CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 5 1915 MARCH 1915 3 7 14 it T 2 9 1516 it 8 w ion 1718 T P r 5:6 12113 19:20 21222324252627 28293031 IWaiGWrJlOOO" H I Fail to Cure Shurnini Entertained ' Saturday The Khuniia Cluli watt delightfully enlerluinoil hint (Saturday aftifrnoon at tho homo of Mr. Victor Shuw. gave a very Interesting history of the Hun Xavlor Dull liac Miwiion of Tuscon,' Arizona!. H it the finest and best ?reorVeil of all the early missions (''Ml'illiTiHliiiil by the Jesuits in trie Southwest. Tho establishment of this mission antedates the earliest Cali fornia in by , it .(lyuat J5 ) yearn. Mrs. Millicnn exhibited" photographD )t(lkn hy-yhy-ji.rf,;bohj of the out siile and interior of the mission. Mrs. .11. )?. tN:lKnnn gave a ci'Icn ANY CANCER OR TUMOR I TREAT, NO KNIfC. NO PAJN. NO PAT UtHTIlCWRId ANY IUMP In WOMAN'S BREAST ll CANCER did review of "The Tempter," iy ii mint, ii mwHjB (Hiiwiio iHH'p k'hiKId Ml ttio armpit lUlil H 1 1 Iff tiitklv. Any ttiMtor, lm-ti ur ImmIv intiK It rniit . r Ait Ihbh-( f linn iintrr nu'itL"iJ,l lit Mltlttt, Our jjritt tlicci It In our lutculnj, ethical lilrwiiilitj tuil finding encri wiiilo IK..-U. HI ft Old tir. I Mis. lir. Cli m t Co. for Soo ' lunMfa M. u. )a riiirntii w 5ru. . 434 1 42a Valencia SL, San Fr.ntkcr.. KINDLY Mill. IHIS 10 unnniim lui l.;i..U l Quartet of Blark-Whiio Men veotrl fif the California. .InLiK-t let 1'hV Bre "whili"i-inr Snohomish I taUt real pluusure in writing a Quartet gentlemen, giving a clean, elevating entertainment. Tho management in conscientious .and 'reliubje in every partieular. Whim the (innrf et'ipPfn'i thin church we olcarwF niiliV than on any other entertainment, and a return viait wan requested. I un- hesitatingly joy)- i,my : warpteHtfl recommendation. , S l..'i-f,tlJ '' ' - ' KuIllCKT MUKRAY riUTTi. 1'aHtor Cni;r'K;ationHl Church. Henry A. Jonen. This trtudc ntry wan very entertaining and intereHlJ inir and Mrs. HelknaD nurely did 'fjiPrndlaejlj'tbc honied, as Hinted by Mra. II. lm, wrved a most (lelicioita fuheheWi J 1 The jrui-HtM departed feeling lhy ilndiipi'nta jrnost'" tlV-Hh tf I and reirular nieetinir will be at the home of Mrs. JpVol linn I'lkins March 20, I i km c Seed OaU; or Saft j , Good clean need Sido OhU at the Dikbiuau ranch ou Othooo, AVriln iu 'phuue C L. liobertf, 1'rine villc, Oregon. 1-28 If NewNpbk Sailorsi in the latest shapes Tipperary Hats and Pattern Hats ; - The latest creation! in Millinery. . The mot com plcte and up-to-date stock ever received jn Prinevjlle. and hats arriving daily. Come in and look them "over Mrs. Estes The Milliner PR1NEVILLE. OREGON :cr;cr,:35 did l'l'Hueil l'nilirwooi tariff Lili. f ' (.i f. - . , . . i Jl)!:1!''! hi mrroiu y ylcm i"iJ"etuMrhlii'(l fcileAtl r?H'rve banks. PuHnetl the Income tax Mil. ' PniMPil sntl IniHt laws, supplement ing tlm, Shenuan set. Repealed l'uiiiiiutt canal tolls exomp tlon 05 .Atiiyrlun cottHtwlHR slilpplng. IitrecVIl tcoiiMlroctlon of govern ment ralfroala Alaska. ' Pmiited act to regulate the trailing In cotton futures. ( l'MiHed internal rre.venue lilU to make up deficiency canned by reduced tariff, ApproprlntA) - 1 ,1 20,000.000. , , KHlubllulied an Insurance bureau to Insure American ships against war huxnrds. 'PnSBial bill'' for faleral control ot narotie drug sifioii:- Provided for the trsnnfor of foreign owned ahrps toAmerlran tpglstry. Empowered -president to use army anilnavjr( jit his discretion, to pre Twtitrwwy, - , t Important measures that failed were the ship purchase bill, Immigration bill, conservation ntVature.tfvhlch provided w yatem for leasiiof of wuter power klti. nilBppfne elfVvernment bill. rcj'ukitlon of Issue of railroad semirl tics' by Interstate commerce coramls llonruraLcrpttttlfettL-teJeral road'im" proveiuents, water way development, reorganisation of civil service, prohl- I bltloii of tho Importation of convict- ! miidn goods, army reorganization, na tlouat prohibition, woniin suffrage. . -- 6uffrg Loses In Texas. AiiHtln, Texas. Tho resolution pro viding for sulnuiniilon of a cmintltu llonol ameiiilnieiit granting tho vote to women w:m defrntod In the senate. i It failed by five votes to get 'the -re do I red. twj)-tjilrda majority. ; AMBASSADOR, PAGE ''Mr fir'ni T..' i'-T, ,'': 1 ' .' jtT y if 'J wa . t HI HMMiMlllliWHiiliW im win m I W JiliWIWiwil Ml I iwi i i 4 : v vi i li-GLIFT0N 1C0RNETT " ' rnu' J Ji'" We Sell for Cash. That's Why WeSell Cheaper J f V aBBOIHiSaWBWBWHBjfjjsflBjgajjgpjgpjggppjjHHgi Whatever your Spring wants may" be youl a treat your-! gelfjl'.tfy 'cprnjng here .wheeryice is as much a Standard of l V4lue as the Good--Old vDollar Itself! 