Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 22, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
1915 APRIL 1915
The City
Frank Johnson is in the city from
Dr. Belknap returned from
Portland Sunday.
Goorge Rodman was in Prineville
the first of the week.
Born, to the wife of Hiram
Praton, Monday, a boy.
R. R. Price was a business
visitor from Post the first of the
Hiram Gibson was in Prineville
from The Dalles the last of the
Prineville's water wagon made
its first appearance on the streets
John Dobry has been in Prine
ville for the past few days from
Klamath Falls.
Geo. Schlagel was in the city
over Sunday, the guest of his son
Waren Brown left for Portland
Monday afternoon where he ex
pects to spend the week.
Dr. C. A. Simons was in the city
from Held yesterday and today
looking after business matters.
Misses Lottie Pugh and Alma
Kinkaid, and Mrs. Eddie Turk came
up from Antelope- Thursday and
visited in Prineville until Saturday.
O. E. Everett of Earnes was in
the city Wednesday to spend the;
day with his daughter, who is at
tending high school.
Born To the wife of Guy. Smith
of Salem, April 15, a boy. Mrs.
Smith was Theresa Cassiday who
taught school in Prineville at one
Sight is Priceless
You should guard your eye
sight more than any of the
other senses. If your eyes
trouble you at all come to us
for free consultation and
We fit your eyes correctly and ac
corditiK to the latent wlentific
inetljodM. Ourchnrjfea reasonable
Office 1 Block West Crook County Bank
Same time and rates
to California af all
BBSS wmujjua
The New
S. P. & S. and Oregon Trunk
, In connection with the Triple Screw, Six Deck Palace of the Pacific
Length 524 ft., beam 63 feet, Bpeed 24 knots
Sailings from Flavel April 17, 21, 25, 29, May 3, 7, 11, 15
Special Stmr Train leaves Portland 9:00 a. m.
Arrives Flavel 12:30 luncheon on ship
SS arrives San Francisco 3:30 p. m. next day
Round Trip Fares to San Francisco
From Redmond, 30 day limit, $40 35
Ninety day limit, $44.60. Plan your trip now.
Correspondingly low rates to San Diego and Los Angeles, with choice of
routes south of San Francisco.
Further pariiculars of Agents of Spokane, Portland & Seattle, Oregon
Trunk or Great Northern or Northern Pacific R'ys.
Summer Tourist Fares Daily to Eastern Points May 15
G. W. HAINES, Agent, Redmond, Ore.
R. H. CROZIER, A. G. P. A. J. T. HARDY, T. P. & F. A'.
Portland, Ore. Redmond, Ore.
J. E. Stewart and family spent
Sunday on the Deschutes fishing.
L. M. Rochtell left for Portland
and Salem the first of the week.
He will be gone several days.
Mrs.W. H. Belknap has gone to
her homestead near Redmond
where she will spend the greater
part of the summer.
George Russell is in the Portland
market today with a load of hogs.
The market was strong yesterday
at $7.85.
Dr. Davis left the last of the
week for Antelope where he will
practice for a time. Chester
Montgomery took him over in his
A car load of Buicks were re
ceived by the Huff-Noble Auto
company the first of the week.
They are dark maroon, and are
fine looking cars.
The Literary Department of the
Ladies' Annex will hold their last
meeting for the year on next Mon
day evening. All members are
urged to be present.
Dr. II. Gove and party returned
Tuesday from a trip to Fossil. The
trip was made in the doctor's new
Case car. In the party were the
Misses Knox, and Dolly Hodges,
The applications of Harry Hud
son and Wm. Treichel were re
ceived by the council yesterday for
the position of care-taker of the
city park. The matter was left in
the hands of the committee on
etrets and public improvements.
Dr. Freeze, the eye specialist
from Portland came in from Red
mond this morning and will remain
until Sunday. This is the doctor's
first visit to our city and he ex
presses himself as very favorably
impressed with this part of Crook
The services at the Christian
Church will be held at the usual
hours. The morning subject, An
nihilation of self; the evening sub
ject.. Which day, Why? The RoweJl
sisters will sing a special number
at the morning service. All are
cordially invited to attend. Geo.
H. Ramsey, pastor.
F. H. Gloyd has the contract for
transcribing the records for Jeffer
son county. The
contract price
was five and nine-twentieths for
the typewriter process. A. R. Bow
man and J. B. Bell of this place
and Howard W. Turner of Madras
were all very close to the success
ful bidder.
