Page 8 CROOK COUNTY JOURN L C. P. Becker and Mrs. Pearl Kay lor were married in this city yester day evening. The wedding was a quiet affair, only the relatives and " a few friends being present. The Beckers left this morning for the ranch of the groom near Laidlaw where they will make their home. Seed Oats for Sale Good clean seed Side Oat at the Dishman ranch on Ochoco. W rite or 'phone C L. Roberts, Prineville, Oregon. 1-28 tf AfjCER I WILL GIVE $1000 If 1 FAIL to CURE anj CANCER or TUMOR I treat twfors It POISONS dsep glands w iuxIm ti ioii MB KNIFE. NO Ml. MO MY UNTIL CUREO WRITTEN CUANANTEE No X-Kay or other f indie. An Island plant niftkos the cures AMY TUMOR. LUMP OR SORE on the lip, fare or bodT Inn is CANCCN i:0-P6E BOOK Ssnt Frs T' -iniKinmH ot 10.000 CWtO. Writ to some ANY LUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER Tt iOwrvs (oltmti. int !tm una KILLS QUICKIY Foor cunii si bail priie l cancer is vet smsll wnss Old Dr. & Mrs. Dr. Cbainley & Cb. 434 t 436 Vateno'R St, San Francisco, Cat, KINDLY MAIL THIS to someoni with CANCER OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALjNTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. i Classified Ads I High Schools to Meat La Urnmte. Twenty elsht-high" schools ot eastern Oregon are expect ed to participate In the 16th annual eastern Oregon Interacholasttc meet, which will be held in La Grande Sat urday. Those Invited, a majority ot which are expected to send represen tatives to either the scholastic meet or the oratorical contest that night, include: Adams, Athena, Baker, Can yon City. Cove, Klgln, Enterprise, Haines, Huntington, Heppner, Imbler, Joseph, La Grande, Losttne, Milton, North Towder, Nyssa. Ontario, Pen dleton, Prinerllle, Sumpter, I'nlon, Vale, Wallowa, Condon, Fos,sll, Her mlston, and Bend. Fully 123 entries are expected. Eggs for Setting White-Face It lack Spanish chickens great layers anil non-setters. Price f 2 for setting of 15. Write or 'phone Pioneer 4t'.l. C. M. Stroud, Prineville, Oregon. 3 11-tf The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking I Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm I AdvertlmMiienta under this head are ch irked for at a Hat rate of five cents per line for each Insertion. No display other than rcuular hcmllntrii will U' admitted to the ClaHMllicil coliittins. Copy should he In this otiice not later than Yodneilny noon to Insure Insertion under this head. FOR SALE SNAP-l61mTheunes7'llake offer. Some cash, balance in good t horses. Good tract in view of the city. A. J. Booth, Cheney, Wash. 21-4tp WOOD AND GASOLINE RANGES Sacrificed by our customers who are installing electric ranges. Call on us for a list of those wishing to sell. Des Chutes Pow er Co. 20-tf CREAM SEPARATOR - Urge size. To exchange for gasoline engine. 23t,f Enquire at this office. FINE PLAYER PIANO At your own price, $50 worth of records go with the instrument. Also guitar, good as new. Will be sold cheap, See Mrs. R. E. Gray, Prineville, Oregon. 'J2-tf. TJho Xjre jfcospital DOC GODARD IN CHARGE Expert Auto Tube and Casing Repairing at reasonable price. Special attention given out-of town work. Use the Parcel Post Main Street Opposite Prineville Hotel FOR SALE One sulky Plow. 1 2-section Harrow, 3 Saddles, 1 Mowing Machine, 1 Seed Drill, 1 set Buggy Harness, 1 set Work Harness, 1 3-inch Wagon. Otto Sontag, Prineville, Oregon." 21 MAM MOTH BRONzF"tURKEY for sale. Pedigreed stock. Also turkey eggs from this breed, $1.50 per setting. Mrs. P. A. Kennard, Redmond, Oregon. Box 121. 20tf. AT A BARGAIN Bungalow and two vacant lots opposite city park; two houses in good loca tion; easy payments if desired. Mrs. Annie Lively. 