Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, March 11, 1915, Image 1

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NO. 16
T. ......
Grand Jury at Work Only
' -Two Day '
Peters Was Not Indicted
Jefferson County to
Remain Neutral
Only 101 Cftici on the Docket;
Half Are Left for Judge .
. i Duffy , .
Circuit court opened Monday of
thiH week for what in perhaps the
shortest term during the past half
dozen yonra. The grand jury wore:
E. K. Gillenwuter, foreman. Chiw
Boyd, Waller Ruble.-Hnrley M.
Saunders, J. R. IVst, J. W. Stanton
and John Cikhrinl.' j i '
The grand jury were at work lew
than two day, and brought Ave
true bills and one not true bill.'l
Four of the above mentioned indict-1
menu were against W. II. Meechnm1
for panning bad check, and tins fifth
charge wag brought againnst Kmil
Stulte for llie larceny , of a heifer
belonging to C. M. Elkins " Stolte
entered a plea of guilty and wan
fined t;iIO which ho gludly paid.
John T. Peters of La Pine, who
was helil to the grand jury charged
with shooting Henry Tweet, wan
not indicted.. 1 The grand jury held
that there whs no evidence other
that circumstantial and did not nee
lit to bring a true bill.
W. II. Meacham wax indicted on
four different counU by the grand
jury fof obtaining money by false
pretenses In passing checks in the
city of liend drawn upon the First
Na.ionul Hank of Royne City, Michi
gan. District Atlprney Wirtz moved
for a continuance until the next
term on the ground that to go to
trial at this time was impossible on
the part of the state without some
olliee from the Eastern bank to
testify for the slate. Judge Brad
shaw continued the case and yerter
day allowed Mcacham to go upon
his own recognizance, but Meacham
was at once rearrested by FhcrifT
Knox on two warrants held by him
issued in Wasco county and Meachum
will bo tken to Wasco county to
morrow to answer a similar charge
preferred against him there. '
The local authorities will know by
the time court convenes in Wasco
county in May whether or not it
will bo possible to get the witness
necessary to convict Moaeham. , The
process of this state is not good out
side of the state and the attendance
of witnesses from other states must
be entirely voluntary. Until . May
, Meacham will then be required to
remain it) jail at Tho -Dalles, and
after that time, if not convicted
there, may be brought back to, this
jurisdiction and': held hntil court
convenes next' September v v
. The report of the grand jury, was
one of the shortest on record, " the
only important recommendation
being'the statement that bedding In
the jail was unfit for use and should
be replaced with new. 4
The grand jurors as well as the,
remainder , of the panel , are simply
excused and not dimissod, and (ire
subject to the call of the court for
duty at any time the court, which
is Judge Bradshaw . until May ' 21,
and Judge Duffy after that dato,
sees fit to issue, a call. The more
important cases on the civil docket
are given in anotlTor column. ; ' '
Jefferson county will not bring
suit against the treasurer of Crook
county as Was contemplated for a
lime. Instead, however. District
Attorney Wirlz and District At
torney Meyers of Jefferson, have
jointly requested Attorney' General
Brown ,for his opinion in the mut
ter of payment of warrants with
the funds that, arc( being paid in
from Jefferson 'county. ' ' ' ' "'
The Jefferson county court de
cided that It woulc be improper to
commence suit at this time and that
a more friendly fanner of adjust
ing the difficulty can bo arrived at,
which no doubt will result from the
Springer, Brown, Bailey
Circuit Court Defendants
present plan.
J. M. Elliott Strikes Y
Best Gusher Yet
"J John. M. Elliott hp the best ar,
teslanVell that had yet been irillei
In the 1'rineville country. This
well i which was completed Tuesday
by Wagoner & Company threw out
a bushel' or More of boulders when
the flow was struck. Some of the
gravel wWli came up weighed two
and a half pounds. The well has a
flow of over" 21,000 gallons per hour,
and throws a stream a foot above
the casing. , llie Mow comes up.
through 247 ;fcet pf six inch pipe,
the casing extending a couple of
feet' above the surface' of the earth-
at, that point, making the strata
Containing the artesian water about
245 feet beneath the surface,
, It is estimated by those that have
seen both wells that the flow is
about five times as great as the A.
J.' Noble well which is. a wonderful
well its-lf. , l . j I t
'judged, fpringur, County Com
missioners Willis W. Brown and R.
II. Buyley are each to be defend
ants in suitB that lire to be brought
against them by District Attorney
Willard H Wirlz during' thi next
few days.
The suit against Springer and
Itrown will be of the same nature
and will be brought in the circuit
court ' as ouster proceedings, the
district attorney taking the stand
that both these gentlemen are rcsi
lenU of Jefferson county. While
this Buit has been considered for
some time it was riot definitely de
cided that suit would be taken until
yesterday when the. announcement
was given the Journal that action
wlll' bj Started during ; the next
At present, although II. J. Over
turf has been appointed and is act
ing county commissioner, Brown
has not resigned and it appears that
this ' action is necessary to reduce
the commissioners to the legal num
ber,. At the same time this suit is
brought, action will be "brought
against Judge Springer on the
grounds that he is a resident of
Jefferson county. This promises to
be an interesting contest, and the
opinion of the various attorneys
seems to be divided as' to 'ljether
these proceedings will be successful.