1 t,.;s. v"r r , s.--jxtwSv'-w 3 : Photo by American I'm iocUtlKi. W. H. Page, American Ambsssador ; to Crest Britain, who is placed in a ! trying diplomatic position owing to the I wap. : i i , , . j IDAHO SOLONS END SESSION Saving In Appropriations Over Last Blennlum 8ot at Nearly 1350,000. liolsn, Iduho. Tho legislature ad journed sine die Monday at 10 o'clock after clearing away the general appro priation and general deficiency bills, tho educational and charitable, penal Institutions and Judicial courts' bud gets to meet' the drain on the state treasury during the years 1913 and 131. ... ,. To pay the money so appropriated, the advalorem tax act setting a maxi mum limit of H.DuO.OoO was passed. It Is believed that outside revenue from tho federal government and the sale of lands, etc., When added to the amount raised by the advalorem tax will be sufficient tn meet the expenses of the blennlum. The saving over two years ago will bo about 1350,000. , The total curried liy the educational budget as finally approved was $975, 930.60. The general appropriation bill, to which the senate made amend ments, carried tG10, 172.50; the Judicial budget f 250.200, tho general deficiency act-i2,4it,; ami tli hri labia and penal Institutions I3G3.0OO and $310, 00,i J r. :-..:ax .i-;. f ARGONAUT a JO'S CUIDTC .1. I ..--ll . vi T For Men and Boys! 't I Hhr :-v.r kan ' Shirts that will make you anxious for the(vestless an.4 coatlefes daysoj midsummer so ' f' , that you can parade their aWactive style ahcTfit P STOP! 1 ' ... ., , j .. j Stop buying shirt3 until you see our line. You will find a number of new things' that - ... - i will make you mighty glad that you have not bought t nm Look over our line carefully: examine the materials closely; notice the variety of new up-- f r .? . rt to-date patterns. They are trade winners and wilf inter4 est the progressive man. ; LISTEN! Listen to thestoTy-- that - we tell you. It will be a story of quality and price; a story pf, gjliilng moVe friends and holding the old one with the best shirt line on earth. TRIANGLE COLLARS For Men and Boys 1-4 Sizes - W.' DeeHng Leaves $1S,000,000. Chlcago-j-Tlie late William Decrlug.j harvester niaubfacturef, left 'art estate of $15,206,873: aYter payment by bin according to a final accounting made in the probate aourt here. $155,D'0O,L'osrinl Portland' Fire. Portland, Or. Klre gutted the thrco story brick building occupied by! Jones Cash Store, a , mail-order. hoAise, 80 Profit street, corner of Oak, causing the entire loss of the stock, valued at $125,000. . Aberdeen Mayor Loses In Primary. Pi Aberdeen, Wa'sUl In the warmest i prlnniry election ever held In this city J. M. i'bllllps,- a ypung atytrney and f formerly a Hull Mouse, defeated by 17 ; votes Mayor Eugene France, a ploneoi I who was standing for re election. A BANK BOOK n 1 f f . t" rrVertoin almost everything in lmportarite In tuainesa life. , It means freedom froni Wjorry, fresdotn from disputes about j payments, better standing .with those with whom you do buninesp, W'e shall be glad to have your account and you rwiriwta'loH7n'a liere after "you" Utaf ii' ila'ld vabUges.' rThe-Firsf-National-Banft Of Prineville, Oregon. .Th OldeiljB.nk in Central preaoiw s Capital, Surpljujarjd Undivided Poflti, $15f3,000.00 ; vv r jj n I IIP1 i! 5 ,m ; p i- .1 ll n l l eiio I oay, do you Know the 'Filot! Butte( Telephoney Company has more miles o line andj a jargnf nnj ber of subscribers than any pther telephone company in Cropk county and f at cheaper rates Telegraph' Vorinectidn is irnade1 al Ffed- mono with all outside C Upoin6..1MaiiCfific5,JPi5ne- ille, Oreg( 1 v. -L Vll c- jon. GREECE DIVIDED . ... OVER WAR POLICY London. Dispatehes from Athens say that Greece Is divided over declar ing war ugftiiiHt Turkey and that those who favor entering the conflict as against Uio party of the king, who' in sists on neutrality, have been openly demonstrative. ' , King Constantino accepted