CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Pa sre 5 OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GEHEMIIHTEEEST Events Occurring Throughout tho State During the Past Week. Members Alleged Dandlt Oing Cnught The dalle, Willi the apprehension of Mm. Ilcrtlin Mi(iiifrm-y mid Himhcs Moore, alius J. 11. Fox, In till city, It U believed that two iniiinber of one (if thu most desperate miiiln of high waymen tlmt ever operated In thu northwest were raptured. Then nml two others are chitrK'td with tho shooting of MkIiI AK'-iit Trlmlili when the Northern Pacific latlitn at Wapstn was rub ln 1 Jutiuary 50. Trimble wits left uiicuiinoIou ly the robbers anil wns believed to he Irail. Ho recovered. Two streetcar holdups, two slorc robberies unit sev rrul holdups of persona lit North Vak Itini, besides other crimes, art) lulil to those urri'ilin). Nvy Electric Line Plnnned. Klamath Ktilla. An uleclrlrally op erated railroad la holms planned from ICun-ka, Cat,, up tho count to Requa ami thence up tho Klamath river to thl city !)' tho lllll (jiiKKoiihliu I" InrfHtH, acciirillng to the report of I). W, liiuimui, president of thu 1'iircka Development association. Tim lino will connect at thin city with tlm lllll transcontinental lines. It In alno pro posed to make Humboldt Hay tlx' home port of a line of steamers to ply to tho Orient. Jacks Threaten Prosperity of Lake. Hllvcr .alio. Jitck rabbit have he cumn Much a meiuire to tho fannlim Industry of I.nke county tlmt tho anrl cultural department bin sent an ex pert to Hllver Lake valley to Invest! Knte tbo possibility of exteruilliallnK tho anliuata. Uabblta destroyed more than two thlrda of tho crop Brown or sprouted In tho desert country hist summer. HOPGROWERS PROGRESSING Removal of Headquarters From Sheri dan to Salem Authorized. Salem. Tho Oregon Hop Growers' association held a meeting hero, and the fotitmlttoo which h been selling atock In tho association reported that It hail disposed of $70,000 In atock, leaving tso.ouo of the proponed Issue to dispose of. They hope to clear up the work before a ureal whllo. Over 600 hopurowera have signed with the organization. Letter from Washington and California told of gratifying progress being made In the formation of associations there. Governor Wllhyconibo add reused the hop grower and spoke oncnuraglndy, It wna decided to move tho heiuliiniir tera of tho organization from Sherlditn to Snlein. At a meeting of the hoard of din-dor a finance commllt-e, com pliant of M. S. Junes of Salem, J. K. fnrlwrlght of lliirrlsburg and II. I). Fleti her of Independence, vus numed. "Amphibian" of North Bend, Invented MtirshfleM.- V. ('. Curst, of North Ileiid, hns lnvcnled what ho terms an amphibian. The machine travels on land or water. A dcnioiiKtriitlun show cd tho freak la cupablo of milking "j iiiIIch an hour on laud uud 15 on tho water. Tho base Ih a lliipniobllo frame with whcelH. In tho rear la mounted an 80-hoi-nepower aeroplauo engine. The inolivo power I gained through un aeropliiuo propeller, The machine carries two wooden pontoons between tho wheels. New County Boundary Line Dealred. HoHchurg. According to an agree ment between offlclnli of Jackson, Jo icphlno and Douglas counties, Asses sor CulkluH, of KoHoburg, Is fixing a new boundary line between these counties, As goon as the lino 1b drawn defin itely the state legislature wilt be asked to pass a bill adopting It as tho legal southern boundary of Douglas county. The present boundary Is Indoflnlto and has caused officials of tho throe counties considerable trouble. Two New Roads Opened. Oregon City. Two electric rail roads, both completed within the last week, ran tholr first trains Into Ore gon City Saturday. Tlio Willamette Volley Southern, bo tweon Mount Angel and Oregon City, Is considered one of tho bost eloctrle lines In tho atato. Tho other, an ex tension of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern, connects the paper and pulp mills here with Oswego. Baker Schools Crowded. Bilker. Immediate construction of a new school building Is doclarod by City Superintendent Strange to be an ubHolute necessity. The oponlng of a new school term has brought so many now pupils Into tho schools that tho already over-crowded condition has be come what Mr. Strange terms "impos sible," . . COUNT VGN BOHLEN W ii V 7 SI Count von Bohlen, head of the great Krupp gun works, makers