Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 21, 1915, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Mrs. Barbara E. Prose died at the
home of her daughter at Sweet
Home Saturday January 16. Mrs.
Prose was born in Galia county,
Ohio, March 31, 183!). With her
husband she crossed the plains by
ox team in 1S64, settling at that
time in Willamette valley. In 1S79
the family moved to Washington
buying land near Colfax. After
fourteen years spent in Washington
they came to Prineville and the re
maining years of her life were spent
here and with relatives in the Wil
lamette valley.
A. Prose, her husband, died
eleven years ago, and was buried at
Arlie, where the body of Mrs. Prose
was laid to rest Monday.
She leaves a brother, S- H. Nor
man of Junction City, three daugh
ters Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson of
Coos Bay, Mrs. Martha Haptonstale
of Falls City, Mrs. Katherine Burns
of Sweet Home and three sons, S.
A., W. H. and J. H. Prose, all of
Prineville. Mr. and Mrs. Prose
were both members of the United
Brethern church since childhood.
George Walter Snoderly died!
Saturday in The Dalles from a com
plication of diseases. Funeral serv
ices were held yesterday at 1:30
from the residence 'of J. W. Boone
in this city. Interment at Masonic
cemetery. Walter was born on
August 5, 1862, and had been a
resident of Crook county for many
Besides a wife and son, he eaves
his mother, two brothers, Fred and
and Wm. Snoderly, and sisters, Mrs.
J. W. Boone of this city and Mrs.
Schaferof Sherman county.
How the Teams Stand.
Five of the total of seven games
have been played by all eight teams
participating in the bowling tourna
ment at the Commercial Club. A.
Michel's team is leading, having a
total of 10,022 pins. Jess Tetherow Tuesday of next week
is second with 12 pins less, and S.
(i. Hinkle and Robert Osborne are
third and fourth, each team being
some fifty pins behind the leaders.
Card of Thanks
The family of the late Walter
Snoderly desire to thank the many
friend for their kindness and sym
pathy durlDK their sorrow.
Mrs. Sarah Snodehlv.
Wood Sawing.
Although it has been rumored
that I am going to quit sawing
wood, I am now betif-r prepaired
than ever to for that work. Leave
orderB at L. Kamctra's store or i Th m,r AnnjaA on Tnodao ihit
...... ....... ......v
the case should be tried out on its
Regular services at Christian
next Sunday.
Services both morning and even
ing at the Methodist Church.
Regular services at the Baptist
Church next Sunday.
John R. Howard of Lower Bridge,
was in the city on business Monday.
Christian Science services will be
held in the Masonic hall each Sun
day at 11 a. m. The public is
Rev. G. M. Wyatt has been hold
ing Sunday evening services at Al
falfa for some time. Attendance
is reported good.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reuiter of
Susanville, Ore., are in Prineville
visiting Mrs. Reuiter's sister, Mrs.
Walter Snoderly.
The Ladies' Aid of the Presby
terian church will meet on Thurs
day, January 28, at the home of
Mrs. J. B. Bell
Wade Huston left yesterday for
Ashwood and surrounding country
where he will act as agent for the
Journal as well as transacting other
A terrific plunge by a rider on a
speeding motorcycle from the end
of a pier is featured in the Perils of
Pauline, to be shown Saturday at
the Lyric.
C F. Smith shipped a car of cat
tie from his Lamonta ranch to
North Portland last week, return
ing home Friday. He is well satis
fied with the results obtained.
George T. Huttle of Fife, who
was committed to the county jail
for six months, has had his sentence
reduced to thirty days, about half
of which has already been served.
The new dwelling which has just
been completed on the Post ranch
on Crooked River contains eleven
rooms, and was built at a cost of
about f 1600. S. B. Morris was the
carpenter for the job.
There will be a bowling party at
the Commercial Club rooms on
The party
is given by the Ladies' Annex and
all members are invited. Come bv
Sheriff Knox went to LaPine yes
terday to serve a warrant on J. N.
Masten who is charged with larceny.
