CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 7 Farm Loans For a short lima we have sub ject to our J if Hiul lor loans on highly I in proved irrljv'leJ miiche in thu vicin ily of I'rincvilln. Limns to he for .",(M)0or more and run from 3 to 6 ytars, with inter cut it 8 per cent, payable an nually, We charge a Fin m! ronimlssiim to l iid by the borrower, See A. R. BOWMAN with Central Oregon Title & Trust Co. C 10 Prineville, Oregon Well Drilling We ere equipped to diill ny kind of wells under any and all couJitioni. Depth Guaranteed Only Experienced Men Employed. We have drilled fix Ar tesian well in and near 1'rlneville. All are now flow ing. Wagoner & Co. Prineville, Oregon RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS GIVEN QUICK RELIEF Palo, leave! almost as if by magic when you begin using "6 Drops," the famous old remedy (ur Kheuma tiim, LumlMgo, Gout, Sciatica, Neuralgia and kindred trouble, It goes right to the tpot, atop the ache and paint and makes lila worth living. Cot boulo of "5-Drop." today. A booklet with e.icb bottle gives lull directions for tm. Don't delay. Demand i "6-Dropa." Don't ac I cept anything elM in place of it Any drug gist caa supply yea. If you live too far from a drug store send One Dollar to S wanton Kheumatic Cure Co., Newark, Ohio, and bottle of 'D-Dropi" will be Sent prepaid. pOR SALE EXCHANGE, RENT, ETC. The Journal Classified Ads. Advertisements under' this head nre clurired for at u flat rate of live centH tier lino for each limcrtlon. No (llxplny other than reKuliir lieadliiK will be admitted to the CliiHHlfied coliiiniiH. Copy hIioiiIi) be In thin olllce not later than WedneHilay noon to limiire limertlon under thle head tor Sale Twin cylinder, belt drive, 1912 Yale Motorcycle; 7-n.p. In excellent con tlltlon. rrlce f 125. Roiiicht Doiiulah 2 18 4tp Seed Rye For bale Good oloan dry land seed rye for salo, nrice $1 50 per binhei. Lkwis kkokls iikrciiir, 1'rlneville, Ore. 3 4 tf For Sale Team young marea, weight 3200 lbs, Aii.ireHfl, i.kvms tOMYiiUi, luuuionu Ore, Box 275. 3 I 2tp Horse Taken Up One white mare, weight about 1000 paumlit, brand rafter P, nine or ten years old, broke to work. Owner can huve same by paying pasture and ad vortiBing churgi e. Animal nt my place on the Lsiiionta roud. M. F. MuCoin, Prineville, Oregon,- B-4 iltp Muddux & Co. will buy vonr vege tablet and pioduce. Auk the nmn 1'hoiierionuor Bod 003, $25,000 toMQhn i 1 , l 1 1 Kefll! Farmers' Union Meeting A Hireling of the Farmers' Union will ho IihM at thtt courthouse on Hat unlay, March III, 1015, st 1 o'clock, for the pin pose ol re establishing our Union, rlccliug ofllcera suit attending to tny otlmr bushiest the farmer may wish to tuki up. All members of the I'nion are reiiurstid to attend this meeting, a I no all fiirmore who wind to Join, 3 4 2t T. II. Lafoi,i,ttk( Pres. Mini iiml wlfo want position on ritni'li; inn ii to work, woman to cook. Address M. N. Stewart, Pow ell JJutlo, Ore. 2 25 t3p WANTEDA mini to retail ituw lelght Products, town nnd country, Largest mill heat I -low. One of the oldest mid largest Companies In the world Six factories mul lirancluH. Products supplied from new Pacific Const Brunch. Quick service, low freight. Wu wmit only Industrious men, capable of earning tH'O mul up per month mul expenses. Must huve inemiii fur starting expenses mid furnish eont riict signed by two re sponsible men. A i Id rem W. T. Uaw. Iclgli Co., (laklitnil, Calif., glvlngnge, occupation and reference. 8 4 Work Wanted Hoy II) mul mother want work on ft ranch. Good reference". Inquire at this olllce. - 2-25.t2p Wu urn paying cash for II Idea, Pelts mid Fur. Prluevllle Feed, Livery & Silica Stable. 211 tf Furnished Home for Rent Nine room house for runt; fully furnished. Inquire Mrs. Kv IViak. 2-lSHtp White Leghorns. Stock, f'etaliiiua and highest laying attain O. A. C. j eggs from finest se lected breeders, fl for 15; 15 for 150 128 51 A. D. 1'aATT. Foal. Ore. Stallion For Sale Thrce-quniter Percheron Stallion, eight years old, weighs 1550 pounds; liliM'ky built nml heavy bono. Good breeders, I'rlce reasonable. For further liiforuiatlou write to T. J Fkhoi'son, Roberta, Or. 2-11 411 Wood Sawed on Short Notice Leave or 'phone orders to II. I), Still's Harness Shop. C. F 'krrin. 