There seems to' be no doubt In the
minds of the attorneys, however.
of the suit
Cupid is Defendant
: In Circuit Court
Thero were seven divorce cases
on the docket in Judge Bradshaw 's
court Monday morning. The docket
in these cases this forenoon read as
follows: "
C. II. Fry vs. " Ivy -Jm. Fry, decree
granted. v
Wilhelm R E. Voight vs. Amelia
Voight, decree granted.
Dessie F. White vs Edward N.
White, murium to jn unify 'decree.
Nellie Sharp vs. Clarance S.
Sharp, case with referee.
Lavina Jones vs. G. W. Jones,
case with referee.
Lurana Wiivkle(V8. Curiam! Winkle,
Mary Menslcy vs., Ed L,,JIensley,
with referee.
a to the o'ltcorne
against Brown.
: The action against Former Com
missioner Bayley will' be of a differ
ent nature. The county court at
the March term ordered District
Attorney Wirtz to: bring suit
against l-aily for an accounting of
funds. ,
' tMr. Wurtz says that during the
last year and a half of Mr. Bailey's
term of office he was paid a lotal of
$ 30.800.GG for use on the roads on
tlje west side of the county
.There has been no accounting of
these funds and the efforts of the
court to fource an accounting from
Mr. Bailey have ss far been unsuc-J
cessful so the members of the court
have stated. , , ; , .......
It is is known however that t7,150
it the above amount was returned
ahd the warrants Were cancelled,
apd there has, been morei of the
amount partially accounted for.
The amount Mr. Wurtz thinks that
has not been accounted for is some
tl3,5i0, and this money was de
posited in the bank subject to Mr.
Bailey's check and a large amount
of it was checked out by men who
built roads under Bailey, especially
in the vicinity of Bend.'
;, Each of these actions will be
brought as civil suits in the circuit
court, and will perhaps be tried out1
In The Dalles
into effect creating
' " yt r .
x. y.w
y n
Suit Against R. H. Bailey
One of the vocal wonders of the
day is the double-voiced singer with
the California Jubilee Quartet. He
appears in a handsome gown, decol
lete, with all trimmings, and looks
very "fetching." Uis numbers are
Supervisors Eliminated
Next Meeting of the County
Court is Set for the Sixth
. of April ,
Id tlie county court ot the state of
Ongon for the county of Crook.
Belt remefti bereft that a 'regular
term of the county court! of Crook
county, mate of Oregon, was begun
ami held In the courthouse at Prlue-.
vllle, Oregon, on Wednetiday, the
third day of March, 1915,' the same
being the first Wedoexduy fa said
month and the time fixed by law for
holding a regular term of said eourt;
when were preaent at , the hour o(
10 a. m. : G. Springer, judge, pre
siding; J. F. Blanchard, H. J. Over
ttirf, commissioners." ' '
, Whereupon the following proceed
ings were had to-wltj: . , . j
tf .... .r V.n ln1..mnU t.xm ,i1u.
particulariy well adapted to hattlar catUe. bearing held on the
voice and are selections of which Ciatra ofW. E; Gberfn, agent for H.
any prima donna might be proud. G. Coghlao; for Indemnity on tuber--He
scores his biggest success in! cular cattle slaughtered under the
carrying the soprano to some of the f3 'aw- Wnp! u-0rd' w- ,E
, . t r Guerln, agent, entitled to Indemnity
mot '-difficult classics. Mr. Payne Ib the 8Um of $317 50. warrant t0 be
is advertised as the only imperson- drawn In his favor In the sum of
atorof "Black Pattie" on the pa- j 173.75.
cifii. Cnnat. nnd if the nress'is to be HearlDg held ' on the claun: of
hd itinst be' eorge U. Truesdale for Indemnity.
Circuit Court
Civil Docket
before the law goes . . , A-J J Jon tutercular cuttle slaughtered un-
;ing our judicial dis- f8r Jl U 'w 1913.' Order
papers kvc " "" H1". I (jeorge u. Troesdule entitled to in
It is no uncommon thing for this;demnlty In the Bum of 25; Order
singer to trill up and down the scale j warrant drawn In bis favor In the
o., f arrw nr J um of 12 50.
line auj vui uv.jv ovfiimvu vw
Ada R. Johns-
There wefe '' 101 cases on the granted
docket in the circuit court for con- , Madras
Stewart. At trial.
W. T. Cowran vs
ton. At issue. . :
A. J. Kreoenest v$. Bend Milling
& Warehouse Co. Confirmation
State Bank vs. C W.
eideration at this term. Sixty of, Waugh. Demur filed.
