Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, November 12, 1914, Image 4

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J Ml!, 11
The Real Live
and his Pott
To store vf
Prineville, Oregon
Tuesday, November 17th, 1914
Grand Free Entertainment
And Entertainment that will Amuse and Interest Both
Young and Old
Free Souvenirs to Every Boy and Girl
Delightful Concert
Last Monday Evening
Prineville enjoyed a Treat musical
treat Monday evening when that
wonderful contralto, Mrs. Lulu
Dahl Miller, appeared at the Lyric
under the auspices of the Ladies'
Glee Club. Mrs. Miller's program
was delightfully varied so that
everyone must have been satisfied,
ranging, as it did, from the weirdly
dramatic songs of old "Omar," the
Persian poet of long ago "I Some
times Think that Never Blows so
Red the Rose," and "The Worldly
Hopes Men Set Their Hearts Upon,"
down to the most deliciously little
lilting "Fairy Love Song" which
caused many to sway in time to its
gay little rhythm.
The intervening numbers were as
follows: "Yesterday and Today,"
wherein one glimpsed the beauty of
the singer's lower tones, "Irish Love
Song," a little lullaby effectually
"bringing out the crowning qualities
of her voice. "Tonight" and "Sac
rament" were especially enjoyed.
The former being full of impassion
ed tenderness, while the latter, per
haps, best portrayed her perfect
legato. "0 Don Patale," an aria,
brought forth the most enthusiastic
applause which was deeply appreci
ated by Mrs. Miller as she had been
a little fearful of its reception.
"A Heart From Kerry" proved
to be a curiously tender little yearn
ing of one far away from home and
Ireland, so wondrous is Mrs. Miller's
'for Motherhood
time for experiment, but for
proven qualities, and nothinir
exceeds the value of good
11 poav wiaaHii! B....IIin AnJ
blood with life-sustaining richness,
suppresses nervous conditions, aids
the quality and quantity ol milk
and insures sufficient fat
lb COD LIVER OIL foodi th. ot1
Ufa cclU. Iu UME and SODA help
avoid rickata and maka taething aaar.
M- Avoid SabMtitutf. No Alcohol .
power of actually visualizing heri
Although the program was
lengthy, Mrs. Miller, with great
graciousness, accorded two encores,
"A Child's Prayer" and the ever
welcome "Rosary," which were
hugely enjoyed.
A pretty moment was when a
beautiful bouquet of flowers, the
gift of the Glee Club, was handed
across the footlights. Genuine joy
and pleasure animated the face of
the singer as she bowed her happy
A tribute must be paid to Miss
Blanche Williams and the ladies of
the Glee Club for the delightful
- . . VJ V, . v,. J X
Roses," "The Night Has a Thousand
Eyes" and that well known little
"Cradle Song" of Kate Vannah's.
Perfect communion twixt di
rector and club was very evident
and each singer displayed clear con
ception and ability. Prineville has
every right to be very proud of the
Glee Club and its charming di
rector, Miss Blanche Williams-
The difficult task of accompanist
to a vocalist of such marked tem
perament as possessed by Mrs.
Miller was most ably achieved by
Mrs. Lake M. Bechtell, and this is
to be particularly appreciated when
one remembers the very brief time
for preparation.
Altogether the evening was in
deed a notable one.
Elinor L. Eastman.
Wants to Boost
Our State Taxes
J. B. Bell, secretary of the Crook
County Lower Tax League, re
ceived a wire today stating that the
State Tax Commission was about to
raise the valuations of Crook coun
ty for state tax purposes. Mr.
Bell will leave tonight with Guy E.
Dobson of Redmond, president of
the league, for Salem to do what
they can in the interest of the tax
payers. Big Turkey Shoot Thanksgiving
I At L. V. Sears' place, one mile euHt
'of Prineville on Ochoco road. 40
fine turkeys. Shooting commences
at 9:30 Hharp. Come all. 11-12 2tp
If you want to take Piano U ssons
aee Miss Edna Estes. 10-1
Jefferson County
Held Up by Injunction
In the circuit court of the state
of Oregon for Crook county, Ore
gon. E T. Slayton, H. S. Cram and F.
