Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 11, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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because the entire system
becomes permeated with "
injarioui acids, ,
To relieve rheumatism Scott's
Vthalslonps a double help; ft is
rvchlin1 .blood-food it imparts
strength tortheiuuctions and sup,
plies the very oil-food that rheu
matic conditions always need.
Scott's Emulsion has
.helped countless thousands
nheii othet remedies failed, t
K. ikokoL' Jtehua Sabttitat..
wvim imbue
Mirmj; Lewis n J ,,wifo of Port
land, are, ik rrimli k ? ' '
'Vrtwilf' Hkih and wife were in
Prineville on business Monday.
The Ladies Annex will entertaiji
with a fancy masque1 ball at the
Club Hall next Thursday evening.
All Clb members are invited.
Read Marshall Pollard's chicken
notice and govern yourself accord
ingly. te presume this.' has no
inference to. the . .slant term,
hickerfi) 5
Mrs. Jordan who has been lu
very poor health for the past two
years. Ai,,repoxted ,,very Jaw--tod ay;
t allenditig""thysicians say that" her
feebfery is impfobable. .
of .Bend il in. Bi,at'l I Jones Cash Store burned in Port
1 . .- . j land 'raonaayjiignt. the rjre starting
this week.
about 10 o'clock in the evening,
H R VanAll-n W Sit -Prinakine ab9ut 11
from.J)chtfU3.i : V t-TheWss.wasalwut flfci.OOO which
J J i .". was" covered, by , fijrance. The
-111 III
firm will rebuild.
T , ... . . . . I ... .. . I V. M .t.WJLUIi.t niu 1119 uumis uim
Prineville the first of
tlje week to A. R. Bowman. - In the
same deal some irrigated land near
Powell !utt6 which was owned by
Mr. Bowman was transferred to
tending -coprjj .",3.3
Uncle frank Tichos -,ofy Liiidlaw
was in Prineville Monday.
r Arthur ' Templetoh bt Sisters is
-attending tourt this week. u . I Mr MoDaniel
1 George" Russell bought : a new j, John Davin who is now a resi
Ford car. the first of the week.,. indent of St- Bonnett, France, for
alter A. I oster' is In Prineville ; warded a , remittance this week
today from Powell Butte. . j covering the coming year's sub
' I. W. Ward has returned from scription to the Journal. The war
-Portland where he spent the winter. hL not bothered Johnyet. ap-
XXftealy" and sonT C. "CTHealy, f iritiy.-
i were in Prineville the first of the ' Among the attorneys present at
j weete- " " .H ' ? 1 ' TO ffa ternVdC 1c6nftfcrerf Burdick
: Fannie C. Poch and William ! ani Wilcox of Redmond; Dearmond
('Washington Collins were married !and Forbes of Be"d; Bell of The
rn n; i i . . .
j on Monday.
Shelly Holland, who has been sick
for f ome time at the Home Hospital
died today.' 5 :
Fred Stroud is in Prineville on
business from Redmond where he
owns a meat market.
Wade Huston returned yesterday
from Ashwood where he has been
Dalles; Richardson of Portland
Meyers "of Culver, and Irving of
Madras, besides the local members
of the bar.
The farmers of Surprise Valley
have ' organized " an Improvement
Club and are to take steps toward
the formation of an irrigation dis
trict. This locality was known at
on time as Poverty Flat, but this
foAsevefalkfi--5 1 '1 'J ' tj title no Idngef JitS fb'loc'lity and
T. S Barnes and family left last the new name was chosen at the
night for eastern points.1 They will club-' meeting Saturday evening.
be absent a cotiple of months. -
Mrs.. Mona Graves is visiting old
friends in the city, having come in
from Portland the first of the week.
The Presbyterian Siurch will ren
der a musical program on Friday,
night of this week 6t the cfiurehJ
The Rotarian Quartet delivered a
Friday evenlngrthe Ladies' Aid
and. the Christian Endeavor Societies
of the Presbyterian " church will
hold a reception to the Rev. Van
Neeys and Miss
RiveiS 'SReVi'Van
Neeys wiirjTctfh
duct a series of jneetings and "Mst
Allen will assist him with the sing-
Allen of Hood
good , evening's . entertainment at Llng- 9)ra? and help.extend a wel-
,,ccmiuk a . cuieriaiumeni. aiL- ' .
'Commercial5 Club Hall jast00"16 and et .ukifited
Thursday evening.
There will be ' a meeting of the !
March 12, at the" public school i
building in this city at 3, p. m..
The creamery opened Monday
i rmorDinaf ' and a churning was put
T. ,,!.. : t
Parent-Teachers' Association Friday, ! v iu rge
lairiuuuLs ui tain Hre ueing .re
ie'eived daily and churnings are to be
u. r. rutnam nas anotner pooK,
"In the Oregon County," which" will
be on sale the last of the current
month. It is from the presses of
G. P. Putnam's sons, book publisheis
of New York,- e
;ery .is paying ;31 cents for butter
Ifat, while -we are told that those
jwho have shipped cream recently
have been receiving but 28.
