Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 11, 1915, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Page' 3
Pririeville - Redmond Auto i
Stage Line
i 1 .1 .
Mail, passengers, express, baggage and
freight. Connect with all trains.
Leave Redmond each morning on arrival of Train No.
1 04, arrive Princville two hours later.
Leave Princville 3:00 p. m.
That cough by using our Whito Pine and Tar (mento!-
atcd) Cough Syrup ' I
' "Our Name Your Aiiurance of Del Qu!ity"
Exclusive NYAL Store
We are selling, out all our Stoves
Ranges and Heaters at actual cost.
will be sold at greatly reduced prices
up to February 20, 19 15
High Class Features to
Be Shown at Lyric
In compliance with numerous re
ut'HtH and in rcHponra to many In
quiries, the Lyric Theatre an
nounces thut it has contracted with
the I'arumount Pictures Corpora
tion for one program each week,
beginning Wednesday , March 24,
and continuing each Wednesday in
definitely thereafter. The. pictures
In the Paramount program, which
contents of the famous players,
Lattky and Iiosworth companies,
(the latter produces the Jack
London stories) are considered to
he positively the hlgheHt class photo
plays produced, many of them be
ing taken from the great Htage suc
cchscs from which they are named
and acted by the original stars of
tho dramatic stage.
In presenting theite pictures 'to
the public, Mr. Morgan announces
that he believes there are many
persons here who will become in
lerested in motion pictures when
they understand they wilt see some
of the greatest stage favorites of
the day in pluys which it is impos
sible to see only in large cities, and
in this connection lie has decided to
handle these attractions different,
than the regular programs shown
at the Lyric by reserving all seats
on Wednesdays so that patrons may
secure any seat they i desire and
avoid the usual rush and scramble
for choice seats. Seats for each
Paramount day will be on sale dur
ing the week preceding. . and may
be secured or reserved any time
during the day or evening.
Efforts are being made to secure
for the first program a photoplay
which played three different en
gagements at the Peoples Theatre
in Portland last year and which
will be played by the Baker Stock
Company at Portland all next week.
However, announcement will be
made later as to the first photoplay
to be shown under this arrange
ment. ' . '
Let The Journal do your printing
Free Information to the Mail Order Man!
Select watch and price in my mail order catalogue; (jive the
number clear. If you can't come, write and ask for prices and
what allowance on old watch. ' i
No lars slock of nstches to pay interest on, but order any
make of watch wanted. 18-i7.H Wallhatn P. S. It. 17 jewel, 20
year case for I13-3.'i. Ask for cheap prices.
PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler
City Meat Market
Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon
and Lard i
f Fresh Fish and Oysters 1
T Fruit. and Vegetables in Season
10 O F Oclioco Ko fl
, every TucMJuy nitdit.
StraiiKcr welcome. '
I J. Jl. (tray, Noble Grand; Pwrty K.
Smith, Vice (iranl; S G. Ilinkle, He.
icordinit Secretary : V. it. Iir.w iikl.p,
Iroaeurer. :
Ordinance Number 220
An ordinance efitltM nn Onll-
IIUIIC tl) ri'glllntK till! IjKt! ,f KtoVCM
for lii-iit I n n wntcr, ri'iiiliTlni; lard
mid tiillow, wltlilfj tint lire limit In
tint City of Princville, Oregon, de
fining wliut hIi'iII eoiiHiltute viola
tion hereof, nnil provlillng a pun
IhIiiiii'IiL therefor. - , ,
The people of the (,'lt.y,of Prlne.
Vllle, Ore,;on, do ordain as follows:
Section 1. 'That from and lifter
the taking effect of this ordinance,
all stovi-M or other hentlng ftptmr
atus, within tho fire limit, which
ure or xlmll )e used for the ptirpow-s
of hentlng water, rendering lurd,
tallow or other fatty mibMttiuceti,
and situated In the rear . rooms or
other remote place of any business
building,, and riot In the Immediate,
personal view mid control of the
proprietor or his employe, while
fire Is therein, shall be plucecl upon
a pli. tform of brick, stone, cement
or gravel at leant four Inches thick.
