Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, January 21, 1915, Page Page 3, Image 3

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War is Inevitable and is Now in Our Very Midst
Antwerp and Liege could not withstand the HEAVY FIRE directed from the monstrous German siege guns. Neither
can REPUTABLE MERCHANDISE withstand the RAPID FIRE of prices, such as we are now directing against
ODDS and ENDS in our first annual clean up sale. THEY MUST FALL.
Heaters and Stove Boards
No. 22 Heaters, regular 1 7.00 values, now 12.95
" 20 " " 15.50 " " 11.85
" 18 " " 13.50 " 9.75
18 " 11.00 " : 7.95
" 25 ' " 10.00 ' " 7.15
Stove bonrdx, wood limit), 2-1x30, ttg. 1.25, now 85o
" ' " 30x30, rog. 1 35, now l)0o
" " " 20x2(5, rfg. 1.00, now 70o
" " pijxir " 24x3(1, reg. 85o, new ; 55c
" " M " 30x30, reg. 85c, now 65o
Virginia Blue Enamel Ware
Extra heavy triple coat (regardless to first cost)
Teakettles, No., 9, regular 1,50 values, now 1.00
Sauce pans, 10 qts, regular 1,10 value, now 60
" " 8 qts, regular 85c value, now 50
".. " 6 qts, regular 75c value, now 45
" " 4 qts, regular 60c value, now 35
Preserving kettles, regular 1,35 value, now .80
Coffee pots, No, 35, regular 95c value, now 65
Odds and Ends
Boy'g sleds, regular $2.50 values, now $1.90
" Flyers, 2.50 " " 1.95
.75 " " 50
Food choppers, No. 1 , special at 90
No. 2, " 95
No. 3, " 1.70
Kitchen knife sharpners, regular 10c, now 04
Aluminum basting spoons, reg. 20c, now 12J
Sad irons, per set, reg. 1.25, now .90
Bowels and pitchers, reg. 1.35, now .85
Chambers, earthenware, reg. 75c now ,49
Grocery Clean-Up Specials
I pkg, Premium baking chocolate, reg. 25c, now 17c
" Easy Jell, reg, 10c, now 8c
" Diamond W. jelly powder, reg. 10c, now 7Jc
Full qt fruit jars, reg, 50c, now 32c
16-oz carton Split peas, reg, 121c, now 8c
" " Pop corn, reg, 12Jc now 8c
" " Pearl barley, rag, I2Jc, now 8c
Lb can Plum pudding, regular 35c. now 27c
Borax Washing Compound, reg. 12c, now 5c
I pkg Force, reg, 15, now 12c
2-lb carton Domino sugar, reg. 30c, now 25c
1 Pint California Grapine, reg. 35c, now 27c
County Court
January Term
Continued (rum First f Ago.
of hiii dinmlMal until publication in the
official paper, ordered that he be paid
alary and expenaoa fur the month of
March, 1914. amountinK to fifty eight
and 70 hundredth! ($58.70) dollars and
that In the acceptance of the aforesaid
$58.70 the said W. H. Lucy waive all
further claim on Crook county, and
further that said W. H. Lucy deliver
to the janitor of the Crook county
courthouse all property now in his pos
eMsion belonging to Crook county.
In the matter of official bonds for
II. A. Kelley, connty surveyor, $5,000.
Warren Brown, county clerk, $10,000.
Ralph L. Jordan, treasurer and tax
collector, $10,000.
Ralph L. Jordan, treasurer, $20,000.
E. B. Knox, sheriff, flO.OOO.
E. B. Knox, tax collector, $ 5,000.
P. B. Poindcxtcr, coroner, $300.
Approved and county clerk in
atructed to make complete record.
January 12th, 1915.
K. P. Mudsun road. Unanimously
voted to disallow request for road until
proposed road is put in good condition
and proper showing made setting forth
reasons for closing old road.
W. C. Congleton road. Amended re
port ot County Surveyor Kelley tiled
and accepted.
U. L. Moore request for damages of
.$100, account of Forbes road. Con
tinued. Edw. B. Willioms road petition de
nit'd on account of impracticable as
petitioned for. .
George Millican road. Second read
ing of County Surveyor Rice report.
Accepted and approved and ordered
placed on record by county surveyor.
M. A. Palmer road. Continued.
James Hayes petition. Continued.
S. V. Hardin road. Resolution af
fecting S. V. Hardin road. Continued.
Matter of widows and indigent per
sons living in Jefferson county. Clerk
instructed to pay no more.
Matter of tuberculosis cattle of Geo.
Truesdale, Matt Kulesch and George
Kisslcr. Referred,
Matter of new voting precinct
Pringle Flats, with letter from Frank
T. Carpenter. Clerk instructed to refer
petition back with proper instructions
for procedure of petitioners.