Oar prices are niisnnderetood by
many people in this. country. We do
Mrs. Arnold's father. R. M. ! tint ,.harna tOZ on,l l. ...
f . ..iihi .-U HUM Up 1'Jl B ptkl
,ir of
Hits the Spot
A 'pfeasant Jiirthday dinner was
served Tuesday evening at the home
of Wm. Arnold in-this city in honor
Templeton. Her sister, Miss Belva glasses, as 'eome have been led to be
Templeton of Portland, was present.'! lieve- We hve had an office iin 'Port.
lail for years and our prices here are
the fame as they i'ere there.'''" "
. Ulaf;s j alone , HI be furnished at
Portland prices and you get the same
tervice. ' ' " '' '- - -' - ;
Many pf our patients we take on the
basis of a year's treatment. We then
furnish them',. mountinng'and. glasses,
and from three to four changes in the
lenpp r the case may 'require.'" Onrj
object in doing this is to get the eyes in
a normal stat and in a great many
I cases we overcome the trouble fetirely
f.. it. ". J . '.. '. .
o iej can laKa on giasBesi vuf prices
on hii.treatrnnt are reBanablet yet
uon t mitunuerstand us. We do not
insist on yon taking the treatment.
We Ur gla4 to Igjve yon just what
you want. If glasses only, we sell
them to you, fitted for your eyes. But
you can't blame us for telling yoii what
you need and wliaf we cari do.'" Work
We want you todatritfartd see uslml
i , .. , "J
iiv juur eypi lesiea. ftxaminauon is
free. We will explain your condition
and tell you the cost in either case. -
Eyestrain taken in time, we. can
overcome the trouble without me of
glasses. Dhs. Marxin, Opticians,
Prineville, Ore. 311 2t '(paid adv.)
y li otop
pal cough'"
Satisfaction '
; i Cuuranteed, .
' '
D. P. Adamson & Co.--.. f .
Seed Wheat ,
" - -
Clean Blue Stem Wheat for sale.
Price $1 75 per bushel... .'Phone or
write Marion's Feed Storp,' Redmond,
Oregon. ' 3 11-U"
K. P.V Give Recep
tion to Judge Bradshaw
, Wednesday evening; Luna. Lodge
K. of P. at their regular meeting
conferred tha. ocond' rank upon our
County clerk. Warren Brown.
There .. we,ie ' present , members
from Albany, The Dalles, Redmond
and Bend. After the,,lodge cjosod.
the Knights' were invited to 1 the
Vanquet bull where .ja'fin'e, 'repast
awaited the. '( DrV J. ; If.' ' Rosen
berg, as... ioastniaater,. called upon
the Visiting ('Knights for , remarks,
and a now of.; reason and feast of
soul followed. ' ' '
Th most striking event was the
presentation of a cut glass loving
bowl from Luna Lodge No. G5. to
our beloved and highly 'esteemed
brother Judge Bradshaw, who was
completely' surprised. ' He then
gave us t om of the finest 'speeches
on Phthianism it has ever been our
lot to listen to. , i . ' i ..
There is a feeling of sadness pre
vailing in Luna Lodge on account
of Brother Bradshuw leaving us,
probably never to return,. He has
so endeared himself to the lodge by
his wibingnesa at all times and un
cier an circumstances to render us
all the aid in his power to advance
the cause of Pythianism.
May his pathway , in life be
strewn with flowers, may he live
lung and happy, tojenjoy the re
specl and esteem of ' his brother
Knights. . For,, twenty-four years
he has held the office of Circuit
Judge, and be leaves ,, here to the
regret of the legal fraternity and
the citizens at large, followed by
the respect of all eighty t Knights
who were seated at ; the ' banquet
table. v. -i '
Vh&i better or . more endearing
monument could lie erected to
commemorate the arduous and try
ing duties of his office than to have
his virtues and memory enthroned
in the hearts of the people. ' . .
; '' (By a member.)
(Corn For Sal . ,
Whole Corn, $45 per ton ; ground
corn f4 per ton.v 'Phone or write
Marion' Feed Store, Redmond. Ore.
DoyouUke The Journal?
Report of tho Condition v
... '5
ot 1'M 8 .CROOK COUNTlr BANK nf Jrlttiv.
villi', In Urn muit ol (iri'Kiiti, Kt lliu I'liinv) lit
lnuUii' Mnn li i, inn;
! t I . I Mlt!U'lc '
l.nniin unit ilUwmiil, ! tU.IWS (l
OvriHlu, iniro'l mid iiimovurvit ,, Mi 1
lUiii.l(ii'( wurrmun,,,,,,, 4.8W.W
Hitioki mi'l ullior nH-urliU'., Soil II
llknilnc 'iH.. ....;.....,.. V'.HTVl
Furullur.auil llxiiuin ,,, ( J,Miu.ii
Oilior ril ulutoowiint. l,8o,i
'tmh from bukt(Hut Wrv batiks).- Hint
WU(' triiu HjH.rnvi'il rworyu tmiikt,,,, 24.Jm,.Vj
0 hot-k mill ullii'r i'hdIi tU'iiin H4.7S
't'Mit'un iiint,.,,,,.;.!,',,,.,,j ; ..' iMtM
i- l LtAUIklTIIM;
.ii.; 'if
1..11I1.I .l.u.b ...l.l I..