of artillery for the German army. APPROVE CONVENTION PLAN Proposal of National Committee Fa vored by States. Washington. Secretary Jumes I). I! noliln, of the republican national committee, announced that tho new plan of representation In the next re publican national convention, propon ed by tho republican national commit tee, had been approved by state rep resenting; 2'J0 electoral vote some 25 more than neceanary under the condi tion made by the national committee and will be put In effect when tho committee merta to arrange for the next national convention. Tho slate that formally ratified thla plan and tho electoral votes that they represent are a follows: Arkannas 9, CaUfornla IS, Colorado 8, Connecticut 7, Iduho 4. Illinois 2'.), Indiana 15, Maine 6, Mnnnachiinetts 18, Michigan la, Missouri 18, New Jersey H, New York 45, North Carolina 12, South Carolina 9, Tenuecsee 12, Ver mont 4, Wuahlngtou 7, West Virginia 8. There were. In addition to those, several slates which were In favor of the plan but which bold no state con vention during 1914. Inventor's Fight Won. WaHhlngton. Albert S. Janln, a Journeyman mechanic of New York, ha won an Important contest over an aviation patent In which tho rival claimant was Glenn 11. Curtlas. He has been virtually declared the Inven tor of the hydroaeroplane. MEXICO CITY HELD ' BY CARRANZA CHIEF Washington. IScuernl Ohregon Is ruling at Mexico City In the name of (ieiiernl Carraiua, first chief of the connlllutiiinallHt.1, w ho is at Vera Cruz. General Villa is at Aguas Calientes, General Zapata nt Cuernavaca and the whereabouts of lUiquo Gonzales Garza and Kulallo Gutierrez, lately succes sively In charge of the executive pow or In Mexico City, are unknown. This Is the geographical distribution of tho various chiefs In Mexico, bIiowii In advices to the state department. Three distinct movements Independ ent of each other are In the field with forces of varying magnitude. General Curranza, at the head of a largo part of the original constitution alist forces, will remain at Vera Cruz, which, it is understood, will continue as capital of his government, notwith standing the occupation of Mexico City by General Obregon's men. The forces of General Zapata men aco the line of communication be tween Vera Cruz and Mexico City, They are still said to be working In harmony with the Villa forces under the authority of tho convention gov ernment. THE MARKETS. Portland. Wheat Club, f 1.44; bluestem $1.48; red Ilusslnn, $1.37; forty-fold, $1.46; red fife, $1.40. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $1G; jraln hay, $12; alfalfa $13; valley tim othy, $13. Butter Creamery, 32o. Eggs Ranch, 30c; candled, 32c. Hops 1914 crop, 13c; 1913 crop, nominal. Wool Valloy, 18c; eastern Oregon, 20c. Seattle. Wheat Bluestem, $1.47; club $1.45; red Russian, $1.37; turkoy red, $1.42; forty-fold, $1.4G; fife, $1.40. Barley $33 per ton. Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; alfalfa, $14 per ton. Butter Creamery, 33o. Efgs ;s 31o. ' I I -A v. A . 'i) CHIEF NEWS OF OREGON A;iirox!iiiioly IIM.MO was spent by liouglHs county in building roads and erecting bridges during the year 1914. The entire cent of the Tunittlo Irri gation project was $447,795.70, accord ing to the report to tho desert land board, submitted by l'rojuct Engineer Iaiirganrd. A four-week course In scientific g rlcullure and home economics, tt:e first, of lis kind In the state, was be gun Monday at tho Harney county hli'.h school In Burns, According to a compilation of the tuts) highway engineer tho expendi tures in Oregon for roads and bridge from 1903 to October 1, 1914, were ap proximately $22,000,000. Senator Chamberlain Is advised by the treasury department that the drawing are completed for the Pen dleton postofflce, and bids were ad vertised for February 1. Tho construction of the Willamette Pacific bridge across Coos Bay has progressed so that the engineers pre dict Its completion by summer If no unseen difficulties arise. The ninth annual convention of the Oregon Retail Merchants' association will be held In Portland February 15, 16 and 17, when an attendance of more than 1000 merchant from every section of the slate is expected. Attorney-General Cregory bus ap proved tho deed by which the federal government will acquire title to the Oregon City lock, and sent his letter of approval, with tho deed, to Secre