Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 22, 1915, Page Page 6, Image 6

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    Tage 6
! rotsssr.ttal Cards.
Crook County Bank Building
Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway
General Practice
The Dalles, Ore.
Attornf ys-at-La w
Prineville, Ore.
312 Abinton Hl.le.
Portland, lire.
Court House
Culver, Or
Lawyers v
J. Tregelles hox
M. R. C. S. Knir; nl L. S. A. London;
Licence Oregon Stat Medical Hoard.
Specialist in Surjrery; Hygiene; Ali
mentary Canal, women anil children's etc
Office and resldene Third street near Court
House. Tel.: Pioneer, Calls answered
promptly, night or dav. Charges, moderate
Trouble in Future for United
States is Predicted by
Attorney? -at-Law
(Successor t W. A. Bell)
iPjtyntimm mint Tarya
Cmtl mmsmmrmm prmpij dmjf r nijjki
J4 mm &fmnm
!PrinmilU, Ortfom.
Cmma. J. Co-merd, JUT. ff, 23laf
Belknap dc .- Cdwards
IPmjfSttiam mmd Juryttmt.
(County fhysician.)
iPrin trill t. Or fat.
&. tlliott.
Sfttorn fjr-mt- jC m
mill; Or-tyom.
. SJrink
Zieal Cttatt
Cornett Building, Room 6
SPrintmilU, - - Ortyt
SPAjfiiian ana tSmrpnm
Call Answuid Pbowtlt Dat oa Nibhi
Oftici 0n Doo South of adamsoh's
Dice Stobs. Both office as resi
dence telephones.
SPriniilU, - . Ongo
Pekin. Intervention by the United
States In the negotiations now pro
ceeding between China and Japan is
recommended to President Wilson In
the appeal recently sent to him by
American missionaries In this country.
The message of 6000 words was cabled
to Washington. It characterises the
Japauese demands on China as acts
of aggression such as eventually will
present a menace to the United States.
Recalling the fact that Japan has at
present in this country doubled her
usual quota of troops (amounting to
60,000 men), the missionaries urge
that Japan be notified that the excess
of troops should be removed.
The understanding here is that a
Chinese official or several officials
paid the cable charges, amounting to
nearly $6000, on the messuge to Presi
dent Wilson. This communication was
signed by Revs. E. W. Thwlug, John
Wherry, C. H. Fenn, and W. A. P. Mar
tin, all counected with the American
Presbyterian Mission at Pekin; Rev.
Chaimcey Goodrich, of the American
Board of Commissioners for Foreigu
Missions, who is stationed at Tien
Tsin; Rev. H. II. Lowry, of the Metho
dist Episcopal Mission at Pekin, and
Rev. C. F. Hubbard.
The petition asks President Wilsou
to demand of China and not of Japan
American participation in the confer
ences now under way. It is suggested
that Great Britain and other nations
be invited to participate.
FIRE LOSS IS $300,000
Thirty Firemen Overcame by Smoke
While Fighting Portland Blaze.
Portland. Property worth $300,000
was destroyed and 30 firemen were
overcome by a fire which started lu
the Blake-McFall six-story building,
Fourth and Ankeny Btreets, in the
heart of the wholesale district, at 7
o'clock Sunday night. In a few min
utes the building was turned Into a
raging furnace which no fireman could
The loss was covered practically by
The heaviest loser Is the .Hughes
estate, which owns the building, and
the Blake-McFall company, which oc
cupies three-fourths of the building.
More than 40 other firms have offices
in the building.
C. D. Bruun, president of the Blake
McFall company, estimated the com-
Petrograd Says Desperate Re
sistance is Broken and
- Position Secured
Petrograd, via London. An official
communication concerning the prog
ress of the campaign aa Issued from
general headquarters states:
"The enemy made a moat desperate
resistance to our offensive.