12 24 Bargain Sale Four full blooded Jersey bull. coming yearlings, price 20 each If taken ny March 1. one two-year-old full blooded Jerwcy bull; price 5. All at ranch on Combe' Flat. Frank Vanliia, 1'rlnevllle. Or. 2-tt 21 p 6 Per Cent Money Loan may lie obtained for any purpime on acceptable Hen) Estate security; Mural privileges; corre. aiiondence solicited. A. C. Aokncy Com pant. 758 Gas, Electric Hldg., Denver, Colorado. 2 4 4t Cream Shipper. We need more cream and are pay lug; two celite more for butterfat than any other creamer v. Caxli with each can. Fair nnd courteonit treatment. Ship Cream or write tor wblppiiiK tnita. ynmhlll Crenmery Co., Portland UregTon; 2 11 For Sale Pure Iired Hereford Bull ( A lli-iil.l Nil, 1'rlnevllle, Ore 2-25 2t Eggs for Setting White-Face Mined SiimiiIhIi chlckena Krent layera and non-aettcra. . Price f2 for Netting' of 15. write or phone Pioneer 401. C. M. Stroud, Prineville, 3 11-tf WASTKD Position In or clone ti rniieviiie by an American 20 years old; worked 2 years painting, 4 years In machine shop, 6 year In auto repairing. F.mployed now driv ing private car; have owu tools, ex perlenced barring man, will take driving or shoo work. Must lie steady and pay nt least $S0a month. Address r. Myer, 619, south bin at., Portland, Oregon. 3 11 ltp For Sale Six-year-old pony, safu for boy or girl; broke to ride or drive, f:l5 See (i len ti Hendrlckson, Hnmlltou Stables, 1'rlnevllle, Ore. 8 4-ltp Cattle For Sale Forty-six head of learllnga nnd two-year-olds, mostly Hereford and HurhaniH. About half the number ant heifers. Independent 'phone. AI.KX HlNTON, Prineville, Ore. 3 4-tf Seed Wheat and Oata For Sale. flood clean seed, Little Club, (or sale nt my ranch on the Ocboco. Also Sliadeland Side onts. Inde pendent 'phone. Call or write U. C. I'rlce. Prineville, Ore. 3 4 Otp Money Wanted. Kx perlenced farmer wants to bor row $300 for six or seven months. Will secure loan with chattel mort gage on crop. Address W. M., Jour nal, or 'phone this (dike. Take Advantage of the Wheat Market Chance of a Lifetime ihi.v a good home with a crop of wheat. Here Is your chance: nil) acres of fine land Jyltig, In a square, well fenced, on main county road; It miles from school house; level land. no rocks, no big trees; deep soil, 00 acres well cultivated; 100 In Rood pasture; water right; good small barn with 5 stalls, irood small grun- nry 12x12. good buggy shed, wood shed and workshop; two clsterus; small bachelor living house, two rooms, phone; nil the land cultlv able and Irrigable. Owner will sell at a sacrifice, lease or rent. Adjoin lug land ranges from $40 to 175 an acre; terms, investigate this rare chance. Address P. O. Box 334 Prine ville, Oregon. 2 18 Lost, Eastern Star Pin Lost yesterday on tho sidewalks, nu lOasteru Star Pin. Finder please return to Mr. Huston nt v. vv Klklns' Store. Heward. 2 25-ltp Ualed hay for tou Stables sale at the Ham 11 2 IS It LEGAL NOTICES Order. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Croud. Stale of Oregon, plaintilr, v. A. 11. Lippmnn, administrator of the CBtut.i of Fernando HooU, decbaaed, all Imirs at law of svid decedent (if any there he) and all other persons and parties, unknown, clairniag- any rllit, title, estate, lien or intereat in the, neraonul proiierty described In the information herein, defendant. It appearing to the court from the formation on lll herein that Fernan do Kuots died intentBte on the 4th day of April, A. I)., 1914; within the county of Crook, .State of Oregon, leaving1 an estate therein cotiMiMtirig of perilous! iroperty alone made up of catdi in a iniik and wuges due of the value of Six Hundred Sixty Kix and Hi hun dredtha $t;i;6.3H) dollars: and It furtlii-r atmearinkrtbat A. Lipri- nuin was thereafter appointed and duly iliulified aa liilminmlmtor of the Htat of the said Fernando Hoots, deceased, that the suid admiiiiHtrator took Dos- seaalon of all the ttanets and pro.rty of the said estute, ailmlniatered upon same in the