Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 21, 1915, Page Page 5, Image 5

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Page 5
Detailed Reports Increase List
of Dead and Injured and
Property Loss.
Home,. A renewal of seismic 1U
turbunco Iium served to ttilil to the
terror of the people In purt uf tho illt
trlut that visited by the heavy
earthquake last week.
AHIioiikU the shock were light,
building which hllil been cracked mid
were tottering from tliu effect of the
first disturbance, were completely
razed, In Aveztino mid Horn, the
town which suffered most from tin)
disaster, thu people loft Ih.'ir tempor
ary shutter mid look refuge 111 upen
Detailed report received lu ttiu cap-
Hal regarding Ituly 'm stupendous
earthquake disaster increase rather
than diminish tlu appalling HhI of the
dead and tlm enormous property loss.
The Measuggcro, after inalsliitf
careful compilation of ull Hit) ligure
It Imr Ix'i'ii able to i;ruh.'r from thu
district Mint village hitherto Initiated,
announce that tlm number of dead
mid Injured In tlm Abruzxl district
ltni In 30,000, without Including tliu
Bora district,
Hun Atollo ha 200 dead mid (00 In
Jured, Morlno 1500 dead, CautHlro 000
Injured, (Vrvaro 8uo victims, Ilorgo
60 dead mid Valleroveto 1800. At Clvl
tvlla Kou li) nltnoHt the entire pnpu
lutliiti escaped because they were nt
work lu Ilia fluid when the shock oc
curred. Twelve thousand bdlf, It I semi
officially estimated, are burled under
the fa 1 1 'ii wall of tliu earthquake
ruined city uf AveMunn,
Pari and Berlin Agree Artillery Duel
Are Chief Activities,
Um.luii, - Otfli'lul Ci'rniHii
Krciicli rt'iort In wiyliitt ibui
laltj otlvlllt of the nriiilp on tlio
wcntiTti front luivo bif'ii conflnod
chiefly to arllliry PiiKagniiifliU, Tin
CiTimin mvomit lull of the lilowlim
op of foundry nt Hlnnny, runt of Ar
rM, mid th I'n'iirli veralnn ftduiltH
loln thl piwltton, but amcrt tout
It an promptly reilnud mid I Ktlll
A fixture of the (lermnti report Is
tlll ('SIIIIIU'H It illllkl Of 111'1 lo'll' ot
the u 1 1 1 rt m n in tho ki-ihtbI mlvuiii-i'
rMitfd to lmve bi!in decided on
In li'ci'inbr. The ro rIvimi by Her
lin 20,000 klliud mid n.St'.i) prison
cm, and It I u lil Hint tho ftrami to.
till, Including wounded, nit k mid ml an
lilt;, niuxt lune been ISo.ihiu men.
"Our totnl lostr for tlio anmo po
rloil." mivM tho llerlln account, "do
not nmouiit to one iium ti'r of (tint
American Loan to Rueila Ready.
New York. Tin- U:in of Vm urotip
of New York tanl.i'i's to Hie Uiumlnn
Kovel'imieiit hii been perfected.
The tiimtnnt of HiiMtlnn bills iiecept
ed by L, l MorKim Co., mid tlW'lr
BHHiiclutc, reiiches $:5,tiiio,ooo for 90
tlnyM, mibjeet to renew ul for an aihll
tlonnl AO liny, nt a rule of 5 per pent
per milium.
London. A I'elrograd dispatch to
the Central News Buys:
"An offlcliil communication says tho
Klcveiith Turkish army corps has been
exterminated near Kura-Urgun."
This Is the third Turltlnh corps de
stroyed by the Russlun,
The following official statement re
garding the operations In Toliim!, Gal
tela and Ilukawlna, was ismieil from
general headquarters:
"On tlio rlcht bunk of tho lower Vis
tula wo are still mulling successful
, progress.
"In the other sections wo repulsed
tlio enemy and forced them to full
buck on tholr positions.
