Page 12 CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL John B. Goddard 13 to 18 84 Inknown 21-22 S4 George Humpert 27 to 29 84 Vnknown 30 to S2 84 Unknown 6 to 14 85 Vnknown 19 to 24 85 Vnknown 27-2S 85 Vnknown 6 to 16 86 ElUnbeth Dodrldge 20-21 86 R A. Oder 22-23 86 Vnknown 1-2 87 Vnknown 5 to 10 87 Allen Peterson . .11-12 87 Vnknown 13-14 87 Crook County Inv. Co. 18-19 87 Hugh Peckham . 27-28 87 Crook County Inv. Co. 6 to 8 SS Crook County Inv. Co. 17 to 20 SS Andrew Vanderhall 23-24 SS Crook County Inv. Co. .ltol6 89 Marie S. Cameron 31-32 S9 Crook County Inv. Co. , ,..nll 90 M. F. Mellen .13 to 16 91 Crook County Inv. Co. 1-2 92 I.etta Russo T-8 92 Crook County Inv. Co. 25 to 32 92 E.'a' Cleland 6-7 93 Vnknown 13-14 93 Crook County Inv. Co. 17 to 20 93 James Smith .... 21-22 93 Crook County Inv. Co. 3 93 A.'L' Kent '-28 93 Crook County Inv. Co. 6 to 8 93 n. M. Moore 9-10 94 Crook County Inv. Co. 15 to 20 94 Vnknown ....23-24-25 94 Chas. H. Stewart . .4-5 93 p. A. Mevers 6-7 95 Vnknown ....12-13-14 95 Frank G. Quimby 15-16 9a J. K. Turner 17-18 9o Vnknown 19-20 9a Ada E. Soule . ..21-22 95 0. E. Willey 23-2 4 95 Vnknown 23 to 27 95 Vnknown 2-3 96 Herman Erlich . .10-11 96 Josephine R. Horton 14-15-16 96 Vnknown 18-19 96 Vnknown 1 to 9 99 Vnknown a" 10 James H. Smith . .1-2-3 102 James H. Smith. .5 to 8 102 Ceo. C. Engelke 9 to 15 102 Lewis S. Winters 19 to 30 102 Geo. H. Herriott 2 to 6 103 Geo. C. Engelke 11 to 15 103 Vnknown ....16 to 29 103 H. Benjamin ...30-32 103 Milton Y. Werchkul 1 to 4 104 Vnknown 6-7 104 Vnknown 13 to 16 104 Vnknown 19 to 25 104 Claud E. Ford 29 to 32 104 John B. Goddard 2 to 6 105 Crook County Inv. Co. 7-8-9 105 Crook County Inv. Co. 15-16 10a Crook County Inv. Co. 19 to 22 10a Crook County Inv. Co. 27-28 105 C. Kniidtson29 to 32 105 Vnknown lto28 106 Crook County Inv. Co. all 107 Crook County Inv. Co. 1 to 10 110 Crook County Inv. Co. 13-14-15 110 Crook County Inv. Co. 21-22 110 Crook County Inv. Co. 25 to 32 110 Vnknown 1 to 21 111 W. A. Pickett 22-23-24 111 Crook County Inv. Co. .29 to 30 111 Crook County Inv. Co. -.6 to 11 112 Crook County Inv. Co. 22 to 30 112 S. R Kidder 1-2 113 Vnknown 6-7-8 113 Vnknown 11-12 113 Mrs. A. C. Sears. 15-16 113 Crook County Inv. Co. 17 to 25 113 A. W. Morey . . .1 to 16 114 Vnknown 26 to 29 114 John B. Goddard 1 to 4 ... Hans Terkelson ...5-6 115 John B. Goddard .7-10 115 C. L. Burton .16-17-18 115 Chas. Hardwick 19 to 24 115 John B. Goddard 25 to 30 115 Mrs. Sirene Bue . 1 to 4 116 Ceo. H. Herriott 6 to 8 116 Stella Potts . . .9 to 11 116 Maynard R. Weaver 12 to 14 116 A. C. Sears 15-16 116 Mrs. Sirene Bue 17 to 32 116 1. ee Flenner .11 to 18 117 Vnknown 10-11 118 Elfried R. Shroeder 12-13 118 Edith L. Deardorf v 9 to 30 119 Frank L. Moody .31-32 119 Vlnnie P. Brady 2 to 21 120 E. E. Simpson . . .31-32 121 Crook County Inv. Co. 1 to 7 122 Crook County Inv. Co. 10 to 12 122 Vnknown 20 to 23 122 Gust Ballo 