Page 2 CROOK COUNTY JOUNAL CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL licv Lafou.kttk, Kilitor-Pionrietor lie dilTers with the ubove sugges tion only in using the liquid instead of salt. Whore the plant has -; already taken possession of a lawn he Entered at the pootoffire t lVmovUle, j suggests the use of a sulphate of Oregon, ac second-class matter. j jron spray. This, he says should be ' S applied on ft bright morning when Thejournale ami , mrtne w "l there is little probability of rain st of Paoeville ami t rock touuty. is, independent in polities. Published every Thursday afternoon. Trie $1.50 per year, payable in advance. In case of ehanie of address please notify an at once, giving both old and new (Mress. that day. NO CHANCE TOR ARGUMENT Did you ever hear a debate on i"Does advertising pay?" No one has heard this question debated. I Why? Because the atUrmalive was (established years ago when business1; land printer's ink first met. The ' public likes to deal with a hustler ",and no business can show that much Thursday March 25, 1915 ! sought radiance of animation with out the use of printer's ink. liusi- APRIL I ness like all things else needs a tonic ! in the spring. The most learned Men are April when they woo; ; doctoR5 of busines3 prest.rihe print December when they wed." - Shake- j lVs nL You do not doubt the truth stare. of this. But maybe you feel that Our loyalty to our sex compels ;you cant write an ailvertisment. as to take issue with Bill. We do j Jn lhat eventi ,ot usofftfr owmg. not believe the man lives who is so gestiong We c!aim to know how fickle as April or so realistic as De-j . eember. Of course, both seasons j An eastern editor has come to the and men may have been different 1 coneiusion that those desiring puffs when William was chinning the girl jn his paper mUj.t pa, for them Jlnd some three hundred years ago, but has est:iblished the following prices: bis companion is wholly out of For telling the public that a man plumb in these days of political is a suceessful citizen, when every strife and suffragettes. Men no bociy knws ,jlat he is lazy as a longer woo. They are often wooed hired man, $2.70. and sued; and, while these two; Referring to the deceased citizen accomplices sometimes burden them ,us mourmxi by the entire community with houehoki expenses and alimony jwhen wo know he will only k mis they rarely become so intimate with ;scd by the oirce, $10.13. the Mrs., that she could swear as to j Referring to some gallavantin' their tempermontal thermomenter. : fomae an etsimable lady whom So, envying Will the tranquility ;it is a peasure to nlcet when ewry f his courthip days and the many buness man in town wouj ,-ather April buds with whom ho seems to gatan comiK ?s10. nave naa at least a speaMng ac- Calling an ordinary pulpit pound- quaintance, we pass on to the month 'cr an tTOinent divinej 60 Clnt3. literally: During April, tne sun; Sending a doughty sinner to heaven is technically said to pass through ; 5.00. Referring to a deceased mer- Aries and Taurus, but the precession ;chant who never advertised in his of the equinoxes makes him, the; life a progressiVe citizen $4.99 sun, really transverse portions of BfitEF NEWS OF OREGON Pisces and Aries All of which interests us about as much as the European war after baseball gets itarted good. To us, the month of April brings no thought of love; we turn a deaf ear upon the cooings of SAFETY FIRST An exchange says that the sage ticks in Harney tcounty have the rabies. We would recommend that i the head of one of them be sent to the dove; the microbe is not work- the state board of health, careful Big now, and this is why, we ween: ! 'y packed in ice before the rumor We fell for it some years ago, and j gains any more publicity. now the house's to clean. We j - rip the carpets from the floor and g jjy Attraction at the liansr them nn thp linf- at nnnn wp ' jquat upon the floor and from the Lvfic Friday Nlht noor we uine. At mgni we sleep ; upon the stove, or in the cupboard A guaranteed attraction "The there and dream of tables, chairs Stain" at the Lyric Friday, March and things go dancing through the air. And then, when this is over ami a rest we fain would take, the Missus introduces us to shovel, hoe. 26th, given under the auspices of the High School Athletic Club, This six reel Ecelectic Photo Drama i3 one of the stellar attrac- and rake. The garden must not bejtions of present day productions, delayed another single day, for all having been played in the largest the neighbors have theirs in at theatres in the country at advanced