"In Hiikowlim our ad' ancod columns
i captured by storm tlio Klrlilmlia l'una,
on tho Tratisylvanla frontier, situated
on tho road from KinipolunR (In tlio
southern part of IluliowimO to Mura
''maroS'Sislgt't (northcastorn Hungary)
and Dees."
Profits Promised on Dominican Job.
New York. James M. . Sulllvaij,
'American minister to tho lHimlnicn,i
republic, was pictured at the inquiry
conducted by Se-nntor-oleet I'helun In
to his fitness to hold the pout, as hav
ing boon associated with Interests who
for money consideration would guar
antee to obtain prol'itnblo contracts
from the Dominican government.
President Wilson I Grandfather,
Washington. A son was born at the
White Houae to Mrs. Francis tiowes
Sayre, President , Wilson's socond
daughter. Mrs. Sayre mid the child
were reported to be doing well.
f .'.Y--;
f a i '..' . j
y rj
I'hule by American lr Awoeimlun
Jam M. Sullivan, American Minis
ter to the Domlnloan Republic, who
conduct of affair li being Invetti
Battleship Leave Puget Sound Navy.
Yard on First Leg of Trip,
Seattle. The biittleithlp Oregon, re
fitted mid repaired until, her officer
y, h I In even better trim thnn
whim ho nindo her erulne uround th
Horn to purtlclputs In the deBtruotloii
of the HpnnlHh fleet lit HiuitlnKo. nulled
from tho l'uget Sound Navy Yard on
tho flrt leg of her voynne to tho Pan
ama ranal. Tho OreKoii will cull at
Sun Kranrineo on her way south to
tuko aboard More and roul.
r'rom Sun Kranclaco the Oregon will
proceed to Hun DIcro, to honor the
I'auania California Kxpoaltlon and ro
celvo more explicit order concerning;
tlio part ho I to pluy In the naval
celebration ut the canal, Unable Com
mander Iteeve, Captain Predorlck
llunmey, of the Marine Corp, and sev
eral eiillntccl men who were aboard
tlio Oregon in 181)8, sailed with her.
Carranza Lift Embargo on Oil.
WttuhlnRton. The Hrlllnh embassy
announced that word had been re
ceived from (leiieral Carranza through
tlia Ilrltlxh IcKtitlon In Mexico llftlntt
the eiubargo on the exportation of ell
at Tamplco, which had threatened the
fuel supply of the Urltliih fleet
Dry Alabama Bill Paise.
Montgomery, Ala. A bill to make
Alabama a prohibition state after June
30, 1915, waa passed by both houses
of the legislature.
Chicago to Build $5,000,000 Subway.
ChlcaRo, III. An appropriation of
$5,000,000 for the construction of a
downtown subway wa voted by the
city council here.
llerlln, by wireless to Sayvlllo. N
V. The fighting In the region of Sols
sous la regarded by German military
experts as the greatest success for the
Qormun troops In France for three
months, and It Is held to confirm their
convictions that the offensive of Gen
eral Joffre, the French comnmnder-lu-chlef,
has broken down.
Major Moruht, writing In tho Tage
blatt, says tho total French losses In
the three days' fighting In the Sots
sous district must have reached 30,
000. His conclusion Is that this vic
tory must expedite the German opera
tions In the Argonne forest and around
the French fortress of Verdun.
"Tho enemy's attacks on our posi
tions northeast of Arras were re
pulsed. In a counter attack our
troops captured two trenches Biui
made prisoners of the occupants.
"The hutnlet of I,n Ilolaulle, north
east of Albert, which has boon men
tioned frequently of lute, was com
pletely destroyed and cleared of ali
Wheat Club, $1.41; blue-stem $1.4.1;
rod Russlun, $1.35; forty-fold, $1.4;;
red fife, $1.38.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $15:
grain hay, $11; alfalfa, $1.1; valley tim
othy, $13.
Butler Creamery, 80c.
Eggs Hunch, 28c; candled. 30c.
MopHisiH crop, i2c; una crop,
Wool Valley, 18c; eastern Oregon.
, Seattle.