24-25 122 Vnknown 27-28 122 G. W. Wilson .. .31-32 122 Crook County Inv. Co. 1 to 11 123 Geo. Taylor . .12 to 15 123 Crook County Inv. Co. 17-18 123 M. W. & J. R. Parker 25-26 123 Crook County Inv. Co. .1 to 7 124 C. C. Cooper 8-9 124 Crook County Inv. Co. 10 to 1C 124 Crook County Inv. Co. 21 to 23 124 Crook County Inv. Co. 28 to 32 124 Crook County Inv. Co. 1 to 16 125 John Helfincli .17 to 20 125 Crook County Inv. Co. 3.36 21 125 1.68 Vnknown 22 125 ( rook County Inv. Co. 2.52 1 to 3 12S 2.52 Richard E. Gala 4 to 6 128 7.56 Crook County Inv. Co. 5.04 7 to 10 12S 1.68 Y. E. Thlelvoldt 9.24 11 to 16 12S M.'S. Geo. O'N'etl 1.6S 17 to 20 12S 1.6S Miss Augusta Hegardt 1.6S 21-22 12S 6-04 Crook County Inv. Co. 1.68 23 to 32 12S 1.68 Crook County Inv. Co. 1 to 16 129 1-68 Norma Gail Taylor 3.36 17 to 19 129 Crook County Inv. Co. 2.52 20 to 22 129 Vnknown .. 2 4-25 129 S.36 Mat tie Ileatlumui ..26 129 Mrs. Goo. O'Neil . . .29 129 3- 52 Ai H. Ksterhennett .30 129 Mrs. Geo. O'Neil . . .31 129 13.44 CWi O Neil 32 129 1.6S c'took County Inv. Co. 1 to 4 130 26 88 Crook county Inv. Co. 3.3b 6 to 16 130 Crook County Inv. Co. 1-68 IS to 25 130 1-6S Vnknown 30 to 32 130 Chas. S. Clute and wlfo 6"2 4-5 131 : Crook County Inv. Co. 1-68 6 to 11 131 F. L. Williams . .17-18 131 Crook County Inv. Co. 1-63 22 to 23.131 W. D. Robertson 2S-29 131 J-r ConstanceB. Cockrnn 1-26 30-31 131 rn Crook County Inv. Co. 2 f2 i t0 3 132 168 E. F. Doolittle . .5 to 8 132 . n, Nick Gast 10-11 133 Crook County Inv. Co. 2 H 12 to 22 132 ll Chas. Carlberg ..29-30 132 III Crook County Inv. Co. 21-32 1J2 I'll J. N. Maule ...1 to 10 133 ill Anna M. Root 18 to 29 134 i ll Chas. B. Harmon 31-33 134 i ll Vnknown 3-4 134 I II Geo. Hamilton 5 135 Vnknown 6-7-8 135 i ll Vnknown .. ..11 to 18 135 lb8 Geo. Innker ...1 to 18 136 G. J. Larson all 137 r ?X Peter H. Anderson I II 1 to 7 138 ,i S A. W. Morey ...8 to 16 138 Peter H. Anderson IH 23 to 32 138 I'll Z. Harper 5 to 12 139 6 88 Z. Harper 17 to 27 139 ne Vnknown 28 to 32 139 Z. Harper 5 to 12 140 James II. Smith . ,0 ' 13 to 20 140 e Z. Harper ....21 to 32 140 "25 Z. Harper 1 to 4 141 Z. Harper 6 to 14 141 , Z. Harper 17 to 21 141 , F. N. Taylor ... 22-23 141 1 11 Rolph Taylor . . .25-26 141 I II Z. Harper 27 to 32 141 2.5 Z. Harper 2 142 l ln Z. Harper 4 to 10 142 4- y W.E.Johnson ..11-12 142 Z. Harper 17 to 32 142 XV. A. Pickett . .1 to 16 143 , ee Z. Harper 17 to 19 143 l bs Z. Harper all 144 , Eva L. Swank all 145 3 ,5t Z. Harper all 146 , Terrebonne Co. Creamery H Co 1 147 it Z. Harper all 148 Fred W. Germain 4 to 7 149 ,c sa Z. Harper 8 to 16 149 w T Emerson 18 t0 20 149 a ln Z. Harper 1 to 12 150 8-4U J. Berg 13 to 16 150 , Z. Harper 18 to 22 150 M. F. Mellen . .23 to 32 150 . James H. Smith .1 to 4 151 J S Vnknown 5-6 151 , Crook County Inv. Co. lt 7 to 32 151 ! ,g Geo. Innker all 152 "' Geo. Innker all 153 . Crook County Inv. Co. -a" all 156 r ft j Crook County Inv. Co. 504 all 157 n ce Crook County Inv. Co. all 158 i 52 Z. Harper all 159 j'gg Crook County Inv. Co. .'