Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 21, 1915, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Events Occurring Throughout
the State During the Past
"Farmer' Exchange" Appreciated.
Klamath Falls. Some time ago
County Agriculturist Glatsyer, work
ing with the Klamath Chamber of
Commerce, Inaugurated a "farmers'
exchange," which has proved success
ful and much appreciated by the
ranchers. A bulletin is published
monthly containing a list of articles
such as grains, livestock, etc., which
farmers tn the neighborhood have to
trade or sell. It also contains a list
of articles wanted, together with the
name and address of the farmer in
each case.
Sugar Factory Planned.
Monmouth. E. S. Bramwell, repre
senting an Idaho sugar beet corpora
tion, has been iu this city arousing in
terest among farmers for the erection
of a sugar factory. He said that $450,
000 capital would be furnished for a
plant if the residents of a suitable beet
district in the AVillamette valley would
subscribe an additional J.'Su.Or.O in
stock. Farmers have been discussing
the probable success of the beet-growing
industry, but no conclusion has
been drawn as to the opinion of the
Crater Lake Road Planned.
Roseburg. The initial move in tlie
direction of constructing a permanent
aighway between Roseburg and Crater
Lake was instituted here, when the
Roseburg commercial club appointed
a committee to confer with the proper
officers and ascertain the cost of such
a road. The distance between Rose
burg and the Crater Lake National
Park via the North Umpqua country,
is about 80 miles. For nearly half that
distance the proposed road will tra
verse the national forest reserve.
F. J. Lafky Reappointed for Second
Year as La Grande Head.
La Grande. F. J. Lafky, formerly
of Salem, but last year put in charge
as manager of the city of La Grande,
has just been reappointed as city man
ager and has entered upon his second
year. J. H. Russell, formerly a com
missioner, is president of the council,
succeeding Mac Wood, whose term ex
pired New Tear's day. Vincent Palm
er, well known sawmill man, and
John Gardner, veteran railroad en
gineer, are the other two commission
ers. J. D. Slater, one of the oldest law
yers in the city, has been appointed
city attorney by Manager Lafky, aad
the commission exercised its only ap
pointive power other than the man
ager by renaming Robert Eakin, Jun
ior member of the law firm of Craw
ford & Eakin, to be municipal judge.
No shakeup has taken place in the
other city officials.
La Grande likes the managerial form
of government. She was the first city
in any western state to adopt that
form, and only seventh in the United
States. Commission forms of govern
ment are not similar to the La Grande
method, here the commission being
legislative in power, except to name
the manager, who is responsible for
all departments.
Two Women Will Run For Office.
Eugene. Two women have an
nounced their candidacy for office of
city treasurer, annual election in
April. Mrs. Lou Clinton, for five years
assistant county treasurer, has filed
her petition, and Mrs. Ella Fisher, for
a number of years assistant in the city
treasurer's office, is circulating hers,
and will file later. An exciting cam
paign is expected by friends of candi
dates. Gold Find is Reported.
Redmond. Considerable excitement
has been occasioned in this section by
reports, that rich deposits of gold, ra
dium and other minerals have been
found along the valleys of the Des
chutes and Crooked rivers, and Squaw
creek, near here. Prominent men of
this and other cities have become In
terested and many of them have filed
on claims.
Find Woman's Body at Roseburg.
Roseburg. The body of a woman
about 30 years of age was found lying
fceyond the railroad track in the south
ern limits of Roseburg with a bullet
hole in the abdomen. Beside her was
found a gun and a note which said
she was out of work and had no rela
tives. The note gave her name as
Agnes O'Leary.
Insurance Commissioner Removed.
Salem. Having declined to resign,
J. W. Ferguson, insurance commis
sioner, was notified by (ioviriio:
Withycombe that his official duM-.H
would cease Wednesday when ilartuy
Wells, of Portland, was to take charge
of the department.
F.Li ,s , A .V ;- 1
X"'' -:v -
Lf:'! -., -I V--.
v : ,- .
v- v-,l "jr
9 by American Prea Association.
John Barrett, Director of the Pan
American Union, now visiting Coast
cities to arouse interest in trade pos
sibilities. BRIEF WAR NEWS
Out of the state of virtual deadlock,
which fur weeks has existed in the
east and west, there have sprung dur
ing the last few days military events
of more importance than followers of
the war expected at this time. They
are, briefly: The Russian offensive
toward new points ou the frontiers of
East Prussia and Posen; the fighting
at Soissons; the expected Turkish ad
vance on Egypt and the plans for a
renewed attack oa Servla by com
bined Austro-German forces.