Wheat Dlubstoin, $1.43; club $1.41;
red RusBlan, $1.37; turkey red, $1.40;
forty-fold, $1.42; fife, $1.39.
Barley, $30 per ton.
Hay Timothy, $16 per ton; alfalfa.
$14 per ton. '
Butter Creamery, 81o.
Eggs 30c,
President Orders Inquiry Into
Possible Illegal Combina
tions in Background.
WaiHlilniston. With the department
of Justice, undor Instruction from
1'rcaldeut Wilson, sooklng to dt.ter-
mine whether auy illenal combination
mo back of the recent sudden rise In
foodiituffs prices and the departments
of agriculture and commerce compil
ing figures showing the amount of
food supplies In the United State and
the recent Increase In exports, the
government began vigorous effort to
cope with the food price situation.
in addition, legislation givltiK the
president power to stop the exporta
tion of foodstuff whenever necessary
and other bill designed to lower the
prices were dlncussed Informally at
the capital, but there were no Indica
tion that anything along this line will
be done during the present session of
Supply Bill May Fall This Season.
Kear that no general legislation,
Including the government ship pur
chase bill, can be passed In the senate
before adjournment of congress by
March are now being supplemented
by apprehension on the part of ad
ministration leaders that some of the
general itippty bill also will fail un
less a plun can be devised to expedite
legislative business that ha been
dragging at a, snail like pace for sev
eral weeks.
Fifteen appropriation bills, Includ
ing the District of Columbia measure,
with Its prohibition rider, now before
the senate, are to be disposed of with
in six week, if the necessity of adopt
ing Joint resolution to continue ex
isting appropriation I to be averted.
Naval Bill Reported.
The naval appropriation bill, carry
ing 14S,000,000, was formally report
ed to the house by the committee on
naval affairs. It does not alter the
two battleship program. The subma
rine is declared to have proved Its
great value, but It Is pointed out that
battleships have been shown to be
necessary for control of the sea lu
war. The bill Increase the building
program of the navy department by
The total number of vessels In the
Cnlted Slates navy on July 1. the re
port summarizes, was 396, with a total
displacement of 1.658.C47 tons, ot
which 330, with displacement of 1.3M,.
884. are "fit for service," Including
those under construction or author
ized. Those listed as fit for service
include 10 first line battleships, 25
second-line battleships, 10 armored
cruisers, 24 other cruisers, nine moni
tors, 60 destroyers, 19 torpedo-boats,
30 submarines and numerous other
Turkey Meet Demand of Italy.
Rome. The Turkish government,
according to a semi-official communi
cation published in the Glornale d'lta
lla, has renewed Its order sent through
Rome to tho Vail of Yemen, Arabia,
Instructing him to give complete sat
isfaction for all the demands present
ed by the Italian government In con
nection with the Incident at Hodelda,
where Turkish officials forcibly re
moved the British consul from the
Italian consulate, where he bad taken
Former G. A. R. Chief Die.
Newburg, Ore. Major Thaddous
Clarkson, formerly commander-in-chief
of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic and ex-postmaster of Omaha, Neb.,
died here aged 74. He had lived here
with a daughter for several years past
Colonel Garza Named When Gutierrez
Flees From Mexico City.
Washington. Colonel Roque Gon
zales Garza, one of General Villa's
principal officers, is the executive
head of that portion of Mexican terri
tory controlled by , the Yllla-Zapatu
Advices to this effect reached the
state department from American Con
sul Silliman. Details of the term of
ottice which uarza will serve wore
lacking, but the general belief in Mex
ican circles here was that ho had been
appointed temporarily to meet an
emergency created by the sudden de
parture of General Gtitlerres and mem
bers ot his cabinet from Mexico City.
Tho reasons for the departure of
Gutierrez are unknown here, but the
belief prevails that he declined to be
continued In office under the restric
tions suggested by the Zapatistas.
Gutierrez la In Flight.
