crook" COUNTY JOURNAL ft. age 8 MARCH TERM OF kV THE CpUNJX COURT Continued from first pa. to make prulluilunry 'report 'oh ' t he S. V. Hat din Xov 2 county road. C. P. White rond Petition denied lor establishment of O. 'P. White road. Unfavorable opinion rendered by district attorney. . : i P. B. Johnson road. Petition eon tlnued until first day of Mh.v term, i!ir. Bond of J. O. Jewell, road super Tlsor for district No. 27, approved In the sum of $500. Order stopping widow's pension to Grace M. Baswtt, iH'sluntnir Fell mary 1. 1915., Whereas it does not appear at what time euid Grace M. Basset t left the state of Oregon; nier that all the warrants drawn on the county In her favor and un cashed for want of funds be cancelled. Accounting of Mrs. X. G. Davis on moneys expended for the county on bolmlf of Mrs. Prieco; approved. In the matter of the Opal City Towuslte. Oral petition of Matt Clark for reduction of delinquent taxes on Opal City Townsite, denied. Court convened this fifth day of March, 1915, at the hour of 8:30 a. m. Same ollieers present as yesterday.1 In the matter of county roads. S. J. Pieree road. Ordef "setting Wednesday, the fifth day of .May, 1015, as time of hearing of prelimin ary report of surveyor now . ou tile. Proper notices ordered.' C. E. McDowell road. Order set .ting Wednesday, the 5th day of May, IMS, as time of hearing on prelimin ary report of surveyor UDWi'.ou! file. Proper notices ordered. S. V. Hardin Xo.' 2 road. Order setting Wednesday, the fifth day of May, 1915, as 'the time, of hearing do preliminary report of surveyor now on file. Proper notices ordered. In the matter of A. E. Lovett. county agricultrallst, , Oral outline presented by A. E. Lovett setting forth work to be done In year' 1915. Order appropriating the sum of 1200 per year to A." Ei Lovett, coun ty agriculturalist for Crook eounty, to addition to any sum of money already appropriated to his use. Final settlement made with P. T. Monroe, road supervisor of district Xo. 10. Order warrant .drawn In faTor of P. T. Monroe In the sum of $37.89. ' i. In the matter of indigents. ' Order warrant drawn in favor of Mrs., IJ., P. Belknap in sum of fit! for nee of cer tain indigents in Crook county. 1 " Order falary of deputy clerk diawn hereafter in one yrsrrant in his favor. 1 In the master ot an aocountitig with R. 11. Bayley aud W. II. May. It is ordered that the district attorney Is in structed to forthwith begin, such legal proceedings a may bo iieoesnary to compel W. H.May and R. II. B.iyley to account ' fer t:i0,8fl0.i6 in warrant ietiied to them and expended during the year 1914. . i ,, i Final report of W E. a road tupeivisor at district No. 7 re ceived. Continued until May term, 11)15. ; a : In the matter of the PiuneW Tele phone and Telegraph Company, thai petition of W, K. King on behalf of the Pioneer Telephone and 'Eelegiaph Com pany for nibata of interest ami penalty on 1911 tuxes, denied for want of juris diction. ," Court convened -this sixth day of March, 1915, at hour of 8 a. m Same officers present as yesterday. 1 In the , matter of indigents. ' Older warrant drawn in eutn of (10 to C. W. Elkina to be expended for certaiu in digents. .',''.'' In the matter of Crooked river bridge. Matter of redecking the Crooked river bridge at Prineville left in the bands ol Commissioner Blarichard. ; ' On request oi Crook bounty High School Board allowing warrant Xo. M3, Clam A, in the sum of,! 