Matter of lost warrant of Geo. K.
Grant. Clerk Instructed to cancel lost
warrant No, and Usue duplicate.
Road district No. 11. Special Super
visor Santeson instructed to turn over
any county tools in his possession to J.
A. Gonser. (Clerk to notify Santeson
Widow's pension of Caroline V. T.
Dana. Allowed $10 per month. 1
Bear Creek road district No. 17 asks
for assistant supervisor. County clerk
instructed to send copy of communica
tion signed by citizens to Supervisor
Milliorn and request him to take
proper action.
Supervisors. Powell Butte, No. 25,
Allen Willcoxen. Sisters, No. 6, Chas.
Hindeman. Tetherow, No. 27, J. O.
Supervisor Geo. Hamilton's report
of tolls on hand and balance in cash,
etc. Referred.
In the matter of medical supplies for
indigents. Be it ordered that none be
supplied except on the written order of
county physician,
Matter of Geo. Brewster, ' water
minster. Placed on per deim basis.
Order for stamps for treasurer, $100.
Sheriff, $50.
Checking up records of county of
ficials. Continued.
Court adjourned Until 1 p, m , first
Monday In February.
Maddux & Co. will buy your vege.
tables and pindnce. Ask the man,
Phone Pioneer Rod 003.
Report of the Condition
Of Tat First Natiaaal Baak at Priillt, is tka
Suit ( Orefoa, tt Iks Clou af Buiixtl,
Dtcaakar, 31, 1914.
Loans and discounts fcSS.iMSjl
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured.. 1,474. 31 t
U. 8. Bonds lo ura clrcula'lon 12.JU0.00 j
Bonds, securities, He, (oilier than
stocks). Including premium! on Mm
Hutwcrlpllon io siouk ol Federal Re.
erva Bank Ini amount unpaid l.ouo.oo
Banking house, furniture and fixtures 12,71187
Other real eatate owned a,700.oo
Due from federal Reserve bank 6,000.00
Hue from approved Reserve Agent In
central reserve cities ,5J.4i
Due Irom approved reserve agenla In
other reserve cities e,M0.06
Due Irom banks and bankera other
than above 1S.7I3.S3
Fractional currency 1J2.HS
Cbecki on basks In the aame city or -
town aa reporting bank 6077:
Notes of other National Banks 2,186.00
Lawful money Kesorv In Bank vi:
Specie ; J3,77.30 .
Redemption fund with I'. 8. Treasurer
5 per cent on circulation 625.00
Total 6i52.OB3.IM
Capital stock paid In I 40.000.00
Surplus fund 60,000.09
Undivided profits less current ci- !
peniws, Interest and taxes paid,... 6t.003.fil
Circulating notes, lesa amount on
hand and In Treasury for redemp
tion on transit J,.HHI00
Individual deposits subject to check.. 267.K40.12
Certificates of deposit due in less than
SO daye ; 17,8;3.
Canhler's checks outstanding l.OO
Slate and municipal deposits (&.0H
Total 1152,03.82
Couiuyof Crook, I"
I, T. M. Uai.dwin, Cashier of the aliove
nitiued hunk, du solemnly awenr that the above
statement is truo to the brut of my know
led;e and belief. T. M. BALDWIN,
Subarrltwd and sworn to before me this 01b
day of January, 1V15.
A. R. Bowman.
Notary l'tiblio.
UOHIUX'T Attest:
O. W. Mosli
T. H. Lafollstti Direetors
j. Dire
Sell your vegetables to
Maddux &
Plan Your Orchard Now !
Before the Busy Days of Spring Planting
Every year we are literally swamped at planting time with
letters and phone calls asking ' advice about what, when and
now to plant. Write us now for booklet of information. All
questions on these subjects carefully answered.
Thirty-Two Varieties of Apples
and a large assortment of all other fruits and berries grown on
dry land at Powell Butte for your selection. Varieties include
all leading kinds, as Yellow Transparent, Red Astrican, Wealthy,
Jonathan, Winter Banana, Mcintosh, Red Rome, Beauty, Spitz
enberg, Stayman, Winesap, Wagner, Delicious, King David and
others. Prices: Apple trees, $2.00 per dozen; $15 per 100;
$125 per 1000. All other trees and berry plants at reasonable
figures. Carolina poplars in any quantity, 25c each in small lots.
Lafollette Nursery Co.
Both Phones
Get the
0 Philip McCann He Doesn't Like the Ladies
By Gross
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l Llkt An AlPsiUpI
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M- AduiflEPe A Mc5T ccWrxR-y lot
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