F. Hoelscher, plaintiffs, vs. Warren
Brown, county clerk of Crook coun
ty, Oregon, defendant.
The complaint sets forth, among
other things, that on the 2d day of
September, 1914, there was filed in
the office of the county clerk a pe
tition praying for an order sub
mitting to the electors of Crook
county to be held on the 3rd day
of November, 1914, the question of
the formation of a new county en
tirely from the territory embraced
within the boundaries of Crook
county; that the county court of
Crook county never convened, held
no session, or made any order sub
mitting the question of said pro
posed new county to the electors of
Crook county at said election; that
said court never convened after the
date of filing said petition prior to
the date of said election.
That the county clerk of Crook
county notwithstanding the failure
of the county court to conyene or
to make an order submitting the
question of the formation of said
proposed new county to the electors
of Crook county, placed the new
county upon the ballot for the gen
eral election to be held Nov. 3, and
a great many of the electors voted
thereon and the measure carried;
that the defendant, Warren Brown,
is threatening to, unless restrained,
will certify the abstract of said
vote upon the said question to the
secretary of state of Oregon who
will canvass said vote for and
against said question, and the
governor of the state of Oregon
will thereupon issue hia proclama
tion declaring said new county
created; that the county treasurer
of Crook county will thereby be
compelled to and will disburse and
pay to the county treasurer of said
proposed Jefferson county large
sums of money collected from the
taxpayers-of Crook county for the
maintenance of Crook county; that
a large amount of the revenues of
Crook county will thus bo diverted
for nn Illegal purpose.
That prior to the placing of the
question of tho formation of said
new county of Jefferson upon tho
ballot by the county clerk of Crook
county, the county judge and two
commissioners, as individuals, und
when not in session, and not at a
term of said court, made a memor
andum order, or pretended order,
for the submission of the question
to the electors of the county.
Wherefore, plaintiffs pray for a
temporary Injunction restraining
defendant from certifying the ab
stract of said vote to the secretary
of state, until such time aa this
cause can be heard in this court,
and at the trial 'hat said Injunction
be made perpetual upon the ques
tion of the formation of said Jeffer
son county.
M. U. Elliott and N. G. Wallace,
attorneys for plaintiffs.
Prineville to Help
Starving Belgians
An organized movement to help
the starving Belgians bus been
taken up by the good women of
Prineville. They are planning to
send food and clothing so that it
will reach these sufferers about
Christnias time. They have written
General Freight & Passenger Agent
McMurray in Portland to see if he
can arrange for freight transporta
tion. Those at the head of the move
ment are very earnest and enthusi
astic about the matter and are in
viting everyone to share in this
worthy cause.
They have arranged for a home
made candy sale for this Saturday
afternoon at the Clifton & Cornett
store, beginning at 1 o'clock. They
have also arranged with Mr. Clifton
to have food, bedding anil money
left there for these worthy and
needy people who through no fault
of their own are suffering for ti e
necessaries of life. So dear rentier,
we hope you will help fill a good b!g
box for them. Everyone is urged
to give something and it is expected
that there will be a liberal response
to this appeal.
Remember the candy salo Satur
day and also to leave donations at
the Clifton & Cornett store.
B. P. Nichols was over from
Laidlaw today.
Gladys I- Doak and Walter A
Allen of Yakima county, were mar
ried Sunday afternoon at the home
of the bride. Rev. Ramsey off!
For unavoidable reasons Lee
Sadler of Madras cannot be here to
deliver the lecture on African Mis
sions The regular services will be
held by the pastor at the Union
church. Geo. II. Ramsey.
Prineville got the small end of
the ten pin bowling tournament
with Redmond Saturday night.
Redmond won by 90 pins.
The Prineville team is still in the
making. All of the players have
not yet been tried out. Thanks
giving Prineville and Redmond will
go to Bend for a tournament.
Tor lii'Ht quality milk, crnun,
butler and buttermilk 'phone Win.