tary of War Garrison for acceptance. Porter Uro. are planning to build a rallroud up tho South Sanllam val ley from Albany, via Lebanon, this year, according to a statement made by A. Welch, of Portland, former own er of the Portland, Eugene & Eastern railway. Permanent organization of the Lane County Jersey Breeders' association was effected at a meeting in Eugene. V. B. Chase, of Eugene, was chosen president; C. 8. Calef. of Eugene, vice president; C. A. S warts, of Spring field, secretary-treasurer. Representative Lafferty has select ed as principal and alternato for ad mission as cadet to Annapolis Ross A. IMerdorff, Linnton, principal; Ed. Towlo, William S. Kinney, James 1. Teed, all of Portland, first, second and third alternate, respectively. A bequest of $500,000 has been made to the Methodist Church of Oregon, Announcement of the fart was made In the Pacific Christian Advocate, tho official organ of the Methodist Church In this district. W. W. Browu, of Port land, and Malheur, was tho donor. Substantial Increases in the loans and discounts and capital are shown by the combined statement of all the hanks of the state of Oregon at the close of business December 31, 1914. according to figures given out by S G. Sargent, state bank examiner. Yellow after 69 years of exlr.tence but still legible, a copy of the first newspaper printed west of the Rocky Mountains, tho Oregon City Spectator, will bo sent to the Panama Pacific exposition and will occupy a promin ent place in tho Coos County exhibit. Three acres of land lying east of the normal school building in Men mouth will become a school garden early In the spring, according to ar rangements now made by the agri cultural department of the Oregon normal school. Under the new plan of giving instruction to tho teachers, agriculture la to receive no small share of attontlon. An appropriation of $2,000,000 for continuing work on the north jetty, at the mouth of tho Columbia river, is provided In an amendment to the river and harbor bill, agreed to by the sub committee of the senate commerce committee. The house bill carried $1, 250,000, which was all, the engineers said, that would be required to carry the work forward during the coming fiscal year. This lncrcaso was made by the sub committee In lieu of plac ing the Columbia river project on a continuing contract basis. In the third biennial report of the desert land board, Just completed, It la recommended that the legislature provide, by suitable enactment, that all moneys received on account of land sales or from other source on the Tumalo project, except maintenance tees, be placed In a special fund to be known as a Tumalo project fund, and that the desert land board be author ized to make disbursements from this fund for the necessary expenses in connection with tho Tumalo project not covered by tho regular mainten ance fees. Preliminary estimates of the output of metals from Oregon mines in 1914, made by Charles G. Yale, of the United States geological survey, show general decreases from the figures for 1913. The gold yield for 1913 was $1,627,710, and the estimate for 1914 Is about $1, 600,000. The silver output for 1913 was 179,036 fine ounces, and the esti mate for 1914 is 126,000 ouuees, or 63,000 ounces less. The yield of cop per in 1914 was about 6000 pounds, or 38,000 pounds less than 1913, and the yield of lead was 41,000 pounds, or 46j00g pounds less. MlllllllllMIH In tlm circuit court of the jiute of Ore- H'Mi lor the cnuipiv ol I rutin. y'. II. M untiiril, I'liiitititl', VH. . A'li Ji.liiihoi. J. O, Jubmon. Mr. J. O. JoIiiimiii noil nil i noun unknown. claim ing miy rit;bt, title, Intoient, ewtute or Iii-ii in tlm real property ilracrjbi-d herein OHi'iiiJulitn. To Ada JoIiiikoii, J. O. Johinon, Mrs. J. u. jiinnxjii ami all periwuia unknown, fliiiniiiigniiy right, title, interext, mint r ili-n in the k-hI properly ilercrlbed lii-ii-ln, thu above fiunird di-d-mlanta: III the liutiut of the nt.itf. of firetriifi. Yon are hereby untitled that W. (. Xiuntanl l um homer or Lertilleute of Delinquency numbered Kiirhty-four -CI- Iniiued on the Wild day ol Ik-cemher, llilt, by the Tax l lector ol the county of Crook, state of Oregon, fur the amount of Eleven and l!i hundredth -ll 111- dollar, the name being tliu amount then due anil delinquent for taxea for the year IHIO, together with penally, IntereH and cmta thereon