The warrant was sworn to before
Justich Bowman by J. E. Morson of
La Pine, who charges Masten with
the larceny of lumber.
An attempt made some time ago
to have the appeal of the Jefferson
county case dismissed from the
supreme court was unsuccesstul
phone orders to Dr. Fox
1-21-tf Mabtin Kamstra.
I can locate you on a homestead situ
ated on the upper Deschutes river, con
taining 30 acres of river bottom land
and 50 acres good yellow pine timber,
remaining 80 very good quality bench
and. Inquire Journal office. '9-10
merits. It will come up for hear
ing some time in February.
The Semi-Weekly and Sunday Oregon
Journal has interesting articles for
every member of the family at a very
small cost. Reduced rates until Febru
ary 1st. Kay V. Constable,
1-8 Agent.
That cough by using our White Pine and Tar (mentol
ated) Cough Syrup
"Our Name Your Assurance of Best Quality"
Exclusive NYAL Store
l II n i e l i
neuo ! oay, ao you know
the Pilot Butte Telephone
Company has more miles
of line and a larger num
ber of subscribers than any
other telephone company
in Crook county and at
cheaper rates? Telegraph
connection is made at Red
mond with all outside
points. Main office Prine
ville, Oregon.
Charley O'Noil was in Prineville
the first of the week.
Sheriff Knox was in Sisters and
Redmond Monday on business con
nected with his office.
Mrs. Hugh Lnkin left Tuesday
for Fort Klamath where she was
called by the illness of her father,
C. I. Winnek.
A. J. Reynolds, who formerly
owned a taylor shop in Prineville,
writes from Ferriston, Kentuckey,
that he has rented a farm there-
The largest rabbit drive ever
made in this country took place in
Paulina valley Saturday, January
16th. The drivers succeeded in
killing 2523 of the posts, and again
at Beaver creek, Sunday, January
17th, they succeeded in getting 728
The "Ich Ka Dibble" bible class
gave a reception in the basement of
the Baptist church on Friday even
ing in honor of the True Blue's and
class number 3. There were about
45 present. The evening was spent
in playing various games. Refresh
ments were served about ten. A
delightful time is reported by the
young people present
J. T. Hardy of the Oregon Trunk,
was in Prineville Saturday.
P. Chitwood of frizzly, was in
Prineville Tuesday. Ho reports
considerable snow in his part of
the country.
There have been ten filings on
mining claims on the Deschutes
near Lower Bridge, involving a to
tal of about 200 acres.
A bunch of keys with metal tug,
on which 1070 is engraved was
picked up on the street the other
day. Owner can have same by
paying for this notice.
George H. Russell and Jesse
Yancey are in the Madras country
this week buying horses which will
be used in tilling contracts for the
French and English governments.
The Presbyterian church gave a
reception and . sort of jubilee on
Tuesday evening. The event was
for the purpose of celebrating the
fact that the church debt was re
duced to zero the first of the yeur.
Fifteen numbers were on the pro
gram which was well supported by
the High School Glee Club and or
orchestra. A royal good time wus
enjoyed by all present.
1915 Buicks
The Primier Cars
for the New Year
Come in and see two of the the latest.
They will be here Saturday.
All the latest improvements.
Huff-Noble Auto Co.
Protect Your Family
by the
Covers of a Check Book
A man of family has a big responsibility.
He not only must conserve the morals and
. education of wife and children, but he must
Is there no better way of helping his dear
ones than by adding to HIS BANK
It will provide against sickness and mis
fortune. Four per cent interest on time dqxwits.
Crook County Bank
Prineville, Oregon
Save Time
and Trouble
Get your fruit, vegetables, etc. from
where you can be sure of your
money's worth. The best on
the market always.
Telephone Red 603
Goods Delivered
lish and S
We have just received a large shipment of shoes
for men, women and children. If you want good
values in shoes come here. In this lot are more
than 500 pairs. For men we have the "Atlantic"
for dress, and for heavy wear our "Honesty" shoe
can not be beaten. The "Pacific" shoe for women
are beauties. Try our "Red Goose" shoe for children.