.g nil 160 1 Eva L. Swank .1 to 12 161 , Geo. I. Brooks 17 to 26 161 .. Ij Eva L. Swank .. .31-32 161 V Eva L. Swank .1 to 16 162 3 35 Eva I,. Swank .19 to 32 162 l'gg Vnknown . all 163 3 36 Unknown a" ,'ro Vnknown all 163 Harper 1 to 5 166 K n, A. V. Hedstrom .6-7-8 166 6-u Z. Harper 9 to 13 166 r 04 S. Norval 14-15 166 i'oe Crook County Inv. Co. 2 52 811 167 Crook County Inv. Co. i"i all 168 , Vnknown all 169 , Crook County Inv. Co. 1-68 all 169 . t , Crook County Inv. Co. "'2 all 171 ,'ie Crook County Inv. Co. ltj! all 172 . eo Eugene Nelson ....all 174 J U8 E. C. Whitney . . 1 to 9 175 1(! ,s E. C. Whitney 12 to 32 175 W. F. Burrows . . 1 to 4 176 ir sa w- Burrows .7 to 26 176 1 68 Fre' W 0erman 1 t0 8 177 Susie fcockwood , fia 11 to 13 177 5'S8 Unknown 14 to 20 177 - , Fred W. German l 21 to 26 177 ,P8 Eva L. Swank all 178 ll Harper. i ll Vnknown 1 to 10 1 l b8 Vnknown 15 to 26 1 n 9i Vnknown 3-4 2 Vnknown 8 to 24 2 i o Vnknown $ all 3 - Vnknown . t all 4 l b8 Unknown 2 to 5 5 , Unknown 7 to 26 6 l b8 Unknown 1 to 12 6 . Unknown 14-15 6 L'a Unknown 18 to 26 6 l bs Unknown 1 to 5 7 r . Unknown 8 to 16 7 "h Unknown 3 to 16 8 r. Unknown 1 to 14 9 i-oi unknown 1 to 6 10 . Unknown 8 to 14 10 Unknown 1 to 7 11 Urknown 9 to 16 11 1.5.44 renown nli 12 8.82 Unknown 1 to 6 13 Unknown 8 to 16 13 1.26 li:kmvn all 14 1.26 i i. known 1 to 4 15 Unknown 6 to 14 15 2.53 llnmplou Unite. 2.52 Vnknown all o( Blocks 1 to 63 lno 4.20 Imperial Oilliinl. Imperial Towuslle Co. 13.4 4 3 to 22 1 Imperial Townsite Co. 4.40 1 to 8 S Imperial Townslto Co. 1.68 16-17 2 Imperial Townslto Co. 8.40 1-2-3 3 Imperial Townsite Co. 13.44 10-11 3 Imperial Townsite Co. 47.04 15 to IS 3 Imperial Townsite Co. 2.52 1 to 12 4 2.10 Imperial Townsite Co. f.88 14-15-16 4 126 Imperial Towusito Co. 1.26 19-20 4 1-26 Imperial Townslto Co. 43.68 ltol2 5 Imperial Townsite Co. 4.20 9 to 12 6 Imperial Townsite Co. 10. 05 IS to 20 6 Imperial Townslto Co. 6 72 11-12 7 2.52 Imperial Townsite Co. 14-15 7 1.68 V. It. E. Volght 1 8 Allen S. Simmons ... 2 8 5.04 Joseph Bixby 6-7-8 8 1.68 imperial Townsite Co. 15-16 8 1-68 A. Mostal 17-18 8 168 Vnknown 7-8 Vnknown 11-13 9 1.6S Mrs. Gertie Hunter 13 to 15 9 2.52 Vnknown 6 to 10 10 3.36 unknown 15 to 18 10 1.68 Bert A. Lawrence 19-20 10 L. B. Sikworth 4-5 11 9 24 Unknown 10 to 20 11 1-68 Unknown 1 to 3 13 Vnknown 17-18 12 1.68 Vnknown 5-6-7 13 8.4 0 unknown 1 to 3 14 10.08 Vnknown 6 to 8 14 1-68 unknown 18-19 14 1-68 unknown 1-2 15 84 Unknown 9 to 14 15 2.52 unknown 19-20 15 6 72 unknown 7 to 10 16 15.12 unknovwi 13-14 1 26.88 unknown 1-2-3 17 Unknown 9 to 13 17 5- 8S unknown 19-20 17 7- 56 unknown 1-2-3 18 Unknown 11-16 18 8- 40 unknown 24-23 18 6 72 Unknown 12-13-14 19 9 24 Imperial First Addition 4 20 unknown 21 to 24 19 6.72 unknown all 20 Vnknown 2 to 5 21 6- 72 unknown all 22 10 08 