Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 22, 1915, Page Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
Crook County Schools
Show Improvement
County Superintendent Myers re-
ports that nearly one third of the
schools of Crook county have
already met the standard school re
quirements established at the begin
ning of the current school year.
These requirements refer to the
heating and ventilating, equipment
and attractiveness of the school
building, the appearcance and equip
ment of the school grounds, the
sanitation, the attendance, the length
of the term, and the ability and
efficiency of the teacher.
During the past two weeks,
Superintendent Myers and Supervisor
Shave have been condi cting a series
of standardization rallies throughout
the county. This campaign for the
betterment of the schools has met
with marked success, and the interest
and enthusiasm shown by the pat
rons of the various districts argues
well for the continued progress of
educational work in Crook County.
These rallies have been made the
oecassion for real celebrations.
Entertaining programs have been
arranged by the community talent
and pupils of the various school dis
tricts. At the Pleasant Valley
school the pupils presented a ver
sion of the Judgment of Paris, in the
form of an opera which was render
ed in an unusually clever and effect
ive manner. The program, which
included a number of songs and
recitations, was followed by a com
munity dinner at which nearly every
family in the district was represent
ed. At the Laidlaw rally the program
included a novelty in the way of a
clever song bird imitation by one of
the boys. The songs and folk dances
of the primary grades of the Red
mond school were presented in a
very pleasing manner. .
The Terrebonne school gave a
dramatization of the story "Wolf!
wolf!" by the primary grades. The
acting of these little folks showed
considerable training and talent.
At Sisters a dialogue in dialect
was given by two of the pupils
which was received with the heart
iest applause. The program was
given under the auspices of the
Parent-Teachers association and
music was furnished by the Sisters
There is a little girl at the Lower
Bridge school who will doubtless
win recognition later as an elocution
ist. Her rendition of Stevenson's
poem, "My Shadow," would have
been a credit to a professional
A clever and varied program was
given by the pupils of the Deschutes
At the Upper Rye Grass school
the program included a dramatiza
tion of Hiawatha., The play was
given out of doors. Real wigwams
were built by the pupils. A back
ground of small trees wadset out,
and even the red deer was there to
make the play complete. The cos
tumes, fringes, feathers, and war
paint lent realism tf the'play, and
the acting was especially Jgood.
The pupils of the Wilson school
presented a musical program.
Addresses have been made at these
rallies by Mr. Myers, Mr. Shawe,
Mr. Lovett, and others interested
in the educational work, appealing
! Classified" Adis !
I 1 t
The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking
Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything
from a tip pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm
to the patrons of the school not
I only to continue the work which has
already started but enlarge the
ennno nf tbp mrnl RiYinlft until thpv
become "Community Centers" in
'the broadest meaning'of the word.
j During the next few days rallies
.will be held at La Pine, Cline Falls,
Pinehurst, Crooked River, Harper
and Lower Fyj Grass schools.
AlvtrttNfnuntrt nnnVr thlii hpntl
are ch-iriitMi lor at a tint rate of fivw
it'iits per line lor eneli inwrtlou. .No
dltqiluy otlier than reuulur headlnua
tvlll I... UitmlM.xt tit till' fMilnillllri
coin num. Copy hIiouM be In t tittt
omoe not later tlmii v eunemiay noon
to liiHiire ItiKortton uuiler thin In-wl,
with tandem attachment.
Irice $100. See,
Robert Douglas, Prineville, Ore
SNAP 10 acres, The Dalles. Make
offer. Some cash, balance in good
horses. Good tract in view of the
city. A. J. Booth, Cheney, Wash.
Sacrificed by our customers who
are installing electric ranges.
Call on us for a list of those
wishing to soil. Dos Chutes Pow
er Co. 20-tf
AT A BARGAIN - Bungalow and
two vacant' lots opposite city
park; two houses in good loca
tion; easy payments if desired.
Mrs. Annie Lively. i!2-tf
FOR SALE One sulky Plow, 1
2-section Harrow, 3 Saddles, 1
Mowing Machine, 1 Seed Drill,
1 set Buggy Harness. 1 set Work
Harness, 1 3-inch Wagon. Otto
Sontag, Prineville, Oregon.' 21
Validity ot the $375,000 water bond
' issue election at Oregon City was up
held by the supreme court in an opin
ion by Justice Bean, when Judgment
was awarded the defendants in the
case of Gilbert Hedges, district attor
ney of Clackamas county, against the
: Oregon City water commissioner. Aa
a result Oregon City is free to start
work on its plan to secure water from
the south fork of the Clackamas river.