To the west of Warsaw large Ger
man forces are still concentrated, but
they are gaining little ground and It
is thought likely that the fighting
which will develop as a result of the
new Russian movement may, for the
time being, overshadow the fighting
for the Polish capital. It is even sug
gested that Field Marshal von Hin
denburg held in check along the
Bzura and ttawka rivers, is about to
initiate a fresh movement of German
troops either from Thorn or from East
Prussia, and that the Russian advance
toward the German frontier is intend
ed to forestall this attempt
The British press concedes that the
Germans were victors in the recent
fighting near Soissons. Military writ
ers, speculating as to the reason for
Emperor William's presence at the
front during the fighting near Sols
sons, suggest that General von Kluck
"either requested the emperor to come
and Inspire enthusiasm among the
weary troops, or else felt so sure of
his ability to force back the French
over the river, that he desired to have
the emperor witness the victory."
Dispatches reaching London assert
that the Germans have not abandoned
hope of reaching Calais, and are plan
ning a new offensive in Belgium and
northern France. According to these
advices, train after train, loaded with
troops, is moving into Flanders. With
the touch so often added heretofore
on the occasion of any approaching
holiday or anniversary, these dis
patches say that the German soldiers
hope to present Calais to Emperor
William for a birthday present
Only a small fraction of the British
military writers profess to see in the
German advance at Soissons any new
threat against Paris. They pay more
attention, however, to the cumulative
indications that the Turks have de
termined to attempt an Invasion of
Egypt. The general feeling Is that
any such raid could be checked, as the
Turks would have to reckon with not
only the British troops, but with war
ships, which, operating In the Suez
canal, off Akabah, Arabia and at other
points, will be able to share In the
work of opposing the Invaders.
Aware of the fact that It is less dif
ficult to cross the desert in winter
than in summer, the Turks are said
to be massing troops with all possible
speed south of Syria.
Latest advices relative to the pros
pective Austro-German attack on Ser
via say that Bavarians and Prussians
are on the way to Budapest to effect
a junction with the remnants of four
or five Austrian army corps which
suffered so severely at the hands of
the Servians.
Garrison Advises War Preparation.
New York. Preparation for the de
fense of the United States In the event
of war was advocated by Secretary of
War Garrison, Henry L. Stlmson, ex
secretary, and William C. Sanger, ex
assistant secretary, who were speak
ers at a discussion on the military re
quirements of the country at the re
publican club here.
"Bread Crisis" Stirs Women.
New York. Bombardment ' of con
gressmen with telegrams urging an
investigation of the rising cost of flour
and bread will be the next step In the
campaign inaugurated by the National
Housewives league, against the high
cost of food staples.
Cmatllla county has 7010 persous of
school ac.e. Of this number -i-Ho uiv
girls and 35tiS are bays.
The annual show of the Polk Comity
Poultry association Is being hold tn
the armory In PiUlus. About 1000 birds
are on exhibition,
Salem has been named as the next
meeting place of the Oregon Federa
tion of Women's Clubs for the annual
convention to be held next October.
Twelve I. W. W.'s were arrested at
Roseburg charged with disturbing the
peace. They became abusive and pro
fane while speaking on the streets.
Indians from reservations In Ore
gon, Washington and Haho will gath
er at the Tiitulllu Mission on the Uma
tilla reservation early uext month to
hold a camp meeting and revival.
There will be an interesting gather
ing at Oorvttllis February 2. when a
county fair conference will be held
Men who take a prominent part In
making fairs a success will be present.
Bids are being advertised for tho
construction of the proposed $1,750,
000 interstate bridge to connect Van
couver and Portland, by tho Interstate
bridge commission. The bids will be
opened February 23.
The three trials of Roy Farnum, who'
was recently convicted at Roseburg of
a statutory offense against Edna Mor
gan, of Glemlale, cost Douglas county
$-Mti0, according to figures made pub-
' lie by the county clerk.
M. J. Gerseul. it is announced, has
been made chief clerk of the judiciary
committee of the house. Until a few
weeks ago he was district attorney of
Tillamook county, but was recalled by
the people at that time.