Wait for Me
Coming to rrlnovlllo soon'.' , I'lonso
wntch for mv arrival Da. Ida
Hkiikendt, Baker, Ore. 2 25 3t -
Judge Bradshaw iT"
Honored by Bar
Judge Bradshaw ' was presented
with tokens of appreciation and re
gard by members '6f, the bar last
night at the adjournment of court.
A score or more of attorr cys from
all parts of the slate who have been
before the court on various matters,
together with the court officers,
were present Jn the attorney'
rooms on the -third -.floor of the
courthouse whenrthe judge was told
by a baililt that ihe :wu wanted in
the attorney's rooms. '
Upon being ushered into the
presonce of the bar, he was pre.
sented with a box of cigars of his
favorite brand, a briar ip'e and
humidor of his favored; tobacco
The judge thankod the donors with
considerable feeling for the honor
shown him, and said thatjhe would
recall his visits, to PrinevilW with
pleasurer'- j "j)
You can find what you want in
the classified ads on page 7, :; ;
these cases were either settled out'
of court, settled and dismissed
after action was started. -or con
tinued for the terra. Of the .re
maining forty we gjve a,f litit of
thsa cases that' haveibeeii settled
by trial or are now pending.,
H. W. Carlin vs'. Fred and T.: E.
Stroud. Order to sell v attached
property. .
E. 0. King vs. Cecil Wo'.fer. At
issue. ,
W. C.' Barnes vs. Mary Olive
Black Butte Land ' & Livestock
Co. vs. A. R. Wilson. Default and
Wilber A. Stevens vs. J. O. Han
sen. - Default and decree.
Crook County vs. R. E. Alexan
der. ' Default ahd decree. '
. Harrison Latham vs. G. M. Cor
oett.. Non-suit granted. . ,
Portland Mercantile Union vs
Charles O. Tollard.: Case pending.
I C. Combest vs. Alexander Hamil
i Continued on pag 8
Order requesting Fred, A. RIcp,
former surveyor for Crook county,
to furolshall hl ortgtual field notes
on surveys of ,couuty roads to the
county for the bent-fit of the present
surveyor In checking road records.
In the matter of county roads."
Petition to open L. S. Rlckard road
denied for lack of funds. .: :.
Kedmond-Powell Butte county;
road. County , surveyor Instructed
to survey and prepare a proper map
Elmer Douglas of Imperial was J A the t"t.-pract!eal route from
Butte, for the establishment, of a
county road. . .
C. J. Sundqulnt road. Hearing
start a piece in one of his voices
and finish it in the other. People
can't do him justice in telling you
of his qualities. You must hear
and see for yourself. ,
Rabid Coyote
Bites Imperial Boy
bitten by a rabid coyote while chop
ping wood at his home Friday.
He killed the brute with his axe
and started for Portland at once continued until May 5th, 1915. Proper
taking the head with him.
receiving pastuer treatment.
He is
I eslie PriJay has been in the tily
during the week attending court.
rftrt'rfe t .........
' 'f
' ' Cssart In
New York Sun.
notices ordered gtve'n of said hem-fug.
: C. V. Barto county road. Viewers
ordered. out on p. V. Barto road on
- day of , 1915.. H. J.. Over
turf aud It. B. Gould appointed
viewers lor said road. ' '
In the matter of the' vacation of
Hampton Butte Townsite. i Petition
of the Oregon. Central Improvement
Comparator the vacation of Hamp
ton Butte Townsite denied , no cer
tificate having 'been filed showing
payment of taxes, nor a proper map
as required by law. j : .
. Order warrant drown In the sum
of $50 lu fuvor of C. J. Siindqulpt for
work done lu opening C. J. Suud-
qult county road. overseers of county road.
It was a Breed that J. F. Blauchnrd
hIiouUI have supervlxlon of road dis
tricts Nob. 44, 7, 25, 3G, 13, 24, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 37.
H. J. Overtuif should have general
supervision over road districts Nob.
12, 28,40,39,32,! 47 41, 40, 5, 35,27,
43, 34. .: i.4 . '
On account 'pf-: this arrangement
the followlug petitions for appolut-
meuts as . road " supervisors . were
denied: h. C. Yoong and Cole E.
Smith ' for 'district' No. 12, John
Peters for , district ' !Vo.' 47, K. Ft.
Madsen for district No. 39 and ttL
L.'Thur8ton for district No. 39... ,
Court convened, this 'fourth day of
March, 1915, at the hour of 8:30 a. m.
Same offiuers present a yesterday.
I the miittbr of county roads.
Petition or R. King et al for the
establishment of a county road'.
Opinion of district attorney showed
luck of jurisdiction In court.
C. E. McDowell county road.
Resolution adopted directing county
surveyor to make preliminary sur
vey on C'E. McDowell county, road.
S. V. Hardin, No. 2., Resolution
adopted directlug county surveyor
Continued ou puge 8