"They had brought up every avail
able man on the front from the direc
tion of Bartfeld as far as I'isok Pass,
Including even Oermau troops and
numbers of cavalrymen fighting on
foot. The enemy's effectives on this
frout exceeded 400 battalions. (An
Austrian or German battalion num
bers 1000 men.) Moreover, our troops
had to overcome great natural diffi
culties at every Btep.
'Nevertheless, IS days after the
opening of our offensive, the bravery
of our troops enabled us to complete
the task assigned and we had seized
the principal chain of the Carpathians
on a front between Reghetov and Vol
osate, of 110 versts (about 75 miles).
"To sum up: On the whole Carpa
thian front, the enemy has suffered
enormous losses and has left In our
hands In prisoners alone at least 70,
000 men. Including about 900 officers.
Further, we have captured 30 guns and
00 machine guns.
"On April 16 the actions In the Car
pathians were concentrated In the di
rection of Rostokl.
'The enemy, despite the enormous
losses suffered, delivered In the course
of that day no less than 16 attacks In
great strength. These attacks, all of
which were absolutely barren of re
sult, were made against the heluhts
we have occupied farther to the east
of Telepotch."
British Apology Offered Chile.
London. The British government
has offered a "full and ample apology"
to the Chilean government for the
sinking on March 14 in Chilean terii
torial waters of the German cruiser
German Correspondent Thinks Cam
paign Cost Invaders Half Million.
Berlin, via Indon. The war cor
respondents at the Austrian headquar
ters have taken advantage of the
pause in the battle In the Carpathians
to summarize the results of the Rus
slan efforts to break through the
mountain barrier, which have prog
Willard II. Wirtz
District Attorney
Office in Crook County Bank Bldg
Phi.vevili.e Okkcjon
Lake M. Bechtell
Crook County Bank Building
Piineville, Oregon
Rooms 3-4-5 Kamitra Bld'g
Prineville, Ore
I f) A T Ocboco No. 40. Meets
v v every Tuesday night.
Strangers welcome.
Elites Short, N. G.; S. . Hlnkle, V.
i.; L. Kamstra, Secy.; (i. P. Ream,
rested as a continuous gigantic battle
pany's probable stock loss at $130,000. : since the fall of Przemysl.
The Russians, who hurled massed
Borah Not Presidential Candidate. troops first against one and then an
Washington. Senator Borah, of Ida- other part of the line, succeeded In
ho, issued a statement here saying he advancing their own line slightly In
"was not and would not be a candi-" Uie depression south of Dukla I'ass,
date" for the republican nomination j where they hold a considerable area
for president. i of the southern slope of the moun-
"If by any chance the party should i tains. They also impelled the Austri
nominate me," he said, "I, of course, j ans to straighten out the big northern
should accept. To pretend or to inti- I bulge in their line east of this point
mate otherwise would be absurd; but ' between Lupkow and Uzsok Passes,
I shall not seek the nomination nor where it had pushed forward well into
strive in any way, directly or indirect- j Galicia toward Przemysl.
ly, to obtain it Nor have I the slight
est expectation of it coming my way."
For new and old stomach
trouble use Adamson's Digest
eze. Price 50c or six boxes for
$2 50 postpaid to any address
in the United States of America.
For sale by D. P. Adamson &
Co., Prineville, Oregon.
If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat
befors it POISONS deep glands entticbK to torn
No X-Kay or other
swindle. An Island
plant makes the eures
SORE on the lip, (are
or body Inn la CANCER
120-PAGE BOOK Ssnt Frsa
Testimonials of 10,000
CURED. Write to some
It always poisons rfaap tlindi and KILLS OUICKLY
Poor cured at half price if cancer is yet small
uttm Old Dr. & Mrs. Dr. Cbamley & Ci'sS?
434 I 436 Valencia St., San Francisco, Cat.
Syracuse, N. Y. The trial of the
suit of William Barnes, Jr., agalnsf
Theodore Roosevelt for $$0,000 dam
ages for alleged libel began in the su
preme court here Monday.