El Paso, Tex. General Kululio Gu
tierrez, deposed as provisional presi
dent of Mexico by the convention,
which named Gonoral Roque Conzales
Garza as his successor, fled from the
capital with several members of hia
cabinet to escape assassination at the
hands of Zapatistas, according to re
ports received here.
In tlii'eirfult court of the (iliite of Ori
K'Mt lor Hie coun'v ut Crook,
W. O. Mustard, Hamuli',
Ails Jolinwi-i, . O, JoliiKon, Mr. J. O.
.IoIhimiii uiiiI all per ons unknown. claim
lug any right, titl, Inu-ienl. eotuie or
lien In the real properly described herein
To Ada Johnson, J. O. Johnson, Mrs. J,
O. JiiIiiimjii slid all ieroii unknown,
cliiiniiiigKny right, title, interest, entsus
or Hpii iu the teal property dwcrllied
lii-ii-lii, the slHive named defendants;
In the nuine of the mule of Oregon, You
are hereby notlllml MuHtardm
t lie; holder of Certificate of XJeliiHiincjr
numbered ICiuhty-fotir -CI- iiiel on the
'.'nd day ul i:eiiile, 11)14, by the Tax
Collector ol the county of Crook, stuteof
Oregon, lor Ilia amount of r.ieven anu
111 hundred lint -til ID- dollars, the same
being the amount then due and delinquent
lor ittxif lor wie yrar iuiu, voKewier wnn
rt'iiaity, interet and costs thereon upon
the rel property axRemed to you, of which
you are the owners as appears ot record.
idtUHted in naid county and state and
nsrticularly described follow, to-wit:
IaiI Hl --. Blocs Two l; original town-
it of Bend, in Crook coiimy, ulnteof Ore-
lion, according to toe legtu sua oincsi
pint llieref on lile in the ollic of the
county clerk of Crook county, store-aid.
You are further notilied that the unid
W. 0. Mutiard has paid taxes for mjIiw
ijiient years upon "aid property with the
rate of interent on said amounts, the num
ber of tax receipts and from the dutes as
hereinafter set forth, U-wit:
Kor the year Mil, paid December 22,
1014. receipt No. 10HH, snioiint tfl.'ii, rate of
iiiteret ir per cent per annum;
Kor the year 1012, paid Decemlier 22,
1014, receipt So. TlftiW. amount $40.72, rate
of iutereia l-'i per cent per annum;
Kir lti vt!ftr lllt.'t. oaid Oecemlier 22.
1H. receipt No. It'll'-', amount I3B.92, rate
ot interest 10 1 er ceni per annum ;
HaidAilu Johnaon, j. ll. Johnon and
Mr. .1. 0. Johnson aa the owners of the
legal title of the abive deacriliwl real pro)
env as the same appears of record, and
each and all other perrons, unknown
claiming any ni'lr. , tun:, iuterext, eotate
or lien in tlie real properly above dencrioed
are hereby further iiottned that the ald
W. li. Mustard will apply to the circuit
court of the elate of Oregon for Crook
county for a decree foreclosing the lien
against the property above described and
mentioned In aid certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear within
Sixty Aiy days after the first publication of
this ."miniums. eicltiive of the day of said
tirtt publication, and defend the action or
pay tue amount due as above hown to
gether with the coi-ts and accrued interest
..I ..... filiiM .In u
decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien
of laid uxe and cota sgainst the land
and premises above dewntwd.
Tliissuuimoiis is publinhed by order of
the Honorable O Springer, judge of the
c.mniycourtof the state of Oregon for the
said Crook county, and said order was
made and dared tins 31st day of Decern tw. ,
lull, and the dute of the lirst publication
of this summon is the said Sin day of
lift-ember, 1014.
Ail process and papers In tliis proceed-
ing niuy be serv.'d upon the undersigned,
rrsmtiiK smim ...r .i.,r, .....
suitress hereinafter mentioned.
iJate of the lust puolication of this sum
liuii'.s is the4lli day of March. A. O., 1015.
W1LI.AK1J H. VllttW,
IliMrict Attorney and Attorney for
Plainlitl'. Address: Prinevilie, Oregon.
