Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 12, 1914, Image 5

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    November Term County
Court County Budget
' Hi' It remembered a regular session
of tlm county court of Crook county,
Oregon, wiiaj ttegun aud held In tliv
courthouse In Prineville, lu mild
county u n (I stnte on Wednesday, tlm
4th day of November. 1914, the mime
being the nrt Wednesday In until
month hih! the time flxml by In for
holding a regular term of mild court
wheii were present I
U. KprliiKer, judge, presiding; It.
II. Ilnylcy, coiiiinlMMloncrj Willi W.
ltrown, commissioner; Warren
Drown, clerk; Frtuik ICIklns, sheriff.
When on Wednesday, Hie 4th day
of Novcmlier, 11114, the first Judicial
day of mild ti rm, the following pro
ceeding were hud, to-wlt:
lu thu mutter of Indigent person.
Ou report of couuty physician and
foruuil nppllcullon Unit
was unuhle to en re for
himself J order relief continued.
It now appearing that
Ih now ii lile to he out of
lied, order relief reduced to 20 JH-r
In thi' matter f widow' peiiMlon.
It appearing that u pemdoii win
grunted Vlh'ua II. MesMlnger on thu
ground that her husband wan eou
tlned In a state Institution uud that
he In now on parol and able to up
port hl family, order im-hhIou IIm.
coutlnued, bcgtiinlug Nov 1, 1911.
It appearing that a pension wan
granted by thl couuly to Abide It
Well and that she ha now removed
from thl county, order that ald
pension be discontinued, lieglnulllg
Sept. 1, 1914.
In thu matter of rcfuud to Oeorge
Klsslcr. Order warrant drawn In
favor of lieorgo Klssler In the mini
of 11). 60 a refund of a cash bond
furulNlied by hint by order of thl
court and filed April 4th, 1913, on
the (icorge Klsslcr or Mustard road.
lu the matter of thu L. A. Hunt
road. Clerk Instructed to draw
warrant In favor of G. H, Ktadlgln
the nun of $78 for post a damiigi'
ou the L. A. Hunt road.
In the matter of the Tlllmau
Iteuter changii tn the II. K. Mmhcii
road. Thl matter coming ou for
heurlng, Ina Peyetiskl, by her at
torney, Lewi Irving, and objecting
to mild change and claiming lack of
proper notice, Joslyn apM'arlng lu
perou and objecting to ald change,
order continued until first day of
Iicceiiibcr term.
la tho matter of Indemnity on
tuberculosis cattle. Tbl matter
coming on regularly for hearing at
thl time, order continued until flint
day of December term, 1914. Secre
tary ItiMtructed to write state vcter
Inary for further Information ou thl
In the matter of the A. L. Heuckle
county road. Continued until first
day of December term, 1914.
In the matter of vacation of
block! No. 65, 98 and 101 In townslte
of Terrebonne, Oregon. Presented
vacation plat for lot No. 05, 98
and 101 of the townslte of Terre
bonne, Oregon, all requirement
having been fullfllled according to
law, order vacated.
Ia tho matter of a license to O. W,
Ilaper. Prcseuted application for
llceime to retail liquor In Ireland pre
cinct. It appearing to the court
that all proceeding were regular
and according to law and the
proper recolpt placed on file, order
llceime granted to O. W. Un per for
lx month, beglnnlug November 1.
1914; ordered further that at the ex
piration of six month a second
UceiiHO lie granted to the nld O. W.
Itaper to retail liquor In Ireland pre
cinct ou the Ming of the proper re.
celpt utile otherwlHO ordered by
thla court.
lu tho matter of Ashwood district
No. 11. Order dlMcharglng Floyd
Kilt a rond supervisor of road dis
trict No. 11. Clerk Instructed to
give said Floyd Kilt proper notice.
On petition, J. A. Gonner appointed
road supervisor of district No. 11.
I'etltlon presented by T. S. Hamil
ton et al.
November fifth.
Court cotivened at 9 a. in. thl
5th day of November, 1914. Same
officer present a yesterday.