Five days in the city Jail was the
sentence given by Police Judge But
lex at Marshtield, to James Atkcn and
Walter Rehfield. youths of 19 years
convicted of throwing onions at an
actor In the Lemaskl theater.
State ownership and the flat salary
basis of conducting the state printing
office was responsible for a saving of
$7830 for the quarter, October 1 to
December 31, 1914, according to
statement given out by Former State
Printer Harris.
W. E. Finzer, adjutant-general, will
bo relieved from duty as chief of staff
of the Oregon National Guard Febru
ary 1. Governor Witbycombe named
Captain George A. White, of the Third
Oregon Infantry, to succeed the retir
ing adjutant-general.
Thirty-six accidents, none fatal, were
reported to Labor Commissioner Huff
during the week from several lines of
activity In the state. Lumber and log
ging work caused the greatest number
of accidents, 11 being hurt, and nine
were hurt while engaged in railroad
A science club lias been formed at
the Univer-'ty of Oregon. The object
of the organization is to keep the
members in touch with the latest re
search work and discoveries In hot
any, zooloey, biology, psychology, phy
sics, chemistry and o'her allied sci
Every one of the 90 hopgrowers
present at a meeting held in Aurora
under the auspices of the Oregon Hop-
growers' association subscribed for
rtock In that organization to the full
amount of his acreage and nearly
$6000 was raised to assist In financing
tho association.
With 170 members present, the Sa
lem Fruit Union held Its fifth annual
convention at Salem. The report
showed that business aggregating ap
proximately $250,000 went through the
union during the year. The member
ship of tho union includes BOO fruit
growers of Marlon and Polk counties.
Recommending that the state high
way commission be given entire Juris
diction over all state roads, and the
enactment of a provision giving that
department supervision of the design
and construction of all bridges and
culverts costing $500 or more, State
Highway Engineer Bowlby has Issued
his first annual report with a resume
of the work which has been accom
plished during the first 18 months of
the existence of the highway depart
ment. Judge Dalton Biggs, of the circuit
court, has rendered a decision for the
state, at Burns, in the case wherein
the state of Oregon has brought suit
against the Pacific Livestock company
to recover lands in Harney valley.
The land Involved covered approxi
mately 27,000 acres, situated in what
is known as the "Red S." field. Title
was obtained many years ago under
the Indemnity school, state school and
swamp land laws. It Is averred In the
complaint that the lands were obtain
ed through fraud.
Declaring that the capacity of the
state hatchery, on the North Umpqua
river, is about 10,000,000 eggs, while
the storage capacity for young fish
is only about 1,600,000, the members
of the Douglas County Game Protec
tive association have decided to ask
the state officials to Increase the stor
age capacity of the hatchery that a
large proportion of the young fish may
be liberated In the Umpqua river. Un
der the present system, It Is asserted
many of the eggs are sent to other
hatcheries of the state for development.
Special Sale
liein-j oWi'iied to raise money
1 will fell my t-plentlid as
sortment of trimmed hnta at
actual cost. SaU to begin
Thursday and continue until
tho hatg are all fold.
Mrs. Estes
The Milliner
For a short time we have nib-jt-et
to our disposal
for loans on highly improved
irrigated ranches iu the vicin
ity ol I'rineville. Loans to
be (or $5,000 or more and run
from 3 to 5 years, with inter
est at 8 per ceut, payable an
nually. We char-re a f mail commission
to be paid by the borrower.
with Central Oregon Title &
Trust Co. 619
rnneville, Oregon
Notice to Creditors
Notice Im hereby given by the tin.
derslKned, the ndinlnlHtrutor of the
estate ot Ralph I), Hlhlon, ilcccnscil.
to all creditors of wihl dccetiKccl mill
to all persons having claims niralnst
eafd estate to present the smut.
with the proper vouchers, to the
undeinliriieil nt the office of M. H.
Elliott In Prineville, Oregon, within
six moiitlm from the Ilrst publica
tion of tlilw notice.
Published first time Jim. 21, 1"1,-,
KruKNf.: llu.nox,
Administrator of the estate of
Ralph D. I lllilon, deceuscd.
In the circuit court of the Ktule of Ore
gon for Crook rountv.
