1915 MAY 1915 M 1011 W 6 12131415 8 1617jl81920212 "3,2526272829 Tim City Albert Wurzweiler was in Prine ville Monday. Mrs. H. P. Belknap returned from Portland Saturday. Miss Marion Rice is in Portland for two or three weeks. Harvey Cyrus was yesterday from Sisters. John Combs arrived Monday from Portland. Henry Carlin was in Prinevillo yesterday on business. J. H. Clmstensen of Paulina was in Prinevillo a few days this week. J 0. F. Walleburg of Terrebonne was in Prinevillo on business Tues day. Oscar jGloason of Roseborry, Idaho arrived in the city last Saturday for a visit with his son, A. C. Gleason, of the Journal force. A card party was given at the home of Ross Robinson Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Robinson's sister Mrs. Bean who. is visiting here. A plesant evening is reported. , Sam Simmons had both bones of the right leg broken when riding a bad horse at the Gilchrist ranch on Crooked river Sunday. He was Max Wurzwcilor was in Prineville brought to Prinevillo for treatment, j on business Friday. I Commissioner Blanehard returned i . : the last of the week from a tirp jover the south and west sections of 'the countv where he was called to Will Morse and family of Lamonta j look over some roa(, niatters. were in the city for the week end. , . . . 0. . c . , j A snow storm at Sisters Saturday Howard W. Turner of the Madras intercfoml with the meeting which Pioneer was a business vis.tor Tues- was boing hoU, in the intorwU of ('a' the Sisters fair. A good time is Meetings were held in the new reported however. Catholic Church Sunday for the first j w Y Mastm anJ wife of Port. time- jland and W. A. Bell and wife of Joe Howard and wife of Lower ; The Dalles who spent a few days oriuge wt-re m mu cuy uw ium ui , last weeK visiting with relatives in i Quality and JPrices Instead of Premiums! We do not give Trading Stamps or any kind of Premiums. We do not believe that it is a benefit to the customer. Did you ever stop to consider who is paying for them? We can give our customers Better Merchandise and a better price when we do not have the cost of Trading Stamps con tinually staring us in the face .Q Fishing Tackle 1 Our new line of Tack le has just come in. We know thij kinds needed for this sec tion and have what you want. J. E. STEWART & C 0. Buy Ammunition Hwot W curry, prolmlily, tlm iniwt comuli't line of nintt 'Million to he liii'l in .he cily. Mi'UMii'N and xliotuuii hIu'IIm: hIko kuim In Htunilitrtl linen and mukea I Barbed and Smooth Wire! We buy in carload lots and are in a position to name attractive prices! ! this city returned to their homes 1 Garden Seeds! Both Lilly and D. M. Ferry Seeds carried in packages and also a line of bulk seeds for both garden and field. These are two well-known reliable lines. Rubber Hose for Jrrigation Our price on hose runs from 8c per foot up. It pays to buy good hose. We have no carry-over stock. It's all new. Groceries! Everyone wants good, fresh groceries. Our sales ore heavy in this line and we are enabled in this way to keep onr stock fresh and clean. the week. N. N. Kins of Dry Lake was badly 1 Sunday morning. Hijureu hi a runaway aixmeui ueai . ailss wmtniore who has been I that place a few days ago. chief clerk in County Treasurer! Miss Reta Robinson left the first i Jordan's office for the past few of the week for Washington points j months, left Sunday for her home in where she will visit relatives. j Kansas City where her father is The little, daughter of M. L. j Quite sick. Brown was operated on for adenoids : Mrs. Dishman and Mrs. Pollard i Tueasday by Dr. Rosenberg. ' -will entertain the Ladies Aid of the!. Miss Edith Rice is spending the Presbyterian church at the Dishman j month with her cousins, Grant B. llome Thursday afternoon, May 13. Freer and family of Everett, Wash- Mrs- Balfour will be the guest of ;rf. honor, as shp will move tn Trip "" ' , ip f fvl f .l t(-v.i fvj fO rv' f f f f f fVI f.S1 a- Dalles in June. All members and j JiiSSS swS 23) iw tw5 i5 WSS iOS 'SZi ifrMi tC5 iSi t 055 Sj iOi i5J teW I friends of the church and society I - Try our "Red Goose Shoes" for Children! A "Red Goose" Kite or Bank FREE WITH EVERY PAIR 1 '0: 31 $ $ T. J. Moffitt of Powell Butte dis covered a litter of covote Duns Sun day and succeeded in killing five of ;3re cordially invited to be present, them and one of the old ones. j The announcement comes on pro Chas. P. Holland bought : P authority, that there is to be an cars of artillery horses in this immense mi!I constcted i the vicinity the lat of the week. The ! vlcinity of Bcnd t0 1x5 in price ranged from $100 to $150. jnot later than September 1, this year, ine number oi employees that will be necessary to operate this plant is estimated at some 2500. Rice & Wilson will be in Prine- i ville about May 25 and will buy horses ranging in weight from 930 ! to 1200 pounds. The John Ferguson ranch of fiOO acres was sold the first