S, AyreH. 4-30-tf
Special Sale
Being obliged to raise money
I will sell my splendid as
sortment of trimmed bats at
actual cost. Sale to begin
Thursday and continue until
the bats are all sold.
Mrs. Estes
The Milliner
Idle Money
Wrongs the Community
Money lying idle is economic waste. It is like
a well-trained man who has not found him
self. It has the capacity but lacks the oppor
tunity. The amount you may have hidden
away or in a safe-deposit box has a power
for good. Money is the lifeblood of trade
and should be in circulation. You don't
need to spend it to put it in circulation. Bank
it preferably with us, or some other good
bank and thereby help the community.
We pay four per cent interest on savings.
Crook County Bank
Prineville, Oregon
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Powell are
down from Paulina.
Ray Mackey was sworn in last
Monday to act as city marshal.
Mrs. MacFadden left Saturday
for her homo at Killmnn, Alberta.
H. L. Priday and Bid well Cram
were in from Gateway tho first of
tho week.
Mrs J. II. Wirtz. mother of Wil
lard II., arrived in Prineville Sun
duy on a visit to her son.
Mrs. Geo. W. Berrian. who has
Wen visiting her parents in Port
land, returned home Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. II. Patten Hall ar
rived in Prineville Monday. Mr.
Hall is the new Baptist preacher at
this place.
The famous English and French
war song, "Its a Long Long Way to
Tippcrary," will be sung at the
Lyric Saturday evening by Sam
J. V. Johnson of Mill creek and
Susan Turner of Johnson creek
were married by Recorder Hyde
Saturday at the home of the
groom's father, E Johnson.
The president of the Music
Lovers' Club requests all the mem
bers interested in renewing the
work for the winter to meet at the
home of Mrs. Edwards on Tuesday,
Nov. 17, at 2:30. Please bring
music for an Informal program.
The members of the Prineville
Commercial Club are preparing to
give a farce comedy about the first
of the month. "A Cheerful Liar"
is the euphonious title of the piece.
The four female parts in it will be
taken by men. It will be a scream
from start to finish.
C. Sam Smith left for The Dalles
Born Nov. II, to tho wlfo of
Gunter, a boy.
Wm. Smead and wife were down
from Post this week.
Mrs. John Schmeer of Held ha
moved to Prineville for the winter.
Rev. Luke Sheehan will hold wr
vices Sunday at 8 a. m. at Stewart
J. H. (Julnn of Suplee left Tues
day for Halney, Oregon, where he
will spend tho winter.
Wayne Houston entertained a
numlwr of his little friends Monday
evening, the occasion being his
j eighth day.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Walters, who
have been staying on the Dickson,
McDowell ranch, west of town, have
given up their position and are
stopping at the Oregon Hotel.
Belknap Brothers have opened
a confectionery and tea room on
Main street, next to Hughes &
Stevenson's Saddlery. They have
fitted up the place in such a clean,
cozy manner that It will pay you to
stop and look in.
Tom Quinn, Hugh Lakin, Frank
Foster, John Luckey and Dr. Rosen
berg went up to tho Gilchrist place
at the head of Crooked river Satur
day on a duck hunt. They re
turned Monday with a total of 75
ducks. The sport was good.
Deaconess Knight of the Eastern
Oregon Episcopal Diocese, will be In
Prineville November 15 and will
speak at the Presbyterian church at
11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The
deaconess has been here before so
will need no introduction to the
people of Prineville. Everybody
By The United States Government
The latest Civil Service Manual (Fall of 1914) Pays:
The demand for male stenographers is gretaer than the
supply. Oregon is far short of its quota of appointments,
Entrance salary is $840 to $900 a year.
Excellent opportunities for competent stenographers s
from Oregon.
Prepare for Civil Service
"Uncle Sam" is a good employer. Pay is sure; promotion
certain. Every graduate of our school who ever took Civil
Service examination passed the first time.
Our training satisfies the United States Government.
New sudents are entering school every w.eek. Enroll now.
Write today for College Journal and complete information.
Link's Business College
A. T. LINK, Principal U-5
Telephone Main 5083. Tilford Bldg. Portland, Oregon