and mild platform shall not be less,
than five feet siiiiire, at the outer
edge of Hiihi platform there ahull be
butlt thereon a substantial wall of
brick, stone or cement to a height
eijiial to the height of fire box of
Hild Ktove or beating plant, or In
lieu thereof, a sheet Iron or sheet
tee box, of equal height, and
whether built jf brick, stone, cement
or sheet steel or sheet Iron, If de
sired, ii sheet Iron, or sheet Hteel
door limy be placed In one side of
Buhl wall, for tho convenient ue of
fuel, or wood In hmIiI stove or stoves,
Si-ctlon 2. That any person or
persmiH who ulinll violate nny of
the terms and conditions of thin or
dinance, or who hIiuII ueglcct or re
ftixe t'i comply herewith, shall he
deemed guilty of a mlHilemeanor,
and upon conviction In the record
er's court of the City of Princville,
Oregon, xliull l. fined not lens than
ten iluliiirn, nnil not more than one
hundred dollars, and pay the costs
of prow-eat Ion, urn) in default of the
payment of such line and cost, shall
be conlliied to the city Jail one day
for each two dollurs of such fine and
cost nut to exceed thirty day a,
.Section:!. Owing to the fact that
there are no ordinances governing
the use of such stoves In such places,
and tl at this ordinance Is necessary
for the Immediate preservation of
the pence, health mill safely of the
City of Princville and its inhabi
tants, and on uccount thereof nn
emergency Is hereby declared to ex
ist, and this ordinance shall there-
fort take effect from and after Its!
approval by the mayor ol said cltv. 1
Section 4 Passed bv the cltv
council this 2nd day of' March, 1915,
after the third reading
' Approved by the Mavor of said
city this 2nd day of March, 1U15.
Ciias. S. Kinv Aitns, Mayor.
Attest: E. O. Hyde, Recorder.
State of Oregon, )
County of Crook -
I. E. 0. Hyde, do hereby certify
that 1 am the duly elected, quullhed
mill lli-t Itur pit v ruinriliip lit tltuPlfv
'of r'rlnevllle, Oregon, that 1 have
compared the above Hnd foregoing
copy of ordinance with the original
thereof, that the unmo It a true and
correct copy of same and of the
whole thereof. E. 0. H vdk,
i i Recorder.
. - i i
ille Flbuir
v1 uirutT ti
mmsm vw
. '- mm 9 I rv I
hois on
Deatror aqutrrela, sophera, pratrle don, nn
Appir eariy in aanni wata tba bunirt
Wloter'a deep. Money bach
for 26 yean
rata a. rlu
r r -i 3 "I. nuvu "I, pi
peau awaka from Wloter'a deep. Money
If It ever tella. "Wood-Lark" for 26
nae aiooa every teat. It a crop Insuranoa
asalnat rodent paata. If your dealer hul l
ii. wrtttj us.
!L- &arlsc Woodward Drug Co.'
Prineville Motor Freight Co.
Daily motor truck service to and from Red
mond. Special trips. Delivery to all parts
of the city. Quick and reliable service.
Red juniper wood for sale.
Office west of Post Office.
Prineville Motor Freight Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Methodist Church
Services Sunday 11 a. m. and
7:30 p. m. i
Sunday School, 10 a. m- :
Epworth league, 0:30 p. m.
Teachers' training class, Tuesday
7::t0 p. m.V , '
Prayer Meeting. Wednesday, 7:LU)
p. in-
Choir , practice. Thursday 7:'.?0
p. m.
E. C. Newiiam. pastor.
' V H
A most popur
lar and effect
ive remedy for
breaking up a?
Satisfaction Guaranteed
' D. P? Ad'amson & Co.
Plan Your Orchard Now !
Before the Busy Days of Spring Planting
Every year we are literally swamped at planting time with
letters and phone calls asking advice , about what, when and
how to plant. Write us now for booklet of information. All
questions on these subjects carefully answered.
Thirty-Jwo Varieties of Apples
and a large assortment of all other fruits and berries grown on
dry land at Powell Butte for your selection. Varieties include
all leading kinds, as Yellow Transparent, Red Astrican, Wealthy,
, Jonathan, Winter Banana, Mcintosh Red, Rome, Beauty, Spitz
enberg, Stayman, Winesap, Wagner, Delicious, King David and
others. : Prices: Apple trees, $2.00 per dozen; $15 per 1 00; ,?
$125 per 1000. All other trees and berry plants at reasonable
figures. Carolina poplars in any quantity, 25c each in small lots. "
Lafbllette Nursery (Co.
Both Phones
Get the
0 Some of Them Would Open Anybody's Eyes
By Gross
MM! HERe,MV fbOf? MAM, I fe-y. UMELLS LONGFELLOW gAcH L A,?OOp NoGNiMCj r0 . - " HELfNWg ElE) .
I f I ' v : y
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