Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 28, 1915, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Page 5
Two Other Cruisers Aro Dadiy
Damaged and Attack on
Coast Frustrated.
London. -An ib nipt ly a Orum
cruiser squadron to repeat tlm attach
recently mule on Siurlioriuuli. tlm
Hartlepool and other UrIUsh coast
towns wit frustrated by tlio Hrltlnh
putrolliiin squadron.
tit it running fii lit the Herman ar
mored cruiser llliiocher was sunk mid
two llcrumn haltle emitter were iterl
tnmly iliiiiiHRi'iI,
Hie official report Issued by the
press bureau gives the following ac
count of tlm engnxciiiuht:
"h'arly this morning a lirtllsh pa
trolling squadron of battle cruisers
iil light cruisers muter Vice Admiral
8lr Duvld llcutiy, with a tl-i.triiyir
flotilla under Commodore Tyrwhltt,
sighted four German buttle cruisers
mill several cruisers mul several
destroyer steering wentwiird mid ap
parently making for tti" Lnallsh count.
"The enemy at oflro made for lionu'
at high sp I. They wore ut our
pursued mid ntiout V.'M A. M. action
wits Joined between tlio battle cruiser
I.lon. Tli'.i'r, Princess (loyal, New Ze
Innd nnd Indnmltublii on tlio one Iiiind.
and tho Dcrflini'.or, BoydMU, Mnltkc
and llluecher on tli ullnT. A well
contested running fight ensued, rihort
ly after 1 o'clock tlio Hluecher, which
had previously fallen tint nf lino, cap
sited nnd sunk,
"Ailmlrul Itcntty report thai two
other buttle rrulnnr wero seriously
Germans Minting Troopi at La Bailee
London. I Mapiitche from tlm out
tin lino In Kraucu and Kluuduin Imll
rata that tlm German are mussing
troopi In tho neighborhood of I.a Ihi
ce. evidently In preparation for a
lii'W struggle between Ypre nrnl ('our
trul and the alllc are further
strengthening tlitdr force all nlinni
tlm line In northern France tmd In
Flanders. Fur tin punt 24 limira It
hits boon give and take, each nt.lo ad
mlttlng minor reverse oftsot by mln
(ir successes.
Drltiih Battle Cruller Alto Lett In
Eundjy Battle, 6jyi Report
lli-rllii, via Itoiue. Mcagro tinoffl
(dul details available hero concerning
the naval c ngugcinoiit In the North
8ia Hiinday Indicate that torpedoes
imiy have been responsible for the
sinking of th Gorman armored cruls
er I'lnechor and a Ilrltli-h oniliicr.
Oik cruliter was hit hy
alii ll but wm aide- to ri'iiuiln In the
flrliiK lino. Siiliiiiarliina appiiri'iitly did
not pnrtUdpulu In the liuttlo. It In un
nVrHlnod tho wcathor diirlnu (he I'll'
.;!"'iiirnt wim rh'ur.
llfiir-Adnilral lilrp'r cominnndcd
tlx- Crrmiin aumidrun, nnd t'lipliiln
Kr.linniin tin' I st lift hi-r,
"Aim oi illnn f.i Iho Information avail
ablo one I let t in It Imltlo cnilnor and nuo
of our armored cruUi'ia, tlm lllnoi lirr,
wi'io mliik. All other German uhlpa
n tinned to port."
Germans Call Men of ED.
Amnterdiim, Holland, via London.
A telei'.nim received here from liorlln
aela forth thut In tho province of
IhiindenhiirK, In which liorlln l lo
cated, thero have been called up for
mi'illenl examination tho 50-year-old
unlrnlned men of tho lamlHturm.
Thi flo are men of the lf8ii, 18S7 and
18R8 cIiihhoh.
London. While aorman airmen
woro droppInK bombs on Huklrk, one
of whleli duuuiKPd the American con
sulate,' two 111'ltlnh aviators paid a
vidlt to tihont und ZeobruiiKe and suc
ceeded, at ZeohniRBc, In damaging a
auhnmrlno and killing or wounding the
crowa of tho gim mounted on the
mole to provont attacli from the sou
on that new Germuii baae.