22-tf ' A Dollar in the Bank Is worth two in the hand, because it is safer. It soon grows and begins to work for you. We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits. Crook County Bank, Prineville, Or. FURNITURE-Diningroom set con sisting of table, six chairs, und buffet; bed room set consisting of handsome brass bed, high class springs and mattress, chiftloner etc. kitchen range with hot water connections; small heater sanitary deavenport, rockiing chairs, rugs, etc. These articles which are prac tically as goodjas new will be sold for much less than their actual value if taken within the next few days. For further informa tion address Victor Shawe, Prineville, Oregon. 21tf. AT A SACRIFICE - A Bohn Syphon refrigerator, used but a few months. None better. Lined with viterous porcelain enamel steel; insulated with heavy refrigerator car insulation. The acme of modern refrigerator construction. Going at a sacrifice. Four heavy oak diningroom chairs.cane seated, good as new, $5. No. 7 cast iron cook stove, fine baker, new last fall, how much is it worth to you? Iron bedstead, springs and mat tress, cheap. Fruit jars half price Good strong library table 2X 13. Other bargains. See Mrs, Robert E. Gray, IVineville, Or. P.O. box 334 20 TWIN CYLINDER - Motorcycle with tandem attachment. In good running order. Price $;0. 24-2(5 Robert Douglas. DANCES CLUB DANCE-There will be a Commercial Club dance in the New Modern Garage at Redmond Saturday evening, May 15, and all are invited to come and attend this big event. Come and see the track meet and stay for the dance in the evening. 2411 HOMESTEADS" , HOMESTEADS I can Unto a few choice homesteads of 320 acres each in a country where there is water for domestic use on every claim and not less than 40 acres . of plow land, all black rich loam. Neighbors near by. Limited selections. Come early for a good choice. Address A. C. care The Journal, Prineville, Oregon. HUf MUSIC TEACHERS MR. THOMAS J. HILL- Of Port land Oregon will open a music studio in piano and voice In Prine ville September 0th. 1915 for beginners and advanced pupils. - Harmony, counterpoint, compo sition, and music history will be given us un advantage to the student. 1 will be pleased to re fer you to Miss Blanche Williams in regard to my work and ability. For further information you may address me nt Madras Oregon until May 28, 1915 after which please address mo at my Portland home, HOD Jackson Street. 23tf ESTRAYED STRAYED FROM PASTURE 2 miles west of Prineville, one buy gelding weight about 1000 pounds. L with quarter cicle above on left jaw. Bring him and get reward. 2312 Prineville Livery Stable. ESTRAY TAKEN UP - There came to my horses on uppner Deschutes about June 1 lt14, one bay geld ing, unbroke, branded 'C on left jaw ami 'C on left shoulder, also "H E' on left stifle. Owner can have the same by proving the properly and paying the costs. 19tf. M. S. Mnyfield. LOST AND FOUND LOST OK MlSLAIlOue Huff ami licrgUM l.titftncT's Transit with solar attachment, In litruo mahog any liox. Fliiiler plense return n ml rveelve reward. Fred A. Itlce, Prineville, Ore. 17 tl WANTED TO BORROW- On first mortgage on 40 acres good land 11 miles from Prineville, $100. Apply at this office. 24'.tp Cream Shipper. We need more cream and are pay ing two cents more for liutturlnt than any other crciunerr. Cash with encli van. Fair and courteous treutim-iit. Ship Cream or write for shipping tait. Ynmhtll Creamrry Co., Portland Oregon. 2 11 Call for Warrants. t'nder dt of May (I. plir., 1 wtll call the following warrants: All item'csl (mill warrant up to and including Kt-gwinr No. 2115. L. Jordan, 24 County Treasurer. The Journal office does modern printing on short notice. Report of the Condition Or Tat First Natlaatl Isak al Mm.III., la tat Sots af Ori, at las CU.s f Baili, May lit, 191S. JIXSOIIM'M, Limns anil dlst'oums (n lies held In liana) ....awi.WUl Total limns 80l,7M.;il Ovnritrafls, ininw uri"l T'VU V. H. lunula dinatiad In sciiirs clri'iila. ( lailuu .isr value.. Ilil.lHH) Tiilsl ll, M toiida l'sVVD.W Mi'mirUlMMtitiitr Uian U. r, bonds (mil Imliiillnil slocks) owned tin. ipilad iT.wil.wa ' ' Tiilsl (limits, wrurlllna. iu T.Wl.W Miiliserlnllun in Sim It ul Feiloral Un serve bank ,,,, ,,,wl l.i'M ainuuul uniialil,. lliwO .x0 All uilicr Sim's, liit'luillna