Justice Bean held that a commission
created to expend the money bad a
legal existence.
for sale. Pedigreed stock. Also
turkey eggs from this breed,
$1.50 per setting. Mrs. F. A.
Kennard, Redmond, Oregon.
Box 121. ' 20tf.
FURNITURE Diningroom set con
sisting of table, six chairs, and
buffet; bed room set consisting of
handsome brass bed, high class
" springs and mattress, chiffioner
etc. kitchen range with hot water
connections; small heater sanitary
deavenport, rockiing chairs, rugs,
etc. These articles which are prac
tically as goodjas new will be sold
for much less , than their actual
" value if taken within the next
few days. For further informa
tion address
Victor Shawe, Prineville, Oregon.
own price. $30 worth of records
go with the instrument. Also
guitar, good as new. Will be
sold cheap. See Mrs. R. E. Gray,
Prineville, Oregon. 22-tf.
refrigerator, used but a few
months. None better. Lined with
viterous porcelain eniunel steel;
insulated with heavy refrigerator
car insulation. The acme of
modern refrigerator construction.
Going at a sacrifice. Green velvet
couch; fine springs good, as new.
Bargain. Four oak diningroom
chairs; cano seated. Practically
at your own price. Excellent
three burner National gasoline
stove.. Fine for summer. Fool
proof. No trouble or danger.
J. E. Stewart & Co. can tell you
all about them. Good strong li
brary table 26X43. Made to or
der. Other bargains. See Mrs.
Robert E. Gray, Prineville, Ore
gon. P. O. box 334 20
WANTED -Two men to pull sage
brush after tho plow, small sage,
about 60 acres to pull, $1.50 per
acre and board themselves. Ap
ply W. E. Mend, Roberts, Ore
gon. 21-2
Sunday, April 22 tw 2(1, Dr Freeze
a well known eye specialist of
Portland will bo at Prineville
Hotel. Will have instrumnets
for examining tho internal eye
for diseased conditions and you
are assured of expert advice.
Eyes refracted by the MeCormic
system which Is the lutest and
best known to science; Kvery
pair oi glasses guaraiueeti
whether they cost $3.50 or more.
Will visit Prineville every six
weeks, 19
Eggs for Setting
White-Face Wrick SouiiIhIi clilckenn
Kivut layer atxl lion-wtter. Price
ii lor Hcttluir of 15 Write or 'phone
Pioneer 401. U M. Ntr.jml, Prineville,
Oregon. 3 11 tf
Stallion For Sale
Tliree-nuaiter Perelieron Stallion,
elxlit year old, welch IViO piiiiinU;
bl'R'kv mult hihi heavy hone, IhuhI
breeder. Price reuoimlte. Por
further Inforiimtloii write to T. J
Kk urn hon, Robert, Or. 2 11 4tf
Seed Oats for Sale
Good clean need Side Oats al the
Dinhman ranch on Ochoeo. Write
or 'phone C L. Robert, Prineville,
Oregon. 1-28 tf
Eggs For Hatching
S. C. Ulioile IhIiiiuI Keil, $1.50 per
Hettlim ot l.'i etui: H per hundred.
Mr. J. h. AumiiHon, Prluevllle, Ore.
3 1H (I
examined and fitted to glasses by
a graduate optician please re
member this is my bust week in
here. I will remain until April
20. I will return in a few weeks.
I am at Prineville and Baker nine
months out of the year. Either
place is my home. Dr. Ida
lSohrendt, at tho Hotel Oregon.
Wanted. Give particulars. A. P.
Furbush, Roberts, Oregon.22-2tp
Maddux Co will but your w
tables iitl piiKlue. Ak the niau.
Plume Pioneer Hod )3.
STRAYED From my ranch on
Ochoeo about three weeks ago,
two black sows, will weigh
about 120 pounds, each. Notify
E. N. White, Prineville. Oregon.
ESTTrATTAkEN UP There camo
to my horses on uppaer Deschutes
about Juno 1 1914, one bay geld
ing, unbroke, branded 'C on left
jaw and 'C on left shoulder, also
'11 E' on left stifle. Owner can
have the www by proving tho "
property and paying the cost.