upon the real properly aiaetaed to you, of which you are the owners an appear of record, situated in naiil county and elate and particularly dencribed aa follow", to-wit: Uit Kij Ji-, Mluck Two -l: original town nite of Bend, in Crook county, nmteof Ore poll, according to the legal ami oflicml pint there,, I on hie in the ollic of the county clerk uf Crook county, afore-aid. You are further nolilieil that the niid VV.d. Mu-tarl has paid taxea lor ntibne qiient yearn upon aaiil property with the rate of interest on aaiil amount, the mi oi lier of tax receipt and from the diiU-l aa hereinafter aet forth, to-wit: For the year Kill, paid Decern tier 22, lllll. receipt No. lliKX, amount l.7il, rate of interest l.'j per cent per annum ; For the year X'W'l. paid December 22. 1!M4, receipt No. TliOWl, amount 810.72, rale uf interem lb per cent ier annum; For the year 1!H'), paid December 22. lul l, receipt No. HAi, amount t 'M.Vrl, rale of interest 15 per ccni per nuiiiiin ; Said Ada Juhimou, i. O. Johnson and Mr. J. O. Johnron aa the owners of the title of the above described real prop erly aa the aame appear of record, and each and all other perron, unknown claiming any rich', title, interent, etate or ,ien in the real projierty above dtcriid are hereby further notified that the fttid W.U. M in-turd will apply to the circuit court of the atate of Oregon for Crook county for a decree forecloaing the lieu ut-niii-l tliB projierty above described and mentioned in aid certificate. And you are hereby summoned to appear within Suty -ijO. day after the first publication of thi utiitiion, exclusive of the day of aaid lirH publication, and defend the action or pity the amount due as above i-liown to gether with the coots and accrued interest and in cae ol your failure to do ao. a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of unl uie and cost ai.-ain-t the laud and premium above described. Tinnauiiiiiion li published by order ol the Honorable (i hpringer, juik-e of the cnumy court of the atate of Oregon tor the aid Crook county, and aaid order waa made and ilated this 31l day of Decemtier. PlU. ami the dale of the lirat publication of tlits summon i the aaid Slst day of December. Ml. Ail process and papera in this proceed ing may lie served upon the underMined, residing within the state of Oregon, at the an 'I re hereinafter mentioned. Date of the last publication of this sum niona is ihe4th day of March, A. I)., 1915. WilJ.ARl) H. W1RTZ. District Attorney and Attorney for PiaintilT. Address: Prineville, Oregon. Notice ot Final Settlement Notice ia hereby given, by the under signed, the administrator of the estate of Robert Pennington Johnson, deceased, to all persons interested in aaid estate, that he has made Biid tiled with the clerk of the county court bis Iinal settlement of bis administration of said estate, and that tiie court has set .Monday, the 1st lay ol March, 1!H5. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at the county co irt room in Prineville, Oregou, aa the time and place tor hearing and settling said final accounting. At which said time and place, any person interested in said e.-tate may appear and object to said hnal accouming. Dated this 28th day of Jan.. 1915. M. It. KI-LIOTT. Administrator of tht e.slnte of Robert Pennington Johnson, deceased, l-l!t-p Call and subscribe now for the Semi Weekly and Sunday Oregon Journal, just the thing for busy farmers. 1-8 Rav V. Conspabli, Agent. Why not take? the Journal? We are selling out all our Stoves Ranges and Heaters at actual cost. F urniture will be sold at greatly reduced prices up to February 20, 1 9 1 5 A. H. Lippman & Co "PRINORE" AND "STANDARD77 Prineville Flour Call for Warrants Notice' Ih hereby (clven tlmt nil renietcrei) (fi-nernl fuml vtiirrHiiU up to Mini IiicIihIIiik ri-KlHtcreil No. 6i nml nil rimii fund wnrrntim up to nml Ine liKlliiir retfixtered No. i:s. will be pnlil on priMi-ritntl.iri. nixli Interest on nuiiih will atop from thin lute, lUl.l'il Ij. .Ioiiimn, Jiiiimry 14, 115. Treadurer. Notice of I inal Settlement Notice Ih hereby given liy the un (lernlg:nel. 1 he executrl of theentHte of Ju hum Henry Wiii'lntn, di-censed, to all persona Interr-xted In unlit cm tnte tlmt she Iihh filed with the clerk of the county court her Html nccouiif Ing of her edinliilxtriitlon of sold eatiite, and that the court him net Monday, the nMt diiy of March, I!il5, lit 10 o'clock In the forenoon at, the comity court room In Prineville. Oregon, ad the time and place for hearing and sett ling snld final ac counting'. At which aaid time and place any person Intereatcd In cult! estate may appear and olij.