unknown all 23 3 36 i nknown all 24 7- 56 Unknown all 25 4-20 unknown 1 to 4 26 1-68 Vnknown 6-7 2 6 168 renown 9-10 26 6 04 i nknown 13-14 26 1- 26 Unknown 17 to 20 26 6- 7 2 unknown all 27 28.66 Mrg. M. Landenklos 13.44 5 to 8 28 23.10 unknown 9-10 28 2- 52 Unknown 13 to 16 28 2-62 Vnknown 6 to 10 29 16.80 Unknown 12 to 16 29 - 5.88 vnknown 3 to 7 30 Unknown 9 to 20 30 13.90 Unknown all 31 2- 52 vnknown 1-2 32 3- 36 Vnknown 5 to 20 32 7- 56 unknown bII 33 2- 52 unknown 6 to 20 34 10.08 unknown 2 to 5 85 8 86 Vnknown 9 to 12 85 -20 vnknown 14 to 16 35 8- 40 Joseph Bixby .17 to 20 35 3- 36 vnknown all 36 1-68 Vnknown all 37 , Unknown 1 to 16 38 21-84 unknown 18 to 20 38 3318 unknown all 39 15- 12 Sherman Montgomery 1 to 6 40 14 28 Unknown 7 to 10 40 Vnknown all 41 8 Vnknown all 42 , Unknown all 43 8 4 La 1'Ine Original. 9- 24 Vnknown 2 to 9 16 , . Vnknown 16-17 16 26.88 Chas. E. Barron ... 8-9 26 10.08 w F Rohrbacker 8.40 14 to 16 26 I-68 J. N. Masten .19 to 22 27 13-44 Vnknown 33-34 27 10 4 E. L. Clark 35-36 27 26.88 nerman e. Budsal 26.88 n.12 28 2-88 Ira M. Cook 31-32 32 4 20 J. N. Masten 26-27 33 2 2 Eugenia M. Pratt ..30 33 4- j0 j. c. Coekerham ..1-2 34 1- 68 Mary L-. Bergeron 14-15 34 Jm Vine First Addition. 84 Unknown 17-18 15 Lalilliiw. 13.44 F E Dayton . . .11-12 1 7.56 j-rnnk Murk 5 2 Vnknown 7-8 3 7- "6 W. D. Barnes 5 4 ... . , -Vnknown 1-2 5 Vnknown 11-12 5 Vnknown 7-8 6 13-44 Chas. I'inkham 9 6 26.88 unknown 3-4 9 Vnknown 15 14 17.64 Davison 23-24 14 0 06 unknown 4 17 16- 80 Unknown 13 to 16 18 6-72 Unknown 20 to 29 19 Geo. & Jesslo Fisher 2- &2 23-24 19 5- 88 Unknown 3 20 Unknown 6 20 5- 04 W. D. Barnes ...11-12 20 26.88 xinknown 23 20 Unknown 24 20 "-20 Unknown 1-2 26 6- 24 Unknown ' 1-2 37 14 Unknown 2-3 46 8- 84 unknown 1 to 10 55 12-04 Unknown 3-4-5 68 12-04 Lanionta. I-56 Unknown 1 to 4 1 10.40 Unknown 9 to 12 1 6.24 Unknown 1 to 6 2 104 Unknown 8 to 12 2 4 68 Unknown 1 to 4 3 2.60 Unknown 9 to 12 3 4 68 Unknown all 4 7.28 Unknown all 5 7.28 Unknown 2 to 12 6 3.12 Unknown nil 7 3. 64 Unknown .all 8 3 64 Unknown oil of blocks 4.16 9 to 12 Inc. 8.32 Unknown 5 to 12 13 3.12 Unknown 1-2-3 14 4.68 Unknown 7 to 12 14 3.12 8.32 Unknown nil or blocks 2. OS 15 to 19 Inc. 31.20 4. OS Unknown 1 to 6 20 3.12 it know n .... 10 to 12 20 1.56 Unknown nil of blocks (131.33 21 to 2 I Inc. 24.90 (iittewny. William Blair .7 to 16 2 7.30 17 GO William Blair nil 3-4 27.74 W. II. King 15-16 1.48 7 04 W. II. King ..22 to 28 6 2.55 W.H.King... 8-4 7 .73 176 Unknown 6-6-7-8 7 1.46 William Bliilr . .9 to 16 7 5.84 2 C 4 William Blair 25 to 32 7 5.8 1 Wlll'nm Hlatr nil 8-9-10 52.57 1 76 W. II. King 1 to 19 11 6.9 I W. II. King ... 1 to 23 12 8.39 3 52 W. II. King ... .4 to 7 VI 146 W. It, King . . 10 lo 16 13 5.11 10 56 William Blair 21 to 21 VI 2.93 William lllalr . .all H-13-KI 3S.69 ' 61 William II. King . .nil 17-18-19 18.25 William II. King . 