1 1 U f . M . S. M ay field ,
HOMESTEADS-1 cn locate a few
choice homesteads of 320 acres
each in a country where there is
water for domestic use on every
claim and not leas than 40 acres
of plow land, all black rich loam.
Neighbors near by. Limited
selections. Come early for a
g(Hl choice.
Address A. C. care The Journal,
Prineville, Oregon. l'.Hf
Call for Warrant!.
Iln.bir ilnt 111 Anril 15. I'll'). 1 ltl
call the fullowltiK warrants:
All griii" Rl lunil warrant up to Ml I
urliidiiiif Ki'tfliter N. luio.
AH roml warrant" up to ami Inclu !
lilt ltegioter No. IH.
All reentered IiIkIi achoul warrant,
lUl.l'lt I.. JoHIMN.
21 County Trrasurer,
WANTKI) Men mtd women tuiuuku
uho of the Joiinial I'lioAtliieil col
Cream Shipper.
We need more cream ami are pay
lute two cent more for buttcrtat
than liny oilier creuiuerr. Cah
with eaelt can. Fair and courteous
treatment. Ship Cream or write lor
Hlilppliig tai;. liiinliUl t reumi ry
Co., Portland Oregon. 2 II
Ueruu Ktiulneer's Tnuixlt with
olnr attachment. In large malioif
any box. Finder plrae return
anil receive reward. Fred A. Hire,
Prluevllle, Ore. 17 tf
MONEY TO I)AN-From the
state school fund on improved
farm land at 6 per cent. M. E.
Brink. 20-lt '
Tain leave almost
if by magic when
rati begin using "f
rop," tho (amoiuold
remedy lor ftheuma
tim. Lumbago, Gout,
Sciatica, Neuralgia
and kindred trouble.
It Roea right to the
spot, itopa the ache
and paina and irukn
lila worth living. Got
boitlo of "o-liropa"
today. A booklet with
each bonis give lull
direction (or um.
Ikin'l delay. Itamanil
"6-Drops." Don't ac-
cept anything ela in
Place o( it AnPdrui
gist ca supply you. II yon live too tr
iron) drug atnre tend One Dollar to
Swaoaoo Kheumatio Cure Co., Newark,
Ohio, and a bottle o( &-Drops" will be
Vint prepaid.
G3IE3B 1
wA Jaik & fxtaaA nr 9
We Recommend these Articles for Special Consideration!
Let your next broom
be a
Ask to see Little Polly
and learn bow to get
whisk broom, broom
dusting bag or dust
cap tKi.L.
The Little Polly
Mad of the finest select broom
corn; has no brash, rough straws;
is natural color and in no way
damaged by dye for lake of
appearance. If you have not
tried the "Little Polly Broom"
try one your next order.
H I iij iliilLj. Ijlii U p 1 1 111 1 1 111 1 1 111 1 1 lit LU'IIS
d lift it ffi 10 &4&itJ2d
EN THE 1014 &1GDEL
1. Sanitary Dowl Chamber Liner. Milk never touches the iron frame.
Nickel Silver Non-Rusting Skimming Sections. They make up the
i.. i j . , .
Nt Sanitary Lkar jf? ""'f "'mmm8 uevl aTuar.nie never ,
8 U. S. Mechanical Waaher. Makes the
willing quicker and easier than in any other
4. Easiest Flushed. Nickel Silver U Don-altie-ive.
Cream does not stick to it as to the metal in
other separator bowls.
5. Natures way of Skimming. The cream
rises to the top and the nkim-milk settles to
the bottom as when set in crocks or pans.
6. World's Record Closest Skimming. Even
if you think your separator skims clean, try a
new U. 8. and you'll see a difference.
If you intend to buy a rream separator, don't
fail to see the 1011 Model U. S.
Call us up or come in and talk with us.
For Eastern Oregon Soils
Made for Every Kind of Land
Let us know what your land is like
and we will guarantee you a style of
Oliver to plow it perfectly. Large
assortment of repairs and shares
Make your home look attractive
and inviting!
Our experience will aid
you in selecting colors and
decorative plans that will
make your home appear to
the best advantage.
gives great durability and
and lasting beauty. It is
most economical to use be
cause it takes less and lasts
We will be glad to show
you colors whether you buy
or not.
Call and get color
cards and prices
COLLINS W. ELKINS, Prineville, Ore.