Hotic tor Publication
Department of the Interior,
1". S. Land Office at The Dallee, Ore.
December 23rd, 1914.
Notice Is hereby jtlven that
Paul Mertachlug
of Prlnevtlle, Oregon, who, on
.March 1st, D'H. made homestead
entry No. 0821 and on September
25th, 1014, made additional home
stead entrv No. Ol'SHXl, for swj swi,
section 2J, si iw, wj nw, nwj swj
and swj sej, section 2ti, nej sec 27,
tp KiHouth. rutitre 16 east, Willamette
Meridian, linn hied notice of inten
tion to make final three year proof
to establish cbilm to the land above
dcwrlbed before' Timothy E. J.
Duffy, U. S. Commissioner, at 1'rltie
vllle", Orejron, on the 3rd day of
February, 1915.
Clalnmut name as witnesses:
Curt Miller, H. Karl Cross, Curt Wil
son. William Horsell, all of Pruie
vllle, Oregon.
12 Ul H. Frank Woodcock, Register.
We are selling out all our Stoves
Ranges and Heaters at actual cost.
will be sold at greatly reduced prices
up to February 20, 1 9 1 5
A. H. Lippman & Co
fitinunoiih. '
In the circuit court of the state ot
On gnn for the county of Crook.
Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany, a Corporation, Plaintiff,
v. I
F. 15. Nelson, Defendant.
To F.B Nilcon, the above named
In tbe name of the state of Ore
gon: You are hereby requir
ed to appear and s newer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled eoit within six weeks
from the date of the first publics
tion of this summon, namely with
in fix weeks from the lOtn day of
December, 1914, and if you fail so
to anewer, for want thereof, the
plaintiff will take judgment for the
relief demanded in the complaint,
to-wit: The cancellation of the
contract for the acquirement cf
title to the land and water right
under contract relating to the ew
and nel of section 15, township 17
south, range 12 K. V. M , together
with the coats and disbursements
of this suit.
This summons is served upon
you by publication pursuant to an
order made on the 7th day of De
cember, 1914. by Hon. W. L. Brad-
shaw, judge of the above entitled
Jk.k Stearns and
K. Martin
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication Dec, 10. 1914.
Last publication Jan. 21, 1915.
Hotice for Publication
department of the Interior,
Not coal land
U. S. I-and Office at Lftkevlew, Ore.
January i, 1915.
Notice Id hereby given that
Pn trick D. McNumee
of Fife, Oregon, who. on June 15,
1910. made homestead entry Act
Feti. 19, 1009, Xo. 03062, for nej. tij
, section iu;v.j nl etnm to,
township 21 south, range 23 east,
Willamette Meridian, liae filed notice
of Intention to make final three vear
,0of to entabllMh elnlm to the land
, dencrllied More Charles A.
Khlirma H rmm!Hnlnner t
,herI"an. u- Commiswloner at
Hfe, Oreiron, on the let day of
March, 1915.
Claimant nnmos u witnesses:
Puu P. Werner, K. G. Dotijrlne, H.
w. Douglne, Ed Street, all of File,
Oregon. J AS. F. Kl HOEKH,
I 21
Hotice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby (riven by the un
dersigned, the executor of the estate
of Avery G. Scoiruln, deceased, to
all creditors of said deceased aud to
all persons having; clalroa against
said estate to present them with the
proiier vouchers at the office of N.
G. Wallace, In Prinevilie, Oregon,
within six months from the first
publication of this notice.
Dated and published first time this
21st day of January, 1915.
N. G. Wallace. '
Administrator of the estate of
Avery G. Scoggln, deceased. l-21-5t
The Dalles
In the justice court of the flate of
Oregon for Crook county, l'w
trict No. 1.