The Brlllah official report says that
apart from tho breaking of the win
dows und the smashing of the furni
ture of the American cormnlate, "no
particular (lama!;e was done" at Dun
kirk. It mukea no reference wlintovor
to a Paris report that six persons wore
killed and others wounded, and It Is
therefore not known whether this re
port covers completely tho attack of
the Clermiin airmen, who, according
to unofficial dUiputclies, dropped ns
many as 80 bomlis on tho French port.
Germany Seizes Wheat.
Berlin, via Amsterdam to London.'
AH stocks of wheat have boon solnsd
by tho Gorman government according
to the official statement in order to
safeguard tho bread supply until tho
next harvest,
Sv -
f n -t
General Von Dliilna, who wat re
eenlly appointed QOvernor of the Bel
glan territory controlled by Germany
The cassation f nunslu's advance
on iiniaiH'M aim a rrnr ,.n.......
... . ...i ..lift..,.
orfeimlvu In Ilukovlna comhlue to pro
.i,i ii, i, x.iitit tiniiortatit war news of
the week. The capture of Klrllbnbii
plum, leading from aoutlieru Hukovliia
Into Truimylvaula, and preainitlng the
choice of two routes to llurtapem, pre
Biimably was accomplished at the cost
of having other passea Insufficiently
ill fended,
The Austrian! have taken advantage
of this condition, and are now nm
In the crownland from which th-y
were driven fmtnlKht ago. The ef
fect of Aiihtrla a sudden success has
undoubtedly exerted much Influence
on Itoumanla during the week. 8po
clnl Austro tjerman emltmarlea arrived
at lluchare.t to pemundo the Hounian
Ian stateiimen that It Is against their
nmterlBl Interests to enter the war.
Itiiuslaii troop, however, on Trans)!-
vanlun soil went demoniilratlnK the
posHlhtllty that unless Itoumanla Join
ed the conflict quickly, aim would be
too late to conquer Transylvania, wllh
Its Roumanian population, for herself,
rrobalily al no time has Houmanla
been so near joining tho allies as she
as this week.
While matters were developing so
precariously In ltukovlua and Tra:i
sylvanlu, the Uusslans began during
tho week a new offensive toward
Thorn. Instead of concentrating on
ono objective, rvtrograd returned to
the policy of a divided forward move
went. The result at least, produces a
very peculiar strategic situation In
Poland. With tho Vistula between
them, tho Huhsliins and Germans are
moving along parallel lines In opposite
directions, separated only by the half
mile width of the river, which neither
Is able to cross. Toward the went, on
tho north bank of the river, the Hus
Inn Bih-Kiice mist is 35 miles from the
German entrenched frontier camp at
Thorn; while on the Vistula's south
hank, to the east, the Germans are 3,"
mlleB from Warsaw.
The German air raid on England
was the most conspicuous 'occurrence
of the week In the western war area
No military results of any Importance
wero produced by the raid. A numhet
of civilians wero killed and Injured,
and tho lives of non-combatants were
BRiiln demonstrated to be as much
hauard under modern warfare as those
of soldiers In the field.
In AIhscb some territory was gained
by the French toward Mulhausen dur
ing tho week, but the Germans effec
tively checked tho enemy's movement
toward tho Rhino, The entire valley
of tho river Is retained by the Imper
ial troons. while the French army Is
oompelled to move In a northern dl
rectlon Instead of planting Itself at
any point along the coveted waterway.
Although official descriptions oi
fighting on the western front continue
to be brief there Is evidence that it Is
urowltiK fiercer at many points. The
Germans aro showing renewed aetlvt
ty In tho neighborhood of Ypres and
heavy bombardments of tho left wing
of tho allies are almost Incessant.
Dunkirk has been aliiRled out for
German air attack, doubtless .because
It Is believed It Ih being used by the
Hrltlsh as a base of supplies from
England, while Ostend, Bruges and
ZeehriiRge are receiving attention
from the allies for u similar reanon
There Is no confirmation from official
sources of the reported visit of the
allies' airmen to Eshgu and Dussel
dorf early In the week.
Russia Places Big Order.
CuttiHauquu, Pa. Announcement
was made horo by a local firm of the
receipt of an order from tho ltustilun
government for 1,000,000 horseshoes
Large European Wheat Shipments.
Chicago. Europe's war call fot
wheat has amounted to 200,000,000
bushels from the American crop since
v ?
July 1.
Markets Arc Open to World
and to Prevent Shipments
Would Chow Partiality.