1-2-3 20 1.16 176 William Blair ..5 to S 20 2.92 V. II. King . . .9-10-11 20 1.45 10 56 William Blair 12 to 16 20 3.65 William Blair .. .all 21-22-23 27.01 3 52 W. II. King nil 24 7.67 W. II. King .... 1 to 8 23 5.84 2 6 1 William Bliilr all 26 15.33 I'liullnji Original. 1 76 I.. M. Miller & Co. .1-2 1 211 G.v.i. Holm 1 to 4 2 22.4 4 1 76 Garden & McKenzIo r,';s 2 to 6 4 6.77 a'Jjl AIimIiiiI Addition. 0 64 Paulina Hall Association parcel 687x120 In Sec. 1 7fl 31. Twp. lfi-2.1 30.69 176 I.ll'le M. Miller purcci l'7t) 50SS In 3l-t6-23 . . 16.99 , -6 lVtiyvlllo. Unknown all blocks 1-2-3 29.52 o g 1 Holier! Original. J'.,, .1. V.. Roberts 1-2 1 1.24 n r. 2 J. 10. Roberts 1-3 4 1.24 17 E B.KNOX'. Sheriff Crook' County, Ornon. 9.6S 2.64 1.76 2.64 2.6 4 2.64 1.76 1.76 5.2S . 1.76 3.52 1.76 2.64 4.40 1.76 2.64 5.2S 1.76 2.64 3.52 4.40 3.52 4.40 4.40 21.12 17.60 3.52 1.76 1.76 1.76 3.52 17.60 3.52 1.76 3.52 4.40 4.40 4.40 10.56 17.60 1.76 14.08 17.60 13.20 3.52 3.52 2.64 3.52 17.60 17.60 14.08 2.64 17.60 11.88 4.40 8.80 8.80 8.80 4.96 1.24 2.02 1.86 14.88 1.24 21.70 1.24 1.24 15.60 1.55 2.64 1.24 1.24 1.98 1.32 1.32 12.21 1.32 1.32 1.32 3.13 3.80 1.16 7.43 1.48 2.64 3.46 14.03 1.16 1.15 7.10 1.16 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 G.60 1.98 48.88 2.08 3.12 2.60 2.08 2.08 6.24 6.24 5.20 6.24 6.24 24.96 4.16 1.56 MllllllKlllS. In the circuit court ot the state ol Ore- gou (or Crook county. A. S. liautugartner, Plaintiff, v. J. II. Puluier and lUOle Palmer, la is wife: George T. Poteol and Hannah M. 1'otect, hit wile, ami J. liuinu- gartuer, llefeudauti). To J. 11. Palmer and llvlle Palmer, defendant! abuve nmned: la the name of (he xtnte of Oregon you ar ber by rriiireil tu appear and aimwer the complaint lilal againat yon in the above entitled court and cauae on or Mure March 1, 1915, and il you fail to answer foi want then-of, tue plaintiff will apply to the omrt fur the relief prayed for in her complaint, to wit: That plaintiff recover judgment againnt you and each of you for the itini of f .WO Oil together ith interest thereon from and after Aug 2)1, 19l:l,at the rate of ten per cent per annum until paid, and lor the further sum of $50.00 special at torney's fees, and for the cuets and dii hiirseineiits of this mil; and thai the mortgage doxcrthed in plaiuti i 0 com plaint lie forucloned and I tie said niorl ganed premises lie sold to satify said judgment, and that plainiifl may have judgment and execution agsimt you and each of you for any deficiency which may remain after applying all of the proceeds of the sale of said preiniwB irorly applicable to the latisfaction of raiil judgment. This numiuons is tervel upon vou by publication in the Crook County Journal by order of Hon. W. L. Bradchaw, judge of the above named court, dated Itecember 28, 11U4; the first publication to be on January 14, 1915, and last pub lication on February 2.", 1915. Jas. G. IIkltzkl. Attorney for Plaintiff. Notict of Final Settlement