Paul Kuclil, plmntur,
L. I). Howland and Howlsnd, bio wife.
ij, A. layior and pu.uh Masters ami
l. ;. Masters, and ll others interested,
To I, I). Howland and llowlinid, hi
wife, lt, A. Taylor, and Hiwie C. Mn-tera
anil 1). C. Must it, the above mimed di
feuiiaiitu, and to all other interextril:
In the name of the t-Ute of Ori'uon. You
and each ot you are hereby required to
appear and anwer the compiuint of plain-
tin nieu agauiki you in the aimve eiititieil
court ami suit within ten duvs from the
date of the service of tiiin miiiiinona upon
you, if served within Crook county, mate
of OreKOn, or, if nerved within anv other
county in the state of Oregon, then within
twenty days from the date of the nervlre
of this summons upon you, or, if aurved
upon vou by pulilicatlun thereoi as pro
VMled by law, then on or before Saturday,
the 0th day of March, 10IA, ami vou ami
each ot you are hereby notilieil that if you
tail to so appear or answer, for want there
of the plaintiff will take a decree against
you for the relief prayed lor in the com
plaint, to-wit: A judgment against tue
defendant, L. D. Howland, for the sum of
Nine hundred dollars, with interest there.
on at rate of eight per cent per annum
from the Kind day of beptetiiber, 1911, ami
for the further" sum of One hundred
twenty-live dollar; as attorney's fees, and
for the cos's and disbursements o! this
suit, ami for a decree of said court that n
certain indenture of mortgage executed by
me aeienoant, j, i. nowmna, on the
IWnd day of (September, 1911, to one J, H.
11 aiien, on tlie southwest quarter of the
north et quarter of section twenty-four,
in township fourteen south, of range
thirteen east of the Willamette Meridian
in Crook county, state ot Oregon, which
said mortgage is recorded in Hook 14 on
nat'e BO. Kecorils ot AlortiiSKea of Crook
county, Oregon, he foreclosed according
to iaw. aim sniu premises suiu in ine man
ner provided by law. and the proceeds of
saio rule njijfiit-u iu tue payment or saill
judgment, interest, attorney's lees and
cost, and that the defendant, and all
pen-ona claiming by, through or under
them or any of them be forever barred.
estopped ui d foreclosed from having or
claiming any right, title or interest in nr
to sum premises or any part tliereor, and
for such other and further relief as mav he
just and proper In tlie premises.
mis summon is piioiisriea in trie
Hrook County Journal by order of the
Hon. r. HnriitKer. iuiltte of the countv
court of the state of Oregon lor Crook
county, and county judge of said county,
made and entered on the IKtli day of Jan
uary, 1015, for nix full weeks in seven con
secutive and successive issues of said
paper commencing with the Issue of Jan
uary 21st. 1915, and endliiit with the issue
of March 4th, 1015.
Jjateii and published first time January
21t,lU16. M. K. Hit INK.
Attorney ror l'lalntlir.
oticc of SIiciiIVh Nile
Hv virtue of Bit execution in
foreclosure duly, issued hv the
clerk of the circuit court of the
county of Orouk, ftntti of Oregon,
da Ictl I ho lSih dtiy of hecemher,
11)14, in a terlnin action in the
circuit court for fiiid county and
state, wherein Charles A. Whltectt
and Minnie M. Whitnett h plain
tiff, recovered j ud tn e n I
against F, t. l'ltrkcr, Minnie L
I'tirkt-r.tioorge llcrren and Lulu (1.
Ilerren, defendant!", for the sum of
Three Thousand nd no hundredths
dollars, with interest thereon from
! the 30th day of August, 1!H'2, at 7
'percent, and costs and diehuree
ment taxed at Twenty two and
fifty hundredth dollars, ttml at
torney's fee, Three Hundred tlol
! lnr, on tho Hih dnv ol .Sept e in
'her. I'.ll l.
j Notice is hereby given that 1
I will on the
) 23d day of January, 1815,
at the north front door of the
courthouse in I'rineville, in h.tid
county, at 10 o'clock in the fore
boon of mid day, ndl at public
auction to the higbe"t bidder, tor
cafh, tho following deceribi-d
properly, to-wit: tho imtilheH-t
quarter of feet ion seventeen in
towtuhip twelve with, and range
thirteen eact of the Willamette
Meridian. (hcJ, sec IT, tp 12, r
13 eastj W. M ,) all in county of
Crook, Mate of Oregon.