The Jury which will try it Is com
posed of seven republicans, three pro
gressives and two democrats. Twenty-
! two talesmen were examined before
j both sides announced that they were
: satisfied with the 12 men in the box.
Immediately after the jury had been
I completed counsel for Colonel Roose-
velt made a motion to dismiss the com
plaint against their client on the
ground that such allegations as he
made in the statement upon which the
suit is based were privileged, and that
in naming Mr. Barnes and Charles F.
Murphy, of Tammany Hall, as the con
trollers of "rotten government" In the
state of New York he did not mean
anything personal, or to Imply that
either of the two men named bad in
any way profited by the alleged "rot
tenness." The motion was denied by
Justice William S. Andrews, presiding.
s Eugene Lennhoff, correspondent In
the Carpathians for the Zeltung am
Mittag, estimates that the Russian
losses in killed, wounded, sick and
prisoners in the attempt to force a
way through the passes is at least
Germany Will Make Amends to Dutch
The Hague. Germany, according to
reports reaching here, will disavow
the torpedoing of the Dutch steamer
Katwyk, and will make full reparation
to her owners.
page 8.
over the classified ads on
President Urges Calm in America.
Washington. The need of self-possession,
calmness and a Judicial tem
perament on the part of the United
States in the present world crisis was
urged by President Wilson, in a speech
before the opening session of the 24tb
continental congress of the Daughters
of the American Revolution.
Von Goltz to Lead Turks.
Constantinople. Field Marshal Ba?
on Kolmar von der Ooltz has been ap
pointed commander-in-chief of the first
Turkish army.
London. In the first naval battle of
the war between Turkish and British
war craft, 100 of the crew of the Brit
ish transport Manltou were reported
to have been drowned and a Turkish
torpedo boat destroyed, in official dis
patches to the admiralty.
The battle was fought off the island
of Chios, near the Gulf of Smyrna and
about 100 miles south of the entrance
to the Dardanelles. It is believed here
that the transport was torpedoed and
sunk after she had landed British
troops on the coast of Asia Minor.
Three torpedoes were shot at the
British transport, according to dis
patched to the admiralty. All missed
fire. The light cruiser Minerva,
which had participated in the bom
bardment of Smyrna, gave chase and
forced the torpedo boat ashore in Kal
ammuit Bay, Chios Island. The Turk
ish war craft was destroyed and her
crew made prisoners.
80,000 Mules Ordered for British Army
Kansas City. Orders for 80,000
mules for use in the British army have
been placed with livestock dealers by
agents of the British government, Bo
cording to announcements made hero
Sale. Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Und Office, at Tho Dull.,
Oregon. March 31, 1915.
Notice is hereby Riven that, us
directed by tho commissioner of the
General I.and office, under provi
sions of sec. 2455, K. S., pursuant
to tho application of Columbus J.
Johnson, serial No. 012:ititl, wo will
offer at public mile, to the highest
bidder, but t not less than JU.fH)
per uere, at 9:30 o'clock A. M
on the 27th day of May 1915, next
at this oflice, the following tract of
land: SJ NW'J, N SWJ, sec. 33, T.
1SS., U. 19 E., W. M. "This tract
is ordered into the market on a
showing that the greater portion
thereof is mountainous or too
rouirh for cultivation."
The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closet) when
those present at tho hour named
have ceased bidding. The pel-son
making the highest bid will be re
tpiired to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
tho above-described land are ad
vised to (ile their claims or objec
tions, on or before tho time desig
nated for sale.
20 H. rVank Woodcock. Register.
Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office ttt Tho Dalles,
Oregon, March 31, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the Oeneral Iaml oflice under pro
visions of Sec. 2155. R. S., pur
suant to the application of Jeffer
son F. Huston, Si-rial No. 012:if'5,
we will offer at imblie tale ' to the
highest bidder, but at not less than
2.i0 per acre, at 9:15 o clock A.