Iu tho mutter of the Janitor of the
county courthoiiHe. Ordered that
the salary of the Janitor of the coun
ty courthouse bo reduced to 75 per
month until further notice, be
ginning November 1, 1914.
Iu the matter of the county fruit
Inspector. Order that the salary of
the county fruit Inspector be dis
continued, beginning November 1,
1914, until March 1, 1915. G. Springer
voting contra.
In the matter of Indigent family.
School superintendent authorized to
use one of the road tents for an In
digent family during the winter.
Coyote scalp bounty. Clerk re
quested to communicate with the
county courts of the adjolulug
cmintle In order to determine
whether or not some Joint action
might be taken to detroy coyote.
In the matter of warehoune boud.
District attorney authorized to take
all nfceary legal tep agalnt the
grain warehouse lu the county
which do not furulflb required bond
Immediately and to cloe their door
at once.
In the matter of claim of D. V.
Stewart. Clerk Instructed to draw
warrant In favor of D. K. Stewart
In the sum of 1313 95 for money ad
vanced a freight ou certain culvert.
In the matter of road dlwtrlct No.
22, W, C. Jacob appointed road
MiipervlHor of district No. 22, New
some creek dlMtrlct, until the flrt of
January, 1915.
In the matter of the F, W. Mc
Caffery county road. Viewer' re
port read for the II rut time.
In thu matter of thu Cha. Lowth
er change In the J. G. F.d ward road.
Final report of urveyor coming on
fur hearing. No objection. Pro
ceeding found Irregulur by dlMtrlct
attorney. Order continued.
In the matter of the 1.. 0. X). Smith
change In the Military road. Final
report of surveyor coming on for
hearing, proceeding found Irregular
by dlMtrlct attorney. Order con
tinned. It. DykwterhulH change In (he mili
tary county rond. Final report of
surveyor coming on for hearing,
proceedings found Irregular by dis
trict attorney. Order continued.
Iu tho matter of the W. W. lirown
road. Final report of surveyoreom
lug ou for hearing, proceeding
found Irregular by dlMtrlct attorney.
Ordered continued.
Iu the mattef of the W. C. Congle
tou county road. Continued until
flntt day of December term, 1914.
In the matter of the Prlnevlllo
Paullnu county road. L. A. Miller
authorized to do ome repair work
ou rrluevllle-raullna road and pre
sent bill and voucher to the court.
In the matter of the L. S. Richard
county rotd. Petition presented to-
gether with nttldavlt of posting
notice and bond In the mini of 1200.
Proceeding approved by district
attorney. Viewer ordered out on
November 20, 1914.
In the matter of the William Blair
change In the Don P. Ilea road. It
appearltig that tho ortglual rcolu
tlou In thla matter ha been lost,
court order a substitute for the
original to lie placed on Me. Clerk
Instructed to give proper notice ol
hearing to be held December 2, 1914.
In the matter ot county fruit In
spector. Report of Guy Lafollette,
fruit Inspector for Crook county, pre
sen ted for eleven month preceding
November 1, 1914. Report accepted
and approved. Ordered that the
previous order made thla day In re
gard to the salary of the county
fruit Inspector be amended giving
the present Inspector power In case
of emergency to act on a basis of
actual expeuse Incurred.
In the matter of road district No.
46. K. C. Johnson ot imperial ap
pointed road supervisor ot Imperial
district No. 40, on petition.
In the matter of the Roy D. Clark
county road. Petition presented for
establishment of comity road. Pro
ceedlnga found Irregular by district
attorney. Petition deuted.
In the matter of damages ou
road. Clerk Instructed to Issue
order cancelling warrant No.
class 20, to J. U. Clark In tho sum of
$100 and to Ishuo a warrant to said
J. G. Chirk lu the sum of $."0.
lu tho matter of reduction of
taxes, Pet I t lon of Henry Hunter
for reduction of penalty ou tuxes for
year 1912. Denied.