-ct to fiiui llniil lu'ceuiitlni;. Dated thla 21t day of Jan., 1915.p Rkiiix-ca Wisdom. Kxecutrix of estate of James Henry Wlndoin, deceased. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior. U. 9. Land Ollice at The Ualiea, Oregon. December 10. 1014 Notice is hereby given that William Fender, whose post oQice address S Prine ville, Oregon, did on the VIA day of June. 1HM, hie in thoj ollice sworn statement and application fo. Ui.lolo. to purchase the Hr ne'J, section in, township 14 south. ratiL-e 17 east. Vt iltamette meridian, and the timber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1M7S, and act amend atory, known c the " Timber and .-tone Law." at such value aa might be hxed by appraisement, and tout pursuant to such apmicition the land and timber thereoN have been appraised $JfXi.OO. the timber estimated Ityum board feet at 81.00 per. M.. and the land 10.00; that said ap- tlicant will oiler final proof in support of da application and sworn statement on the 2l day of March, 1915. belore Timothy K.J. Duffy. U. i. comuihsioiier, at Prine vilie, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase belore entry, or initiate a contest at any time before patent iisues by tiiin? a corroborated altidavit in ibis office, alleg ing facta which wouid defeat the entry. LM7 H. Frank Woodcock, Register. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Not coal landa L S. Land Otlice nt Lakevlew, Ore. January 8, 1915. Notice Is hereby given that Patrick D. Mc-Namee of Fife. Oregon, who, on June 15, 1010, made homestead entry Act Feb. 19, 1909, No. 0.')i!t;2, for nel, nj sej, section 19; w nwj section 20, township 21 south, ruuge 23 east. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of Intention to mnke final three year pt oof to establish claim to the laud above described before Charles A. Sherman, U. 8. CommlBsloner. at Fife, Oregon, on the 1st day of March, 1U15. Claimant names as witnesses Paul P. Werner, R. G. Douglas, H. W. Douglas, Ed Street, all of Fife, Oregon. Jasj. F. Bi rgess, 121 Register. Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby given by the un dersigned, the administrator of the estate of Avery G. Scoggln, deceased, to all creditors of saldjileceased and to all persons having claims; against said estate to present them with the proper vouchers at the office of N. G. Wallace, In Prineville, Oregon, within aix months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time this 21st day of January, 1915. N. G. Waluck. Administrator of the estate of Avery G. Scoggln, deceased. l-21-5t The Journal, ?1.50 per year. 4.10-14 ' summon In the circuit court of the stale of Oregon lor Crook county. The First National Bank of Prinevill, a corporation, plaintiff, v. 3. It. Cooper, defendant. To 3, K. Cooper, the above named de fendant : In the name of the stale of Oregon, Yu are hertby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff riled against yon in the above entitled court and action, within ten days from the date of the service ol this summons npon you, if served within Crook coun. ty, state of Oregon, or, if served within any other coontr in the slate of Ore gon, then within twenty days from the date ol the service of thia summons up on yon, or, If served without state by publication, aa required by taw, then on or before the 6th day of March, 1915. And you are hereby notified that il you fail to soapperr or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will tak judgment sgainst you for the anru ol seven hundred fifty dollars, with in terest tliereon at rate of ten per cent per annum Irom the 2nd day of June, 1914, (less tf:e sura of Two hundred fifty-seven and one-half dollars paid thereon July 8th, 1914,) and for the further sum of Fifty dollars as attor ney's feee, and for the further sum of Three hundred dollars with in terest thereon at rate of ten per cent per annum from the 2.1 nl day of July, 1914, and for the further sum of Thiitv dollars aa attorney's fees, and for the further sum of One hundred sixty-eight dollars with interest there on at rate of six: per cent per annum from the 1st day of October, 1914. and for the costs and disbursements ol this action, and for an order of said court that certain personal property belong ing to you, and attached in this actios in this county, be sold to satisfy said judgment. This summons is published in the Crook County Journal for six full weeks in seven consecutive ifsues thereof, commencing with the issue of Jannary 21st, 1915, and ending with the issue of March 4th, r.15, by order of the Hon. G. Springer, county judge of Crook county, state of Oregon, made and entered on the 13:b day of Janu ary, 1915. Dated and published first time Jann ary 21st, 115. M. E. Brink. Attorney for Plaintiff. Order. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Crook. State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. A. H. Lippman, administrator of the estate of Fernando Roots, deceased, all heirs at law of said decedent, (if any there be) and all other persons and parties, unknown, claimiag any right, title, estate, lien or interest ia the personal property described in the information herein, defendants. It appearing to the court from the information on file herein that Fernan do Roots died intestate on the 4th day of April, A. D.. 1914. within the county of Crook, State of Oregon, leaving aa estate therein consisting or. personal Eroperty alone made up of cosh in a anlc and wages due of the value of Six Hundred Sixty-Six and 38 hun dredths ($1366.38) dollars: and It further appearing that A. H. Lipp man was thereafter appointed and duly qualified as administrator of the estate of the said Fernando Roots, deceased, that the said administrator took pos session of all the assets and property of the said estate, administered upon same in the usual course of business, col lecting and converting into cash all of the said personal property of said estate and paying all claims and just demands against said estate; and It appearing that said estate is now fully and finally settled and that there remains, after the said payment of all of said claims and demands, together with the costs and expenses of the ad ministration thereof, now in the pos session of the said A. H. Lippman, the administrator aforesaid, Three Hun dred Seventy Nine and 9 hundredths ($379.09) dollars in cash, and that the said decedent died without heirs at law, children, widow or kindred, capable of inheriting said personal property and that by reason thereof the state of Ore ' gon has by law a right to the title of . said property; I Wherefore, Upon the motion and ap 1 plication of W'illard H. Wirtz, district : attorney for Crook county and attorney : for the state of Oregon herein; I It is hereby ordered, adjndged and decreed, in the name of the state of Oregon, That all heirs at law of Fer , nando Roots, deceased, (if any there be,) and all persons and parties, un ; known, claiming any right, title, estate, I lien or interest in the personal property i of said decedent, be, and they are, hereby summoned and required to ap I pear and show cause in this court, if j any they have, by the 13th day of I March A. D., 1915, why the title in and j to said personal property, described I herein and also in the information here-' i in, should not be adjudged escheated to and vested in the state ot Oregon; ana it is further ordered and adjudged that a copy of this order be published in the Crook County Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in said county of Crook and state of Oregon, for a period of six consecutive weeks prior to said 13th day of March, A. 1S15. Done in chambers, at The Dalles. Oregon, this 23rd day of January, A. D., 1915 (signed) W. L. Bradshaw, Judge. Date of first publication, Jan. 28, 1915 Date of last publication, March 11, 1915 Willard H. Wirtz. District attorney and attorney for plaintiff. Notice to Creditors Notice is hereby given by tho nn derHlgned, the administrator of the estate of Patrick W. Haden, de ceased, to all creditors of 8ald de censed and to all persona having claims against said estate to present the same, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the office of M. K. Elliott tu Priuevllle, Oregon, within six months from the iinit publication of this notice. Dated and published the firBt time January 21, 1915. N. J. Lamhkkt, Administrator of the estate of Patrick V. linden, deceased. Wood Sawed on Short Notice Leave or 'phone orders to II. D. Still's Harness "Shop. C. F. Perrin. 12-24