usual course of buaineHS, col lecting' and converting- into cuidi all of the suid personal property of said Htate and paying all claims and juat dcniunds aguiimt suid estate; and It aoiieurinir that suid eatute is now fully und lliiully settled and that there remains, after the said payment of all of said claims and demands, together with the coats and expenses of the ad ministration thereof, now in the pos session of the said A. H. Lippman, the administrator aforesaid, Three Hun dred Seventy Nine and 9 hundredths (KITiMKJ) dollars in cash, and that the said decedent died without heirs at law, children, widow or kindred, capable ol inheriting- suid personal property and that by reason thereof afe state of Ore gon has by law a right to the title of aaid property; Wherefore, upon the motion ana ap nlication of Wilfard It. Wirtz, district attorney for Crook county and attorney for the state of Oregon herein; It Is herebv ordered, adindired and decreed, in the name of the state of Oregon, Thst all heirs at law of Fer- be,) and all persons and parties, un known, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the personal property of said decedent, be, and tney are, hi-rnhv summoned and reauired to ap pear and show cause in this court, if anv thev have, by the 13th day of March A. D . 1J15. why the title in and to said personal property, described herein and also in the information here in, should not bo adjudged escheated to and vested in the state of Oregon; and it is further ordered and adjudged that a copy of this order be pubhaneo in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in said countv of Crook and state of Oregon, for a Deriod of six consecutive weeks prior to said 13th day of March, A. D., 11)15. Done in chambers, at The Dalles, Oregon, this 23rd day of January, A. D., 1915 (signed) W. L. Bradshaw, Judee. Date of first publication. Jan. 2H, 1915 Dale of lent publication, March 11, 1913 Wlllard tt. Wirtz. uietnct attorney and attorney for plaintiff. Notice ol Admiidttrstor's Salt of Real Estate Notice Is hereby Klven by the na derslgned, the fidinlnlHirutor of the estate of Vllora E. White, deceased, that In pursuance of an order of the countv court of the state of Oregon for Crook county, made and entered on the first day of March, 11115, the undersigned, tho administrator aforesaid, will sell at private sale (or cash or Its equivalent, subject to the confirmation by said court, after Saturday, the 3rd day of April, 191& at tho olllce of C. C. Brlx, In Prine ville. Oreiron. all the rlirht, title and Interest the said Yllora K. White had at the time o' her death and all the Interest the estate bus acquired In addition to that of the said Horn K. White nt the time of her death, In and to tho following described real nromrty situated In Prluevllle county of Crook, state of Oregon to wit: Lot number tnree 13), in block eight (8, Fifth Addition to the tuwn of Prineville, county ol Crook, state ol Oregon, according to the recorded plat thereof now on die In the olllce of the couutj clerk Ol irooK counry, i irt'Kuu. Terms and conditions of sale ten (10) per cent on day of snle, balance unon continuation by the court, or part upon continuation by tue court and luiiance on time. Dated this 4th day of March, 1915 S. D. M(H Al.I.IHTKK, Administrator of the estute . Yllora IS. White, deceased. 3 4 Notice for Publication Department ol the Interior, U. 8. Land Otlice at The Di.lle, Ore. February 10 h, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Adolph Schrickcl of Prineville, Oregon, who, on July 21it. lull, made homestead entry No. 09310, (or ci nwj section 3 and m i eii, ej net nd loll, section 4, town ship 17 south, range 17 east, Willam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make linn I three year proof to establish claim to the land a lmve described, before Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Ore gon, on the 19th day of March, 1915. Claimaiit names as witnesses: James Cram, Henry Suii'li, Samuel M. Bailey, Albert Way, all of Prineville, Oregon. 