leat that's what they say. And so admission prices, and in the major- vith great humility through April ( ity of cases playing return dates. we are lead, but all the same it j The story of "The Stain" is one makes us sore to think of what Bill ' of the most powerful ever pre- S'J- jsented upon the screen, dealing i with the problem of heredity. SALT REMOVES DANDELIONS (From the time the bank clerk ab- ! scounds with the bank funds, leav A' newspaper article from Wash-jinf hia wife and infant child desti. ington D. C, says: The Department; tutei to the moment that thedaugh of Agriculture has for several years ter who unknown to the father, been testing various poisons to dis-j who has through political pull been cover the most efficient means of j made a great ju(jKef ia brought be-1 eradicating the troublesome dande-fore him charged with theft, the Iim from lawns, and, although oth-j story gr;DS the attention closely, ershave been found quite satifact-. Comedy follows pathos throughout ory,. tie common salt is bett for this marvelous picture, general use because there positively ; Bos8 Dunn who although a an be no danger accompanying itsiscoundrel( j8 stiH funny in his effort application. The best way to kill j to follow the rulcs of 80ciety the individual plants is to cut off! Elenor Woodruff, who has been their top as near the ground as pos-; here in the "perils of Fauline( aible. This will leave the root pro-1 pays one o the leading ro)eSi truding through the ground. This photoplay has played to About a thimble full of salt should j capacity ' wherever shown and a be poured directly upon the roots. larf?e attendance is expected. One This plan is probably best to use if ! night only. Admission, adults 25c; 1 'the lawn is not too thickly dotted. I children 15c. If it is, some sort of spray should ! be used. Salt is injurious to the grass, so it should be used carefully. During the la;;t few years, so a paper from that state. says, the sup erintendent of parks in Grand Forks, N. 3- has been studying different n-vethods of eradicating the pest. His conclusions are about the same as have been given above. Where there are but few plants, cut. the top and pour gasoline or Kerosene onto the roots exposed. Methodist Church Services Sunday 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday School, 10 a. m. Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Teachers' training class, Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Choir practice, .Thursday 7:30 p. m. E. C. Newham, pastor. Au entire new lighting system has Just been Installed in Pallas. The new crematorium at tho custom Oregon Mate hospital hi been cunt Vletoil. Tho Junction City annual tnimpkln show will be held September 10, 17 ami IS. tmliistrliil dul are being organize.! In many of tho districts of Washins ton county. Charles Vol, a well known ImslnoBS man of North Boml, died maidenly of henioriiiajre. Mrs. Jack Wotituuly committ.'J. sui cide t her homo In Kend. tmn!sUo difficulties are blamed in a note. Six months' attendance at Sunday school whs the sentence motod out by Juvenile Jtulse Oiltetto to a delinquent Grants Pass boy. Thvi Polk County Jersey Breeders' association will hold a bb; public auc tion May p., nt which all breeds of cows will be sold. Alfred P.ill, of Salem, lias been ap pointed deputy scaler of welghta and measures for the western district by State Treasurer Kay. Frank Meredith, secretary of the Oregon state liilr tuwd, has been of fered the secretaryship of tho Wash ington state fair board. la au erfort to exterminate coyotes infected with rabies, tho rangers of the Malheur national forest have kill-' ed more than 1C0 coyotes within the last month. Pythian Sisters of the third district held their convention nt Albany with delegates present from all lodges of the organization iu Marion, I. inn, Lano and Polk counties. One hundred and sixty-five thousand two year-old Douglas fir trees will be planted on Dead mountain, three miles above Oakrldge in the Cascade nation al forest this year. The lowest bid for thq construction of the proposed stretch of the Colum bia highway in Hood River county, 55i).3-i3, was submitted by Stantlifer & C'larkson, of Portland. Following the usual custom, the committee In charge of the Seventh Annual Strawberry Festival to be held at Rosebtirg on May 21 and 22, will elect a "sueen" by popular vote. The Douglas County Game Protec tive associations at Rosebtirg, Tiller and Yoncalla, have passed resolutions Indorsing the appointment of R. L. Ewlng, of Medtord, as state game war den. Hugh Priest and Thomas