of the week to Wm. F. Saunders of Porland, P. M. Ruthfield made the deal. The Hunsaker express office has been moved from the corner of Second and Main streets to the brick building, one door west of the post office. Z Lee Miller, H. J. Lister, K. Dean Huston and Wm. Trichel came to Prineville Tuesday from Paulina returning the following day. The trip was made in Mr. Trichel's car. We predict here and now that the Bend country will be a power in the county election in the year 1916. NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. For all such children we tay with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakness to strength ; it make i them sturdy and strong. No alcohol. Scott & Bowne, Bloomeld, N. . Same time and rates to California af all rail. FARES INCLUDE MEALS AND BERTHS AT SEA. DELUXE TOURS To California Expositions The New Way S. P. & S. and Oregon Trunk In connection with the Triple Screw, Six Deck Palace of the Pacific SS "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Length 624 ft., beam 63 feet, speed 24 knots Sailings from Flavel April 17, 21, 25, 29, May 3, 7, 11, 15 Special Stmr Train leaves Portland 9:00 a. m. - Arrives Flavel 12:30 luncheon on ship SS arrives San Francisco 3:30 p. m. next day Round Trip Fares to San Francisco From Redmond, 30 day limit, $40.35 . Ninety day limit, 44.60. Plan your trip now. Correspondingly low rates to San Diego and Los Angeles, with choice of routes south of San Francisco. Further pariiculars of Agents of Spokane, Portland & Seattle, Oregon Trunk or Great Northern or Northern Pacific R'ys. Summer Tourist Fares Daily to Eastern Points May 15 G. W. HAINES, Agent, Redmond, Ore. R. H. CROZIER, A. G. P. A. J. T. HARDY, T. P. & F. A. Portland, Ore. Redmond, Ore. A. G. Allingham was a visitor from Redmond the first of the week Mrs. Todd of Portland., daughter of Mrs. Draper, is in Prineville on a visit. A sheep shearing crew composed of Ed Gerow, Jim Benham, Pat Rogers, Louis Stancliff, W. E. Rog ers, Al Howell Mr. Burns, Bud Hin ton and Oscar Grain will commence the season's work at Ralph Porrily's ranch tomorrow. A. B. Chapman of Lower Bridge was a Prineville visitor Monday'. Lex Long has a new three speed 11-horse power Harley Davidson motorcycle. It is a complete little j machine. L. Kamstra is the local , agent. j TheShumias met last Saturday at the home of Mrs. Edwards in this! city. The meeting was in honor of j Mrs. R. E. Gray who will leave be-1 fore the fall meetings begin fori California where she expects to make her home. The meeting was a very pleasant one and was enjoyed by all. Jay H. Upton and wife of Port land arrived in Prineville Monday and expect to make their home here. Mr. Upton is an attorney of promi nence having been an active member of the Multnomah County bar for a number of years. He will occupy the location now bqing used by Judge Duffy. Qur Cash With Order Price List on Painted and Galvanized Fly Screen We ask you to compare our quotations with those of Port land Mail Order Houses, including quotations made by Jones' Cash Store in Calalogue No. 274, page 64. Our quotations are f. o. b. Portland, cash with order. Or ders desired by mail should be accompanied by postage T I Our Price F. 0. B. Portland Painted Fly Screen 24-in 50 lineal ft. $1.70; 100 lineal ft. $3.25 26-in 50 lineal ft. $1.75; 100 lineal ft. $3.35 28-in 50 lineal ft. $1.95; 100 lineal ft. $3.60 30-in 50 lineal ft. $2.15; 100 lineal ft. $3.90 NewNobby Sailors in the latest shapes . Tipperary Hats and Pattern Hats The latest creations in Millinery. The most com plete and up-to-date stock ever received in Prineville and hats arriving daily. Come in and look them over Mrs. Estes The Milliner PRINEVILLE. OREGON 32-in 50 lineal ft. $2.25; 100 lineal ft. $4.00 34-in 50 lineal ft. $2.30: 100 lineal ft. $4.50 36-in 50 lineal ft. $2.40; 100 lineal ft $4.65 Galvanized 24-in 50 lineal ft. $2.25; 100 lineal ft. $4.35 26-in 50 lineal ft. $2.45; 100 lineal ft. $4.50 28-in 50 lineal ft. $2.65; 100 lineal ft. $4.75 30-in 50 lineal ft. $2.85; 100 lineal ft. $515 32-in 50 lineal ft. $3.00; 100 lineal ft. $5.35 34-in 50 lineal ft. $3.15; 100 lineal ft. $5.35 36-in 50 lineal ft. $3.30; 100 lineal ft. $6.00 Portland Mail Order House F.OB Painted Fly Screen 50 lineal ft. $1.85 50 lineal ft. $1.90 50 lineal ft. $2.10 100 lineal ft. $3 40 JOOJineal ft. $350 100 lineal ft. $3.75 50 lineal ft. $2.25 Not quoted Not quoted 100 lineal ft. $4.00 50 lineal ft. $2.50 100 lineal ft $4.75 Galvanized T I 50 lineal ft. $2.85 A0-?J;??lf!L.??J?9 100 lineal ft. $5.40 50 lineal ft. $3.00 Not quoted Not quoted 100 lineal ft. $5.70 100 lineal ft. $6.00 50 lineal ft. 13.75 100 lineal ft. $7.15 T I Maif orders sent to us will be forwarded to Portland and shipment made direct to pur chaser. Unless postage is included with order, shipment will be made by freight. O. C. CLAYPOOL & COMPANY You can buy the same thing much cheaper in Prineville