Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 12, 1914, Image 8

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We Are Getting Ready for Xmas
Crock County High
Defeats Bend High
After a fierce struggle last Satur
day, afternoon the Crook County
High School football team defeated
the Bend High'by a score of 27 to
The first half ended with the
locals on the small end of a 3 to 20
score. However, the boys did not
lose courage and started the second
half with the determination to win.
The game opened by the C. C.
H. S. kicking off to Bend, who re
turned the ball to the local's 40-yard
line. Then on a forward pass Bend
got a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Prineville kicked off again. This
time the locals held for downs and
received the ball on Bend's 40-yard
line. On the third down Estes made
a drop kick which gave Prineville
the three points. Bend succeeded
in getting two more touchdowns in
the first half but got only one goal.
The second half opened with the
locals kicking to Bend. Again they
were held for downs. Now com
menced the steady march of the
Crook County High. At the end of
the third quarter the score stood 20
to 23 in favor of the locals.
In the early part of the fourth
quarter Brandenburg received a
punt and carried it 70 yards for a
touchdown. Again goal was kicked
which made Bend four points in the
lead. In the last few minutes
Powell was replaced by Hodges
who was injured. Powell was sent
through the line for the last touch
down for C. C. H. S. and won the
The defensive playing of the
locals was their weak point. Bend
was continually making long gains
on the forward passes. The locals
were well supported by the high
school students. The yelling was
the best that has been heard for
some time. The enthusiasm which
started the night before did not
cease until after the game was won.
A return game will be played in
Bend on the 24th of this month.
We are always "Johnnie on the Spot" with the goods. We can show
this year the finest line of Jewelry that has ever been brought to Prine
ville, or that can be bought in the wholesale markets. Our stock is
more complete than ever before. It consists of Jewelry, Cut Glass,
Silverware, Hand-painted China, Phonographs, Toys and Novelties and
a splendid line of high grade Fancy Stationery.
The price this year on Cut Glass is the lowest ever known in this
section of the country. Come in and convince yourself.
When you are looking for birthday, wedding or holiday presents, it will
pay you to come and get my prices. Remember, quality is as represented.
L. KAMSTRA, Prineville, Or
Young People Have
Marshmallow Toast
The impromptu Marshmallow
Toast held by a large party of the
high school students on the evening
of November 4 th was greatly en
joyed. The affair was arranged by
Jimmy King ably assisted by Sylvian
Michel and Leo Cram. The girls of
the party brought sandwiches, cof
fee, wenieweurst and marshmallows,
and the boys furnished the auto
truck and more marshmallows. Mr.
Davis, of the high school, and Miss
Schrader and Miss Power, of the
public school, went along as chaper
ones and leaders in games.
After a half hour's run into the
country the party walked by moon
light to the river. Here a bonfire
was lighted, lunch enjoyed, and
games, singing, (ending with the
Virginia reel), made the time fly all
too quickly. By 10:30 the party was
back at Prineville. Those present
Misses Edna Laughlin, Glenny
McBain, Violet Lister. Ua Knox,
Lota Horigan, Audrey Noble.Martha
Horigan, Pauline Truesdale, Beatrice
Johnson, Rita Ro'jinson, Helen Wei
mer, Caroline Thronson, Ruth Bren
nan, Wannie Ralston, Josephine
Powers, Emily Schrader, Mabel Bix
by, Messrs. Otta Hodges, Harry
Stearns, Earnest Estes, Jimmy King,
Harold Charlton, Orvil Yancy, Frank
Brosius, Leo Cram, Hobart Belknap,
Norris Bixby, Mr. Smith, Sylvian
Michel, Lynn Cram, Clyde Laugh
lin, Prof. Davis, David Kennedy,
Earnest Russel.
For Sale
A red Indian Motorcycle In (rood
order Will Hell reasonable for cash
or will trade for a good work how,
1152 R, G. Smith.
Our Liquid Tar Soap
is different and better soap. Excellent
for the shampoo.
8 20 1'MNEVIU.K Diicu Co.