218-p . H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Notice ef Appointment of Administrator and to Creditors Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned hat been, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Crook county, duly appointed administrator ol the estate of James Ryan, deceased, mid all persona having claims against said estate are hereby required to pre sent the same, duly verified, to said administrator at the law olllce of L M. llechtell, in Prineville, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time February 18lli, 1915. Lakh M. Bkchtw.Ii, Administrator of the estate of James Ryan, deceased, - 2 18 5t Siimiiioim' In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of I,nne, Jouathun Johnnoii, plaintiff, vs. Koy Yoiinur. defendant. To Hoy Yoiiiik, defendant: In the name of the state of Orexon, on are hereby reoulred to aiinear and miMwer- the complaint of the plaintiff filed nxaliiMt yon In the above ent'tlcd suit within lx weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this siiininouM, on or before the day of March, 1915. and if you fall so to miMwer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint herein, to-wlt; For a decree of this court declar- Ing- the plaintiff to be the owner In fee simple of the south half of sec tion w, mid MoutheuHt quarter of the northeast quarter of section 16, In township 14 south, ratine 12 east, VV. M,, mid fort-ver onletlng the title of the plaintiff auainst you and barrlnif and enj' lining you from at any time beri-ni'rr settlnir up or as- ecrtlnic any il iiio or title to suid premises or any i-.irt thereof. I his sumini.ii- I ' served upon you iy the publliiii ...ii thereof In ac cordance with mi order made at Prineville, Oreuon, by the Honor able W, Ij. Ilradshaw, Judge of the circuit court, on February 11th, lltl i, requiring that this summons be published at leat once a week for six consecutive weeks, In Crook County Journal, a newspaper pub lished at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, and that the first publica tion thereof sliul) be on the 11th day of February, 1015 roHTKU & Hamilton. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given by the un derslgned. the administrator of the estate of Ralph D. Illldom deceased, to all the creditors of said deceased and to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same with the proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of M It. dllott within six months from the first publication of this notice. ' Dated the first time this 4th day of March, 1915. Ei-okne Hii.dom, Administrator of the estate of Ralph D. Hildoto, deceased. 3 4 5t Notice lor Publication Department of the Interior U. S. Land Olllce at The Dalles, Ore. February 8th, 1915, Notice is berehy given thst Holf O. Brown of Bend, Oregon, who, on March 2nd, lull, made homestead entry Mo. 0850b, for ni ni-J, te nej, ar, i st, tectfon 7, township 20 south, range 18 eaut, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of iulention to make final three vear proof tj establish claim to the land above described before H. C. Ellis. U.S. Commissioner st Brnd, Oregon, on the 5th day of April, 19i5. Claimant namcias witnesses: Samuel W. Merrill, L. A. of Brothers, Oregon ; George D. Baker, Richard G. Hunslevof Bend, Oregon. 2 18 p H. Fbasi Woodcock, Register. buinuiona In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Crook county. Malt Clark, plaintiff, ! vs. E. J. Li-ne, Mary Lane, and the City National Bank of Lufayette, de fendants. To E. J. Lane, Mary Lane aud the City National Bank of Lafayette, defendants: In the name of the state of Ore gon, You are hereby required to ap pear aud auswer the compluint tiled against you lu the above entitled suit un or la-fore March 26, 1915, and If you fall to answer for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the compluint, to-wlt : 1. That the defendants and each of them may be required to set forth the nature of their estate or Interest In the real estate described lu the complaint, to-wlt: The west half of the east hall of section twenty-nine (29) In township fifteen (15) south of range twenty (20) east of the Willamette Meridian in Crook county, Oregon. 