21.05 had been issued erroneously ; same ordered can celled. . In the matter of the Firtt Addition to the town of Palmain.1' It "appearing that the plat to, the First Addition to the town ot Pal main was not recorded in the book of plats tor the year 1906; the county clerk is hereby ordered to have the same properly recorded. ' 1 ' In the matter of county officer. Ordered that the, county officials sub mit all proposals for job 'work . for their respective offices to publishers in Crook county and . in case, their bids equal those of outside bids, place the same in said county. i , In the matter of requisition "blanks. Ordered thai all county, officials issue requisition blanks for all supplies pur chased by them. 1 ,4' I Ordered that the Crook County Jour nal be instructed to print 2o00i requisi tion blanks for the' use of county officials.-' ' ''''', ' " In the matter ' of " the county ..clerk. Annual report of the county clerk . for the year ending Dec.. 31, 1914,. received and approved. ' " " i! Court adjourned this sixth day of March, 1915, at the hoar of 5 p. m. to meet in regular adjourned session on Tuesday, the sixth day of April, 1915, at hour of 10 a. m. ' 1 1 1 1 - ; : Circuit Court Docket Coti tinned from First Page . ton, jury trial. Verdict found for Com boat in sum of ?3l).rV . , n , Redmond, Bank of Commerce vs. t T. Ruble. Judiinvont. ;:. ., A. il. Lippman John Hun snker. ' Default and judgment. I i U. S. Crarft vs." Prineville Cream ery Co. Default and judgment with order to sell attached property.' J. P. Montgomery vs.. Joe Smith. Verdict for Smith with judgment on verdict. . .. First National Bank of 'prineville vs. S- Ii. Cooper. Default-and order to sell attached property. Nelson & Williamson vs. W. E. Img. ,' Order to soil attached prop erty. State of Oregon vs. J. II. Rosen berg, 'administrator. Default and decree. .' , '. 1 , t ' Spalding Mfg. 'Co. vs. R. M. Powell. , Judgment. .','': .' 1 A. McE. Call vs. Crook County. Defendant given C6 days . to file an answer.' ! i FreJ A.' Powell ' vs.' Paulina Creamery Co." Default and judg ment. ' : . ! -vj, ,", '': Ingersoll Rand Coi vs. :City of Bend. . Defendant given 'ten days to file answer, i ., i i ! Keystone Investment' Co. vs. Ras tnuss Peterson. Default and decree. James Langan vs. J." O. Oberg. Default and judgment. . f : W. II, May vs. William andj 'Cpr A. Brown. Default and! decree. Mason Khrrnan & Co- vs. A. C. Lucas. Default and 'judgment. Ada , Morse s.0 Ed Campbell. Judgment for Morse 1n the sum of f 138, brought on jury IriiU- , , i ohn Deere Plow Co. vs. A. . Sanford.; , Default and decree- . , " ' Wm. E. Randalls vs. E, D. Hav ermaa &, W. , Q. Waugh. Default and judgment. ' ' o - . . Mexican Prissts Hetd for Ransom.' Washlngtpn. All the native Homati Catholic clergy In Mexicq City are be ing held for a half million pesos' ran som, official adrlces from diplomatists in the Mexican capital received here say. ,; SHIP THREATENED BY FIRE ARRIVES SAFELY , Paris. Klre which llu-eatoncd the French Bteitiiillp La Tonralne was brought under Control and all, her pas sengers are sate, Tho ship proceeded under her own steam to. Havre, her destination. 1 Only the) Hotterdum, 'of tlio fleet which ro!iMiiulod to Captain' Cauaslu's wireless call for aid, stood by as a jnoasure of precaution to give assistance should any be required, 1 . Commautlers of other vessels which speeded to the rescue woro Informed that their services would not be re quired. ',' ! Grave feura, for the erifoty of I .a Touralne were felt lu this city until the positive announcement was made that Bho was In rid danr. I On board t.a ,Tournino were 4594 cases ot cartridges lutonded for use In tho European war. There were 84 passengers on board, ot whom 88 were la the first cabin,' Her crew number ed about 200. , . . Will Hold Dairy Show at Seattle. , Seattle. The organization of the WeHlorn National Ialry Show, at So uth', November 8 13, 1915, will be of more than passing .Interest to breed ers and dairymen of the northwest. While the breeders ot dairy cattle do not Intend to lessen their Interest In the fairs, they feel that the Industry