CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Page 7 C. C. H. S. Notes. ThoC.C. II. S. HiiMkot Hull kmn tU'iYtttix tin) IMnio-ld With School In Utulmoncl IhmI PriiJuy tivonintf. The IliHt liul f wits very clotm hut I tho HiTond half tlm C, C. II S. niado liuHk't nt will. Tho iruine wm very rouuh nml fouls wore fruquimtly railed. Tho finul Hcoro wan 4:i to 24 In fuvor of I'rlnc-vlllc!. Next Frltluv the boys jro to Mail rat to play tliu Mail ran lllh School. On Saturday tho Redmond town team will play the C C. II. S. Team in tho Club Hall, A chmo triune g looked for at that time. A lure crown In expected. The leHjrun tlehate with The DallcH liinh School Ih m-heduled for next Friday, 7:H0 p. in. The de bate will be held at the l.'aptint Church. Admiiwlon free- The question Ih; Henolved 'That the euverninent ahould own and operate tho railroadn." Fred Hire, ltlia Kverit and Stacy Smith will rcpre etit the C. C. H. S. On the name date Orvillo Yancey. lientrieo John Hon ami Hobart Helknap will rpprc aent Crook county at Wanco. Thia week piiiIh the third six weeks period and alo the ftrat win fter, Kveryhrtdy Ih working hard for examinations Three now atudenU began m-huol on Jan 4. The Normal Department in very proud to claim one of these boys, Kader 1'ructt He is number i0 and tlie only boy in this depart ment. Wednesday January 27th is Alpha and Ochoconian society day. Thetm meetings are full of interest and benefit to the students. The uatronairo of parents and friends would be appreciated nt these tto cietles. FJma Noble wan chosen by the Student Hotly to prepare school notes each week for the news pnK-r. Audrey Noble was selected as her assistant. Tho Girls Glee Club will have charge of the twenty minute serial next Monday morning instead of the usual assembly singing. The Hoys Gleo Club apd th or chestra made their first appearance in public Tuesday evening at the 1'resbyterian Church. Tho Checopian Club met last Saturday at tho home of Ila Knox. The next meeting is held at Adeline Detrich's. Mr. Shaw gave the Normal Stu dents a fine lecture Tuesday morn ing on "Memory." We hojHi he will come again. 1 loaril in Senior History. Mrs, Walker '"Class, where are all of those good old Alpha and Ochoconian yells and songs? Where is the enthusiasm?" Harry Stearns "They have graduated." -'f'i . . . 73 Prof. A. W. Grater, Divine Healer ( Mike at residence, firnt houno north of KHrniie. Prineville. Oregon .. in i:L1 mm Too many women struggle under pains and aches. They are not sick but weak, nervous, irritable. Such women need that blood strength that comes by taking SCOTT'S EMULSION. It also strengthens the nerves, aids the ap petite and checks the decline. if wif or mother lira aattly or look run down, SCOTT'S EMULSION will build Ar up. SHUN SUBSTITUTES. Dames Items. liarncH, Or., Jan. 1J, 1015. FA. Journal We Camp Creekers are experiencing Home very cold weather but slock of all kinds are looking good. Mrs. Morris and daughter, Mrs. Iirlant wero visiting with Grand ma Dennett last week. Tho first rabbit drive in these parts was had in the Jageye flat two miles below Harry Barnes' ranch on last Tuesday. There were quite a number of rabbits corralled, and loU of tine dinner was served at Lew Bennetts, The evening was spent in dancing at Harry Barnes' place, Thos. O'Kelley will be found at his home on Camp Creek nursing a pair of frozen ears that he brought home with him from a danco at I'ringlo Hat. Dick Hhoad Is feeding his cattle at the Jack Mori is place this winter. Fitz. Post Postings Miss Carrie Knox is home again after vimling her brother and sisters in Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Uoy Cray went to Brinevillo to attend the funeral of their grandfather, Mr. Hunsaker Mrs. Mollie Gibson and sons and Orval Hayes visited at Mr. McLean's home Sunday. Al I.ti lie of Canant Basin was at foot Suturday getting supplies. Mr. Post's ntw bouse is com pleted and they will soon be moving in. Mrs. John Knox, Miss Carrie Knox and Mrs. Homer Norton took dinner with Miss l'ratt Sun day, C. W, Ebberts and wife will leave (or Haneruian, Idaho, in a few days. They expect to make their borne there. William l'oht is building fence for Carey Foster on his road land. Norton & Stover put up about 23 tons of ice last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dunham were down to I'ost on the 12tb on business, Quite a number of cattle have died from rabies in this vicinity. The Knox Brothers have lost seven head recently. Cull nil miWriba now for the Semi Weekly and Similar Orn Journal. jimt the tliitm for tniey (armors. 