J. M. Tengman, Plair.tiff,
II. P. Speer, Defendant.
To H. P. Speer, defendant:
In the name of trie state of Ore
gon, yoo are hereby reqired to ap
pear and answer the complaint
filed herein against you in the
above entitled cau?e on or before
January 29, 1915, which is the
time prescribed in the order of the
justice of the peace of Crook county,
Oregon, for district No. 1, pursuant
to which this strumous is pub
lished, in which you are required
to appear, answer or plead, and if
you fail to so appear, answer or
plead, the plaintiff will take judg
ment against you as prayed in his
said complaint, to wit: for the sum
of thirty dollars with interest from
the 14th day of December, 1914, at
ten per cent per annum, for fifteen
dollars attorney's fee and his cost
and disbursements herein,
The date of the first publication,
of this summons is the the 17th
day of December, 1914.
This summons is published pur
suant to an order of Hon A. R.
Bowman, justice of the peace for
Crook county, Oregon, for District
No. 1, made -on the 16th day at
December, 1914
A. R. Bowmas,
pd Justice of the Peace.
In the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for the county of Crook.
Jonathan Johnson, plaintiff,
P.oy Young, defendant.
To Roy Young, defendant:
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, You are hereby required te
appear and answer the complaint
of the plaintiff filed against ycu in
the above entitled suit within six
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons, ok
or before the 21st day of January,
1915, and if vou fail eo to answer
for want thereof the plaintiff wilt
apply to the court for the relief
prayed for in the complaint here
in, to-wit:
For a decree of this court de
claring the plaintiff to be the own
er in fee simple of the south half
of section 9, and southeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of eectioa
16, in township 14 south, rang
12 east, W. M., and forever quiet
ing the title of the plaintiff against
you and barring and enjoining
you from at any time hereafter
setting up or asserting any claim
or title to said premises or any
part thereof.
This summons is served upo.
you by the publication thereof m
accordance with an order made at
Prinevilie, Oregon, by the Honor
able W. L. Bradshaw, judge of the
circuit court, on December 11,
1914, requiring that this summon
be published at least once a week
for six consecutive weeks in Crook
County Journal, a newspaper pub
lished at Prinevilie, Crook county,
Oregon, and that the first publica
tion thereof shall be on the 17tk
day of December, 1914. pd
Foster & Hamiltox,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the state i
Oregon tor Crook county.
The First National Bank of Prinevilie,
a corporation, plaintiff,
' S. R. Cooper, defendant.
: To S. R. Cooper, the above named de-
In the name of the state of Oregon,
', Yeu are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plaintiff
' tiled against you iu the above entitled
court and action, within ten days from
, the date of the service ot this summon
: upon you, if served witiiin Crook cona
1 ty, state of Oregon, or, if eeryed withim
; any other county in the state ot Ore-
J ' gon, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons up
on you, or, 'I served without this stat
by publicaiion, as required by law,
then on or bef jre the titli day of March,
1915. And you are hereby notified that
if you fail to so appe sr or answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take
judgment against you for the sum of
Seven hundred titty dollars, with t
terest thereon at rate of ten per cent
per annum from the 2nd day of Junei,
1914, (less the sum ol Two hundred
fifty-seven and one-half dollars paid
thereon July 8th, 1914,) and for the
further sum of Fifty dollars as attor
ney's fees, and for the fur:her gum
of Tine' hunlred ' dollars villi in
terest theieoi at rate of ten per
j cent per annum from the 23rd day xt
I July, 1914, and for the further sum of
Thiity dollars as attorney's fees, and
i for the further sum of One bundled
! tixty-eiglit dollars with interest there
on ut rate of six per cent per annua
from the 1st day of October, 1914. anA
; for the costs and disbursements of thi
' asti in, and for an order of said court
that certain personal property belng
ing to yeu, and attached in this aettsa
iu this county, be sold to satisfy said
judgment. This summons is published
In the Crock County Journal for rx
full weeks in seven consecutive issues
thereof, commencing with the issue of
January 21st, 1915, and ending with
the issue of March 4th, 1015, by order
of the Hon. G. Springer, county judge
of Crook county, slate of Oregon, made
and entered on the 13th day of Janu
ary, 1915.
Dated and published flret time Janu
ary 21st, 1915. M. E. Bkink,
Attorney for 1'laintifL