Washington. Ths United States
government Issued a lengthy defense
of lis Interpretation of tho rights and
duties of a neutral In tho European
After answering 19 specific charges
and calling attention to the fact that.
the United Hiatus lu promptly tuken
to task Great Britain as well as Ger
many and every government which In
sny wuy has Infringed upon the rlghta
of this country, the letter concludes
with the following declaration on the
muchii:scuhiii-d question of exporta
tion of war munitions:
"Those In this country who sympa
thize with Germany and Austrla Hun
gary appear to assume that some ob
ligation rests upon this government.
In the prformanc8 of Its neutral duty,
to prevent all trade In contraband, and
thus to equalize the difference due to
the relative naval strength of the bel
ligerents. No such obligation exlBts;
It would bo an unneutral act, an act of
partiality on the part of this govern
ment, to adont such a policy, If the
executive had the power to do so.
"If Germany and Austria Hungary
cannot Import contraband from tills
country, It Is not. because of this fact,
the duty of the United States to close
Its markets -to tho allies. The markets
of this country are open on equal
terms to all the world, to every na
tion, belligerent or ueutral."
Bryan Evades Belgian Consul Issue.
Secretsry Bryan made public the
text of the note from Germany annul
ling tho exequaturs or certificates of
authority of neutral consuls lu Belgi
um, and Issued a paraphrase of the
American government s reply.
While the German note considers
the exequaturs of neutral consuls to
have "expired" the American govern
ment takes the view that they merely
have beeu "suspended." In this wiiy
the Washington government avoided
committing Itself to the question of
whether or not the sovereignty of Bel
glum had expired with the German
military occupation.
May Require Employes to Quit Union.
F.mployers- may require employes to
renounce union arruiatlons as a con
dition of employment, the supreme
court of tho United States held. The
decision was made In a suit over the
so-called Kansas coercion statute,
which holibi it unconstitutional, nnl,
according to Justice Day, laws ou UUc
lines In t'ullfornlu, Colorado, Connec
ticut, Indiana. Massachusetts, Minne
sota, New Hampshire, New Jersey,
New York, Okluhoma, Oregon, Penii-
svlvania and Wisconsin and In Porto
Klco aio Invalidated with the Kansas
Senate democrats In caucus reached
final agreement on the administration
ship purchase bill and adopted a reso
lution iimkiug It a party measure.
Three democrats voted against th?
resolution, but the vote later was
made unanimous.
75 Cars of Oats Seized.
New Y'ork. Seventy-five carloads of
oats, designed for foreign shipment,
have been seined by the federal au
thorities on the ground that the grain
waB adulterated within the meaning
of the food and drug act.
This action was announced by the
department of agriculture with warn
ing to grain shippers and dealers that
adulterations of grain will no longer
he tolerated.
By the nilxl-ig of low-grado barley.
weed seeds, dust and water In ship
ments of grain, the department says.
shippers and dealers have been ablo
to realize huge profits.
Thaw Is In Now York Tombs Again.
New York. Harry K. Thaw again
Is In the Tombs, brought here from
lloston, his only stop over on Jho way
from New Hampshire. He was locked
up In tho prison which ho left almost
seven years ago, when ho was com
mitted to the state asylum for the
criminally Insano at Matteawau, fol
lowing his acquittal of the murder of
Stanford White on the ground of in
Capitol at Salem Saved From Blaze
Sitlem, Or. Oregon's historic state
house was ondangorod for a time Sun
day by a fire which started shortly
before 5 o'clock P, M following an
explosion of oil In the central heat
ing plant, just outside the basement of
the capltol, Quick work by state of
ficials, stato employes and Cie Salem
fire department soon hud tho blaze
under control.
loeland Is In Dry Column.
Copouhngen, The parliament . of
loeland, 34 of whose members aro
elected by popular suffrage, has pass
ed a measure forbidding the sale of
alcoholic liquors.
In the circuit court of the Btutc of Ore
gon lor the count v ol Crook.
V. (J, Mustard, I'linntill',
Ada j'ohmoi. J. t). Johinon, Mr". J. 0.
.lohiiMon slid ull pMsoii unknown, claim
ing sny right, title, Jitt-ust. -stiite or
lo-fi in the real property ileteriicrj herein
il-1 on I a.