In the matter of reduction of taxes
on townsltes. Resolution ndopted
by which the couuty court agrees to
accept one-half tho tax uow due on
the Hampton Butte and Opal City
tow unites Iu lieu ot tho whole tax so
due on the presentation to this
court on or before Murch 1, 1915, of
the proper vacation plats aud vac a
tlon orders of said townsltes.
November sixth.
Court convened this sixth day of
November, 1914. Same ofllcer pre'
ent as yesterday.
, In tho matter ot lost warrant.
Presented aflldavlt of loss of war
rant Issued to Geo. K. Grant for
services as clerk of the election May
3, 1914; warrant Issued July 15, 1914.
Continued until December term, 1914.
lu the matter of tho vacation of
certain streets and alleys In First
Addition to Metollus, Crook couuty,
Oregon, Petition for vacation re
ceived and Med, Proceedings con
tinued uutll December term, 1914.
Iu the matter of Justice ot the
peace ot Haystack precinct. Resig
nation of 0. G. Culver as Justice of
the peace of Haystack precinct. Ac
cepted, Bond of O. C. Young as
JiiMtlce of the peace for Haystack pre-
elnrt In the sum of f 1 000, approved.
In the matter of report of scalp
h iuiity, Report of Warren Brown.
county clerk, on scalp bounties paid
out from September 1, 1914, until
November 2, 1914. Approved.
In the matter of tax rebate, l.'pon
proper atlldavlts showing taxes had
been paid on land belonging to the
I). S. government In the sum of
11 79 for the year 1913 and 1912 by
Dick Mulholland. Order warrant Is
sued In favor of mild Dick Mulhol
land lu the urn of 121.79.
In the matter of the J. G. Edward
road. Petition of the Prineville
Land & Livestock Company for
damage In fencing denied, the court
being without Jurisdiction to act at
this time In thl matter. I
In the matter of the Post bridge.
Report Med by E. D. Achey for
work done on Post bridge In the
sum of 9700, allowed nun at tne
September term of this court. Ap
proved. In the matter of cancellation of
county warrant. Clerk Instructed
to cancel the following warrant Is
sued over seven years and published
according to law by this court;
Clas II, No 41; Cluss 20, No. 227,
(109, 741. 7M, 814, 935, 1074, 1130, 1407,
1497 and 965.
In the matter of the Opal City
warehouse. Application presented
by M. Van Tassel for license to store
grain In the Opal City warehouse.
Bond presented at September term
of this court. Bond upproved No
vcinlwr 6th, 1914. Clerk Instructed
to Issue license.
In the matter of the II. C. Topping
& Co. warehouse. Bond Med by II.
C. Topping & Company lu the sum
of $5ii00 for license to store grain In
Crook couuty. Boud Insufficient.
In the matter of Indigent persons.
allowed 10 per month, be
ginning Oct. 1, 1914. Notice to Is?
given to person now caring for said
Indigent that the court will no
longer be responsible for such bills.
In the matter of the report of the
tax collector. Summary of the 1913
taxes collected by Ralph Jordan,
tax collector, up to Sept. 1, 1914, re
celved and approved.
In the mntter of the 8. J. Pierce
county road. On petition, court
adopted a resolution recommending
the establishment of the S. J. Pierce
road as a public necessity. County
surveyor Instructed to make a pre
liminary report forthwith.
In the matter of Indigent family.
Application for relief by . Ap
plication approved. Order an al
lowance to said In the sum of
$10 per month, beginning Oct. 1,1914.
Clerk Instructed to draw warrants
In the matter of the Justice of the
peace of Ash wood. It appearing
that Floyd Kilts has not qualified
as Justice of the peace of Ash wood
precinct, ordered that ,he be re
moved from such office at once.
Clerk Instructed to notify Bald Floyd
Kilts of hi discharge.
In the matter of road district No.
42. Complaint received that there
has been a misuse of bridge lumber
belonging to Crook county In dis
trict No. 42, secretary Instructed to
write John W. Saxon, roau eupei
visor of said district, that said lum
ber be used only for bridge purpose
and any not so used be returned to
the couuty.
In the matter of wrongful assess
ment. Petition of D. E. Hunter
Reality Company on affidavit for re
bate on wrongful assessment.