Taken and levied upon an the
propertv of the said , !. I'aiker,
Minnie I, Parker, George Ilerren,
Lulu O Herten, the above des
cribed I mid, mid I will sell Ihe same,
or an much (hereof as may be
necessary to satisfy the en id judg
ment In favor of Charlea A. Whit
sett and Minnie M. Whilsttl
avttintt said above named plain
tiff, with interest thereon, to
gether with all cola am) disburse
ments that have or may accrue.
Fiiank, Sheriff.
Dated at I'rineville, Ore., De
cember 18, 1914. 12 24
l!y W. K. Van Allen, deputy.
Notice for i'ut-iiiciitlon.
Pt'partim-ni of the Interior.
I'. H, Lund Olllce at Tlie Pai.ea Ur.-j-mi,
ItecrmlHT 10. UU
Notice in hereby ginu tlmt Wli lnm
fr'emlr, whose post uttiee aildrt-Mi I Pilne
ville, ur.'Kun, ll. oil the '.".M dnv u Joint,
1914, Hie in this iiltli-v 'worn stnti ineiit ami
application No. Ui:t,tlo, to luin-hu-e the
w1 net,', srctimi o, township 14 south,
r ii n, f ii 17 rn-t. WillnmwU', ami
the timber therein, under tlie provision
of the net of June a, Is,, ami acts amend
atory, known as the " Timber ami
.-lulu- l.uw." nt am h value at might he
lUi'd by appraisement, and that pursuant
to such sj ii'itioll the laud ami timber
IhereoN have been appraised SAm.ui, h
timlier estimated Ido.mio hoard fi-,-1 at fl.uo
per II., Slid the land i,tlO; Hint aitld np aiit will Oll.-r final proof in aupport of
his application and sworn atiilemi nl on
Ilie'Ju day of March, lltl.'i. In-lore Timothy
K. J. Dully. U. S. coiiiini-aiiiiH'r, at l'riiii--ville,
Any pvraoii is at liberty to protect this
piin-liase before entry, or initiate a coiitrst
at any time tx'fure patent holies by lliiiig a
currolxirated iilti.bivit in this oth'ce. alleg
ing facts which won il ileti at the entry.
12-17 li. Frank Woodcock, Register.
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for the count) of Crook,
Central Oregon Irrigation Com
pany, a Corporation, I'luintiff,
John K Smith, Defendant,
To John F. Smith, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the slate of Ore
gon: Vou ore hereby required to
appear and anawer the complaint
filed against you in the above en
titled suit within aix week a from
the date of the first publication of
thin summons, namely, within six
weeks from the 10th day of Decem
ber, 1914, and if you fail ho to
answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will take judgment for the re
lief demanded in tlie complaint, to
wit: For the foreclosure of the lien
for unpaid maintenance !eea on
the gwj of wj of secfion 2,
township 18 south, range 12 K. W.
M . together with the cost nnd
disbursements of this suit.
Thin summons in served upon
vou by publication pursuant to an
order made on the 7th day of De
cember, 1914. by Hon. W. L. Brad
shaw. judge of the above entitled
Jesse Stearns and
V. Ewino Martin,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
First publication, Dec. 10, 1914.
Last publication, Jan. 2i, 1915.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Ih hereby lrfven hv flu. n.
(ItTHlinietl. the executrix of tboout 11 t A
of Janiea Henry Wlndoin, tleee-meo,
to tin periioiiH inren'Hieu in huki ee
tnte thnt she Iiiim llli'il with t Im
of the county court, her flriul account
Iiik of her odmlnlHirntlon of aulil
eatute, and that the court Iiiih net
Monday, the fli-at day of March,
1!15, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon at
the comity court room In Prineville,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hoarlnn and w'ttllnj? Hald final nc
countliiK. At which Willi time and
place any peraou Interested'1 In Hald
estate may appear uud object to
said final accoimtlnnr.
Dated this 21st day of Jutj., 191B.p
JUciiucca Wini-om,
Executrix of eetateof James Henry
Wlndoin, deceased.