premium uitsame a.MUs) Hanking, lions, iHI luraltur ami (Ixuriis, skim.. , V Oihor rual ralalv us ni'J ,Mu im luv irum ysiivral Nmnr tank". ft.tstu.eo Imv Iniui siirtivtt) llnsnrvs Agi'iili In fJiw York, l lili'imo aud ri l.auls 0,JJ,J liuo from airoviHl ri'srrva sji'iiU In titlivr ri'Sfrvucliloi, iti.ihiI.oi TM'.'J.IO t)u irum lisnks ami hankers ullior llisu aboviJ Ill.tSl.rU t'liw ks un luBks In ilia same illv ur limn asruurtin( hsnk ,, 8M Cravtluiial i iirmui y. un ksls ami wills lis so Noli ol oilier Nallnust Hanks 3.WSI0U Tolal inln and rwriiniali-s ,-H 30 HclcmjiUon luml Willi t'.S. Trvasursr (mil miira lliana I'urteiil un vlri'UWv lluuj SAVuJ Tiilal,..,, Il,vm,(j I.Uall.lTIKS. I'SIS Sl.M'k ill In I "SKSSIUO Surilns luml SuishiisI Vnllvldit prorlls.,., SW.wh.m ItMoryijil fur Iii,ss,i Less riirreiil eieli.e, In. leresl allatisislit,,, 8,0" 1 W,7 J1 Clrvulaliiig null's j..VW ainuunt un lisnit and In Tri'ssiiry lur rw. ilemtnluu or In irsnsii i(i ..." , s'joi lli'lltl'lusl ilells In cliei'S .nir.,(iis l l'srilllians ul ili'.nsii ilue in lessilisnau ils ... Ili.Tiii.Sd t "-V T"il i:j,.ittut'j ST AT K or fiHRiiii.N, lM Cuiiuiyul rriMik. i I, T. M. ItaumiN. Caihli-r of the almo-luiiu-l I'siik.ilo -it- it. It I V swi'sf that l'ialvs lilll'IIIPIlt u trust lo tile Itr-t l III V klluKf. U.I- and Ullvl. T. M. IIA l.i'V IN, ( S'lller. SulH'rllH"t sn.l swum tu lH'lur ui IIHs t'.h Any ul Jlsy, J;.1, M, K tlfiuk. Notary PuMie. (;0MllM -Alt.Mtl (I. W. a ) T. II. !.rt.i.m V IHmctors t'saur W. KisTa I For Sale Cheap. (iood luculiHtor, iii-aily imw, also some good gees ami turkeys. Inquire or w-rils J o x SciiMkiis. H 11-tf A. Thomson U in the city today. THESE ARE THE DAYS WHEN Style and S ervice 3.U 1 JIO. Ill 1 DcnbleGrcea Trading Stamps 'til May 15 Henderson Corsets Are Good Every Day of the Year and for Every Occasion Hardly a day passes that we do not receive some favorable comment in regard to these corsets and it is the verdict of the ladies of Prineville and vicinity that no better or more stylish cor sets can be secured for the money Women of discretion buy cor sets where the stock comprises many different models, for by so doing they know that they can be properly fitted to a model that will suit their individual figure needs. Our stock of Henderson Back and Front Lace Corsets is un usually complete and includes all of the various, seasonable models. Your special attention is called to Henderson Corset, Style 368, a particularly acceptable design for average to full figures; has a medium bust with draw strings; embroidery trimmed; the graduated clasp effectively supports the figure; made of strong coutiL II (fiji i mjEJiDEstrrnfi Price $1.00 A model that has made a name for itself Waterloo House Dresses! Jusl arrived! This lale shipment is made up ol jjood ginijaams or heavy percales; are made in sanitary factories by while labor and are good practical dresses; economical, and serviceable. ' They can be bought lor less than you can buy the goods and "make them up yourself. Try a dress lor your housework. Ail good colors; priced right; all sizes . $1.00 to $2.00 COLLINS W. ELKINS TO ARRIVE Latest Styles in Summer Coats! WILL BE IN BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, SAND SHADES AND BLACK DIRECT FROM FACTORYjAND LATER THAN SHOWN BYAN? CATALOGUE. . THIS WILL BE 0IR LAST SHIPMENT AND WE ASK YOU to MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS AT ONCE IF YOU WANT ONE OF THESE COATS Paint the Kitchen Floor! Don't Scrub it! Avoid the work, worry and back aches caused by scrub bing bare floors. Painted floors are sanitary, easy to keep clean and hard to wear out. A few minutes work with the paint brush and ACMEQUAUTf FLOOR PAINT will change old shabby floors into new floors, with a hard smooth finish that is easy to keep clean. You can easily fix up your floors yourself. The cost is small a dollar will buy paint for the average floor and the Acme Quality Paint ing guide Book (free) will show you how the work should be done.