Rev. Newham returned the
of the week from Arlington where
he went to attend a conference of
the Methodist church. On the way
down the Deschutes the train on
which Rev. Newham was riding,
encountered a landslide that dis
abled the passenger train to such
an extent that the remainder of
the trip to The Dalles was made in
a freight train.
To California
uauty an;
We do not give Trading Stamps or any kind of Premiurns.We do not
believe that it is a benefit to the customer. Did you ever stop to consider
who is paying for them? We can give our customers Better Merchandise
and a better price when we do not nave the cost of Trading Stamps con
tinually staring us in the face
Fishing Tackle 1
Our new lint of Tack
le has just come in.
We know the kinds
needed for this sec
tion and have what
you want.
Barbed and Smooth Wire!
We buy in carload lots and are in a position to name
attractive prices!
Garden Seeds!
Both Lilly and D. M. Ferry Seeds carried in packages
and also a line of bulk seeds for both garden and field.
These are two well-known reliable lines.
Try our "Red Goose Shoes" for Children! A "Red Goose" Kite or Bank
Road to Mitchell
Is Now Complete
The road over" the . mountains to
Mitchell is now open to travel and
several horse drawn vehicles have
already crossed. Forest Supervisor
Ross states that although no auto
mobiles have undertaken the trip,
they will have no trouble as the
snow is all gone and the road bed is
hard. He also states that the snow
is quite deep in several places on
the old road which crosses at a
higher elevation.
J A crew of men is now working on
the north slope widening the grades
and crowning up the road bed get
ting it in shape for the summer
travel. These men are being paid
from what is called the 10 per cent
item fund, which provides that 10
per cent of the gross receipts from
the National Forests revert to the
counties for the construction and
improvment of roads.
American Ship Touching British Co
lumbia Port are Warned.
Seattle, Wash. American steam
ship companies operating between Se
attle and Alaska ports and Seattle
and San Francisco were notifed by the
British admiralty that all German,
Austrian or Turkish passengers or
members of the crews would be re
moved from any vessel calling at a
Canadian port and held as prisoners
of war. As a result of the order, the
Pacific Coast Steamship company Im
mediately discharged 10 German mem
bers of the crew of the steamship
President, which" sailed for San Fran
cisco. Two German passengers who
had purchased their tickets were not
allowed to board the President.
N. W. Aldrich Dies Suddenly at 73.
New York. Nelson W. Aldrich, 30
years United States senator from
Rhode Island, and Intimately associat
ed with tariff and currency legislation
in that time, died at his home In Fifth
avenue, following a stroke of apoplexy.
Washington Tax Reduction 8hown.
Olympia, Wash. The total " 1914
taxes being collected in Washington
this year amount to $36,818,410, the
state tax commission shows from a
compilation of county treasurers' tax
rolls. This represents a reduction of
$1,492,765 from the taxes of the pre
vious year, or a littlo less than 4 per
of Premiums!
Pay for
You can buy the
Rubber Hose for Irrigation
Our price on hose runs from 8c per foot up. It pays
to buy good hose. We have no carry-over stock. It's
all new.
Everyone wants good, fresh groceries. Our sales are
heavy in this line and we are enabled in this way to
keep onr stock fresh and clean.
the Consumer
Trading Stamps Given
by Retail Merchants?
This question is frequently asked by the public
and many attempts have been made to an answer by
merchants who do not allow their patrons this rebate
for cash trade, which approximately amounts to 3 per
In most every instance, the merchant who does
not give trading stamps will endeavor to lead the pub
lic to believe that trading stamps are giveu at the ex
pense of the consumer, while it is generally conceded
by the average merchant that even 5 per cent is not an
unreasonable deduction for strictly cash trade.
The distribution of trading stamps is a mere
method of advertising and the expense of such adver
tising is not imposed upon the public more than is the
expense of newspaper and billboard advertising by
merchants who pursue the latter methods.
The merchant who gives the trading stamp
offers the consumer a 3 per cent rebate on cash pur
chases. If this merchant is 3 per cent higher on the
same quality of goods, then the consumer is paying
the expense of the trading stamp. If price and quality
are equal the merchant makes the distribution at his
expense. ...
WE INVITE THE PUBLIC to carefully com
pare our prices and quality with those of merchants
who do not give trading stamps,
same thing much cheaper in Prineville
Bar Anwianllioa Hwl
Wu carry, probubly,
the most coitiplclo
line of ammunition to
i had in Hip city.
Metallic and nIioIkuii
sheila; nUo gun in
standard sixes and