In the matter of Indigent persons.
Theodore Aune 1 authorized by the
court to enre for Mr. Huntington
on behalf of the couuty while she re
mains bedfast.
In the matter of the Bear creek
and Paulina roads. Preliminary re
port preseuted by D. F. Stewart,
special supervisor for tho Paulina
and Bear creek roads, showing an
expenditure to date of 123,79:' .37.
Report approved and ordered Med.
" Iu the mutter of Crook County
Teachers' Institute. A balance of
$100.84 In Institute fund for Crook
county, order a warrant drawn In
that sum In favor of J. E. Myers,
school superintendent, to be used In
defraying expenses of November
Institute, 1914. Petition of J. E.
Myers for minimum sum allowed by
law for Institute work, denied.
In the matter of taking blind girl
to Salem. Report of Statlra Biggs
tor taking blind girl to Salem and
purchasing necessary clothing for
same, showing total expenditure of
$51.50. Approved.
In the matter of the F. W. McCaf.
fury county rond. Viewers' report
read a Becond time. No claims for
damages, remonstrances or objec
tions appearing, road ordered es
tablished and opened as public high
way whenever funds are available
November seventh.
Court convened at 8:30 this 7th
day of November, 1914. Same officers
present ns yesterday.
In the matter of luvolce of county
personal property. Order all county
officers, tho high school, road super
visors aud any and all other per
sons having tools, Implements,
furniture or other personal property
belonging to Crook county In their
possession are required to return a
complete and Itemized Invoice of the
same to the county court on or be
fore December 1, 101 f.
In the matter of Indigent persons.
Order no more bill to be allowed
by this court for the support of
now at the Home Hospital.
Order a warrant drawn In favor
of Dr. J. II. Rosenberg, county
health officer, la the sum of $140 for
the purpose of defraying expenses of
taking , Indigent, to Oklahoma.
In the matter of the Gateway-Asb-wood
road. Report of P. T. Mon
roe, supervisor of district No. 10,
showing 1177.08 on hand on Gate
way Ahwood road. Approved. j
In the matter of scalp of preda
tory animals. Ordered that the
clerk be Instructed to pay out no
more bounties on coyote, bobcat
or other predatory animal after
the 14th day of Novemlier. 1914. It
appearing that the state ha stop-1
ped the payment of IU share of said
bou n tie.
In the matter of the 1915 budget.
On the estimates presented by the
county officials, budget for 1915
made up In the total sum ot $268,988.
Ordered published according to law
In the official county paper.
Iu the matter of the Trout creek
bridge. Clerk Instructed to draw
warrants In favor of Perry Monroe
and F. A. Moore, each In the sum of
1375 for use on the erection of the
Trout creek bridge.
Adjourned. '
for the
Year 1915
3 Sarreyor't Bwlftt, 1915.
County surveyor's service and
mileage $ 1,600.00)
Deputy surveyor 200.00 1
Office deputy 900.00 1
Road viewer 760.00 i
Helpers on survey 830.00
Office supplies
I 4,360.00
Feed A. Rick, County Surveyor
Aiwimt'i Badfct ftr 1915.
Assessor's salary $ 1,500 00
Office deputy 1.2U0 00
Additional office help 350.00
Field work 3.000 00
Land office reports ,
Blank rolls and index....
Stationery, postage, etc.,
50 00
150 00
Total f 6,750.00
If required to take census, an
additional.. 3,000.00
If forced to adopt block system of as
sessing as suggested by state commis
sion, will greatly increase expense.
Above estimate do not provide for
any special work, as cruising Umber, or
classifying agricultural lands.
H. A. FoantR, County Assessor
ScImw! Sspwurtesseal'i BsJfct far 1915.
Superintendent's salary $ 1,600.00
Superintendent's expense 300.00
Supervisor's salary 800.00
Supervisor's expense... 400.00 j
Truant otllioer's salary 240.00
Teacher's institute 298.00 1
Printing 275.00 1
Postage and express 185.00
Total $ 4,098.00
J. E. Myers,
County School Superintendent.