2. That all adverse claims of the defendants and each ol them be de termined by this court. 3. That a decree be entered herein quieting plaintiff's title to said real estate and adjudging that the 1e fendauts have no estate or Interest whatever In or to said real estate aud no Hen thereon: that plaintiff i title to said real estate Is good and valid; that the defendants, aud each of them, be forever enjoined and de barred from asserting any eBtate, In terest, claim or lieu whatsoever In or to said real estate or any part thereof adverse to the plalutiff's title and estate therein, and that the plaintiff have such other relief as to this court may seem meet and equitable and bis costs aud dis bursements herein. Publication of this summons Is made pursuaut to an order of the above court dated February 8th, 1915. First publication of this sum mons) February U, 1915. Last pub lication March 25, 1915. Cakey & Kkuk nnd E. MrCm.i.orH, Attorneys for plaintiff Address, 1410 Yeou Building, Port land, Oregon. 2-11 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Laud Ofllce at The Dalles, Ore. February 18th, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that George B. Taylor of Robert, Oregon, who, on March 24 th, 1909, made homestead entry No. 04527 nnd ou August 20th, 1914, made additional homestead entry No. 013783, for lots 3 and 4, uej swj, sej nwj, sej, section 31, township 18 south, range 17, east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Inten ttou to make finul five year proof to establish claim to the land above .described before Warren llrowu, county clerk, at Prineville, Oregou, on the 5th day of April, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry W, Curllu, Harry Dobson, Granville H. Nye, all of Roberts, Oregon; Sarah Taylor of Prineville, Oregon H. Fuank Woodcock, 2 25-5tp Register. Ffotict for Publication Department of the Interior, V. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. February 2th, 1915. Notice is hereby given thst William 0. Crain of Prineville, Oregon, who, on Septem IwrlOlh, 190P, made bomettend entry No. 05265, and on February 6th, K'15, made additional homestead entry No. 014463, for seK, section 23, and ctj tec lion 26. township 10 south, range 18 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to' make final five year proof to establish claim to the land above described before Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. S. Commissioner, si Prine ville, Oregon, on the9lh day of April, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Henry Hndson Edward B, Knox, (ieorge Wiley, all of Prineville, Oregon; Walter Knox of Post, Oregon. 3 4 5t H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Notice of Sheriff's Salt My virtue of on execution duly issued by the clerk of the circuit court of the county of Crook, state of Oregon, dated this 9th duy of February, 11., In a certain action In the circuit court for the said county aud state, wherein M. K. Elliott, administrator, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment ogalnst Charles Lott, Jerry Ac hey, llenry Mont gomery, W. F. Sann, N.-Milllgan. W. M. Messlnger and H. P. Qnlnn, de fendants, for the sum of Eleven Hundred Forty-seven and 97 hun dredths dollars, together with One Hundred dollars attorney fees, and the further sum of Fifteen and no hundredths dollars damages and costs, and accruing costs. Notice is hereby given that 1 will on Salardty, tit 13tk eUy el March, 1915, nt the north front door of the court bouse In Prineville, In said county, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, all right and title that the above named de fendants, or any of thern have, r had at date of said Judgment In the following described property, to-wlt: Northwest quarter of section thirty four, southeast quarter of northeast quarter, west half of northeast quarter and east half of nortn west quarter of section thirty three and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, all In township twelve south, of range fourteen ent of Willamette Meridian In Crook county, Oregon. North half of southwest quarter of section thirty-three In township twelve sonth, of range fourteen east of Willamette Meridian In Oregon. The northeast quarter of north west quarter and northv est quarter northeast quarter of section five, township 13, range. 