CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 3 w 'teak MB i lello I Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company has more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and at cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. ' 'fo wi;f' I' 1 STOP That cough by using our White Pine and Tar (mentol ated) Cough Syrup "Our Nome Your Awurance of Bet Quality" PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTIONISTS Exclusive NYAL Store Paint Your Home Now While Linseed Oil is Only 90c per Gallon 15c below the Portland market! We bought when the price was down and that is the reason we can under sell all others - A. H. LIPPMAN & CO. A Wagon is Supposed to Be Oiled or Greased 365 Times a Year And tti wntch ouch a .voir. Of conine the watch f ririk'nte nntl iih Ionic n It riiim It Ih tlniiiK'lit to lie In good condition. A limn limy run a witt;oti tlmu wcckii without Krinn1rif 'i"d you may curry tlio watch five year without eU'UHlnjf, Wlmt'M tht pleaourv? PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler City Meat Market HORIGAN & REINKE, Props. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season Improve the Herds By Proper Selection Thtire Is good money In dairying in Crook county and several duiry men are proving this to their own' Kntiufiiction. The greatest trouble with tho majority of men owning cows m that they have Interior producers. There are too many who are willing and even eager to purchase the cow or heifer for t40 or ,$00 without first testing the animal or knowing her ability for butter-fat production. There are too few who are billing to pay 100 to f 500 for profitable animals. There ore also too few who insist upon a thorough test of the animal, both for milk and butter produc tion, and for tuberculosis before they purchase the animal. The 1200 cow that will net a profit of from five to ten dollars per month is much more profitable than the forty or sixty dollar animals which we must pay to stay on our farms. In manv instances, we would make money by simply shooting the ani mal and burying her. And in many Instances, an animal which we may consider a poor producer in our herd, is the one profitable' ani mal we may have- Very few of the farmers in this section have the cash or can afford j. the credit to pay $150 to $300 for a 1 cow. Many already have fairly ! good animals and can in a very few ! years more than double the profit they may obtain from the same! number of animals in their herd by the use of a good, pure-bred bull from a productive family. It has been found that the bull transmits' the characteristics of the mother and grandmothers to a decided dc-j gree, so that in the purchase of an : animal it is absolutely necessary that we know the production of the animal's family. The bull with a pedigree as long as vour arm may i be a very poor individual and un-' worthy of use in a herd. Always look for the production of his j family, for there are many very poor individuals pure-bred and registered. If many of our dairy men in this section were asked $200 to $300 for a bull, they would feel that they could not purchase the animal, and yet it is necessary to pay this price usually for a really good animal. Bull Associations have been or ganized in many sections of the country and even in many sections of Oregon. These organizations consist of four to ten farmers who purchase the bull, each man paying according to the number of cows he has- An agreement is drawn up regulating the use of the animal, and stating the service fee and other conditions regulating the association. The animal is kept at one farm and service fee charged sufficient to cover the expenses of his care. , If one or more associa tions are organized in one-section or one county, the animal pur chased by each association is used for two years and then the differ ent associations trade animals. With four or five such associations in Crook county, we might obtain at comparatively little expense to each individual, enough good ani mals to last us from eight to ten years, practically the life of the animal. In this case, it would be necessary that some of us forget our prejudices regarding other breeds than our own, and agree to use some other breed. Dollars and cents, and not imagination or senti ment, should determine the breed we will keep. If Crook county dairymen could agree upon one breed of dairy cattle and work for the greatest improvement of this herd, it would be noted for its dairy cattle and buyers would be visiting our section for the pur chaw of dairy animals, no matter what breed we might sell. The eheapwt and most reasonable method for our use in attaining thij end is the organization of Bull Associations. The Agricultural College has is sued a bulletin which gives details for such organizations, and I shall be glad to cooperate with any In the county who are interested in this line of work. A. E. Lovett, County Agriculturist. TREASURER'S NOTICE. All warrants up to and including rcgiU-red number 70 will be paid on pressentation at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Prine ville ('rook County Oregon. In trort will caese from the date of this notice. Apbril 15, 1915. 21-3t L. M . Bechtell City treas. Seed Wheat and Oats For Sale. Good cleua wed, Little (lull, for nlo at my rancli on tlie Oclioco. AIho Nlmdvliunl Klile oats. Inde pendent 'phone. Call or write O. C. Price, I'rlnevllle. Ore. &4 6tp Money Wanted. i;xH-rtericed fanner wants to bor row :500 for six or seven, months. Will Hecure loan with clmttel innrt giilffi on crop. AddreHs W. M., Jour null or 'phone thin office. NewNobby Sailors in the latest shapes Tipperary Hats and Pattern Hats The latest creations in Millinery. The most com plete and up-to-date stock ever received in Prineville and hats arriving daily. Come in and look them over Mrs.Estes The Milliner PRINEVILLE, OREGON Well Drilling We are equipped to di ill any kind of wells under any and all conditions. Depth Guaranteed Only Experience dMen Employed. We have drilled six Ar tesian wells in and .near Prineville. All are now flowing- ' ' Wagoner & Co. Prineville, Oregon 1 t 1 t u I EHJ0Y WINTER Prof. FranUand demon strates that COD LIVER OIL generates more body-heat than anything else. In SCOTT'S EMULSION the pare oil is so prepared that the blood profits from every drop, while it fortifies throat and lungs. If you arc subject to cold hands er fot if rou ahirr and catch cold uilri Uk SCOTT'S EMULSION for on month aed watch it good effect. NO ALCOHOL. 1M0 REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Marquis Seed Wheat and Montana Banner Oats Prineville Flour Mills Now eady For 'eiivery a ?KNaJ I .r'i-ijrX UNIVERSAL -"J -'"7-.'-. We Have Just Received a Full Carload of the 1915 Model T Ford. Cars Which are now set up and ready for inspection Get Your Car Now! From $40.00 to $60.00 rebate if there are 300,000 Ford cars sold this year, and nearly one-half of that number has already been sold. You must get in on this 300,000 to get the rebate mentioned ! Firestone, Goodyear, United States and Michelin Tires, a complete stock on hand. A full line of oils and gas A Carload of Dodge and Stude baker cars now enroute C. W. WILSON THE FORD GARAGE TRADE MARK Poison QUICK. CERTAIN, 4-DEADLY-c RHADT FOR INSTANT USB. , BKYlill FAILS. Destroy iqulrrela, rophers, prairie doge, ear rmU. Apply early In Spring when the hungry f eaU awake from Winter's Bleep. Money baoa f It ever falls. "Wood-Lark" for 26 year has stood every test. It's crop tnsuranoa against rodent peals. If your dealer hasn't 1L write iia. ill?, L.aarkeu Woodward Drug Co. FOR SALE BY CLIFTON A CONNETT C. "W. ELKINS J. E. STEWAKT & CO. O. C. CLAYPOOL W. F, KING CO. You would enjoy the Journal. $1.50 per year Get the 0 Twas Always Thus, Alas ! By Gross ir-- jt i mini i i - sjfj,iiiiii&iriifTL i 7n vn i .i w t -1 i ix'v vv r irrR-iiji,ir l . ubt t -J i .mm,