Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 24, 1914, Image 1

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Crook Coiaety Jomiiraa
Kn tared at th poatofflm at Pr1nrrl!l
Orecon, wooad-clM matter
NO. 5
Light Vote Polled
at City Election Monday
Government Officials
, -1 ......
Help Fight
The Prineville city election held
Monday was one of the quietest
contest that tho town ha had for
years. Lea than fifty per cent of
the electors voted a total of but
2S8 to be exact while there are
about 600 lesral voters in the city.
Dr. Chas. S. Kd wards was the
only candidate for mayor, and re
ceived 240 votes for that office.
. Dr. E. 0. Hyde had the field to
himself for recorder and polled the
highest numlier of votes received
by any cundidate, a total of 2)36.
Lake M. Bcchtoll was re elected
as treasurer without opposition, his
vote being 254.
For councilmcn there was a
spirited contest which resulted in
George P. Reams receiving the high
vote In a field of five candidates.
Reams' vote was 226; H. D. Still
received 196; W. J. Pancake, 151;
R. W. Zevely. 131; J. C. Wonderlv,
The council for the coming year
is George P. Reams, II. D. Still. W.
J. Pancake, elected this year, and
C. M. Elkins, C. W. Foster and G.
W. Noble who hold over from last
For marshal there were five can
didates, T. L. Coon having with
drawn his name Saturday morning.
W. R. Pollard was elected. He re
ceived 123 votes; Wade Huston, 80;
John G. Malech, 40; Harry Hudson,
22; T. J. M. Riggs. 18. It will be
noted that Riggs and Hudson to
gether received as many votes as
Malech, and the three received the
same number of votes that were re
ceived bv Huston alone.
Comparing the results of Mon
day'a election with that of 1913, we
find that there were 405 votes cast
last year. Mayor Clifton being
elected by 288 votes, which, by the
way, is the total vote polled in the
more recent . election. C. M,
Elkins was the high man In the
aldermanic contest, receiving 245
votes. Dr. Hyde received Z4I
votes last year, and T. L- Coon was
elected marshal over two opponents,
receiving 205 votes.
Roland McCallister
Slowly Improving
Roland McCallister, who acci
dentally shot himself Thanksgiving
while out duck hunting near Salem,
is getting along as well as could be
expected, his parents say. He is
still confined to the Salem hospital
The doctor think they can restore
the use of the arm but it will take
two or three years.
Tha aarth haa grown aid with Ita burdan of oara,
But at Chrlatmaa It alwaya Is young.
Tha haart of tho jawal kurna tuatroua and fair.
And Ita aoul full of mualo braaka forth on tho air '
Whan tho song of tha angala la sung.
It la oomlng. Old Earth, It la coming tanlghtl
On tha anowflakaa whloh oovar tha aod
Tha foot of tho Chrlat Child fall gontla and whlta,
And tha voieo of tho Chriot Child tolla out with delight
That mankind arc tho children of God.
On tho aad and tha lonofy, tho wrotohod and poor,
That voieo of tho Chrlat Child shall fall ,
And ta ovary blind wandaror opans tha door
Of a hopo that ha darad not ta draam af bofora.
With aunahlno of walooma for all.
Tho foot of tho humbloat may walk in tha fiald
Wharo tho foot of tho holioat hava trod.
Thia, thla la tho marvol to mortala rovoalad
Whan tho ailvary trumpota of Chriatmaa hava paatad.
That mankind ara tha ohildron of Ood.
Roland had his shotgun between
his legs in the boat and in pushing
through some cattails the gun was
discharged. Its barrel rested un
derneath the left arm and the
charge blew the flesh away from
the underside and back part of the
arm from the shoulder to the elbow
joint. To add to his distress
Roland is now nursinng one of
Job's comforters. The boil gives
more pain than the arm.
Girl Accidentally Shot.
Alice Dearmond, a 11-year-old
girl, who lives with her mother and
step-father above Riverside, was
accidentally shot by her little
brother last Friday. She was
buried at Riverside.
War was declared on the de
structive jack rabbit and his num
erous progeny at a well attended
meeting at the Wilson schoolhouse
at Powell Butte, Friday evening
Jas. Silver Jr. and J. G Crick, two
young men from the government
biological service with temporary
headquarters at Prineville, are the
organizers of the movement These
young men have been making ex
periments along this line at the
Houston place and are convinced
that our best remedy for destroying
these pests is by feeding them
alfalfa leaves after they have been
treated with & solution of water
and strychnine. Different means
are appliable for different localities.
For instance, in Southern Idaho
where Messrs. Silver and Crick as
sisted the farmers of two counties
in destroying jack rabbits, oats
soaked in strychnine was used suc
cessfully on account of the deep
snows. However, with our light
snowfall, leaving vegetation ex
posed, it is necessary to tempt the
rabbit's appetite with something of
which he is especially fond and
alfalfa leaves are always a favorite
diet with them. Co-operation in
this work is the only way by which
we can hope to rid the Powell Butte
section of the pesky jacks who last
season destroyed thousands of dol
lars in crops.
In numerous instances after eaU
ing entire fields of grain they at
tacked potatoes and actually dug
whole fields as clean as though a
man and digger had gone over
them. The people realize that thia
condition cannot continue and are
generous in their donations of time
and money to start this big fight.
If you have not been asked to help
it is an oversight of one of the
several men who were appointed to
do the soliciting and not an indica
tion that you are exempt. An or
der for 100 ounces of strychnine
was placed with a San Francisco
firm the first of the week. As
soon as this arrives another meet
ing will be called for the distribu
tion of the poison and further in
structions to anyone not in attend
ance Friday evening.
Prineville Got a Bad Scare.
Prineville got a bad scare Mon
day when it was thought Rev.
Newham had diphtheria. Quite a
number of people had called on the
gentleman Sunday and when they
were placed in quarantine Monday
consternation reigned. It was later
discovered that the preacher had
Suggestion for Xinmas Shopping
Community Holeproof Hose I We hrave ?mple ;ine of
, . . . vandies, Nuts
Jl (In Christmas Boxes) 7
and of all kinds
Rogers Comfy Slippers Oranges, Lemons
Silverware For Man' Women and GhiUren Hood River Apples
Electric Stand Lamps Handkerchiefs Ice Skates '
.. Necktie Sweater, ntfjf
Razors, Guns Shoes
Air Rifles Blankets, Etc. LlOCKS
:u Oil
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