14, the southeast quarter- of southwest quarter and the southwest quarter of southeast quarter of section thirty-two and the south half of southwest quarter and sonth half of southeast quarter of section thirty-three In townthlp twelve south, of range fourteen east of Willamette Meridian. The northwest quarter and the west half of the Northeast quarter of section two In township thirteen south, of range, fourteen east of Willamette Meridian in Oregon. Lota Eleven and Twelve In block Seven In the Second Addition .to Prluevllle, Oregon. E B. Knox, Sheriff. Dated at Prluevllle, Oregon, Feb ruary 9lb. 1915. My Floyd A. Rowell, Deputy. 2-11 Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore. March 5th, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Ulysses S. Bushnell of Rolierts, Oregon, who on October 4tn, uhw, mane desert land entry sn, 05352, for swj nw j, n) swj, sej sw, section 9, township 18 south, range 17 east, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final desert land prool to establish claim to the land above described, before Timothy E. J. Duffy, U. S. commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 13th day of April, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Hugh C. Nelson, Albert Way, Ray Harvey, Albert Llbb.'y, all of Rob erts, Oregon. 3-11 H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, U. S Land Ottlce at Lakevlew, Ore. January 27, 1915. Not coal lands. , Notice Is hereby given that Olvln Thompson of Dry Lake, Oregon, who on De cember 8, 1910, made' homestead entry Act Feb. 19, 1909, No. 04104, for el sel, sec. 1; nel net sec. 12, to. 21 south, range 20 east, swj sec. 6; nwj nns j sec. 7. tp 21 south, range 21 east Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final three year proof to establish claim to the land above described before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. commissioner, at Fife, Oregon, on the 13th day of March, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Richard K. Rhoda, Lewis W. Ben nett of Dry Luke, Oregon; Orvllle I. Davidson, Fisher Logan of Barnes, Oregon. Jas. F. Bi', 2 i Register. Enlargement FREE! Ask for particulars. Buy our cameras and films and win a fine prize. Remem ber we teach you how. Cameras, films and Cyko paper. Best on earth. LAFLER'S STUDIO Prineville - Oregon Cards, HOWARD GOVE DENTIST Crook County Bank Building Bennett, Sinnott & Galloway Attorneys-at-Law General Practice The Dalles. Ore. Prof. A. W. Grater, Divine Healer Office at residence, first house north of garage. Prineville, Oregon E. B. nrjBFt'R IU AMOK inn Bids'. Portland, Ore. . p. MYERS Court House Culver, Ore DURFUR & MYERS Lawyer J. Tregelles ox M. R. C. S. Ene; and L. B.A.London; Licence Oregon State Medical Board. Specialist in Surgery; Hygiene; Ali mentary Canal, women and children's diseases, etc. OrBoe anci rslden Third etreet near Court House. Tel.: Ptonoer. Calls answered promptly- nlsbt or dar. Chances moderate T. E. J. DUFFY Attorne-at-Law (Succeator to W. A. Bell) Orkgo iPjkftitimm mtl tSmrfm PrintwilU. Onftm. Ckm. S. 4mmrt Jf. P. 33lknm? OCCU LISTS Belknap 6c dwards (County Physician.) SP. ttllioti, jtHr f-mi-jCmm Origin. . StfrimJt jCamyr Orfm. c. C. SSr SPtat siai Cornett Building, Room 6 Calls Answikks Psoitptlt Dat oa Nisri Omci Oni Dooa South or Adahson's Pace Btori. Both office an resi dence telephones. !Prinmillt, - Orgm Willard II. Wirtz District Attorney Office in Crook County Bank Blag PBINEVILLE OBEGO.V Lake M. Bechtell LAWYER Crook County Bank Building Prineville, Oregon N. G. WALLACE Attorney-at-Law Rooms 3-4-5 Kamstra Bld'g Prineville, Ore Oregon Daily Journal Daily 50c. Daily and Sunday 65c Why be without the news when we deliver It promptly to your door anywhere In the city for two cents a duy, RAY V. CONSTABLE Local Agent iProtessttital - '! A : 'fit'' ' ' : . ' A, f ' , "i r ) Read the Classified ads on page 7 if you want to buy or sell.