighth grades are to have a ball game at 3 :30 and the Parent Teachers Association will hold its last meeting for the year in the assembly room immediately after the first and third grade exercises. It is expected that every parent , and all others interested in good school work will visit the various rooms on Friday to see what the pupils have accomplished during the past school year. This exhibit is given but once each year and it is hoped and expected that there will be a large number of visitors to ex amine the various kinds of work that will be shown. The building will be open for visitors from 9 A. M. until 12 and all who can come during these hours are invited to do so. The building will again be open after the pro gram for the accommodation of parents who are unable to visit during the morning. The following program will be given by the First and Third grades beginning at 1:30 promptly: Greeting, Ellis Mathews; Flower Play, Girls of First grade; Recita tion, George Gerardo; Lullaby, Girls of Third Grade; Song, Adrian Continued on page 8.