Notice la hereby given liy J. II, IloKciibcrj;, the aliiilnlHlnitor of the PHtnte of Wllllnm Smith, cleeeiuied, that he Iihm innde nnd riled with the clerk of the county court hla final accounting of hla administration of aald eatntf, anil that the court hurt set Monday, the first day of March, 1915, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon at the county court room In Prlnevllle, Oregon, hm the time and place for hearing and fettling aald final 11c. counting. At which time and place, any person Interested In said estate may appear and object to Maid final accounting. Dated this 21t day of Jan., 1915. J 11. ItOHKNHKIKS, Administrator of the estate of William Smith, deceawed. SATURDAY, FEB. 20th 18th EPISODE OF The Perils of Pauline You have seen l'miline in nil manner (if trilp, liftllootn, ImatH, areoplahi'H, automoliili'n, etc. Tim climax of thrill Is tfliown In her encase (rum n Sunken and Disabled Submarine by being shot through the torpedo tube lo the mirfuco. SEE THIS NUMBER. MATINEE 2:30 P. M. EVENING 7:30 15c LYRIC THEATRE 15c m si, I Icilo! Say, do you know the Pilot Butte Telephone Company hns more miles of line and a larger num ber of subscribers than any other telephone company in Crook county and nt cheaper rates? Telegraph connection is made at Red mond with all outside points. Main office Prine ville, Oregon. mm A BANK BOOK overtopa almost everything in importance in huslnesa life. It meant freedom from worry, freedom from disputes about payments, better standing with thore with whom you do business. We shall be glnd to have your account And you will be glad to have one here after you learn its advantages. The First National Bank Of Prineville, Oregon. Th Oldaet Bank In Central Oagon Capital, Surplus and 1'ndivided Profits, $150,000.00 Wood Sawing. Although it has been rumored (hat I am poing to quit sawing wood, I am now better prepaired than ever to for that work. Ix-ave orders at L. Kuinstra'e store or phone orders to Dr. Fox. l-21-l f Maiitin Kamstba. California Expositions BEND $36.10 San Francisco and return San Diego t C Q 1 A and return u)0O 1 V Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. AND CONNHCTIONS Liberal Stopover Privileges fur full Inlonimtlan, ilckuu etc., unit A. C. EGAN, D. F. & P. A , Bend First bale Date FEB. 20 1915 Buicks The Primier Cart for the New Year Come in and see two of the the latest cars now on display at our garage. All the latest improvements. Huff -Noble Auto Co. PRINEVILLE OREGON PRINEVILLE MEAT MARKET HALL & DAVENPORT Proprietors Our cold storage plant enables us to keep a full line of fresh meats in perfect condition. Fruits and vege tables. Give us a trial. Prineville - Redmond Auto Stage Line JOHN E. HUNSAKER, Prop. Mail, passengers, express, baggage and freight. Connect with all trains. Leave Redmond each morning on arrival of Train No. 104, arrive Prineville two hours later. Leave Prineville 3:00 p. m.