Crook Gomraty Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CROOK COUNTY VOL. XIX-$ 1.50 YEAR PRINEVILLE, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1914. Entered at the potffli t Prlnertlle OrecoD, Moond-clui matter NO. 3 V Very Quiet Session of the District Court Circuit court convened Monday J with Judge Bradshaw presiding. ; Tho following grand jury was sworn in: Martin Tcllefson, M. Braun, J. G. Holler, J. Alton ThompHon. C. K, Klann, G. H. Nyo and C. F. Chalfan. Tho jury com pleted Ita lubon Tuesday afternoon and brought In two true bills and one not truo bill. It made the fol lowing recommendations: "In our Inspection of tho courthouse we found tho celling of tho basement unprotected from sparks that may come from firing the furnace that heata the building. We, therefore, recommend that tho basement be ceiled with sheet iron. "We further recommend that an electric driven motor be attached to the heating system so as to pro mote the circulation of air. We havo found considerable complaint upon the ground floor of the build ing as to lack of heat in those offices due to the poor circulation of the water system. "We are constrained to call the attention of the county court to the poor policy of economy in reducing the pay of the janitor of the court house from t'JO to 175 per month. We believe, owing to the duties re quired of tho janitor which keeps him on duty day and night, that 190 is none too ample compensation. X "Also, owing to tho fact thut the leglMlotive assembly has trans fcrrod the work of collecting taxes from tho office of sheriff to that of county treasurer, and that the present salary of the county treas urer being but $000 per annum, which Is clearly inadequate and not commensurate with the duties and responsibilites of the otllce, we recommend that the salary be in creased to 1 1600. "We recommend that tho aer vices of the agricultural expert, A. E. Lovett, should bo retained and the county court should make pro vision for the continuance of his services during 1915. Tuesday evening Judge Bradshaw heard the arguments on the Jeffer son county injunction suit. W. H. Wilson of The Dalles presented the Jefferson county side and M. it. Elliott and N. G. Wallace the anti- division side. Judge Bradshaw has promised an early decision. It is understood that no matter which sido wins the caso will be taken to the supreme court. The two criminal cases to be heard at this term of court were commenced this morning. Mrs. Poch will be tried for per jury in connection with the Ed White divorce case that was up be fore the last term and White him- Buy Your Heating Stove Now E School Boy Takes a Short but Thrilling Ride Instead of going to school Mon duy afternoon, the 12-year-old son of Marion Templcton decided to take a joy ride all by himself while his father was away after a load of hay. lie strapped on his dad's re volver, which was unloaded, and then cranked up the car. The youngster zig-zagged from his home to Fred Hoelscher'a place, where he came to grief. In trying to turn on high speed the auto was overturned and the boy was knocked into un consciousness, Mr. Hoelscher discovered the up turned car with the boy pinned un derneath by his legs. His head and shoulders were free from the ma chine which led people to believe that when the car started to turn turtle he tried to jump out on the left side. Mr, Hoelscher released the youth and rushed him to town. After an examination by Dr. Rosen burg no bones werj found to be broken. The youngster recovered consciousness in about two hours The windshield probably saved the boy's life. It was smashed and the car otherwise damaged. The young ster knew next to nothing about running the machine. self will be tried for subornation of perjury in getting his wife to swear falsely. Judge Bradshaw is grinding out civil cases to beat the band so that it is more than likely that court will adjourn this week. Large Stock in pi Tri Henry Tweet Gets a Bullet Thru Both Legs John Peters, who lives at Harper, 22 miles above Bend, shot Henry Tweet, of Bend through the fleshy part of the h-w Saturday at his ranch. A 33-30 bullet passed through both of them without breaking any bones. Peters was drinking and had more booze inside of him than was good for him. It made him ugly, and when he heard Tweet and Glenn Mustard shooting ducks on his prem ises it was more than he could stand. He commenced a still hunt for the nimrods, and when he found them gave a yell and started to shoot. He shot four times at them with a 30-30 rifle. Only one shot took effect. Tweet caught it through both legs. If blood poisoning does not set in the wounded man will soon be all right rgain. Sheriff Elkins arrested Peters and brought him to Prineville Sunday Marshal's Salary Put on Sliding Scale The city council passed an ordin ance at the last meeting that puts the salary of the city marshal on a sliding scale, The monthly wage runs from $5 to $75. If an officer does his full duty he draws 175. If he fudges he gets $5. Candidates are advised to read the ordinance in another column before election. Why not take the Journal ? Low Price ecember Term of the County Court In the county court of the state of Oregon for the county of Crook: Be it remembered, a regular term of the county court oi Crook coun ty, Oregon, was begun and held at the court house in Prineville, Ore., on Wednesday, the 2d day of De cember, 1914, the same being the first Wednesday in said month, and the time fixed by law for hold ing a regular term of said court, when were present at the hour of 10 a. m: R, H. Bayley, Commissioner. Willis W.Brown, Commissioner. Warren Brown, Cltrk. Frank Elkins, Sheriff. When on Wednesday, the 2d"day of December, the following proceed ings were had, to wit: Court adjourned until 2 p. m.Jof the same day. Court convened at 2 p. m. pur soant to its order of adjournment of the same day, when were pres ent the following officers: G. Springer, Judge, presiding. R. H. Bayley, Commissioner. Willis W. Brown, Commismoner, Warren Brown, Clerk. Frank Elkins, Sheriff. Whereupon the following pro ceedings were had, to-wit: Court adjourned to the circuit court room, where was held a pub lie discussion by taxpayers and the court of the budget and levy1 for 1915. Report of A. E.'LoTett by the Oregon State Agricultural College, showing the work done in Crook county and expenditures for the year 1914, approved. December Third. Court convened at 9 a. m. this 3d day of December, 1914, the same officers present as yesterday.wbere- upon the following proceedings were bad, to-wit: In the matter of tbe Tillman Renter change in the A. P. Nissen road, agreement presented by An drew Morrow in behalf of the Griz zly Land & Livestock Company as to damages on said road. Hearing set for first day of January term. Clerk instructed to give proper ro- tice to all property owners con cerned. In the matter of the Crooked river roads, ( Paulina, Bear Creek and Fair Grounds): D.F.Stewart instructed by the court to take all steps necessary to make the vari ous changes in the Paulina. Bear Creek and Fair Grounds roads. legal connty roads. In the matter of road districts 14 and 15, Dave Grimes instructed to repair certain bridges and cul verts on tbe Ochoco road in dis continued on Pace S