t-i-r"-- 1" f. ,,v
Suti'iin tiniit. l-i.twctw
tU'llvllrrtiroaiii,:Uitxivniitnt1 1 1 J
ti; (ilf 11,1114,1
0.-hh tine
Stnle Trunaurer
ln.Uvl,limll1opoiI milijout tu i'liM k lfo.l itw
IK'iiihuiI wrtlitcnti'S ol lU'imslt ,. H'
I'mlili'M rlitH'kt initiitiiiiilhitf. W4 ,tl
TlkiBWrllfli'HtOii o( iti'iKWll, 14,14.711
UilU iiivyiktflv lyt iimtirjf mrrmnil., lil.imu DU
.-TiitHl,.'i,.,u.. ..A.,,Mlv. ..,Wll.alM
StiHe o( Orvtiun, Ci'inils o( friMik, :
I, K. J. Wllmiii, 1'nnliUf 11I IliosliiVtj.iintiiwl
bank; 1I11 Milvauity wtr tlnti lliu Ikv tam.
mom la truii ju tlie b"t ui my kuuttU'ili;o anil
twllft. ' K.J Wllaiili, Cmihlf.
HiiUorllwl ami .worn to bufuru inn 1I1U Uiih
lay ul March, J'.Hi.
" I'lamlla Wamior,
' Kutary Publlo
'irrit -.AItviil; Wn!i Hiuiwn u
' ' ' ' lilnwlnra.
The Journal, l.fU per year.
Too Late to Classify
Woman Wanted. 1 '
Woman or iiiil for utrnrnl hmisi'wotk.
Phone or write Chat C. ll'Null, Prltiti
villn, Or. Care Riverside lianrli mi
trookeil Kiver. J H tl
1 For Sale Cheap.
(ioo-I ini'nhator, nearly now. also
sunia iiooil and lU'kt')'. liiitiirn
or write jack rspiMiin. il 11 y
Call for Warrants.1 r
Notine it hereby given that nil
tori'd general luud warrant up to anil
inrludiiiK reiHttrd niinit)tr 612 wilt lie
pniil on preafntntioa, ami intoreat 011
eniue U1 tni (rutu tliia date.,
March 11, 1915. "
Ralph L. Joan,
.i Cuunty TrvaaitrtT,
Carload Barbed Wire.
1 . if
e have jimt received a car ol llurVtl
ami Hinrvith Wire, ('all or write-lor
prke. J. E. Stk.wbt. 8 11 it
For (lanlnn fieeitg In Tai kane anil
Bulk, Alfalfa S'fil, (ianlrn Toolnf-all
kiftdH aee J. K, Ktewarl A Co. . 3 1, 21
Keep Your Chickens off) Ijhe
' ' Street , " , . ,
The ordinance covm-hif the confine,
ment ol chicken will lie atrietlv n-
torced In the future. ' Tliie tumni
evorylKxIv. W. K. I'oi.I.ahii, i .
3-11-31 . MarHliall.'
' - -1 - f
'ju !
.line universal cam;
We Have Just Received a Full
Carload of the 1915 Model T
1 1 w
1 .
' IBU ; li I 1
l '. s ; I'
Which are now set up and ready for inspection
Get Your Car Now!
Fron. $40.00 to $60.00 rebate if there are" 300,000
. -Ford cart sold thia .year, .and nearly one-half of
that number has already been sold. Vou must get
in on thia 300,000 to get thfe rebate mentioned!
Firestone, Goodyear, United Statea
and Michelin Tires, a complete atock
' on hand. A full line of oila and gaa
A Carload , of fcDqdge and Stude
"T bakerjears now . bnrbute
I M 1 7" Mr' ; r
The Journal is Cheap at $1.50 a year
. 'f, it f ) Jf. : !
V V JjL ILA A3 ill , jAmtnmnV o
i ..
'i;,;v. U i .,:!.f;-.;v, j.r'f'c; .;. ni;- .
ies, Wire Netting, Garden
- ', . v ; . t
Tools and-Seds! A viJ
'. t 1 i
"i i
This will soon be your cryi We have anticipated your "needs and have
H just received a? complete1 stock of doultry cstiplieS iucfi !OylteShell
(( lC,rt Chrr VA f!Ur 1 VlMli VlZl
.The finest WirejNfeffinJtt;24?3b,
Rakes, Shovels, and .other garden
36, 48, 60 ahd 2 'inch heights; Hoes,
ools galore; all varieties ' of vegetable
'and flower seeds. Come in and gfet your choice while stock, is complete!
Whether you are from Missouri oi elsewhere we can show you 4hatoun
i , prices, quality and service isTecond to liione! "