Prineville, Ore., Nov. 6, 1914.
I wish to explain to the people of Crook
county my position in regard to the $3.09
bounty advertised by the county court lor
coyote scalps.
The state has quit paying Its share of the
bounty and all adjoining counties have re
fused to pay anything for scalps. Because I
of these facts and because scalps are being
rushed in from the boundaries of this
county which properly belong to other
counties, Mr. Buy ley, who joined with me
in the announcement offering the five dol
lar reward, now refuses to act in any man
ner. Mr. Willis V. Brown was not reached
before the announcement and is now op
posed to any extra effort on the part of this
court, so I am powerless to act, I now find
that it would not have been practical to
continue the bounty loneY than the time
originally set for the extra bonnty, viz: to
November 1st, 1914.
The county health officer, Dr. Rosen
berg, states that many coyotes are now
being found dead in the eastern part of the
county, as well as cattle, sheep and other
livestock. This is believed to be the result
of rabies. I would therefore recommond
that all our citiiens be on their guard and
that the cities of Prineville, Redmond and
Bend be on the lookout for dogs from the
infected districts.
Higned: G. Si'HiNUBR,
County Judge for Crook County, Oregon.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank our neighbors
and friends for their never falling
sympathy and many acts of kind
ness during the sickness and death
ot our little daughter.
Mr. and Mas. Hknrv J. Faih.knkr,
Paulina, Oregou.
Plump Young Chickens
Dressed for Thanksgiving week or
any time. Order early. Market
price. Alice D. Pratt, 'Post, Oregon.
County Budget
for Year 1915
In th county court of the state of Ore
gon for the county of Crook.
In the matter of the amount to be
raised by taxation during the year
Tbli matter coming on regularly for
bearing this 7th day of November, 1914,
and It appearing to the satisfaction of
this court that all the estimates of the
amounts to be raised by taxation for
the year 1915 have been presented to
this court, and it appearing that De
cember 2J, 1914, in the coantr court
room at the county court house in
Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, i the
time and place fixed by law for the
county court to meet and discuss the
below contained estimates, when and
where any taxpayer subject to said tax
levy when made shall be heard in favor
or against any proposed tax levies; and
it further appearing that the estimates
required, together with a notice ot the
time and place of hearing, shall be pub
liahed in the official county paper at
least twice prior to the time appointed
lor such proposed meeting, provided
that the first publication shall not be
lesr than 20 days nor the second less
than 10 days prior to such meetiog.
Wherefore it is ordered that the below
contained estimates be published in the
Crook County Journal, the official paper
for Crook County, Oregon, at least twice
prior to December 2d, 1914, the time set
for hearing tire discussion of said esti
mates, the 6 rut publication to be on the
12th day of November, 1914, and the
second publication to be on the 19th
day of November, 1914; that the county
court meet in the court room of the
court house at Prineville, Crook county,
Oregon, on said 2d day of December,
1914, lor the purpose of discussing said
proposed tax levies with the taxpayers
subject thereto; that the estimate be
j published as follows :
Registered road warrants out
standing January 1, 1915,
estimated $ 40,080.00
Road fund (repairing roads
and destroying weeds). 10,000.00
Geaeral fund warrant out
standing January 1, 1915,
High scnool , .
Widows' pensions
Indigent persons
Circuit court.
Justice court
. County judge
' Commissioners .
Clerk's office
SbeiiS's office
Assessor's office..
7,000 00
6,750.00 j
1 500.00
Assessor's office, to take cen
sus, providing same is taken
Coroner's office
Superintendent's office, in
cluding officer
Sealer of weight and meas
ures and fruit inspector
Treasurer's office
General expense of court
Telephone and telegraph.
General school fund
Surveyor's office, including
road viewers and helpers...
State tax, estimate
Expense of county court in
reviewing roads, etc
Stenographer of county court
Health officer
County printing...
Library fund ,
Estimated receipts of
office $7,500.00
To raise the above amount it will re
quire a levy of about 24 mills, which is
two mills less than the levy for 1914,
Done in open court this 7th day of
November, 1914.