M., on the 27th of May, 1!U5, next,
at thkoffiee, the following tract of
land: SE1, sec. 28, T. IK S. K. l'J
K. W. M. "This tract is ordered
into the market on a showing that
the greater portion thereof is
mountainous or too rough for culti
vution." The sale will not be kept open,
but will be declared closed when
those present Ht the' hour named '
have ceased bidding. The person
making the highest bill will here-;
(uired to immediately pay to tho '
Receiver the amount thereof. j
Any persons claiming adversely I
the above-described land are ad
vised to file their claims or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.-
20 H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Prineville MotorFreight Co.
Daily motor truck service to and from Red
mond. Special trips. Delivery to all parts
of the city. Qyick and reliable service.
Red juniper wood for snle.
Office west of Post'Office.
Prineville Motor Freight Co.
Prineville, Oregon
5 Dealers In Lumber. Shinulen. .Moulding'. Doors. Window.
it "
Ut Olana. Paints and Oil. Kuln roid Roofinc. Ornamental Fendlim. us
a..... -.1- .. - ... .a if....' giiui.a-i.aii.. 11 i.ii,,. i.-n , , mi,., ,,1.1.1 .i.i 1 ,,, ff1..1-TiS
Dealers in all kinds" of
May, Grain, Flour and Feed. Forwarding Storage
and Commission Buyers of Hides, Pelts
and Furs
Sale. Department of the Interior,
U. S. I-and Office at The Dalles,
Oregon. March 31 1015.
Notice is hereby given that, as
directed by the Commissioner of
the General Land oflice, under pro
visions of sec. 2453, R. S., pur
suant to the application of Samuel
A. Ixigan, serial No. 013H55, we
will offer at public sale, to the
highest bidder, but at not less than
$2.50 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M
on the 2Xth day of May, 1915, next,
at this office, the following tract of
land: SJ SEJ, SE1 SWJ. p,ec. 17.
NW1 NEi, sec. 20, T. l'J S. R. 20
E. W. M. "This tract is ordered
into the market on the showing!
that the greater portion thereof
is mountainous or too rough for
The sale will not be kept open
but will he declared closed when
those pretent at the hour named
have ceafed bidding. Tho person
making the highest bid will be
required to immediately pay to the
Receiver the amount thereof.
Any person claiming adversely
the above described land are ad
vised to file their claims, or objec
tions, on or before the time desig
nated for sale.
20p H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
Department of tho Interior,
U. 8. Land Olllco at The Dalles, Ore.,
April 10th, 1915.
Notice is hereby given that
Harry A. Wares
of Riverp, Oregon, who, on June 6th,
11(11, made homestead entry Jn, 09068.
for section 3.'). township II) south,
range 18 eaft, Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
final three year woof to establish claim
to the land above described before H.
C. Kills, U. ft. Commissioner, at Bend,
Oregon, on tne Stn day ot June, IDlo,
Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel
W. Merrill, of Brothers, Oreiron: Rolf
O. Hrowii, Walter W. Hoffland, of
Bend, Oregon; I'.rnest W. Nelson, of
Held. Oregon. H. Frank Woodcock,
i op Register.
Departmi nt of the Interior,
U. S. Land Oflice at Burns, OrVgnn,
April H, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that
. William W. Foster
of Paulina, Oregon, who, on May 31,
1911, made desert land entry No. 054H2.
for t nw, section 20, township 16
south, range 24 east, Willamette
Meridian, has died notice of intentinn
to make final proof to establish claim
to the land above described before L.
M. Miller, U. S. Commissioner, at her
odlce at Paulina, Oregon, on the 22nd
day of May, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses: March
Logan, John ChrUtenson, Anson
roster, Glaze Smith, all of Paulina.
Oregon. 21 Wm. Farro, Register.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Pure Drugs and Chemicals.
Prescriptions a specialty.
Maher & Grosh Cutlery.
Books and Magazines Cigars
and Sundries. Lowney's
Candies in sealed packages.
D. P. Adamson & Co.
Prineville, Oregon
of Fresh Fruits and - Vegetables
you can get anything in
the market
Telephone Red 603
Goods Delivered