To Adit Johnson, J, O. Johnson, Mrs. J,
O. Johnson und all rii no known,
claiming uny rllit, title, inti-rH-t, estate
or lieu in tlm teal properly ilecrild
ioiri'to, the ubovi! named ileftoiduiilN:
In the name of tho stati' of Oregon, You
are hereby nolllli-d that W. O. Mustard is
the holin-rof Ortitieate of J)i--iiiiiiicncy
iiuitihi-red f.iif hty-four -si- Issie-d on the
Knit tiuy ol Iieei iiibi-r, IIMt, by the Tui
Collector id the county of Crook, state of
Oregon, for llm amount of Klevi-n and
111 liuiiiireilllis -(HI lit- dollars, the sume
being the miiount tln-n due und delinquent
for tusi-s fr tin; year lull), toi-ther with
pi-fiuily, iiit-ret and com Unoeou upon
Hie real property s-se-si-d le you, of which
you are the owners as appears of record,
liltuuted in !aid county Hint state ami
piirtiirulariy dcacrilH-d as follow, ti-wit:
Lot Ml -Ii-, Itloek Two orlejnui town,
site of Bend. In Crook county, slate of Ore
gon, according to the h-gal and ofliioul
plat thereof on lile in the oltlei of the
county clerk of t rook county, afore-aid.
You are further notified that the siiid
W. tj. Mu-tard has puid taxes for subse
quent years upon said properly with the
rate oftnu-re-t on said amounts, the num
ber of tax receipts and from the dules as
hereinafter bet forth, to-wits
For the year Hill, paid Peeemher 21',
1HI 1. receipt No. lit, amount tl.Tti, rate of
interest I' per cent per annum ;
For Hie year 101.', paid Becernl-er 22.
Km. receipt No, T2ir.i:i, amount W. 72, rate
ol interest 1.1 per cent per annum;
For the year 1'.'I3, paid Ui-ccmher 22.
11111. reeeipt No. 1.12, aiiemiit $:iU.tl2, rate
of ii.t'-rcst 15 l ercent per annum
Said Ada Johnsur, J, U, Johnon and
Mrs. J. O. Johnson as the owners of the of the act of June 3, I'.lt, and acts amend
li'iral title of the above descrilx-d real pro- atory, known a the " Timber and
erty as the same appears of record, and htone Law," at such vaiue as might lie
each and all oilier p r .'ns, unknown j fixed by apprawment. and tnat pursuant
claiming any rd'h, title, interest, estate to such application the lauri snd timber
or ,ten in the real properly aixive ncscrliieil
are hereby further notihed that the said
W.O. M ustanl will apply to the circuit
court of the slate of Oregon for Crook
county for a decree foreclosing the lien
aeain-t the property alstve ilescrilied and
mentioned in said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to ap'ar within '
Sixty -fjo- daya niter the first publication Df ,
tiiis summoiis, eiclu-ive of the day of said
lirst publication, and defend the action or
pay toe amount due as above shown to
gether with the costs and accrued ihtereit
and in case ot your failure to do so. a
decree will be ri ndereil foreclosing the lien
of --aid taxes and costs against the land
mill nromiscs above described.
Xiiissuniiuons is published by order of )
the lloiioraoif o springer, juune oi tne
county court of the slate of Oregon for the
sui'l Crook county, and said order was
made and dated this ;tlsl day of December,
piH. and the date of the lirst publication
of this summons is the said 31st day of
I), cends r. 1'J14.
Ad process and papers in this proceed-
in) may I served upon the undersigned,
redoing williln the slate oi urcgou
at the
suitress hereinafter mentioned.
Hate of the last puhlicalion of this sum
mons is the tth day of March. A. D., 1U15.
District Attorney and Attorney for
Plaintiff. Address: Prineville, Oregon.
Notice tor Publication
Department of the Interior,
1. S. Land Ollice ut The Dalles. Ore.
December 23rd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby nlven that
Paul Mertschlng
of rrlnevl:!,', (deon, who, ou
March 1st, I'll, made homestead
entry No. U8221 nntl on September
25th, lull, ninth' additional home
stead entry No. l's;i, for swj awi,
section 2:1, ej swi, v. J nwj, nwj bwJ.
hiiiI svv se sect Inn 2d, nej set sec 27,
tp lOsHitilh, lunge 10 east, Willamette
Meridian, has tiled notice of Inten
tion to make tinal three year proof
to establish claim to the land above
described before Timothy E. J.