For Sale or Trade
Second hand organ In good -onditlon,
Racket Stoiuc, Prineville, Ore. 12-10
In ihe cliiMiit t'otitt ol tba statu ut
Ori-you (or Crook futility,
Jolinjli" re flow Company of I'urllantl,
(in ((.in, a private lotporailnii, pltiin.
tiff, v
X, (!. Hiiiifoid and ' I-Kit t), Saiiliinl, bin
wife, O'.lver K, Spinka nnd M, O,
Splnki, bit wile, nnd Marshall- Wella
lUriUme Company, a private rur.
plltUtilill, ill li'lldlllllN
To A C. Sitnfonl, i:iT,t H. Smifiml,
Oliver K Kpinka and M. (), Mplnka,
lleliMiilioila ;
In the naiiin ul the Mute of Oregon,
yon are hereby required In appear ami
answer the coinptiunt fili'it In the
entilled ault ami court on or before the
ulli day of February, lUlft, anil If yntt
fail u In appear ami answer, tlin plain,
tiff will apply to the court lor the relief
demanded in lla complaint, to wit: a
judgment aii'tliist di "iidiini, A, C, Sun.
lord, for the sum n liUKI (XI with inter
est thereon fiont September 1, 191,1, at
the rale of tell mr cent per tunuiiu;
the Im ilier sum u t''.il 1I with Inter
( (hereon front April I, ll'U, at Hib
j rule of night per pent per annum; tli
; luilher sum of ffiiOOOil attorney' fee
Uni'l cota ami iliahursement herein,
I That the sheriff id ('look eaunty,
Oii'gun, aril i rui.llim In law (be rent
I etat ilem-illied In pliiliillfl' complaint
'tutail! Ih" aniilliweat onarter of sec-
limi Nine lit tea nbip Tho teen Huilh,
ol niligii Tblrteett t'l of VVitUuieltti
Meiiiilmi In CriM.k rutin iv, Orem-P, and
that the pun t i-ila of said aaln lie ap
plied lo the Sittl. fuel tun ol said )ml
ineiit nl'i-r p i) lug lliu ciil ol umkitiit
aiii'b ru'i'.
That the deteiiilaiita above naiiird
and each ol I lo in be foiever barred ami
foreeliweil ol any right, title or equity
of redemption In said prendre or any
part thereoi.
Tlmt the plnliitlff have a judgment
agaiiiNt the ilfletiiliinl, A. C. Haiiford,
lor any delleleney reiiiiillilnif after l
plying all the proceeds of wild aalo
properly applicable to iald jiiilgniniti,
and for aiuii other relief a to tbeiAiirl
mav aeeiti equitable
'l'hia aiiitiiiien la ptibllshej by tinier
of the Honorable W. L, tr.!liw,
judite ol the circuit court of the state of
fiiruDii for Crook ttoiltily, nimln on the
lOth day ol l. ceinlier, 1HH, l,ii h said
order prcsrritH'a Ih it thlt autiiiiiuiia
published In tlntCriHik County Journal,
a weekly newspaper printt'il and pub.
lii-licil in Prineville, Creek courtly, Ore
ijoii, for a period ol six conaecntlva
Thr date i f the first publication of
thii iiiiiiintiiia la IVi-einlwr 2(th, I'dt.
('AKit A Caaa alul
M. It. Ki.i torr,
Attiirni'ja lor Plaintiff.
In the circuit court of the State ot
(iii-ami fur Crook county,
II. 8. Ciiim, I'liilnllff,
Prineville Crt-nmcrv Compiiny, n cor
poration, I'lfi'tiiliitit,
To Prliievlllii ( reainery Comnrtny,
u corporation, IH li-iiiliint:
In tlie name of the Slate of ircunn,
you tire hereliy required to npe-ar
and uiiHvter the complaint II led
tiitaliiHt you In the above entitled ac
tion on or liefore tlie pith tiny of Feb .
l'Jl.'i, mid If you fnllsoto rtiienr and
answer, the plaintiff will take Jtiiltf
ini'iit itKnltiMt von for the etini of Five
Hiiinlreil 1 m 'Hit th, with Interest upon
f.l.ll 00 thereof from the .'iOtli day of
Sept, 1011, nt the rate ofelx per rent
per nliiilim, and Interest on tlHOOO
thereof nt the rale of Mix per cent
per Hiiiiiiin from the lat day of ln-c ,
P.'U, anil for hi cost and tlUlitirs
ineiils of thlit ttctbui,
'i'bls stltlillloliM I ptllillHheil by or
der of the llonornlile (i. SpritiKcr,
Jttile of the County Court of Crook
'otiuty, Oreuoti, inmle on the tith
ilii.v of Jarinary, P.I15, which suld
older (irt'serllied thnt HiIm ntiiiilliiilis
j lie ptililllieil In the Crook Comity
i Journal, in weekly newspaper printed
ami pillilMheil In Prineville, Crook
County, OreiMn, fur a period of six
j consecutive week.
