CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 8 BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON The northwest district convention of the churches ot Christ is being held in Gladstone this week. At a good roads meeting held In Heppner $2000 was raised by popular subscription for good roads. A conference of the United Evan gelical Churches of Oregon was held at the church of that denomination in Corvallis. The Willamette Valley Editorial as sociation will hold its regular bi-month ly session in Springfield, Saturday at ternoon, April 24. Two little girls have died as the re sult of injuries sustained in rig acci dents within two weeks in the eastern section of Linn county. Dairy and milk Inspectors from all parts of the northwest met this week for the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Association of Dairy and Milk Inspectors. Never before in the history of the Willamette valley has such large acre age been placed into crops. Is the opin ion of W. P. Powers, traveling passen ger agent of the Oregon Electric. A fruit canning and drying plant is practically assured for Glenada. The details of organization are completed and the stock is rapidly being sub scribed for by farmers and merchants of the lower Siuslaw. H. P. Hoey, engineer of the Willamette-Pacific, says that the grading of the road between Coos Bay and Eu gene is 95 per cent completed and bridge work at Siuslaw and Coos Bay is progressing satisfactorily. Baker will have a cleanup day toi dogs April 12, following the civic beau ty cleanup two days earlier. Mayor Palmer says there are at least 200 worthless canines on the streets and that the danger of rabies is great be cause of them. Governor W ithycomhe has reap pointed Mrs. J. Doyle, of Portland, a member of the State Board of Examin ers and Regulation of Graduate machinery is now en route to Oregon. The buildings will cover 636 by 132 feet, or about two city blocks. Representatives of nearly all the water power slates In the west will meet in Portland the coming summer, in accordance with the Invitation is ued by the Oregon legislature, to con- j Bluer pt'liluUK it'gtainuuu vy uuusiroo affecting water power development of the west J, D. Mickle, state dairy and food commissioner; M. S. Pittman, of the extension department of the Oregon State Normal School, and G. V. Skel ton, of the faculty of the Oregon Agri cultural College, will be the principal speakers at a big community meeting at Scio, April 10. The death of Captain Alphonso Boone, a great-grandson of Daniel Boone, carries away the last survivor of the Boone emigration across the plains to Oregon in 1846. Captain Boone's death occurred at his home near Sumner, Coos county, Oregon, March 29, in his 78th year. Forty-seven accidents, one fatal, were reported to Labor Commissioner Hoff during the week. Fifteen of the accidents were on railroads and 13 in lumber mill and yard operations and logging camps. Lou York of Miami was the victim of the fatal accident, being killed by a railroad train. Governor Wlthycombe reapppotnted Dr. H. H. Ollnger of Salem, a member of the state board of dental examiners. He also appointed Dr. Herbert H. Schmitt, of Portland, a member ot the board to succeed Dr. Frank Vaughan, whose term expired on April 1. Dr. Olincer has been, a member of the board for several years. Dr. G. E. Watts, a Portland physi cian, with the Hazel Investment com pany, became owner of the Sargent hotel, on the northwest corner of Haw thorne and Grand avenues, in Port land in exchange for all assets in the North Yakima Malting & Brewing company of North Yakima, Wash., and a $50,000 niortguRe held against a large ranch near Stanfield. E. A. Baldwin was the second party to the trade. The I deal involves $400,000, properties ex- j Classified Ads j The Wants of the People. Men and Women Seeking I Employment; Help Wanted and Bargains in Everything 1 from a tin pan to a High Class Crook County Stock Farm AdvertlKement under tilt head are eh.irned for tit a tint rntt of five cent per line for each iimertlnn. No dlxplny other than roituinr neamntr will lie admitted to the ChowMed column). Copy hIioiiIiJ. be in thin office not later than Wetlmwlny noon to luMiire Insertion umler thin head. ' FOR SALE TWIN CYLINDER YALE - Motor cycle with tandem attachment. Price $100. See, Robert Douglas, Prineville, Ore gon. 20tf WOOD AND GASOLINE RANGES Sacrificed by our customers who are installing electric ranges. Call on us for a list of those wishing to sell. Dos Chutes Pow er Co. 20-tf SHADELAND SEED OATS, raised on dry land at Bear Creek Buttes for sale. Inquire at Ford Garage. C. W. Wilson. 