Duffy, i'. S. Commissioner, at l'rlne
ville", Orvjron, on the 3rd day id
February, 1D1".
Claimant name as witnesses:
Curt Miller, II. Karl Cross, Curt Wit
son, William llorsell, all of Prine
ville, Orcjron.
12 31 II. Frank Woodcock, Itt'Klster.
We are selling out all
Ranges and Heaters at
will be sold at greatly reduced prices
up to February 20, 1915
A. H. Lippman & Co
Call for Warrants
Notice Is hereby (rlvn thnt fill
registered g"wrn I fund vviirnints ttp
to nnd liicimlliiK registered No. 018
nnd nil roud fund wtirriirifH up i
to nnd lui iinlliitc registered No. .!,
will lie )i'ild on ir,cntiitl'in, nmj
Interest on same will slop from this
fllltc. ItAM'll L. joilDAN,
Jnuunry 1-1, KH5. Trcamirer.
Notice of I nial Settlement
Notice Is hereby Riven by the un
dersigned, the executrix of the entitle
of Jnmes Henry Wlndoiii, dceeim il,
to ull persons Interested In soiM es
tate Unit she lifts filed with the clerk
of the county court her final in-counting'
fd her fidinliilHtrfitloii id mild
i state, and that the court has eet
I Monday, the first day of March,
! I'.il5, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon at
i the county court room In Frlm-vIHe,
Oregon, as tin time mid place for
healing and settling said linul ac
I counting. At which said time and
' place any person Interested In said
Restate may appear and obj ct to
said linul accotintlnif.
i Dated this 21t flay of Jan., 1313. j
Executrix of estateof Juiiics Henry
W Inilum, ueeeaHcd.
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Ollice at The. lialies, Orezon.
Decern her 10, 1!) 1 4
Notice is hereby given that WiCiain
Fender, whose post ottice address I Prine-
; ville, Oregon, did on the 221 day of June.
'. Pil4, tile in this ottice sworn statement and
application No. 0i:1!0. to purchase the
w4 ne'4, section V, township 14 south.
I ranife 17 eat. Willamette meridian, and
the tinur thereon, under the provisions
thereon have been appraised, the
tiinlser estitnateu KpO.isio Ismrd feet at tlM
per M., and the land flu 00; that said ap-
Idicant will ofler final proof in support of
lis application and sworn statement on
the 2d day of March, 1015. belore Timothy
E. J. Dully. U. 8. comuii-aioncr, at Prini
' ville. Oregon.
Any person is at lilserty to protect this
purchase Wlore entry, or initiate a contest
ut any time before patent i-sues by tiling a
corroborated allidavit in this orhce, alleg
ing facts which would detest the entry.
12-17 H. Frank Woodcock, Kegisier.
Notice for Publication
Department of tlm Interior,
Not coal lands
L'. H. Land Office at Lakevlew, Ore.
January 8, 1915.
Notice Is herebv given thnt
Patrick D. McNamee
r.f Fife flreirnn who. on Jtlno la.
1010, made homestead entry Act j
19, HHJ9, No. 0'-Wi2, for uej
H.ti,iri W: v. I nw) section 2t).
: township 21 south, rang-e 23 east.
Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice
1 of Intention to make final three year
pi oof to establish claim to the laud
above described ls-fore Charles A.
Sherman, U. S. Commissioner, at
Fife, Oregon, on the 1st day of
March, 11115.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Paul P. Werner, K. G. Douglas, H.
W. Douglas, Ld Street, all of Fife,
Oregon. Jas. F. Bi'hcess,
121 ' Register.
Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby ptven by the un
derwlirued. the administrator of the
estate of AvervG-ScogRln, deceased,!
lUltHllCUItUID UIOHll('t,v,cntuuuu
all persons having; claims ag-alnst
said estate to present them with the
proper vouchers Rt the office of N.
G. Wallace, In Prmevllle, Oreg-on,
within six months from the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and published first time this
21st day of January. 1915.
N. G. Waixack.
Administrator of the totnte of
Avery G. Scosjrln, deceased. 1 2l-5t
The Journal, T1.50 per year.
our Stoves
actual cost.