the res ignation of Premier Veuiazelos, who was In favor of 'war, ' ' The Turkish minister, ! Sallh Bey, has declared openly that massacres would take place In Turkey It Greece broke with the Porte, while Count Mir bach, the German minister, informed the diplomatic corps that 'Austria and Germany would immediately declare war on Greece the day -that Greece moved against Turkoy. A dlaimtch .to the Exchange Tele graph company from Athens says that the Greek press, in its comments on the operations against the Dardanelles has declared itself in favor of Greece's taking part In the war. THE MARKpTS,- Portland.i . ' Wheat Club, $1.29; bluestem $U0? red Russian, $1.21,; forty-fold, $1.30; red fife, $1.24. ; '.'. ::: .- " Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $16; grain hay, $12; alfalfa, $13; valley tim othy, $12.50. '.i;1 ' ," ,." Butter-Creameryi1 35o. 1 " Eggs-Candledt 20c- ranch, 19o, , Hops 191 crop 15c;' ,1913' crop, 14o. " Wool Eastern Oregon, 25c ' -.' Seattle. , 1 Wheat Bluostem, $1.29; club $1.27; red Russian, $1.20; forty-fold, $1.28; fife, $1.22..' '';''; " ' iM ' Barley $25 per ton, , ' ' HayTimothy,' $18. per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton.' ;.. ' ; ' :J ' Butter Creamery, ' 34c.' ' 1 ' Eggs 20o.'' ' ". V: -i CARSON GLOVES New Scrims" for" Spring! f i" . 1 . r ee them m our windows. All kinds 7f-tt,aj'kndtolorsat D. M. Ferry & Compaiiiy Garden Seeds " ii . i !-. e Ji i ii '.l.-f!4.j , .iittti r.i r n-irt til i i tiiori Sets .;-tt i -.-- . -4. - Sunkissed . Oranges ', .-1 .. CLIFTGN-&CGRNETfT 'OVJ.1 I Green Leaf I:0! 1 3 MORE FORTS ARE ! SILENCED IN STRAITS -. j 1 London. Three more strong forts ( in me inner Straus ui me uaruaneues have been silenced by the Anglo French fleet after terrific bombard ment, according to an official com munication given out by the British Admiralty. It is admitted In the official report that a majority of the war vessels engaging the forts by entering the straits have been hit, some - of them numerous times. Serious damage is denied.. i - : . The Turkish official report declares that one British' battleship has been badly damaged and that a French ar mored cruiser has been put out of action. None of the batteries has been damaged, sayS thli report"' ' Damage by . the 'forts whlcb have been replying vigorously to the as saults of the fleet has not been con fined to the Vessels, as several sea planes, acting as acoufs for the Anglo French fleet, have been brought down. The admiralty-describes the damage to this arm of the service in detail, saying 'one aviator' was hit 28 times by shots from the forts. No death has resulted tn the aerial squadron, how ever, according t6':the report. The warships, are now engaged in reducing the forts, i in the Narrows, which is considered the most difficult section Of the Dardanelles, from the point of view of an attacking force. j Ty: acQassihed . ad. in ,Th Journal Galloway Reappointed Commissioner, galemi, Or. The' governor,' secreta ry of state and state treasurer unani mously reappointed Charles V. Gallo way state tax commissioner; Mr. Gal loway Is a, democrat and has held the office since ' Its creation In 1909, the law providing that tho two appointive commissioners shall be' of different political apiuiiUpii. ; ') , ; . '' ; ......I'. ' , p . v. ' ' rsiv . 1 fJ? tra v,-1 wt. J WtJi THE WORLD'S RECORB $EPAlATOR FOR CLOSE SKIMMING in 50 consecutive runs during a period of 30 days ana. on mik from 10 breeds, C xaAJi xJvr jr OANITARX" mz.x i 1 fjL ' W "J -5 Is easily, removed, non-rusting and easy to wash, '' Other scDamtors. on account of defective bowl constructions become insani tary because milk, in greater or' leaser quantity, -conies in contact ; with," and ' quickly ruts, cast iron and j,toel. The Liner, exclusively a U. ' S. feature, absolute prevents milk rontm with the iron bowlobambci possible h-akngc into the g This great improvemen t, following that of the famous- non-rusting nickel silver, skimming device, with surface n.s non-adhesive as polislicd ivory or class, comnli tes the most sanitary separator equipment fn existence. -: v ! 1 The Mechanical Washer makes cleaning st ill easier and most complete. . ' ' ... v.i : 4 il 1',' T -.i.i HO,'.' : K '!.;;' a! ! ', ,. :' .' f. COLLINS W. ELKINS, Prineville, Ore.