1 b Kay , CiiNSPAHi.R, Agent. Call for Warrants Nut Ice Is hereby irlven that nil reentered general fiiml warrants i to ami Ini'liullng rcKlstcn-il No. 518 anil all mail fund warrants up to nml tnrlmllug registered No. Ill, will lie palil on presentation, anil Interest on same will stop from this (late. lUl.l'il U. J011DAN, January H, 1H15. Treasurer. Wood Sawed on Short Notice Leave or 'phone'orders to H. D. Still's Harness Shop. C. F. i'krhin. 12 24 Bids Wanted for Drift Fence llorachcaven Cattle nml Horse Kaisers Association desires bids for construction of a drift fence 15 miles long. The following epccttlciUloiiH to be compiled with: l'osts lij feet In Icugtli, not less tbmi average diameter at small end of 4 Inch, not less than 'M Inches l:i ground, unless Impossible on tic count of rock; on such ground, triangular criim 3x3x4 indies in cir cumference, 4 feet high, to be erected nnd filled with rock. Posts not to exceed 10 feet apart, stays to be 4 J feet In length and not less than 2x3 Inches, 2 stays to be stapled to each wire between each post; 4 smooth gnlvnnlxed wires to be stretched tight and stapled to each post. No bids will be accepted after Feb ruary 2N and the committee In charge of fencing reserves the right to reject any una all bids, lilds should be addressed to 1-21-61 H. H. Bootkn, Secretary-treasurer, i'oBt, Ore. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon January loth lyi.i. Notice is hereby given that Earnest E. Aycock, of Prineville, Oreiron. who, on Novem ber lltli 11)10, made Homestead entry No. 07072 and on April 20, 1914 made additional Homestead entry Mo. 01il0, for wj nwi, sec. 29 ej nwi, and ncj, Bee. 30, township 16 south, runire 16 east, Willamette Meridian. has tiled notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore Timothy E. J. DulTy, U. S. Com missioner, at r'nneviiie, uregon, on the 3rd day of March 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: James Forrester, James Motlitt, Jacob Becker, Carl Larson, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRANk WooDcock, 1 21 Register. Notice of Salt of Perianal Property Notice In liornliy k I vcti that In puraiiiiiii' ol'uii orilorol the unity eourt ul Crunk comity, Ori'K'iti, 111 ml" iiml eiilnrcil on tlir llilh ilny of Jiiiiiuiry, ll.'i, till) iinuVriniiil. tii uiliiilnlitt atur 01 tin natiitu of AutvO. KroKKln, ilef'i'MMC!'!. Hill on I hi) 15tli ilny of rniiruiiry, i.i. m-n m private amp m tli hlKlmal uwl liimt liliMer, lor rii-h. or lor Imnkiilim iioIhii to lie upprovi") liy thx county court of Crook county. Ori'Koii, for hiirHn of piivliiif tliu lli'lliliMtiii. ninnt ul. ctia.'. tlio foilowinu ivrnorial proprrly, lx.ioiiKiiiK to mild nuic! Onnlotof liiria niuiililiirry (lnlotol hoiiNcliolil KOOlU line Imnil ol ranvn liornon, coii1tliiK of ahout mtvntv-llvD lirml of varluui ilxira anil uK-a. An uiiiIIvIiJihI one-half iiitnrcat In a cer tain Ulllnli, now III pnaaiiaaioti of Dean lluxton at I'aullim, Onyon. (Inn taiim of work liurani honiiriil aadillr liorara. and other artiolva of porainml proiHTty Ix-IohkIhk to said a tiito, eimptiiiK noU-a and acoouuta In doom of collection. lllila niunt Iw In wrltlnit and aealerf, and Hlfd Willi the ailiniiil.lmtor not lau-r than lo'ttlock M. of the iIhv of fa e; nui'l prop oriy may ha bid upon eitliHr a a whole or aepsrutely, cxcepluiK tliut the hand of rim if e horaea will ha aold aa a whole and at Ilia riak of lint plirehs-er. Thia Imnd of horaoa la lirsuded ' 2K" on left atilla ami Ihe iimi of the brand will go with purelia-e, I iifornittUon may lici Imd by ealliiiK on or addrmaiiiK the adiainiatmior or U. U. (Jornett, Ixith of Prineville, OrfKOii. The riKht to reject any and all blila la pccllically reaarved. N. . WAbbACK, Aduiliilatratorof tho eatatv of A rery O. Heo;glii, deceased. l--'Mt Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given by the un dersigned, the administrator of the catule of Patrick W. linden, de ceased, to all creditors of said de ceased mid to all persons having claims aifiiliiMt said estate to pren nt the same, with the proper voucher, to the undersigned at the office of M. It. Klllott In Prineville, Oregon, within mIx months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and published the first time January 21, llilft. , N. J. Lamhkut, Administrator of the estate of Patrick V, 1 laden, deceased. Crook County Journal County Official Paper ' and The Bend Bulletin Both One Year to One Address $2.00 Send Your Subscription to This Office Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby tflven by J. If. KoHenliiTK, the administrator of the estate of William hinlth, deceased, that he has made and tiled with the clerk of tlieciniuly court bis II no I accounting of Ids administration of said estate, and that the court hits ef, Monday, the first day of March, 1915, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon at the county court room In Prineville, Oregon, us the time and place for hearing and settling said final oc countliiK. At which time and place, any person Interested In Maid estate may appear and object to said final accounting. Itttcd this 21st day of Jan., 1915. J 11. KOHK.MIIKKU, Administrator of the estate of William Hinlth, deceased. Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon January IKth, 1!W. Notice is hereby given that James Forrester, of Prineville, Oregon, who, on June 12th 1911, made Homestead Entry No. 09175, for nwi nJ. sec 24 ej net, ncj sJ, sec, 23, township l't south, range 15eait, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Timothy E. J. Duay U. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on the 3rd day of March 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Earn est E. Aycock, James Mofhtt, Thomas Quinn, Cecil Stearns, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FKANk Wooncock, 1-21 Register. .Notice ot (iuardiao't. Sale ot Keal ICatate Notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance of au order of the county court of the state of Oregon for Clackamas county, made on the 2nd day of January, 1915, In the matter of the guardianship of Dewey LaFollette, a minor, the under signed, the guardian of said minor, will fell at private sale lor the high est price obtainable, and subject to confirmation by said county court after the 18th day of hebruarv. 1915, at the office of M. R Elliott In Prine ville, Oregon, all the right, title and InlereHt of said liewey LaFollette In all of the following- described real estate, to-wlt: The southeast quarter of section ten In township fourteen south, of range sixteen east of Willamette Meridian In Crook comity, atate ot Oregon. lerius and conditions of sale: Ciwh, gold coin of the United States, or upon good and sufficient first mortgage security with Interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum. Dated this 21st day of Jan . 1915. E. A. P. La Foi.i.kttk, Guardian of Dewey La Follette. Saturday. January 23d The 16th Episode of The Perils of Pauline New Thrills, New Terrors, New Dangers are ever in Pauline's path, but her sweetheart, Harry, is always on deck. See his dardevil leap oft a pier on a speeding motorcycle. Matinee 2:30 p. m. Evening 7: 1 5. The Lyric Theatre Cooldng is so important! , 1 1 m I II ' m:Mr ujt, j More and hotter water! Good cooking helps the health and happiness of your family. Surely you should have a' range that will enable you to do your but cooking. "Mije"!!"" mnttca Riwt cooking ear. It to not just "sn nim-ti nvtal put together to bold t. ri, , ooch p it la rvlenillU ally built to do ita Mork juaritht. M a.lo ul limllesblesndchar crxil Iron, nn laid ihi-.t resist runt and wear tluco Ciaicd iia loutf us orJiuury raogemetala. All Joint cnM-rivetrd (no patty aaedl a Jl.iji'sllo f my tlt'it holds tho heat in, malu tai'iUig -,r.ilurit bakiuK heat with leant luel. Th. MajostKi provldea perfect baklnf quail li.u, plus (uul-aaviuK and work-li'dwulnc I'MUiu'rt tli it you raotrnt rc ia ordinary ra.-i.""i. T'iol!ltle extra It coma iamoretbao rcuaid by Uiu ycura loutor wear tbat It give. The health and happiness of your whole family is elfccted by the ranpe you buy. Invrstimte thormifrhltf . Rrfnl-ft vnn huw Mfllleable and CharCOal Iron any range, come to our store and see the Majestic we Know you will want Majestic when you si its advantages. Majestlo water hontlnir front In flttcd with eight hollow pint Uiut eitcuit rltitlntothn fire: elvlng grtnii Ht wiitur-hei.tlnif urlai'eot any raniro nuulo; honta more wator nmi'h iulukur and hotter Uiuu ordinary water trunk C5 rk-t Majestic Range fc- Sold by O. C. CLAYPOOL & CO Inc. Groceries and Hardware PRINEVILLE OREGON Announcement The Ford Garage Handles Firestone Goodyear United States Michelin Tires , A complete stock oPall sizes on hand. Watch for our announcement of new cars. Full line of oils'and gas. C. W. WILSON PROPRIETOR Prineville Oregon 17 Do you spend five cents a day foolishly ? That amount will pay for a telephone in your residence The Pioneer Telegraph & Telephone Company H O R OLO GJI C AL tj What time is it? Get something besides a cheap watch and you will not have to ask. Get a watch that you will not be ashamed to produce in a crowd. PERCY R. SMITH, Watchmaker and Jeweler City Meat Market HORIGAN & REINKE, Propi. Choice Home-Made Hams, Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season