has reached tho(tttno wlujre they enn have one event during the year do voted entirely to dairy cattle, pro ducts, appliances ami processes'. ' ' ' ! Jno. YV. Pace, well kuowti In con nection with northwestern fairs, will be secretary and mamuen 1 " ' i. i il - . f) i Sh Whispered "Tea without demur. ' Oh, dlntiftl word that writ to mst: . I'd sskrd her 'If sh wotiltl prcfar . i Th orcheatm to batcony. , . i i: . i -Nw Tork Bun. ' "Von slionld love your neighbor as yourself." advised the sKe. - ' ' "I fcnow tliat," replliMl the fool, "but the futhead is mi nttmtcur Cornet play er." Cluclnmitl tuijurr. ' ' ; ., "1 niny not r Itnilor,'; ., 1 HsiiJ Trlxl liix, , "Hut 1 I up tho claim ( Thst I havt a nam Which rlmiis with rsrrsnsa." . C'hli-nso llecoTd tUraliL Wife (who bns been tnlklnK ten mln-ut,.Si-Vell, why are you looking at me like tuiit?. . -,(, Uustuind-t ns Just thinking bow pretty your mouth looks when it la ak-nt.-1'hllndelplilit Ledijer. BRIEFWAOEVS v- Interest In life 'woiid war tturlnK tho pant week ,yl divided between tho ofienvtlons III' the i eastern theliler, where fluMlnir of a more or less vio lent nature Is proceeding thnmnhout tho territory f'om liortUeru lUtsslan Polotxl to the Carpathian, and the bombardment of the' tronnhold of the liardaiielles by , the allied flwt. Heport from various sources Indi cate Hint the ItuanUin have assumed the of tensive, In most of the operations In the Keiieral caster territory, lu the extreme north they aro Mill bm merlitK away, with the Idea of driving the Herman back to east Prussia, and the InteM I'elliiC.ra.l official statement asserts that the ItiisnliiiiS hnvo forced the tlermans buck semewhul. , A tlerumn offtctul statement says that uortnt ilst of Praitmiys Husslnn attuek broke down with severe losses to the latter, and Hint northwest of Ptonsk u lUisslan a (tuna was also re pulsed, ' ' ' , Petri. giad illiipatclies say that the rtiHtr;a,ii under ArrlnluUe Joseph have suffered defeat 111 eastern Oalli la end are now In full fll;ht toward the Carpathlau. N'lRoroim fiKhtlng con tlauea la tin Carpathian. ! , t The allied 1'ieiich and Kimllsh fleet are inaklni pi-oi;rms In their atttuk on the forts of the IHir.lauelles, ac cording to thu llritisb admiralty and unofficial, report. i cruiser from, the ullled .fleet are continuing' their - attacks along itlie const of 'Asia ' Minor 'from lteslka to Smyrna, and o. Adnijrul Ho1 Hlehard Pelrse has brought tip his Fust Indian fleet d undertaken the, bombard ment of the fortltlratlcjna at Bmyrn. In the west the Prench assert they have 'inflicted a scrt,ous 'cheek on the Germans to the north of Arrs, in the region of Notr lam do lorett. In fhantpagne, northwest of lieausejour, a German couuter attack ha been re pulsed. The French war offlco say that the progress made by the allies in the Vosges.'at llartmanu -Welter-kopf, extend over 325 yard of Oe mau trenche. ' , ., When rtiTodnctrls frywhir 1 I ! ' rursuwt tlnsrv Ttie OiRit was ftytiia through the air And vrry Inntwimlv ,,. 1 -Wssklnuto Btar. The Journal Explains ; j Taxjiayiilg Laws Hint Crook county taxpayer , may bo properly Informed n to the stand taken By thu jliK-hl 'lak depart ment In the' IntorpretHflori of' the i former unit thu new tax laws In tiiiH county, ' Cotmty ' Tax Culleft.-r Kalph L. Jordan has Issued ' the fol- . lowing self explunatory Htiitemetit: Taxes imtM he paid In "ftllU" or . In two t(ttHl IHMtalltnetitH, Hiihject to the following conditioiisf, , J First. If any tax Is pnitl In two Installments, llu) Hint Ijulf tnust he ( paid on or before March. HI, 111 15. . If the first (in f Is paid In time, the , second half may hu puiil without i IH-nalty after May 2-, 1 1 and jic-, fore Octiihur 1, l'Jlii. If Ihe ecvnd half Is nut paid during this period, It wjll becomo tleliiKiuent, tm.Oc tober 1, 1015, and, subject , to a, penalty of 10 wr cent and interest ; at the rate of 2 percent per nn- Fle I can't afford to marrj for ova yenr. Will you anlt for me? Rbe Certnlnly-lf no ona elsa m- flea mrj before Ihen.