lint dale of the llrst pulilicatlun of
this siitiimon Is January Ttli. IIIIS,
M. It. lClllott,
Attorney for I'liilnllff.
Iu the rlrcitit court of the stnto of Ore.
Ron for the county uf Crook,
Mum ui tiregon, piuiunil,
,f. II. Rosenberg, nilmliiiatrator of the t
tute of S il i i ii in Minitli, deceaaed, and all
heiri nt law of saiil ilecedeiil (i any
Ihero he) and ull other persona, or
parties, unknown, claiming, any riKlit,
title, etute, lieu or interest In the real
ami peraniml eiliite rieaerihrd 111 the In
formation hen in, di feiidiiiita.
It appearing to the emirt fiom the In
formation on Ilia herein that William
8mith died on the '.'Hill day of February,
A. 1)., IIIM. within tlie county of Crook,
atateol Ori-Kon leuvinn real and personal
property therein, a portion of which belli;
Particularly described as follows, to-wit:
The west forty-nine -IB- Icet of lot five A
fn block three -3- In tho Monroe HnilKea'
plat of the town of I'rineville, Crook
county, Ores-oii, and said personal prop
erty coiHhiIuk now of Thirteen Hundred
Forty-seven and 01 hundredth .Utl7,Ul
ilolluracaab in the lirH National Hank of
I'rineville, Orea-nn, ull within the suld
county of Crook anil stain of Oregon' and
It also appearing that J, 11, Hoscttherir
win thereafter appointed and duly iiiiuli
lied an niltniiilMl nil, ,r ,,r tl, ,.r o.,
, -- ... ,.,v ,.n,,,vu niir
aaiil W llliiuii Hmith. deceased, and now la
in iioBneaaioii oi ooui sain real property
anil said iwrsonal property:
And II. fiii-ll.,,i ,., 1.,.. il...t kn u..:.l
. ,,.,,,,, vitv hid nulla
deui'ileiit died without heirs at law and
nun ny reason tiiereof the state ol Oregon
has by law a right to tlio title to such real
and peraonal proportj j -
Wiiei-efflt-,,. Iltllltt Ilia ,11,,!, II, n.l an. .11-
cation ofwillard VI. Wirt, district at-
mniey njr i;riioK county and attorney for
tue Hate of Oregon herein)
ft in herebv ir,leri,d. ml liwt,,.,,! ,,n,l ,ln
creeii, lu the inline or the state of Oregon,
that nil lli ,,r win:.. ... t...i.i. ,i..
ceased (if any there he) and all other per-
n ,n ui iiuruna uiiKiiowu, ci ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 any
right, title, eslute, lien or Interest in the
rea entitle mul
deceiUint, lie, ami they are, hereby siiin
inotieil nnd reiiiiied to appear and shuw
cnune In tills ciiurt, If any they have, by
the Hih day of March, X, b., 1)115, why tlin
title in and to tho real and personal prop
arty, described herein and in the informa
tion herein, should not be luljuili-ed
escheated tu mid veted In the stale of -Oregon;
and It is fuillier ordered nnd ad
judged that a copy of this order be pub
lished in the Crunk County Join-mil, a
weekly newspaper of general circulation
In laid county of Crook and state of Ore
gon, for a period of W consecutive wtekn.
Olvcn HI. ('Iinml In 'CI.,. Iill,.u 1 1
gnu, thl Hist duy of '.laniniry, A. IJ,', 11116.
(n.isiiu..; ,Y , j,, liltAiJOUAW,
Dale nf first riiihll,.il,, I "!,l"l'f,Ii,-;
7 : - t ....i i.,,,, .Mtniiui y 4.1, u.i.
Ditto of liict puliliciitloii, .March !, Ill 15.
Wlllard If. Wirlm, District Attorney and
attorney fur pluitilill.