Rooms for Rent
For light housekeeping; also single,
and double. Inquire at Journal
ollice. 10-2I
Council Meeting
Working on Budget
At the meeting of the city council
last week there were present Mayor
Clifton, Councilmen Lafollette,
Zeveley, Foster, Ward and Noble,
Recorder Hyde.
The minutes of the last tegular
and special meetings were read and
Councilman Ward was instructed
to put a new cover on the upper
Ochoco bridge; also to put in a cross
walk on East Fourth'street.
The matter of a new sidewalk in
front of J. H. Gray's residence was
left to Councilman Zevely.
The finance committee met with
Recorder Hyde to make up the city
budget. The exact millage has not
yet been determined, but it will be
two or three mills less than last
year. The systematic manner in
which Recorder Hyde has kept all
accounts makes the task of fixing
the millage a relatively easy one
once the budget is made up. Two
or three mills less on city tax and
5i mills less on school tax will help
some to lower the taxes in Prine
ville. The judiciary committee reported
that it had employed an attorney to
enjoin the Rye Grass & Ochoco
Ditch Co. from turning water into
the ditch until the ordinance is
complied with.
The $448.55 due Wheelright &
Phipps on the Main street paving
contract was ordered paid to Shipp
& Perry, less 1140 for defective ce
ment. Recorder Hyde was instruct
ed to draw warrant for same.
On motion the following bills were
ordered paid:
Uay Mackey, work $ 9.70
Shipp & Perry, lumber 49.90
T. L. Coon, keeping dogs 6.00
T. L, Coon, (alary 75,00
Wade Huston, night watch 15.00
Wonderly & Lewis, doors for hose
houses 33.65
Des Chutea Power Co., light and
water 105.55
Bert Barnes, work " 2.50
M. It. KUictt, legul services 10.00
Prince Glaze, tpvcial police 2.A0
Kates Short, special police..; 2.."0
Kirl McLaughlin, drain boxes.... 2.50
John Hunsaker, express 70
L. M. Bechtell, salary 25.00
W. II. YVIrU, legal services 2 50
John Curtis, meals for prisoners 1.75
Robert Renter, witness fees 1 50
Grover Gibson, witness fees 1.50
R. W. Zevely, money advanced on
injunction suit 8 00
E. O. Hyde, recorder's fees 22 '.'2
T. E. J. Duffy, legal sorvices 56 50
Shipp A Perry, Wheelright &
Phipp account 308 55
It was moved and carried that
the marshal's salary be cut down to
tl 00 a month.
Bad Auto Wreck.
A demented chauffeur, imagining
himself driving his car in a race,
lost control of the steering gear and
as a result the car plunged at fright
ful speed down a steep embankment
with its occupants, who were Miss
Pearl White and the chauffeur. Both
escaped with their lives but were
badly shaken up. The accident oc
curred in filming the eleventh epi
sode of "The Perils of Pauline," and
is graphically shown in pictures
which will be shown next Saturday
at the Lyric. Matinee at 2:30; even
ing 7:30.
For chapped hands and face, sun
burn, etc., use our Velvet Hkln Lo
tion. 8-20 Phinkvili.b Ditto Co.
For Rent
I have the leasing of 1160 acres ol
good land In Northern California.
This Is a fine stock range. Will give
a long lease. Raymond Cai.avan,
11 12-lm
Wanted Typewriter
Second hiind, cheap; must bo In
good condition. Inquire at this of.
flee or address Box 342, Prineville,
Oregon. 10-29-2t
Notice to Creditors,
Notice Is hereby given by the under
signed, the administrator with the will
annexed of the estate of John Schmeer,
deceased, to all creditors of said deceased
and all persons having claims against
said estate to present the same, with tho
proper vouchers, to the undersigndd at
the office of M. It. Elliott, in Prineville,
Oregon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice.
Dated and published first time this
12th day of November. 1914.
1'Aiir. Hku),
Administrator with the will annexed of
the estate of John Suhmcer, deceased.