Patterson were convicted at Portland of a charge of arson, arising out of an attempt to burn the I- B. Menefeo Lumber com pany's shinsle mill at University Park, February 16. James A. Osborne lost his life and William and James Winegur were res cued by the government lifcsavlns crew when they attempted to land through the surf on Ban-Jon teach in an 18-foot rowbuat The lumber Industry of the Hood River valley is recovering Manager J. E. Robertson, of the Stanley-Smith Lumber company announces that their new plant at Green Point will be In operation with spring weather. Fred R. Mellis. of Baker, will have charge of the Oregon mlnlnij exhibit at the Panama-Pacific exposition, and it is the plan of the comm'ttie In charge of the work to make tho exhibit a permanent one In Oregon after the fair. Forty accidents, none fatal, were re ported to Labor Commissioner Hoff during the week. Fourteen of the ac cidents were in connection with lum ber manufacture and IorrIiik, while 11 were In connection with the rail road work. Labor Commissioner Hoff Is lend ing out notices in regard to tho law passed by the last legislature which regulates employment agencies. Un der the new law, which becomes ef fective May 22, agents must secure li censes from the labor commissioner. Following an appropriation of $l!0. 000 by the state highway commission, with which to improve tho I'aelf'n highway between (tanyon Creek can yon and the Josephine county line, Douglas county will appropriate a like nam In the Improvement of tho road. According to advices reeived by State Forester Liliott from the federal forestry department, Oregon's appor tionment under the Weeks law for forest fire-fighting will be $8000 this year, $2000 less than tho apportion ment the state has received during each of the past three years. Sheepmen have been notified of a meeting to be held at Baker April 1 and 2 for the purpose of organizing so that the woolgrowcrs may get the most from present market conditions. Both Oregon and Idaho woolgrowers will be present. Co-operation will be emphasized at the meeting.. A cabinet conference of the Y. W. A., attended by representatives of nine Oregon educational Institutions, was held in Albany. The University of Oregon, Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Willamette University, Albany College, Philomath College, Chemawa Training School, Salem High School, Eugene High School and Corvallis High School associations' officers wore present. w Ti r - m it You A rem - Need Do Not Fail to Read this Ad Time We Need and Time We Want! The European nations in tlieir great conflict depend on the time; the farmer depends on the time to go to his work; the man who works wants to know when it is meal time, and if you are in need of a good timepiece, we want you to know that we keep an stock on hand of both Watc hes and. c OCKS It will pay you to look over my stock. 1 keep all grade of Standard makes in stock, such as Elgin, Waltham, Hampden, Hamilton and other mnkes of different gradea of watchcn Remenber I sell New Elgin Watches for $5.50 And other R. R. grade watchen, 21 -jewel Hamilton and others. These are gold the name everywhere. Everyone is invited to call in and inspect my stock when convenient. Watch This Space for my Regular Announcementsl L. KAMSTRA PRINEVILLE OREGON BIGGS & BIGGS Attorneye-at-Lar Prineville, Ore. Money Wanted. Experienced fanner wanto to bor row :i00 for nix or Hcvcn months. Will ttecuro loan with cbnttid mort icaife on crop. AiMrtnH W. M., Jour nal, or 'phone this office. t r 1 ' o ' ilf onipp w rerry j i . y'euli-ri in Lumber, bhingle", MoulduiiiiS Door, Window, El lano, Paint and Oils, Knhcroid Roofing, Ornamental Fending, u BURSON The A sm Leader foittoFtt - : Without a i . (beam KarmndAidlt )npd Foot We have just received another lot of those "America" Alarms. They're clocks ve can fully recommend, reliable, exact time keepers that won't let you oversleep. We would like to sell you one, because you'll surely tell your neigh bor about it. If you have not traded with us a trial is all we ask. We give you Price Service Quality Vou'll have to get ap "'i.rly to beat the 'Am erica" Alarms. They're punctual, Ju raole, and neat. They don't require much attention and don't coct much cither. I have a fresh ship ment on the way and will have them on ale Monday. BURSON FASHIONED HOSE X i: Tho Ft llunon c - tin jp ' only K ' ! wiib- i"; OUt s ' f" ' ' .' All Michel 1,1 leK too t or t " OlC hi I AbovewoehowtlioHURbON nn,l ilm "oi!icra"- lurnisH lusldo out-iiol tho ililJinoiico. ictinii I F 3 '' I Jin I J.-.1" - oolo too I 1