Sum moils.
In tho justice court of the stale ol
Oregon for Crook county, lit-
trict No. 1.
J. M. Tengmnn, I'laibtiff,
II. P. Speer, Dtfendant.
To JI. I'. Speer, defunilant:
In the name ol the state of Ore
goo, you are hereby reqireil to ap
pear and arinwer the complaint
filed herein ngaint you in the
above entitled caue on or before
January 29, 1915, which is the
time prescribed in the order of the
justice of the peace of Crook county,
Oregon, for district Ho. I, pursuant
to which thin fcrnmoris in pub-
lirhed, in which you are required
to appear, answer or plead, and if
you fail to so appear, answer or
plead, the plaintiff will take judg
ment 9;ainct vou as praved in his
said complaint, to wit: for the sum
f thirty dollars with interest from
the 14th day of December, 1914, at
ten per cent per annum, for fifteen
dollars attorney's fee and his costs
and disbursements herein,
The date of the first publication
of tbijt summons is the the 17th
day of December, 1914.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of lion A. K.
Bowman, justice of the peace for
Croik county, Oregon, for District
No. 1, made on the 16th day oi
December, 1911
A- R. Bowman,
pd Justice of the Peace.
In the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Crook.
Jonathan Johnson, plaintiff,
Roy Young, defendant.
To Roy Younj;, defendant:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, You are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff filed against ycu in
the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, on
or btlore the 21t day of January,
1915, and if vou fail so to answer
for want thereof
the plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint here
in. to-wit:
For a decree of thi? cgurt de
claring the plaintiff to be the own
er in fee simple of the eouth half
of section 9, and southeast quaiter
of the northeast quarter of section
16, in township 14 south, range
12 eat, SV. M., and forever quiet
ing the title of the plaintiff against
you and barring and enjoining
you from at any time hereafter
setting up or averting any claim
or title to said premises or any
part thereof.
This summons is served upon
you by the publication thereof in
accordance viith an order made at
Prineville, Oregon, by the Honor
able W, L. Bradshaw, judge of the
circuit court, on December 11,
1914, requiring that this summons
be published at least once a week
for six consecutive weeks in Crook
County Journal, a newspaper pub
lished at Prineville, Crook county,
Oregon, acd that the f.rot publica
tion thereof shall be on the 17th
day of December, 1914. pd
Foster & Hamilton,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon tor Crook county.
The First National Bunk of Prineville,
a corporalkm, plaintiff,
S. R. Cooper, defendant.
To S. R. Cooper, the above named de
fendant :
In the name of the state of Oregon,
You are hertby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plaintiff
; tiled against you in the above entitled,
court and action, within ten days from
the date of the service ot this summons
: upon you, if served within Crook conn
: ty, state of Oregon, or, if served within
any other county in the state of Ore-
gon, then within twenty days from the
; date of the service of this summons up
on you, or, if served w ithout this state
i i.t- .. : i u i
oy puoiicauou, us requireu oy law,
then on or before the 6th day of March,
1915. And you are hereby notified that
it you fail to 60 appear or answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you for the sum of
Seven hundred fifty dollars, with in
terest thereon at rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 2nd day of June,
1914, (less the sum of Two hundred
fifty-seven and one-half dollars paid
thereon July 8th, 1914,) and for the
further sum of Fifty dollars as attor
ney's fees, and for the further Bum
of Three hundred dollars with in
terest thereon at rate of ten per
cent per annum from the 23rd day of
July, 1914, and for the further sum of
Thitty dollars as attorney's fees, and
for the further sum of One hundred
sixty-eight dollars with interest there
on at rate of six per cent per annum
from tho 1st day of October, 1914. and
for the coats aud disbursements of this
action, and for an order of said court
that certain persoual property belong
ing to you, and attached in this action
in 'this county, be sold to satisfy said
judgment. This summons is published
in the Crook County Journal for Bix
full weeks in seven consecutive issues
thereof, commencing with the issue of
January 21st, 1915, aud ending with
the issue of Marnh 4th, 11)15, by order
of the Hon. G. Springer, county jtldgft
of Crook county, state of Oregon, made
and entered on the 13tb day of Janu
ary , 1M5.
Dated and published first time Janu
ary 21st, 1915. M. E. Brink,
Attorney for Plaintiff.