18tf. A FULL BLOOD JERSEY COW Three years old giving milk now. From some of the best milk stock in the state. Mrs. II. L. Parry Prineville, Oregon. OLip mammoth" "ukonzF turkey- for sale Pedigreed stock. Also turkey eggs from this breed, ?1.50 per sotting. Mrs. F, A. Kennard, Redmond, Oregon. Box 121. 20tf. Seed Rye For bale Good clean dry land teed rye fur tslo, price 1.50 per bushel. Lkwih Kkiiku hkkukh, Prineville, Ore. 8 4-lf SEAMSTRESSES MRS. CURT MULLER -Is doing sewing again. Address postoflW box 382. Prineville, Oregon I will be in Prineville, each Saturday, 19 OPTICIANS Seed Wheat Clean Itlue Stem Wheat for nalo. Price $1 75 per biuliel. 'Phone or write Marion's Feed Store, Rwlimunl, Oie in. 3 11 ti ROSES, ROSES. ROSES -We have them, fine fresh plants of the very choicest kinds. Japanese Ivy and Honeysuckle plants. Now is the time to plant. Price special, 25 cents per plant for all except climbing roses. Lafollette Nursery Co. Prine ville, Oregon. 19 Frances McLane, Portland, and Olive chanSed S" side valued at Osborn, Medford. I Members of the Women's Mission-j ary Society of the Presbyterian church are entertaining in Eugene 75 dele- j gates from all parts of the Willamette valley to the annual convention of the Women's Missionary Society, Willam ette Presbytery. The construction of the $60,000 An Imaginary line Is ths wsist. Which seldom stays long whers It's placed. But ambles and skips 'Twixt the shoulders and hips. According to popular taste. Harper's Uagaxln. Tne optimist had been disappointed in love. Oh well." he mused. "I should plant to be built at The Dalles for the probably have been disappointed In firm of Libby, McNeil & Libby al- marriage, unror."-". ready has been started, and part of the AT A SACR1F1CE-A Bohn Syphon refrigerator, used but a few months. None better. Lined with viterous porcelain enamel steel; insulated with heavy refrigerator car insulation. The acme of modern refrigerator construction. Going at a sacrifice. Green velvet couch ; fine springs good as new. Bargain. Four oak diningroom chairs: cane seated. Practically at your own price. Excellent three burner National gasoline stove.. Fine for summer. Fool proof. No trouble or danger. J. E. Stewart & Co. can tell you all about them. Good strong li brarv table 26X43. Made to or der. Other bargains. See Mrs. Robert E. Gray. Prineville, Ore gon. P. O. box 334 20 Eggs for Setting Whlte-Fnce Black Spatileli chicken (treat layer niul non-setters. Price $2 lorneMlnir ot 15 Write or 'phone Pioneer 4iil. C. M. .Stroud, Prineville, Oregon, 3 1111 Stallion For Sals Three-mint tcr Pert-heron Stallion, etuht year old, wcIIim I.ViO pounds; IdiH-ky limit ami heavy hunt', tmoii lireetler. Price reiKoiuilile. Kor further Information write Ik T.J. Fkhoi hon. Robert, Or. 211 4If Eggs For Hatching S. C. lthoile Ulanil Ued, $1.50 per Netting u( 1.1 eggs; f H p.T htintlrcil. Mr. J. K. Alunion, t'rluevllle, ore. ,'1 IS tf Seed Oats for Sale Good clean seed Side Oali at the Dishman ranch on Ochoco. Write or 'phone C L. Robert?, Prineville, Oregon. 1-28 tf For Sale Cheap. Good incubator, nearly new, aUo xime good iieen ami tuikttys. Impure or write J.u k riCMMiH. il-ll-lf WHAT YOU NEED - Is thorough ly sound, honest, straightforward opinion, supported by the neces sary skill, experience qualihVa thins and reputation. This I olTor vou. Dr. Ida Behrendt, Oregon Hotel. 20 EYE SPECIALIST -Thursday to Sunday. April 22 to 2C, Dr Freeze a well known eye specialist of Porthrtid will be at Prineville Hotel. Will htivo instrunmets for examining the internal eye for diseased conditions and you are assured of expert advice. Eyes refracted by the McConnic system which is the latest and best known to science, livery pair of glasses guaranteed whether they cost JU.fiU or more, Will visit Prineville every six weeks. 19 WANTED I NEED A HORSE -And will feed and care for a good gentle driver for use driving to and from Prineville from my ranch 8 miles south of Prineville. Ad dress P. O. box 95, Prineville, Oregon. 20-tf MinUlux & Co. will bur vour vk- Utiles ami piixlurs. Ak the man Phono Pioneer lied tK!. Wo aro paying rush, for lllilc. Pelt and Fur. Prineville Feed, Livery & Sale Stable. 