Bcnnyview Stock
Farm Changes Hands
One of thu largest real entatc
deals made in Crook county this
year was when J. U. Gray & Son
sold the Bonnyview Stock Farm on
llorseheaven and Crooked river,
comprising 2880 deeded acres, sev
eral thousand acres of leased lund,
together with the famous herd of
Gray's thoroughbred , Herefords,
consisting of 500 head, for some
thing over tlOO.OHO. This is one
of the finest herds of Herefords in
the state. Mr. Gray has been 14
years in building up this herd. It
has won prizes at both state and
county fairs. Bulls from this herd
have been shipped as far away as
the Hawiian Islands-
Mr. Donovan, the new proprietor,
is an experienced stockman. He
was in the cattle business a good
many years at Omaha, Nebraska,
and will no doubt keep the famous
Bonnyview herd up to its former
The consideration was something
over 100,000, of which Mr. Gray
accepted as part payment the Ore
gon Hotel at Hood River. Mr.
Donovan has taken charge and will
make his home here.
The deal was made by R. C. Hill
man of Culyer, Ayers & Smith and
the Lueddeman Ruley Co. of Port
land. A Bargain for Cash
Eleven lots In Hllltnan for 250;
abstract tip to date. No trade. W,
J. Whicaton, Oregon City, Or. 10-22 fit
Work Wanted
A place for the winter by young
man; willing to work at anything.
Wages secondary consideration. Ad
dress G. C. I.owry, Redmond, O.r.ll-B
Any Information that will lead to
the recovery of one sorrel mare, llnx
inane and tall; had on small bell
when last seen; has wire cut scar on
breast; cinch marks 011 side; ranges
between Trout and Hay creeks. Any
information will he welcome and a
liberal reward for tho return of her.
11 6 Jack Su mm nits,
In the circuit court of the state of
Oregon for the county of Crook.
Amy A. Emerson, plaintiff.
Waldo EmcrHoe, d. friidlltlt.
To Waldo Emenioii, the uliove
named dcfcudxnt :
111 the.tuime of the state of Oregon
You are hereby summoned and re
1 1 1 1 1 r-i I to appear In thu above en
titled court anil answer the eott).
plaint filed ugalnst you In the above
entitled court and suit on or before
the 12th day of iHcember, 1911,
which Is the time prescribed 111 the
order of the Judge of the county
court of the statu of Oregon for thu
county of i.'rook. ptirMiiaut to which
this summons Is published and If
you fall to appear, iitiHWer, or other
wIhu plead herein thu plaintiff will
apply to the court for the relief de
manded In the complaint herein, to
wit: That the plaintiff be granted
a decree of t he above entitled court
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant, that the snmo bo set
aside and held for naught: that thu
plaintiff have the care and custody
of the minor children, Blanche
Emerson and Ruth Emerson; that
the plaintiff have Judgment tor the
costs and dlHbiirseiuents of this suit,
and for such other aud further relief
ns to thu court aud equity may
seem Just and meet In the 'premises.
Thu date of the llrst publication of
this summons Is Thursday, the 29th
day of October, 1914. and the date of
the luxt publication Is Thursday,
December 10, 1914.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of thu Honorable
G. .Springer, Judge of the county
court of the state of Oregon for the
county of Crook, made on the iWth
day of October, 1914.
Bioos & Bioos,
Attorneys for plaintiff.
$10 Reward
For tho return to Prlnevlllu Motel
of Hcotch Colllo dog. Yellow with
whlto throat; stands about 2 feet
high; answers to nanio, "Handy." 11 5
t tint kifin It roiSONS seii (Imdt ritticlii tl koii
Without KnifeorPalfi.
No PAY Until Cured I
No X ttay or nlhcr
dwindle. An IhIuiuI
pin 11 f nutkr'N In" euro
A Tumor. Lump oi l
Sor u the li(, fnna
or body 6 mouths in
Cancer and novof
ixtiiiM until ItixtMtitua
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FKKK, 10,000 teHli
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