G. Sprixger, Judge.
R. H. Bayley,
Willis W. Bhow.v,
This order is published pursuant to
an order of the honorable county court
of the state of Oregon for the county of
Crook, made on the 7th day of Novem
ber, 1914.
Shumia Meeting.
The Shumias held their regular
meeting last Saturday at the home
of Mrs. John Wigle with M.s.
Walker as hostess.
Several matters pertaining to the
welfare of the club were discussed.
Date pudding and cake and coffee
were served by the hostess, as
sisted by Mrs. Wigle. The refresh
ments, which were prepared by
Mrs. Pratt and her young ladies of
the domestic science class, were
praised by every member fortunate
enough to get a taste.
For Sale
Four steers and one stag. Apply
to J . E. Stewart & Co., or on ranch
at Eagle creek. W. Holloway. 11-12
State Returns
About All In
Unofficial returns from the state
at large with only Grant county to
hear from, give Dr- James Withy-
combe, the Republican candidate for
governor, a total of 116,305. Dr.
Smith, the Democratic, 89,931.
George E. Chamberlain, the Dem
ocratic candidate for United States
senator, leads his opponent, R. A.
Booth, 22,772 votes-
Only three of the 29 measures on
the ballott passed. They are the
bill requiring voters to be citizens,
the measure making it possible for
cities to merge with one another.
and prohibition.
The Oregon legislature will con
sist of 28 Republicans and two Dem
ocrats in the senate and 57 Republi
cans and three Democrats in the
house. For the first time in the
history of Oregon a woman has been
elected to the legislature. Miss
Marion Towne, of Talent, a Demo
crat, has this unique distinction.
Prineville to have Fine
New Catholic Church
Workmen have started the foun
dation for a fine new Catholic
church, corner Third and East C.
streets. The plans that will be used
were made for a stone church at
Hermiston, but will be changed so
as to meet the needs of a frame
building here. The foundation will
consist of stone, cement and brick.
The superstructure and tower will
be frame. When completed another
handsome church building will be
numbered among Prineville's houses
of worship.
Hoggish Creditor
Spoils a Good Thing
George C. Cooper, of Washington,
father of S. R- Cooper, who has
been in Prineville several weeks
trying to straighten out the affairs
of the Pioneer Cream Co , left for
! n'a nome the 'ast ' the week. hav-
tailed to accomplish his mission.
All creditors but the De Laval Sep
arator Co. agreed to accept Mr.
Cooper's offer to pay all obligations
in full if given time. He had the
money in the bank here to pay 25
per cent at once and the balance at
stated intervals. The De Lavel
people wanted to become preferred
creditors, but Mr. Cooper would not
stand for it. The old gentleman
requested the Journal to convey to
the people of Prineville and vicinity
his appreciation of their spirit of
fairness and friendliness in helping
him to get the creamery started
again. As matters now stand the
case will have to go through bank
ruptcy proceedings and creditors
will realize about 25 per cent of
their claims.
Flags of the Nations.
Mrs. Walker, of the high school
faculty, has written an excellent
poem with the above title which will
be read and illustrated in a novel
manner at the entertainment to be
given November 19th by the Pres
byterian ladies at the Lyric theater.
Mrs. H- R. Lakin and Miss Blanche
Williams will each render a solo,
also Mr. Joe Smelzer.
"Sandalphon," a beautiful panto
mime, will be given by fifteen young
ladies of the high school. "Sandal
phon," it will be remembered, is the
name of one of the angels standing
guard at the outer gates, as giver
in Shakespeare's poem of tht name
from which the pantomime is adapt
ed. Colored light effects will be
introduced in this to lend a beautful
The regular picture program of
four selected reels will also be
shown, completing an excellent
evening's entertainment. The ad
mission prices wiil be 25c for chil
dren; adults 85c. Remember the
date, Thursday, November 19th.
Notice to the Public
I hereby notify the public that I
will not pay the bills of my formw
wife. Ed U. Wiiitk. ll-12-2ti ,
Crook County Journal, f 1.50 per yr.