Crook Cotiety JouraaLiT Or COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL.XIX-$1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 17, 1914. Entered at the pmUittin at Prtnevlll Ortjgon, a aecond-claas matter NO. 4 City Election Next Monday, December 21 City election next Monday when 1'rlneviUo will duct a mnyor, three councllmon, a mnnthul, recorder anil treHHurer. Mayor Clifton will not be in the nice thin year. He says that he Iiuh had honors enough anil In willing to pans the good tiling around. Dr. Quia. 8. Edwards, who ha held tho mayor's chair, ha been placed In nomination by his friend. There are five candidate in the field for councllmon. They are". Wm. J. Pancake, G. V. Reams, II. D. Still. J. L. Wonderly and It. W. Zevely. They are all itood men and would make good city officials. Jefferson County Court to Meet Dec. 28 The Jefferson county court will meet December 28th, at which time officers will be appointed to fill the positions of clerk, sheriff, school tiperlntendent, treasurer, surveyor, coroner and county physician. The temporary county seat will be chowm at that time. Governor West has announced that he would appoint a district attorney for the new county in a day or two. He said there were several applicants, but declined to divulge the names. J. Its anybody's raco for city mar shal. There are five candidates registered a follows: T. L- Coon, Harry Hudson, Wade HuHton, John G. Malech, W. R. Pollard and T. J. M, KiififH. All feel reasonably sure of election. Recorder Hyde has no opposition for re-election and Lake M, Rech tell, city treasurer, ii In the race alone for re-election. These men have been efficient officers and the people are wise in making no changes. You will vote in the basement of the courthouse from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Only one voting place. High School Benefit at Lyric Friday Eve "That Rascal Pat." a one-act farce, lasting fifty minutes, will be played by studenU of the high school at the Lyric Friday evening, December 18. The proceeds will go to the High School Athletic Asso ciation. It is brim full of fun and laughable mix-ups from start to finiBh. The regular picture pro gram will also be given. This in cludes the Mutual Weekly of cur rent events and other pictures. Ad mission prices will bo adults 25c, children 15c. Suggestions for Community and Rogers' . Silverware Electric Stand Lamps. Pocket Knives Razors, Guns Air Rifles E. STEWART Jefferson County In junction Cases Dismist The Jefferson county injunction case has been dismissed. Judtfe Bradshaw handed down his decision lant Friday afternoon. The court held, in part, that a citizen and tax payer was not a proper party to enjoin a public officer in a suit of that kind. Only the state of Oregon could do so, He therefore dis missed the action. A notice of ap peal to the supreme court was then made by the plaintiff's attorneys. The review case which was brought by A. D. Russell attacking the legality of the proceedings of the county court In filing the peti tion for county division, was dis missed by Judge Bradshaw. Tie court held that no one was compe tent to bring the case unless the name apiared on the records of the county court as an adverse party to the petition at the time of filing. In this case thsre was no adverse party and the writ should be dismissed. Notice of appeal to the supreme court was made in open court. The two cases will be taken up at once. County Clerk Brown sent the re sult of the election to Salem, and Saturday Governor West issued his proclamation creating the new coun ty and appointed William Boegli, of Culver, county judge, and Roscoe Card and J. M. King county com missioners. Card is a resident of Gateway and King of Opal City. Under the law this board will Continued on page 8 Holeproof Hose (In Christmas Boxes) Comfy Slippers For Man, Women and Ghildren Handkerchiefs Neckties, Sweaters Shoes Blankets, Etc. Commercial Club Will Send Delegates The PrincviMe Commercial Club held its first Monday night meeting for the winter tl ' week. President K-!'ey was authorized to appoint five ii;legates to the ir rigation congrvaa which convenes in Portland during the first week of January. It was unanimously agreed that the delegates from the Commercial Club should co-operate with those from Redmond and Bend in working for the government ap propriation of $450,000 to be spent for reclamation work. The north canal and the west side project, which is the extension of the pres ent Tumalo works, were discussed. While there was no decision as to which should receive support it was agreed that it would be one or the other. The question of securing addition al mail service for Prineville was taken up. Steps were taken to se cure two mails daily instead of one. The organization of an irrigation district to provide water and canals for the irrigation of 30,000 acres lying directly north of and adjacent Prineville was discussed and will receive attention at later meetings. . Some recommendations were made concerning road improve ments, particularly between Prine ville and Redmond. The club will make an effort to provide for this road during the coming year. H you want to take I'lano Lessons ee Miss Edna Elites. 10-1 Xmas Sills Passed at December Term of County Court The following bills were ordered paid at the December term of the county court: OKXKBAf, FIND J r mine, judge election f a W Zevely Karl McLaughlin, Judge eieetlon F A Kownll. clerk election ., LM ilrchlel " " J T Wheeler " " I W Ward. Judge election " I) r Htrwart - " . J Pancake - " H E Pratt, clerk electlon.Zl., Ltnlr Cobra ' " U P I tea ma " IZL J Keller. Judge elecUon H H Davis K Nlewonger " r a Bennett, clerk " C W Ersklne " - S LHtetdl " ft O Caldwell, Judge C M McKay - - FN Gilbert ' " F H May, clerk " C I Bosell " " T W Triplett " oo n oo w 81 00 $1 at oo oo oo oo oo oo 00 00 00 J W Wilt, Judge W F Edmnndaoo, Judge election... DA Bowman R JBkelloa, clerk elecUon C LOIet " J D Bowman " - I J O Youngitrom, Judge election... OGCollyer " " C W Hunter " OC Youug, clerk election WR Hunter " " Carl Wlndom - I W Hpear. Judge 8 L Reynold! " C J Bundqueet, Judge " R H McCord, elerk " L J Powell " Price Coabow " " A 0 Klbbea, Judge Roy Newell " H 1 Klllott " " ... W A Went, clerk election Frit Hubersttcb, clerk election. Shoppkg We have a complete line of Candies, Nuts of all kinds Oranges, Lemons Hood River Apples Ice Skates Dollar Watches Clocks CO . 6 00 00 " Ott " s on election ( on - 6 00 " 00 " too ' 00 " 00 s o Geo Dee, elerk J W LewU " 0 Roy Goff " ! P T Monroe, Judge 00 ; J H Friday - WW Rrown " 00 ' R H Crmrn. elerk J Bolter A 1 Woodward, clerk FCK1IU, Judge 00 oo on too 00 o t oo 00 . ( 00 oo oo 00 too . 00 oo 00 o oo 6 I 00 too s oo a oo t 00 s oo s oo 1 00 I 00 s oo , S 00 ; SOO sou s oo 3 0 too S 00 o sooj . 04 8 Black C Orater " I A Oonner. elerk Lee Wood -Clyde Grater " Tboi Tweet, Judge F.TBntU OEHanetlne " A M Larson, clerk H M BotU " R C Colver ' J O Powell. Judge K T Blayton " J 8 Watklna. -HE Crow, clerk LV Bears " L B Lafollette, elerk J E Fuller, Judge Loyd Yancey ' DA Bears D i Evana, elerk GC Price Peter Magera " Ueniy Koch, Judge L L Jones Geo Tetlow " Harry Laniua, clerk Lev Blevlni R X Jones E W Kimble, Judge Ed Merritt L Connell J F Connell. clerk F G Merritt " C Cochran i E Roberts, Judgs BFBoydston " Continued on Page FITS C C Hhtllon, elerk election PChllwood, Judge " WmJoalln " 1 K NewMU " -