2 11-tl Cream Shipper. We need inorv creiiin and nre pay Inir two cent more for liiuterfiil than any other creittnerv. Cash wltli each ran. J'nlr ami cotirteou treatment. Ship Cream or write for "hipping tu- lamhlll t renmi-ry Co., Portland Oregon. 2 11 ESTRAYED KSTRAY TAKEN UP- There rwno to my horses on uppuer Deschutes ubout June 1 1914, one bay geld ing, unbroke, branded 'C on left jaw and 'C on left shoulder, also 'H E' on left stitle. Owner can have the same by proving the property and paying the coats. UHf. M. S. May Held. HOMESTEADS HOMESTEADS I can locate a few choice home! tends of 320 acres eiu'h in a country where there Is water for tinniest ie use on every claim and not less than 40 acre of plow land, nil black rich loam. Neighbors near by. Limited selections. Come early for a good choice. Address A. C. care The Journal , Prineville, Oregon. l!Uf MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN -From tho state school fund on improved farm land at 0 jkt cent. M. K. Prink. 20-lt WANTI'.lMeii ami women to inakm u ol I the Journal's clitllied col li inn. flCJCE.1 I WILL GIVE $1000 If t FAIL tt CURE inj CANCEI or TUMOR I treat before It POISONS imp f land! H ittuta ti tot HO KNIFf, SO Ml. NO MT ukiit cumo, WRITTIH aUMAMTIM No X-lUr or sllmr M-lmlle. All Inland J limit tnskni tti riirr ml TUM0. LUMP 0 10f on (ho lil. (" 1 r body ln It CANCHt l?0Qf luOK ltrt lit ..lliu.Mll ol 10.000 , Cumo. W rllo In iu AN V LUMP in WOMAN'S BREAST is CANCER tt nlwuri MfMfli 1a4i And Kiut Omextf I'tKnr ciifff nl hull prtrv li ciintcr It )tl m4 Mrra Old Dr. t Mn Dr. Chamley I li.'fZ 434 I 438 Vilondi St. San Frtnclico. Cai. KINDLY MAIL THIS to tomooni mIUi CANCER .sass. a LOST AND FOUND LOST OH MISLAID One Buff and BergiiM KnitlnevrV Trannlt with Molar attacliinent, In large mahog any box. Flmler pleaMe return ami rtn-elve reward. Fred A. Wee, Prineville, Ore. 17 tf Shipp & Perry i I a 23 !ji Dealer in Lumber, Shingle, Mouldings, Doors, Windows, 1 !t GIbhs, Paints snd Oiln, Kuberoid Hoofing, Urnsmental Fending. 5 mm Get G Teen T racung mps! 'SjrggaoraggstajfgrEgaEqi USEFUL PRE UMS GIVEN! The Money You Spend has a New Meaning and a GreaterValue when You Buy at the Green Stamp Store! THE CROWN OVERALL Is large and roomy. Made of the best denims. SHOE STORE NEW Our window this week tells some of the story of the lengths we go to secure the best even then we sometimes hear of a faulty shoe but we guarantee shoe wear for your money. Patent and tan leathers cannot be guaranteed like other leathers, but for real style and dress nothing can take the place of the patent leather shoe or pump. For heavy wear, take our shoe salesman's advice on shoes for men, women and child ren and vou will be well shod. The right shoe for ranch or city, for miner or farmer, for stockman or lumberman, K Give our'shoe store a trial. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON FRIDAY in this department. s OVERALLS Easily wears longer than any others. Try a pair and get satisfaction JUST ARRIVED! The Henderson Corset! See our window! A dozen new styles of this splendid corset Style 296, splendid long shape - $1.00 No. 368, an Easy model - - $1.50 No. 824, low bust - $2.00 No. 552, low bust, heavier $2 25 No. 696 Reduso equal to $3.50 corsets of other makes $2.50 , No. 770 Ideal front lace - $2.75 A number of other styles ranging from $1 25 to $2.50 gives an opportunity for selection not found, elsewhere Henderson Corsets are constructed of new style fab rics; the steels are practically unbreakable and are set so as to remain in position through, the hardest service. The Henderson is the particular, economical corset. Double Green Stamps on Millinery Xeek The new shapes for street wear are many; all are striking, practical and pretty. A new lot arrived. Double stamps this week. COLLINS W. ELK1NS LOQK FOR OUR PAINT AD WIBfS SPACfO ks nr.i ow SIZE OF wmtJv ine 3si Rabbit 'Ct Neigh- You can be friendly, very Intimate, and on good terms with tliB rnlihlt when your field Is fenced with Page Rabbit Wire, Styls 1736 F. 17 wires, 36 Inchen lil,;h; ovi-ry wire guard your , property day ami nlht and never Bags; never weakeim. This l'ago UHor ar growing In number. Nee a. Pane; buy th Pago and you will be protected by the Pago. Nu Htamps given on Machinery, Fencing, head ami (lln.