-fliulgo.' , i j ITiinslon won a dl of fam Bwimmlns crceki rn forstan land. Othra ran rt In this tame ! Bovs wa4 ths Wlo (i!A . . . rati nil A nny num untlptild. ; , f , Secoml.' If the first haff of tax is not paid on or before March 31, 1915, then tho whole of the lux will do due and subject to a lH-nuity of 1 per cent a month from, April 1, 1915, until August Ml,1 1915. On September 1 nil taxes of which one-hiil f has not been paid prior to April 1, 1915, will be delinquent and subject toj penalty of l0per cunt and Interest I tit the rate lif V 12 ixrr cent per annum until paid. - i -Third, , If tho first hulf of ny tax Is paid in time (before April 1, 1915.) tt will bo ' necessary for' the taxpayer to defer tho payment of the second one-half until after May 22, 1915, tfc avoid a pormlty on that half, as the prewnt law., which will te in effect until . May 22," 1915. re quires tho tax collector to collect a penalty of 1 ,per cent per month on all taxes paid after March 31, 1915. I West Virginia to Vet on Suffrage Wheellhft. 'W,' Va'.-i The West ' Vlr r.inla leKlnlatiire ha submitted to the voters of the state an amendment to the constitution Klvlnir women the right to vote, and It wilt come up at the regular election In JUj; -, . You H ave Been Looking for These GiKidslI They Ai All i 4. The New Thomas Single Disc Drill 1 SDecial heaw drill wheels,' 1 4-inch discs, making 1 an extra wide furrow in which grain is scattered evenly, , germinates quickly and evenly, makes two to five bushels more per acre1 than from any other drill. Automatic oiler in disc hub needs oiling on!yr once each season; large discs enables it to disc stubble that no other drill can; has solid tube boots that cannot clog; discs can be set at different , angles according to conditions of the soil. Price yery reasonable. This drill is fully guaran teed by' the Oliver Plow Company. . , ' i i r. I 1 7X1 I A IAO I a- wmsmm w s m h i a in in vir vnvifiii The Oliver No. 28 Sulky Plow-This is the Best .:.7;r--v.:::5 ! .. ; Sulky Plow for This Country - . . , , And can be had regularly with either 1 4-inch or 16-inch chilled or steel bottoms Additional bottoms cost froiri $12.50 to $ 1 5.00 ,and may be had in stubUe, sod or regular breaking bottoms; Over 100 in use in thi3 county and; is the most satisfactory plow made. ' " Oliver plows are ' made ; in both steel and chilled to 'meet every requirement ' and every condition, , Let. us know what your soil is and we will select ybti a plow to suit the work,, and guarantee it satisfactory.., ,"; ,.. -, ' If you are breaking heavy tod,. take a look at our Nefw J-O'3 14-inch plow. If plowing irt "dobie" land make pee of the 222 Series. We have' plows for any kind of soil.: Just arrived. - The Oliver , Steel , Spike Tooth Harrow. Newest and latest in design; best for results; made of best materials with a pnarnnlee ; by the Oliver Plow Co. . See our Oliver wagon set Extra good neckyoke,evener, eingldtrees comfflete; rfcal $6 00 1 value. Spct ial at $5.00 for this month only. ;.;? . , .', ' . , , . COLLINS W. ELKINS, PRINEVILLE, OREGON I I .1 ! ' ' " ' ' ' ' ', ' " t ,; First Showings of , r t . Sprhig ; i :Mi Millinery Spring Coats ' 1 fef : : :;; ',;jNew.Spnng ''; II"; J ;l)ress; (jpods ;; , J: -y I ' ' New Spring '.H ' SrB: . I- ii. i A, 'i ,- J ' !- I M - J :--.rootwear,,,-::;:;,;;. I ' I' ! I I I I Hi .- ! , , , , , . , , ,,,, , Easter Sunday Gomes April 4! Make Your, Selections " Eayly! i ' ' . , .1 i. :. ' . i. .1 li -. ..(,, . i J . ' .' I '. I ,! . . i f ,n , ri : 4(9,a-s r"i . i